by Robert Wilkinson
As most of you know, I usually don't do political reporting here since it often creates discussions that skew in strident directions that disrupt what I'm creating here. However, these nuggets from TruthOut must be read by anyone who values a democratic method of electing governments. A new book titled "Loser Take Call" pulls down the veil of how the past 4 US national elections were stolen and We The People were defrauded by our election process manipulated by tyrants intent on seizing power illegally.
I thought about reprinting both of parts one and two, but decided it would be better if you went to TruthOut yourself and read what's over there. I included the links to Part 1 and 2 below.
This is important material, since what happened here could happen anywhere, and it's still happening here as you read these words. There is a fairly large possibility that there will be monkey business in Election 2008, since the root causes of what's wrong with our election process is yet to be addressed, much less fixed.
Also, when you're done there, you may want to drop by Bradblog and The Velvet Revolution to check out the latest in the Election Fraud being perpetrated on us by electronic touchscreen machines which seem infinitely hackable. I'll be back with more Astrology soon, and if you just don't care to educate yourself concerning this hijacking of our democracy, then at least go back and revisit Where the Hell is Matt, since it's always good to dance.
From TruthOut, a taste of the article:
"Mark Crispin Miller's new book, "Loser Take All," identifies and analyzes election fraud, the foundation of extremist power in the United States since 2000. Manipulated elections have enabled everything we've experienced from the Iraq war to the current economic meltdown. None of that would have been possible without the ongoing series of "surprise" wins for extremists and their enablers following the outright theft of the 2000 presidential election.Miller illustrates his overarching analysis with a collection of carefully chosen essays. They map the rise of what key figures on the right and left refer to as tyrannical rule by the Bush - Cheney administration. Through a sequence of critical elections from 2000 on, Miller shows the particular outrages in each that enabled the retention and expansion of power. In doing so, he defines the basis for our current troubles."
...Part 1 of this review of "Loser Take All" discussed how Miller's theme showed up in the 2000, 2002, and 2004 elections. In Part II, we'll take a look at Miller's explanation of events in 2006 and the system in place for the November 2008 elections.
Election Fraud and Tyranny: Part 1
Election Fraud and Tyranny: Part 2
You even have the ability to leave comments there that will be read by others who go to read those articles, so it may be that you can make a difference in some of the thinking of the many political junkies who frequent that site.
Copyright © 2008 Robert Wilkinson
Hello Robert and everyone here.... does anyone know about the Bilderberger Group, and how they figure into the dynamic of our Presidential "elections"? Would be interested on your thoughts about this...... ;)
Love, D. } ----*
Posted by: DianatheHuntress | July 23, 2008 at 03:42 PM
@diana: bilderberg decides who the president will members, mainstream media, and diebold act accordingly. bilderberg was founded by prince bernhard of the netherlands, a former nazi officer. there are many other shocking and awful things about that fellow.
this country is gone. economically it is going to get bad, real bad. just wait till pluto re-enters capricorn!
Posted by: kid mercury | July 24, 2008 at 04:59 AM
When I found out that George W. got re-elected, I was cooking up dinner (at lunch time). I had just made a dish of baked ziti. I just instinctively picked up the dish (glass, of course) and kinda hurled it up--then it went down, plop... It was everywhere. I just had to get that energy out somewhere.
I only hope that there isn't a dish of lasagna next that's gonna make it to the floor in 2009.
Posted by: Nan | July 24, 2008 at 02:11 PM
Quoting a comment in part 2 Election fraud and Tyranny:
''As Stalin said, "It is not who cast the votes but who counts the votes". We the People have less power now and so must act more powerfully than ever before.''
I am deeply concerned.
Posted by: pamela | July 28, 2008 at 02:19 PM