by Robert Wilkinson
This is the fourth anniversary of when I started the original Aquarius Papers - Astrology for All at Since then it's been a long strange trip and more! Initially I was unsure of how effective a "blog" would be, and over time I have found it to be a very effective communication device where people from all continents and walks of life can commune with others who share their interests. Today I'll offer you the first post I ever made as a blogger on April 28, 2004.
I had done over a hundred posts between 1998-2004 at another site (now defunct), but it was not a blog. The difficulty in getting a webmaster to post my material in a timely way finally convinced me to experiment with blogging, and it's infinitely more satisfying than the traditional website approach and construction. It has allowed me to post articles whenever I want, or queue them into a schedule so they can post while I'm on the road or occupied with other things.
In this initial post you'll read about a section of my original site called "The Outer Edge." Obviously it's no longer what it was due to many factors including software issues. I will try to resume posting some things over there when I get those straightened out. In any case, both Salon sites are now feeder routes for people to find The Aquarius Papers at the current address. That said, here's my first post:
Welcome to the Aquarius Papers and the Metaphysical Reality of Robert WilkinsonHello. I've been an astrologer and metaphysician for several decades. Examined Eastern and Western science, philosophy, and art, and am of the opinion that we are Eternal Beings having human experiences. There are things to learn that are outside of "normal" socialized existence, which is pretty boring and confining to begin with.
In this space we will explore the big picture about factors that affect us all, and discuss what is to be, what can be, and what could be. There are larger patterns going on that affect our lives, whether we know it or not. Everything depends on how we react to them, and use our power to respond to the forces affecting our lives. This cross mixture of what we call "fate" and "free will" makes it necessary to understand what’s going on. What you read here will assist you to play life to the fullest. Each of us has our own pace and challenges, but by understanding what is personal and what is common to us all, we can avoid creating unnecessary problems for ourselves.
Astrology can help us understand what’s going on. Every culture has had its astrology, or symbolic depiction of the heavens and the seasons offering a deeper meaning to life’s various cycles here on Earth. This useful tool for larger understanding is now needed more than ever, given the radical changes upon us. For example, the last time Neptune and Pluto were in their present aspect in the 30's, totalitarian fascist governments rose all over the earth. Then, like now, fear and willfulness challenged and released the larger forces for change, transfiguration, and power unlike any known in millennia.
At present, the interlocking septile aspects indicate a very irrational time along with widespread obsessive-compulsive behavior. A greater way is presenting itself. The resistance of the old forms is very strong and creates tension by our necessity of choosing which fork we will take. We are headed on the larger arc of return to knowledge and higher understanding, despite the polarizations now occurring. The momentum of the old era is fulfilling its inertia, even as new pulses begin to exert their long term influence on humanity.
That brings me to the other part of this blog, The Outer Edge. This part is dedicated to social and political ideas that can help us all make a better world, whether through decreasing violence against one another, promoting our fundamental freedoms, or offering positive ideas and solutions to some of the problems that are perpetuating the suffering of the human race, individually and collectively. It is hoped that some of the ideas offered in The Outer Edge and The Aquarius Papers will serve to open perspectives and options for positive change in your life and the lives of those around you.
And there you have it! While the Outer Edge did in fact help precipitate social-political dialog, what I posted there eventually gave way to a group socio-political non-partisan activist blog that was splendid until a monkeywrencher killed it. As I get time in the future, as well as a genuine sense of cohesive group energy to make it work as it should, I'll create another blog forum for social-political connectedness and activism at a different location. For now, though, enjoy the metaphysical and astrological treats to be found here. Aum Mani Padme Hum!
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you SO much for your guidance as always Robert. :)
Posted by: Jessi | April 28, 2008 at 06:29 AM
Hi Robert,
Congrads to my personal favorite Yoda!
Here's to many more.
Posted by: Helen | April 28, 2008 at 07:11 AM
Bless you for launching this! In my experience, the best astrology/culture blog around! xxo, k
Posted by: kathy | April 28, 2008 at 07:58 AM
I love your pages Robert and a page that facilitates activism would be wonderful.
There's a lot going on in Europe as in the states and we in Ireland are about to make a decision that will affect the rest of Europe with the Lisbon treaty's proposal for a one state system. Only Irish can vote as it is in the constitution while the rest of Europe must unquestioningly accept what the politicians bring forth....I hope my country people can see the fork in the road and choose the one with integrity saving basic human rights for all of Europe!
Posted by: Marie | April 28, 2008 at 08:12 AM
Dear Robert,
happy anniversary to aquarius papers, and may it continue to infinity! its certainly contributed to positive change in my life, and may you be always blessed.
Posted by: Nandy | April 28, 2008 at 09:53 AM
I also want to express my pleasure in your blogs here and the awesome information that you so freely provide. Happy Anniversary!!!! AND many more!
Posted by: Joanne | April 28, 2008 at 07:46 PM
Thank you Robert and Best Wishes to you Always!
Posted by: a friend | April 28, 2008 at 09:36 PM
So very proud to know you YOUR HIGHNESS......CF
Posted by: chickie farella | April 28, 2008 at 10:38 PM
Hi Jessi - You're most welcome.
Hi Helen - I wore my Yoda t shirt yesterday to commemorate your comment.
Hi Kathy - Thanks for the praise. I don't know how long the party will last, but until then...
Hi Marie - May Ireland shine a light of wisdom that the rest of Europe may follow. Human rights seems to be an endangered species everywhere, including the US.
Hi Nandy - Well, infinity is a long time! Not sure I can type that long. Thanks for offering that it's made a positive change in your life. Will definitely accept your blessings.
Hi Joanne - Thanks.
Hi a friend - Thanks to you as well.
Hi Chickie - Am glad to know you as well. I trust your changes are going as well as possible, given the larger tides and times. Hang in there and I'm sure we'll communicate soon.
Posted by: Robert | April 29, 2008 at 05:16 AM
O Wow what a long journey and what a lively place this has become.
Posted by: anu | April 29, 2008 at 09:48 AM
Hay Rob! Just wanted to add my congrats to the list and a great continued success.
It's great to find a good community to belong to.
Posted by: Susan | April 29, 2008 at 10:28 AM
Best Wishes always, dear Robert.
Posted by: Timothy | April 29, 2008 at 12:22 PM
Light & Blessings Robert May you continue on AND expand your horizions for the better of all. Thank you for sharing your experience,wisdom,knowledge,and time to enlighten and provoke positive interactive thoughts among all.
Namaste Sara
Posted by: Sara | April 29, 2008 at 12:47 PM
Hi anu, Susan, Timothy and Sara - Glad you're part of the community. This cantina at the intersection of Fate Street and Free Will Street at Eternity Boulevard is beyond anything I could have imagined only 1400 days ago!
Posted by: Robert | April 29, 2008 at 03:24 PM
I am sure glad I found your blog. You have helped me see things more clearly, not to mention all the great gold nuggets along the way. Congrats on making it this far and being so patient and wise. Live long and prosper! :)
Posted by: Valerie | April 29, 2008 at 05:00 PM
Blessings to you Robert for all you do...when i found this site it was like finding my true family and those that speak the same oasis in the desert...thanks to all who make such valuable contributions...if you can touch just one person in a helpful way in this life ....that's an and light Giverny
Posted by: giverny | April 29, 2008 at 09:32 PM