by Robert Wilkinson
Today we continue our examination of what the Virgo-Pisces total Lunar Eclipse holds for our world. As it builds on themes introduced in Part 1, you may want to re-read that before picking this one up, since I discuss the See Saw effect and some other critical elements of the Eclipse chart, as well as different rising signs around the world at the Eclipse. Overall, a very productive eclipse that will liberate everyone in some way between now and August, as well as for years to come!
We pick up the narrative by examining what the NASA site has to say about this total Lunar Eclipse of February 20-21, 2008:
A total eclipse of the Moon occurs during the night of Wednesday, February 20/21, 2008. The entire event is visible from South America and most of North America (on Feb. 20) as well as Western Europe, Africa, and western Asia (on Feb. 21). During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon's disk can take on a dramatically colorful appearance from bright orange to blood red to dark brown and (rarely) very dark gray.
From start to finish, February's lunar eclipse lasts about three hours and twenty-six minutes (not including the penumbral phases which are very difficult to see). The partial eclipse begins as the Moon's eastern edge slowly moves into the Earth's umbral shadow. During the partial phases, it takes just over an hour for the Moon's orbital motion to carry it entirely within the Earth's dark umbra. The color and brightness of the totally eclipsed Moon can vary considerably from one eclipse to another. Dark eclipses are caused by volcanic gas and dust which filters and blocks much of the Sun's light from reaching the Moon. But since no major volcanic eruptions have taken place recently, the Moon will probably take on a vivid red or orange color during the total phase. After the total phase ends, it is once again followed by a partial eclipse as the Moon gradually leaves the umbral shadow.
The total phase of a lunar eclipse is called totality. At this time, the Moon is completely immersed within the Earth's dark umbral shadow. During the February 20 eclipse totality will last just under 50 minutes. This is quite a bit less than the last total lunar eclipse (August 28, 2007) which lasted 90 minutes.
The major phases of the eclipse occur as follows (all times are GMT or Greenwich Mean Time). The partial eclipse commences with first umbral contact at 01:43 GMT. Totality begins at 03:01 GMT and lasts until 03:51 GMT. The partial phases end at 05:09 GMT.
February's lunar eclipse is well-placed for North and South America as well as Europe and Africa. Observers along North America's west coast miss the early stages of the partial eclipse because it begins before moon rise. Alaskans in Anchorage and Fairbanks experience moonrise during totality but bright evening twilight will make it difficult for sourdoughs to view the event. Western Europe and northwest Africa also see the entire eclipse. Further to the east (east Africa and central Asia), the Moon sets before the eclipse ends. None of the eclipse is visible from eastern Asia or Australia.
The NASA site has some great visual graphs for illustrating where the shadow occurred, as well as tables for future eclipses and where they'll be visible from. The totality of the total Lunar Eclipse of August 2007 lasted 90 minutes, implying those effects lasted through October 2007, and for as many months afterwards as the number of hours the entire eclipse spanned. Thus 3 1/2 hours total equals 3 1/2 months, making this eclipse important through December 2007.
With the Sun, Neptune, and Chiron conjuncting the North Node, we will be pulled into forms of idealism that calls us to our Higher Self, while finding protective mechanisms that allow us to pursue our enlightenment in safety. Look for illumination and integration that will heal, purify, and broaden the life view and sense of connectedness with all. In Pisces new motives more in line with our illumed integrity will come forth, as will the need to bring some things to quick closure by understanding what's about to be over.
The Line of Greatest Evolutionary Development is in the Span of Perspective, the Scene of Management, on a degree of calling us all to work with foresight, intelligently preparing for what is to come in the near future. We are told to have a "calm yet potent faith in Providence," and to use knowledge and skill in natural ways to satisfy present and future needs. It is a degree of "efficient use of natural resources for insuring... well-being."
Dr. Jones comments that this degree employs "a lesser reality for the development and sustainment of a greater," and of our ability to focus our attention in a crisis on what is pressing and needed for our well being. He writes there is joy in doing what we know we must, and satisfaction in efficiency. The keyword is IMMEDIACY. The positive expression of this degree is "man's uninhibited and enthusiastic desire to be at work or to mobilize everything around him in his own interest." The "formula" is Manipulating, Ideal, Ingenious, Generalizing, Spiritual, and Receptive.
