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« A Moment of Silence, Remembrance, and Heart-Felt Compassion | Main | What Is A Solar Eclipse, and What Does It Forecast? »



Hi Robert,

What house in my chart will the Eclipse fall into? It would follow the theme of the past 7 months for me which have been a continuum of space clearing, clutter clearing, letting go of the old, making room for the new etc. I am also natal moon in Leo. The past 3 years have been the transformation and renewal cycle.

Thanks for being there!


Coalinga CA
11:19 am


Hi Robert,

The solar eclipse will conjunct my natal Jupiter - rx at 8.43 Leo - in the 11th house (cusp 4 Leo). Jupiter disposits my 3rd house Sun, rx Mercury (trine), Neptune and Mars in Sagittarius, and squares chart ruler Venus in Scorpio.
Is there something I'm supposed to be learning here? :)


when i get to this site i almost always feel that i've walked into a graduate level classroom - as a freshman - and that i only get every third word, or so. but since i want so very much to "get it" i read the same post a couple of times in hopes that more of it will stick.

part of this post got through. maybe i'm starting to get it - which probably means i'm not.

however - after looking over my natal with transits chart, for this eclipse, i'm wondering if my Saturn at 9 degrees Aquarius is close enough to warrant a closer look and awareness.

thank you so much for the education.


Hi Robert,
Thanks for the uplifting article. Like Lori, I too have been in the process of letting go and have been travelling on the highway of transformation for the past 2 years. How will the eclipse affect me?

Would love to hear from you.
My birthdate is:11th Jan 1965 at 6am
Birthplace:Delhi, India

Sharrin Jane-Grey

Hello Robert,
Just a simple question - I was born at the exact degree of the up-coming August solar eclipse in 1956. I cannot imagine what the possibilities are, here. Its a little off-putting. Do you have any opinion on this? Thank you for your wonderful site, by the way.


Hi Robert -

I've read elsewhere that the eclipse will be particularly potent for those who will have it in hard aspect (conjunction, opposition, square) to points on their chart, especially their Sun. But what about for those of us who have this eclipse in supportive aspect (trine, sextile) to their natal Sun?


Christine John

Hey Robert,
The one question I have is on my dynamic report will I be able to see what number Leo is in? My moon is Leo as I am aqurius with rising Cancer. If you get a moment that would be great! Hope all is well. We should get in touch for another meeting. Love, Light and much Laughter!
Christine J.


I hope for those happy tears of joy, having just completed the long Sat-return process. Maybe this will be good to be nestled in my 4th house Leo, with natal Pluto and the visiting kids.
You do inspire me, Robert... gracias!


For those interested in the sabian symbol for the upcoming eclipse concerning 9 degrees Leo:

''Glass blowers shape beautiful forms with their controlled breathing.''


Hi Robert,

I posted before about me (Pisces) and my boyfriend (Leo)being affected by the eclipses over the past 9 years (he first told me he loved me on the eclipse in Leo August 1998 and our first kiss was Feb 1999 eclipse. He told me he was unhappy on the lunar eclipse August 2007 and moved out on the solar eclispe on Sept 2007, which hit my sun exactly). We have remained in close contact (daily) platonically though eversince. He sometimes calls every day, I see him every week and have done since the February eclipses this year. I have been hoing to reconcile with him.

The coming Lunar eclipse is in my 7th house, so I can only assume that this will be the end of our journey and 'eclipse' him from my life, we wont reconcile.

My Moon (28'11)and his Sun (28'19)are exactly conjunct there in Leo, the solar eclipse 16 August is not far away, in my 7th house still. Is it close enough to conjunct our planets at 28 ish Leo? Any idea what these two eclipses in the 7th mean for me, and the solar eclipse falling on our "Cosmic Marriage" conjunction??


I'm extremely excited since the eclipse occurs on my birthday! I'm taking it as a good omen.


Lori i looked up your chart. The eclipse will be in your 9th house, where Leo is intercepted. It falls 2 degrees from your natal Uranus.


Can anyone tell me where the eclipse will fall in my chart? 2/26/1974 10am Seattle, WA.

I'm pretty sure it's big, because I've been freaking out! It feels like major transformation time, but so many uncomfortable emotions are making it hard to sort out -very intense. Thanks for any info.



Amy - the eclipse will be on the cusp of your 5th house. And you've got transiting Saturn opposing your Sun right now too.


