Aquarius Papers just hit a milestone. Though I launched the site at April 2004, I only started keeping track of visitors late Feb 2005. Sometime last hour the 1 millionth person came to the site. This has surpassed anything I could have imagined 36 months ago. It would seem that our community is fairly large, and grows larger every month. Thanks for being a part of this social experiment!
You are the reason a million people come read you, Robert. There is a lot of junk astrology on-line, so you SHINE big-time. Also you mix well with everyone's quest for some spiritual reasoning. Someday it will be a zillion hits, like Carl Sagan's stars. We all twinkle with you!
Posted by: Jan | February 27, 2008 at 05:15 PM
Thank you for your continued guidance Robert! We're grateful for it all. :) Congratulations!
Posted by: Jessi | February 27, 2008 at 08:26 PM
I am not surprised!!! I took your advise and read and read and read articles of old and new these last several days---WOW!!! so much came to light for me!!! So much better and deeper understanding of the planets in transit and such, I took notes on Saturn, printer died and was never replaced. I took notes on several articles, and I am able to "put things together" better than I have ever been able to in the past. I think part of this is timing for me as to where my planets are now. I just "wollowed" in all the information. You are doing so much Universal work here!!! You incorperate so many dimensions into your writing--and you write so well!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I have an eclipse question about the degrees difference in where the eclipse falls and what degrees a natal planet is in--what is the orb? I read someplace, not here, that if they are not within 2 degrees, then the eclipse does not have an effect. I find that hard to believe--what say you? I have Sun in Virgo at 16 degrees 22" 8th house, so I was wondering if the Sept. 11 eclipse would be affecting me in a big way now or really soon? On this last eclipse, my Mercury is 1 degree Virgo, 8th house too-any take on how this would effect me? I wanted to see this eclipse so badly, but here in Oklahoma City we were socked in--just a blanket of cloud, no sky to see, I was so disappointed--c'est la vie. Hope you are WELL!!!
As always, Deb in OKC
Posted by: Deb | February 27, 2008 at 10:20 PM
don't be corrupt by fame now.... lol
keep telling like it is... what it is.. the way you do it so..
Posted by: robyn | February 27, 2008 at 10:24 PM
Felicitaciones Roberto.
Aquarius Papers is a veritable blessing to this world. I'm sure you'll continue to reach greater milestones because of your genuine altruistic contribution to our world.
Posted by: Felipe Gonzales | February 27, 2008 at 10:50 PM
Hi Robert, A big hug of congratulations as you help give the world direction and understanding of the processes to clarity which help stop us falling into distractions. Aum Shanti and many thanks from me and my friends that also come here now. Felita
Posted by: Felita | February 27, 2008 at 10:58 PM
Congratulations Robert!! What a great result and hopefully you'll be helping us for some time to come. Your website is an example of how constructive the internet can be used and of the enormous scope.
Keep up the very good work,
Best regards,
Posted by: Dirk A. van Mulligen | February 28, 2008 at 01:29 AM
A word of heartly gratitude for you , Robert, and that you may keep with your soul with its real strenghts!
Posted by: Popplagid | February 28, 2008 at 02:35 AM
That's fantastic news. Congratulations! Thank you for your diligence and willingness to share your wisdom.
May you surpass iTunes sales (4 billion in seven years).
It could happen.
Posted by: Danielle | February 28, 2008 at 02:49 AM
Hi Robert,
First of all, Grads my dear friend. I encourage everyone that hasn't had a personal reading from Robert, do so. It will be the best money you will ever spend.
Your wisdom guided me through a dark night in my life. Now the dawn is breaking.
Our souls hooked up at the right time. As the old saw goes: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
Posted by: Helen | February 28, 2008 at 04:41 AM
Keep it simple, there's no other site like this.
Glad...I think it have just been 18 months approx. since I discovered it. And it seems yesterday...
Posted by: Henry | February 28, 2008 at 04:43 AM
I am glad that I am part of the statistics...thank you Robert for this site...I visit it almost everyday and wait for the new updates...for focus and clarity, your website is tops!!!