Past Spring eclipses featured a distinct Uranian-North Node influence, showing we were pulled to find a Higher Law and Will through embracing forms of compassion, forgiveness, and vast understanding of what is common to us all within a Solar systemic or even Galactic perspective. The past two years we had opportunities to see and feel the ocean of space, time, and Consciousness.
In 2008 and for some years to come (due to the Eclipse effect) we will experience more of a Neptune-North Node influence. This will manifest as a pull to find a vaster sense of ourselves within the Collective field, learning to manage our energies in training to manifest a Higher Ideal. Through unveiling what has been cloaked, we will heal into a better way of doing our Being. Many will find themselves intuitively doing more than they ever previously imagined, and searching for a new balance or perspective.
The Sun is the Light, while the Moon gives form to that Light. With the eclipse Sun in Pisces, we're offered ways to understand the vaster field we all live within, while the Moon will help us focus on the place and function of all the specifics.
So look for forms of illumination and integration that shine a light on learning how to express forms of forgiveness, integrate new motives, and practice closure rituals to preserve our enduring values. This is the light of creative imagination that envisions a different way for things to work or sort out in the larger picture. Be loyal to your enduring higher interests, refuse to enter into things where the risks far outweigh the benefits, and show good judgment through caution. Be independent in setting limits on what you agree to.
This will manifest through the eclipse Moon in Virgo, which provides forms of expression. In Virgo we are shown how Divine Discrimination works to sort out the real from the unreal, the greater from the lesser, and the place and function of each individual piece of the puzzle. Be uncompromising in showing your allegiances and see yourself as a conscious steward of enduring values. Be courageous and fearless, and find a greater form of service for the welfare of a greater whole.
This Eclipse will create a lot of confusion calling us to create order out of chaos. This can help us all of glimpse our place in the larger universal order, separating and uniting as is appropriate to our unique circumstances. With the emphasis on the stellium in Aquarius, we can find friends and a group work in an appropriate alignment with our better nature, so put yourself and your skills out there on behalf of a greater altruism.
Of major significance is the Moon conjunct Saturn, fusing our feelings with our purpose, helping us get clear about the limits of what we are and aren't supposed to be doing. Saturn shows a need to demonstrate expertise and "grab the brass ring," this supported by Uranus prodding us to put ourselves out there as well. Saturn is retrograde, leading us inward on a journey to wisdom through the experiences shown by this eclipse.
As I've mentioned before, perhaps the most important factor in this eclipse is the Moon occupying the same degree as Saturn's direct station on May 2-3, 2008. Much has been written about this degree, which we are told is one of "Liberating Ordeals." It is a degree of self assurance in asserting what we believe is important, and we are told we could "dominate our environment" through some form of individual Self-realization. There may be struggles, but there will also be rewards and recognition.
We should all find useful forms of efficient, practical, specialized material expression, something we can sustain and can sustain us. Be sensitive to accelerating your training to manifest your particular form of practical discipleship. This begins a 50 month process of being liberated into a greater effectiveness that can benefit our world. Obviously this will take place in stages at key times, and it began at the Eclipse ushering in the Full Moon effect influencing the next two weeks.
Just remember that the Eclipse chart was remarkably non-afflicted, with Jupiter sextile Uranus and the Moon conjunct Saturn trine Pluto. These are productive, practical reorganizing influences that are very stabilizing. Given that Jupiter is the ruler of the Sun, it's very influential in the eclipse effect of the Sun. It should help us all get a valid perspective so we can let go of nonessential ideas and judgments based in the past.
The Sun sextile Pluto in this eclipse assists economy of energy in doing what we have to. The opposition-sextile-trine between Sun, Moon, and Pluto can help us all maintain momentum regardless of whatever polarizations are occurring. It throws the void into early Cancer, so we should see a concrete manifestation of the eclipse effect between March 4-21 as Mars transits the void span creating a Mystic Rectangle.
