by Robert Wilkinson
Today we take a new look at how to deal with fear. As times get more uncertain and our lives become destabilized, fear is a natural response that quickly manifests to the degree we allow it. Sometimes we know what causes the fear to come up, other times we don't, but we still must find ways to antidote the fear that is present.
From the original article, a brief preview:
When we confront our fear, we enter into a dark realm we've tried to avoid since infancy. Fear is one of the four primal emotions... Fear is the cause of most anger, most jealousy, most murder, failure, theft, doubt, discouragement, despondency - and many of the lesser inharmonious conditions. Analyze any one of these states of mind and you will find that fear is the father of it.... Regardless of what presents itself to your five senses and your mind, your feelings and your physical self, you are greater than that, and have the Divine Power to reorient away from fear into your ability to respond to that which promises truth, goodness and beauty. Drop your fear. It's a useless response. Love yourself, and have the courage to express that Loving Wisdom that is yours to offer yourself and your world. You have nothing to lose but your fear.
For your renewed consideration, Why Is There So Much Fear Right Now, and What Can We Do About It? In this you'll also find a couple of links to very important articles from The Magic of Space that elaborate on this topic and how we can come out of fear into our Divine Power. Enjoy!
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson
dear Robert! thanks for the nice post brother :)
hope you like this beautiful quote
Strive to discover the mystery before life is taken from you.
If while living you fail to find yourself, to know yourself,
how will you be able to understand
the secret of your existence when you die?
Farid ud Din Attar
Posted by: AceStar | May 05, 2008 at 03:12 PM
Hi AceStar - Great quote. Of course, we watch the movie after we leave, which no doubt is the source of much Soul sorrow as we see what could have been if we only opened our hearts and minds when here on Earth to the glory of the God we are individually and together and is All-That-Is.
Posted by: Robert | May 05, 2008 at 04:37 PM
getting past fears is a real feat but one must try to understand that thats all they are is fears and nothing else
it is not the fear you have to deal with but the reality of the situation
but i am not guru
i just say what i feel
learn from your fears
relinquish the control
and let go of them
Posted by: Micheline | May 06, 2008 at 06:47 AM