Posted by: sangeeta | February 28, 2008 at 06:07 AM
My day begins with morning tea and a check in to see what you may have posted for my consideration and upliftment. You have a big family here, Robert! You are a rare combination of one who has such a wide breadth of knowledge about metaphysics and enlightened existence, who is accessible, reasonable and operating from Self not self. Thanks for sharing your Light so well. Aum and gratitude.
Posted by: Nancy | February 28, 2008 at 06:14 AM
Posted by: Jilly | February 28, 2008 at 06:37 AM
Dear Robert,
as i was surfing through my sites yesterday I noticed something peculiar. No matter where I went it seemed that the extraordinary was happening. Given what everybody was doing, so I thought, it's incredible that we still have wars. A glimmer of something shone through. A sense, you might say, of a new reality. Obviously it was a glimpse. But glimpses like that are only real because that something is happening. I t touches me deeply that this milestone has been reached and I consider it a bit of a privilege to have come to this site and participated over the last couple of years. I do know yr reachng a maxed/out level on being able to respond personally and that there will be a shift. A shift I'm a little sad about, as I'll miss you. Selfishly I hope this continues for another year. Thankyou, sincerely. Daryl.
Posted by: daryl | February 28, 2008 at 08:51 AM
Hi all - I keep telling people the community here is the best! I know I'm somewhat biased.;-) I'm genuinely glad that so many have been able to be helped by the work here. Your comments also led me to compose an article about the history of this joint which I'll post soon. And of course, some of you are finding gems in the archives that I haven't reprinted for some time, if at all. Each time a person re-reads an article they get more/better/different understanding than before, so give it a try if there's not enough new material coming fast enough.
Hi Deb - I allow a wide orb for the lights, especially for conjunctions and oppositions. Whoever said there's a 2 degree orb maxlimit doesn't understand how aspects work. A conjunction may be a conjunction, but there's a definite difference in a 3 degree conjunction and an 8 degree conjunction, and whether it's forming or separating, to cite but one example. The recent Solar eclipse is in a very close quincunx to your Sun, which show adjustments into a wider vision, new pioneering emergent views and perspectives, and stimulated concerns for future needs.
Hi Daryl - No worries. I believe I have ways to make it all work just fine. Of course, it's going to take time, energy, and a lot of money, as well as organizing some things differently than in the past, but I'm sure the process will reveal itself as needed so that all and more can be taken care of.
Posted by: Robert | February 28, 2008 at 11:08 AM
I'm not at all surprised, Robert, your column is always chock full of well written knowledge and insight that we can learn and learn from. Thank you for it and I'm so glad that I wandered in to help create your first million visitors.
Congratulations :)))) and wishes for a million more!
Posted by: Jeri | February 28, 2008 at 11:45 AM
Many blessings Robert as all the love, wisdom and gratitude that you send out is clearly coming back to its source. You are doing more for us all than we realize - as your vibration helps entrain and resonate within us. A fine experiment it has proved and continues to be. In spirit always and much love for this energy centre and community of beautiful souls,
Posted by: Carson | February 28, 2008 at 01:09 PM
Wahoo! I am grateful to be one of the .... million. Thanks so much for allowing us to surf the cosmic waves with more wisdom, humor, and knowledge. xxo, k
Posted by: kathy | February 28, 2008 at 01:30 PM
Congratulations Robert!!! It was sometime in 2004-more like Summer-that I first discovered your work. I finally got broadband Internet and ran across your writings doing a new age music search. LOL. In fact, were you on a site called New Age Now or something?
2004 was a Jupiter return year for me. And please allow me to give your Sat Virgo a ribbing. I was so drawn into what you were writing by the details (degrees, etc.)that I said to myself, "What's this dude on?". LOL. It became such a magnetic pull for me that I had to learn about....astrology. Not such a bad trade off after finally giving up on that year's imported beer
I love ya' man.
Posted by: Stevo | February 28, 2008 at 05:34 PM
Let me add my congratulations, and say that your insightful writing is the reason for the "crowd"... I check your site regularly, and often re-read the articles, which are chock-full, complex and often exactly what I need to read (whether I want to or not ;-}). Thanks again for all your hard work on this site.
Posted by: Cathy M | February 28, 2008 at 09:29 PM