by Robert Wilkinson
This begins a series of articles past and present where we'll take a new look at the rapidly closing era and explore what is in front of us. This seemed like a good thing to do during this Mercury Retrograde period. Even though this article was written not that long ago, it began a vigorous dialog in the comment stream that ranges far and wide over many issues and potentials that confront evolving humanity, individually and collectively.
For your renewed consideration, The End of the Age - Time and Evolution. Tomorrow we'll move into an examination of the nature of this transitional era and how to "step out of time" to get a larger view on our possibilities.
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson
I believe Shakespeare hit the nail on the head when he wrote in one of his pieces that the philosophy of man could never comprehend the truth. Right now, I’m more concerned in getting people interested in the subject of Astrology by offering an informative blog site which covers many subjects about life. It would be great if we could all help each other. Maybe I can join your forum.
Kind regards,
Mike O’Hare
Posted by: Astrology -- Discover the Zodiac | June 10, 2008 at 02:37 AM
Jesus. I'm at a total fucking standstill. It seems that all buried subconscious fears and notions that i've ever thought or felt or thought to be felt are making appearances through my schema. Its maddenning. I don't feel suicidal but i don't really care to be alive at this time. Nothing motivates me and i've lost most interest in continuing to exist in this continuum. I'm basically a walking entity devoid of motivation for forward momentum as backward momentum remembering recall continues to trumpet. Is this The New Age?
Posted by: Damien | June 10, 2008 at 08:14 PM
oh no dear. Not the New Age. Damien it's that old friend self pity poking away.I suffer periodically myself. I even have a hero Stefan Zweig who committed suicide in brazil coz he couldn't stand the weltschmerz.
Tell u what works for resentful, fearful,suicidal , alienated me. It's plain manual work--- do something solid to help neglected old parents, volunteer at hospices/hospital/ social work centres for battered women, rape victims, wipe the spittle off old ladies abandoned by kids in old age homes, mentally challenged institution inmates , teach immigrant kids, people who are victims of terror attacks, read to people who are blind for no fault of theirs except that they were born that way.Teach blind kids after learning braille and feel their joy with their smiles. No, still not convinced you have a reason to live?
Try a hard sudoku, paint something godawful, maybe yr vision of the world that so sucks, on an A4 sheet, just try learning some maddening german , or squiggly mandarin and u cld be a hot shot interpreter in Beijing after 10 yrs.Reach out to strangers on the net who struggle daily like you yet put on their boots and walk to work for a living because they have a sick child to support for as long as they are alive.Spread the message of : So what, I'll manage. I'm going to take my life in my hands and turn it around a different way, by not looking in the direction of what's not worked for me. You'll be fine believe me. Best of luck.
Posted by: anu | June 11, 2008 at 12:44 AM
Hello Anu,
What a fabulous list of positive action to take in response to overcoming a negative outlook. I might have to just go after that 'squiggly mandarin' my self.
Juliet :-)
Posted by: juliet | June 11, 2008 at 05:58 PM
Thanks anu. :)
Posted by: Damien | June 12, 2008 at 09:43 AM
Yeah Thanks Anu, the best post ive read yet after Roberts himself, you should do more
Posted by: Roo | July 14, 2008 at 06:34 PM