by Robert Wilkinson
These two factors are extremely important in showing us major emotional changes and their relationship to our maturing sense of self. The Progressed Moon returns to its natal position every 27+ years, while Saturn returns to its natal position every 28-29 years, depending. And yes, we do tend to start experiencing both of these influences well in advance of when they are exact.
For your consideration, an article.
The Progressed Moon, the Saturn cycle, and Critical Life Choices.
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson
Hi, Robert I have been reading some part of your article, and it might makes sense, i need to further explore the memories of that time for me, but it was exactly the moon return, in cap at 18 d in march of 1992, the next one will not happen for much time. i remember that i was going batty with working in an office job, i was doing a clerical position, that was so boooorrrrinnnnnggggg, so at the time i started to take acting courses and continued my dance classes... but during my saturn return, i think this was the time i went into a deep depression..
Posted by: Micheline | April 16, 2008 at 05:34 AM
Hi Robert,
I like reading your articles whenever I possibly can. Please could you tell me when my life would become better and when I will get a job in this dismal market ( dob 2/17/1970 at 2.50am) it gets more depressing when I watch the news and all they talk about recession and homes be repossessed by the banks leaving me to wonder if things will ever get better.
Posted by: Madhuri | April 16, 2008 at 08:07 PM
Robert, Progressed moon returns to natal point around Aug 18, 2008 (8 degrees Cancer 10th H, MC 3 D. Cancer) and Saturn return around Oct 10, 2012 (0 degrees Scorpio, 2nd H cusp). BD 27Oct1953; Sun, 3 D Scorpio, AC 3 D Libra.
What's the best way to figure out the themes of these returns ?
Posted by: Molly | April 16, 2008 at 09:26 PM
Hi Micheline - This helps us examine larger cycles in our lives from the view of perspectives over time. Often the Lunar Return isn't dramatic or glamorous, but marks an "emotional reset" that reorients us toward some things we care about more than others. And while the Saturn return may lead to forms of "depression," as often as not it shows as a worldly weariness with what's been happening and fulfilled itself, and a deep sorrow that win, lose, or draw, a huge part of life and associated expectations are done for good, and it's time to turn to other more important things.
Hi Madhuri - I don't really know enough about your personal situation to advise re: when you'll get a job, but I do know that if we open to ALL possibilities we can find ourselves considering things we haven't before which could lead us to where we need to be. Even a 5 buck an hour temp typing job could lead to training in television producing and directing! Unfortunately, in my opinion things will not get better any time soon due to the global shell game perpetrated by global bankers going for all they can get.
With your chart and current transits, stop procrastinating, get clear about what role you want to play and stop agonizing over vague or generalized things. 37 was a vision of what could be accomplished, and 38 forces you to act on that vision in definite ways. Be proactive in learning what you need to in order to get a sense of not being trapped in circumstances, and think in the future, i.e., what position do you want to be in 3-5 years down the road? Some jobs will be in great demand in the future, while others will not be.
With natal Jupiter opposed Saturn, think outside your pessimistic box. Sometimes you see things too narrowly. Get inspired, allow your imagination to open to things without your Saturn putting a wet blanket on your dreams and possibilities, and to paraphrase the legendary Grant Lewi, "realize that not failure, but low aim, is the only sin." 2008 your life will stabilize in important practical ways, and you should have great opportunities to expand what you already value and know. Definitely prepare this year, learn as much as you can, get into training mode, since Jupiter conjunct your Sun and Mercury in 2009 favorable with your Mars in Aries can throw you into an entirely new adventure and future.
Hi Molly - You're already feeling the effect of the Lunar Return, so examine your changing feelings about what you do and do not care about, what does and does not feed your need for nurture, and get ready for a new set of emotional lessons already being sensed. Saturn should be helping free you from old Saturn limitations over the next few weeks thanks to making a sextile to your natal Saturn, and Jupiter's quintile this Summer will help you get some unique qualities and gifts you can use to harvest whatever will prepare you for the new sense of purpose to come in 2011-2012.
Given that Saturn will be very close to your Saturn by 2011, take note of the endings and beginnings to come then. For reference, see what you've been doing since 1982-1984, and realize that a major part of that work ended in 2002. You're now in a transition zone, where you're learning that if it works for you, it's true, and things that don't work are not true, whether they used to be, or could be, or might be for others. 54 turns us inward so we can find a new form of understanding and compassion, preparing us for many closures and harvests at 55.
Posted by: Robert | April 17, 2008 at 09:28 AM
Hi Robert,
Thank you for your advice. I did what you said. I got in the training mode re-learnt everything do a better degree than I did before and now have a job. Hope this is the one I achieve better success than before.
Thanks again.
Om Namah Shivaya Om
Posted by: Madhuri | July 23, 2008 at 03:18 PM