Both my birthday and ascendant are in leo (july 31, 1974). I have seen so many events in my life happen in the last two years that already seemed a lifetime. What should I expect with the solar eclipse in Aug 1?

On the other hand, I've just remembered that a close friend of mine who had been suffering with failed kidneys and is on dialysis; her birthday (aug 1, 1975) falls on the eclipse. Can anyone shed light on the effect of the eclipse on her? Thanks so much..



Greetings Robert, Question, I have both Leo (3 degrees) and Pluto (27 degrees) in my natal 9th house along w/my MC in Leo (29 degrees)-- will the upcoming eclipse in Leo hit my 9th house or my 4th house? I'm still trying to understand this. Taurus (sun), Scorpio (asc) sagittarius (moon).


I am an aquarius (sun and rising), taurus (moon). mercury, mars and the moon are exalted. my sagittarius is in jupiter. Leo and Uranus are both in my 6th house.
I have a fixed t-cross (aquarius opposing uranus and leo) which is squared by my moon.
what does this august 1st eclipse mean for me?


hello everyone,
Any particular thoughts for someone who has their rising sign at 9 degrees Leo? The eclipse falling right on it. It is particularly interesting because I live in Washington DC. The Ascendent for Washington during the eclipse is exactly 9 degrees Leo. Looks like the eclipse might particularly effect me. Yikes.
Born July 28, 1980 6:08am in Las Vegas, NV
thanks. Ben


I was born on Feb 6, 1980. Just wondering what type of effect the upcoming eclipses will have on me. I have pisces rising. thanks


Hi all - I cannot possibly give the interpretation about this eclipse for each chart. Too many possible manifestations. That said, I'll try to give a few suggestions. First and foremost, there was an eclipse at this degree August 1, 1989. Think back on what was eliminated from your lives for several years after that point, as it may help to offer indicators as to how this one will work.

Hi Lori - It falls in your Solar 11 house, eliminating old friends and ambitions over the next few years. As per Quis' comment, in your 9th it shows the end of an old future and the opening of a new one, as well as the shutting down of an old "spiritual" understanding related to your Uranus.

Hi Quis - An old way of doing your Jupiter will end over the next few years. 11 house is same as the above comment. The endings will put the brakes on your old Venus function while offering you renewed understandings and harmonized points of view through Mercury trine. Whatever Jupiter disposits will go through endings as well, but remember that these endings will result in transfiguration and joy that we've made it through the night in some way.

Hi Donna - Well, hang in there and I'm sure you'll learn more and more each time. Mostly what I write is the same as my personal counseling sessions with clients. Listen to the tape a few times, and more and more gets clearer with each listen. Yes, your Saturn will be impacted, probably through a new externalization of responsibility or duty. Each sign externalizes through its opposite, so your Leo way of showing your Saturn to your world will undergo a change.

Hi Sangeeta - It falls in your Solar 7th house, so the types and levels of equal relationships will be directly impacted. You may lose a Cancer/Leo person in your life, but I also have no doubt you'll attract another more appropriate to who you are now as opposed to who you used to be.

Hi Sharrin - That would indicate an old way of integrating your light/life will end, and you'll be appropriately transfigured. Someone I'm very close to has an August 1 birthday, and I'm sure her life will transfigure, since she's already in dynamic motion. Remember the growth is in the sign of Aquarius and whatever house it falls in your map. And of course, since all eclipses shut something down, expect the houses ruled by Cancer and Leo to be affected, as well as any planets in those signs (which includes your Uranus!) And you're most welcome. Thanks for your praise of the site.

Hi Matt - Well, ALL eclipses are "potent," regardless of aspect. A square can be a useful brake and turning point, a trine can be a comfortable understanding that doesn't lead to growth. Usually conjunctions mark major new beginnings. This eclipse falls on my Ascendant, as did another one like this at 10 Leo in Summer 1989. That one opened an 18 year period of working and then living in California. Did my old life in Austin end? Yes. Was it "bad?" No.

Necessary endings lead to powerful beginnings and manifestations of destiny if we ride the wave rather than resist it. I had been in a period of deep grief, and the 1989 Leo eclipse ended that phase and opened me to a whole new healing process and work that resulted in my sponsoring a bunch of men's gatherings and a national media event that opened the door for thousands of men to express their feelings. And yes, it trined my Sun, as does this one, so I am again expecting a very harmonious beginning of a long chapter in my life.