This will give momentum to decisions to reorient in some critical way, find a broader perspective through elevating our perspective, and eventually grow into a higher life by letting go of something lesser from the past. March 12-18 will be especially important as Venus and Mercury sextile Pluto, then cross the Solar degree opposing the eclipse Moon, and then oppose Saturn trine transiting Mars. Information, ideas, meetings, and associations dominate that span leading to clear understanding.
Other critical points in our various "liberations" and embrace of greater service will be March 19, Apr 15-May 21 (especially Apr 15-16 and May 12-13,) June 8-9, June 17-26, July 1-13 (especially July 1-3 and 6-7), and August 2-3, 5-13, and 22-30. Pay attention to decisions you have to make, ways you have to assert yourself, and take a broad compassionate view of why you must do what you must do. As long as it serves a higher purpose, you probably can't go wrong, so stop worrying!
Be flexible as you find your fellowship, your group, your friends. Say goodbye to whatever, see how it fits into a larger picture, be compassionate and forgiving as you move through the changes, and open to newer, more effective ways of living already on the way.
The Eclipses of 2006-2007 already freed us in ways we could not have anticipated then. Several featured squares to Pluto at the Galactic Center and these influences will be with us for years to come. Expect anything moving through the last degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces to keep triggering these past eclipse effects for quite a while.
And now, a final but important look back that can help you reflect on changes of the past year. Regarding the September 2007 Solar Eclipse that is still impacting everyone on Earth:
That the coming Solar Eclipse is exactly conjunct the Sun of the 9/11 chart gives us pause for thought, and prayer that we will see the light behind that event and come to a higher realization of how to live with each other in our world. I would think as Mars transits Virgo in 2008 it will set into motion much of what these eclipses have portended, and so we can and should prepare accordingly for the "volcanic eruptions" promised by these lunations.As I wrote last Spring, "During these next months (and years) purify, purify, and purify some more, since Pluto is stripping us all down to the core, regenerating whatever seed power we are on the highest and most effective of levels." With the powerfully harmonizing Saturn trine Pluto in this Eclipse chart we should all find the purification process stable, pointing us to solid understandings of how to reclaim "lost opportunities" by using creative imagination, as well as natural boundaries and limitations that allow us to play with others in a field perfect for us. Just remember that Jupiter is biseptile Saturn, setting irrationality into motion on the world stage for quite some time to come.
Saturn is still trine Pluto, but from Earth instead of Fire. This should help us ground the understandings of 2007 in practical forms, helping us build concrete internal and external structures that can help us serve more effectively. And yes, the Grand Irrationality continues!
For more on Pluto at the Galactic Center, go to this article containing links to related articles.
For multiple links to articles on the coming squares and oppositions that will blow things wide open on a global level, please go to The Coming Cardinal Squares and Crosses of Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013. These energies are what we're training to deal with and turn to a higher good.
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson
Posted by: robyn | February 21, 2008 at 04:32 PM
This was a very special birthday for me, as I turned 30 and the eclipse made an exact opposition to my natal sun. A year of big growth and lord knows what else... may it all be positive, is what I can hope! Thank you for the information as always, Robert!
Posted by: Rhya | February 21, 2008 at 11:59 PM
So many of my friend have been sick, or just undergoing random surgery for whatever maladies they have to deal with. Is the moon in health conscious Virgo triggering these events?
Posted by: Damien | February 22, 2008 at 12:17 PM
Hi robyn - Should be good in many ways.
Hi Rhya - Embrace a larger vision that can help boost the Saturn Return autonomy/adventure you should already be living. Leo/Leo rising should be opening a whole new relational dimension, whether personal or professional.
Hi Damien - Sickness, esp. flu, is pandemic right now. It's also natural for surgeries to be unconsciously or consciously scheduled for now, since both Mars and Mercury RX from November through mid-February was not a good time for scheduling such things. And of course, Saturn in Virgo should be good for doing such things. The Lunar position at the eclipse boosted the influence.
Posted by: Robert | February 25, 2008 at 10:18 AM