Hi Christine - It falls in your first house, favorable to your Sag planets and square your Saturn. I won't be back in NY for a while, so if you want another session just email me at the address on the left hand links and we'll go from here.

Hi Jan - I have no doubt that though things end, some endings are a blessings. Reference my comment to Matt re: the similar eclipse of 1989. My intense grief resolved itself within 2 years of that eclipse, and I was making money and having fun in sunny SoCal hitting the beach on a regular basis. It will shut down an old 4th house manifestation, and you'll know you've made it through the night in some important way, if only through resolution of early childhood matters of the heart. Very glad you find inspiration!

Hi pamela - Sorry, but 9 degrees Leo + any minutes = 10 Leo. "Early morning dew sparkles as sunlight floods the fields."

Hi Alison - We're all affected in many ways by the four eclipses that happen each year. Lunar eclipses have an effect measured in months, while Solar eclipses have effects measured in years. Perhaps it is the end of the old uncertainty, which is a relief in itself, whether it turns out as we wish or not. I suspect it's time for both of you to see the dance differently, so it's resolved one way or another. Your Moon on his Sun is a powerful contact that shows a natural affinity. It's a bit wide to be considered conjunct your lights, but falling in the 7th it would show an old way of being equal or unequal is over, and you'll find a new way of shining your light in relationships that are more suited to who you are now than who you used to be.

Hi Eme - Given the lack of hard aspects in this eclipse, it should shut down old parts of your life while allowing you openings that help you see that you've made it through the night. It will certainly transfigure your life in dramatic fashion! Also, Jupiter in close triseptile to your Sun through October should be showing you important forks in the road of your expanding destiny in the house Jupiter transits.

Hi Amy - In your 5th house, you'll end old pleasures and ways of expressing yourself; in your Solar 6th house, you'll find new heart service as old work or ways of being subservient end. As was noted, you've mainly been dealing with Saturn opposite your Sun since last September, which has allowed you to mature in your interactions and move away from being controlled by circumstances or old fears in relationship.

Hi Catherine - You're entering a peak year, so you will be bringing many things to completion and find tremendous fulfillment. And as things complete, then we move forward into new things. As for how it could manifest conjunct the Ascendant, please read above what it did for me after 1989. Perhaps it marks the end and relief for your friend of the kidney problem, though it's almost impossible and not the best thing to do such detailed analyses in a comment stream.

Hi Lyzette - If you have Leo MC, then this eclipse will fall in your 9th, unless you have an extremely narrow 9th house. Welcome to new spiritual awarenesses that will bring transfiguration to your life. Accept any possibilities of higher education or travel, since these will also bring forms of relief.

Hi Mary - 10,000 things. An old form of expressing your uniqueness or genius is over, with a new way of externalizing your light to come. Expect new work, new service, new relationships with different motives than before. Your old comfort zones may be challenged, but take heart and play more. Try to apply yourself productively when you most want to make excuses, find grounded ways to express your genius, and try not to frame things as "either-or," but rather "both-and." Don't let wants and needs get confused, and use your organizational ability to compartmentalize your various life areas so one doesn't interfere with another.

Hi Ben - Well, as I wrote earlier it falls on my Ascendant, and the last time it did I entered a very enjoyable 18 year period of my life that opened many doors and changed my life and self image forever. Right now you're beginning a whole new long cycle which won't be clear until Autumn 2009. Go with your Saturn return changes, and reflect on how you're emotionally a much different person than you were even two years ago. This time is about leaving the old behind, and embracing "the unlived life" with all its possibilities. Please re-read my article on the Saturn return in the archives to find out more how to best greet what you're moving through the next two years.

Hi Shelly - It will affect your work and relationships. Of greater importance is you're going through the Saturn return which will change your sense of self and purpose forever. You also should read my article so you can use the time to best effect.


Hi Robert,

My MC is at 11 Leo 57. Would you translate this weeks eclipse to my chart as being H9 or H10? I have saturn conjunct pluto coming up on 22 August at 10 Virgo 18 also in H10 so I am mentally gathering myself in preparation for that one. Do you think these two events are going to be related?

Needless to say I have been reading a lot of excellent material on your site today!


Life is definitely about to change. I sometimes feel like I'm watching a big wave coming in but at others I'm not so sure. It feels like a shift to family, to domestic life, and less focus on myself and my own creative and intellectual interests. I would love to hear how you see it though Robert if you still get a chance.
Nov. 13, 1966, 10:53pm. Leo Asc (14°25') and a Sag Moon. Also, Leo in 12th house Natal Jupiter (04°23').
Have no idea what house the eclipse will be falling in either.
Namaste -


Thanks Robert for your help...i understand the essence of what you are saying but I dont have either a Leo or Cancer person in my life...but one thing is clear, all is changing and changing very rapidly.

Alison, you and I both have the same advice from Robert...wishing you well on your journey.




I was born 2-11-64 in Chicago, IL. I have a stellium of planets in Aquarius. I have been feeling neptunium effects for many years. I am ready for change. I have a 9 degree libra rising, a 5 degree Aqu moon in the 4th, 22 aqu degree sun, 23 aqu mars, and 25 aqu saturn in the 5th house. What do you suppose I might experience at eclipse phase. I have been a single parent since 2002. Life has been bogged down with little money and lots of responsibility. You think this might change??


I can see how that might be connected to finishing a graduate program and finally being done with school -- time to find new outlets of expression for all that stuff. Interesting about Venus... May you be blessed, Robert, thanks.


Would someone mind letting me know where this eclipse will fall in my chart? October 2, 1966 6:55 pm SD, CA. Thank you.


Robert - thank you so much! Time and again your kindness astounds me and more importantly inspires me. By consciously demonstrating the kindness you show i have become happier - i think because i connect with people on a deeper level than i used to and also because when i do that it's not all about me.
Concerning the eclipse and Saturn - what's interesting is that my job title and description are under review through our HR department and the determination should be announced soon. So we'll see how this all plays out (i'm very curious!)


Dear Robert,

Thank you so much. I feel like I am about to embark on a journey unlike others I have done. Of late, I am delving more on cancer/terminal diseases cure, treatment and rehab. Not for myself but for others. And everyday I discover something new to realize this dream. Yes, it has now become my dream and vision. Does it have something to do with my natal chiron configuration? Does a particular new relationship with somebody (April 18, 1969) triggered this desire to "heal" humanity? I find all this weird... These days things are happening so fast for me that sometimes it feels like I am holding a magic wand. I feel like some immense will of energy is at my fingertips and at the same time I am a little scared for fear of misusing it. I need guidance. I feel being close to a culmination of some sorts and I want to be doing the right thing at the right place and moment. Any thoughts and ideas would be helpful because I myself finds my circumstance a little far off character.



I have expected your comment regarding my friend's condition. I had hoped in my heeart of hearts that it would be something different. I phoned her a few minutes back and she seemed okay, she's having a dialysis session. She seemed happy. I just told her that I'm going to meet her in the middle of August and that she waits for me till then. It feels like saying goodbye but I am hoping that she has had enough love and comfort from her family and friends to see her through. Robert, thank you so much. You have touched my life.


I have been worried about this eclispe. Natal Uranus Leo in the 8th (33 degrees); natal sun in aquarius 2nd house at 8 degrees; transiting nepture in second. I am not quite sure how to understand the changes. Alot of medical issues surrounding family members that have been life threating but so far I have been fine. We will be on vacation on Aug 16th in FL and I was concerned about being away from home. Any light you can shed is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Patty


Thanks so much for the info and insights!!


Planetary positions
planet sign degree motion
Sun Leo 7°13'28 in house 12 direct
Moon Taurus 24°49'04 in house 9 direct
Mercury Cancer 17°41'16 in house 11 direct
Venus Virgo 12°36'02 in house 1 direct
Mars Scorpio 5°35'07 in house 2 direct
Jupiter Leo 13°37'25 in house 12 direct
Saturn Aries 12°25'57 in house 8 stationary (R)
Uranus Virgo 21°56'40 in house 1 direct
Neptune Scorpio 21°35'04 in house 3 stationary (D)
Pluto Virgo 18°55'53 in house 1 direct
True Node Taurus 2°04'35 in house 8 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Virgo 4°37'48
2nd House Libra 4°31'45
3rd House Scorpio 5°45'26
Imum Coeli Sagittarius 6°16'47
5th House Capricorn 5°38'08
6th House Aquarius 4°50'00
Descendant Pisces 4°37'48
8th House Aries 4°31'45
9th House Taurus 5°45'26
Medium Coeli Gemini 6°16'47
11th House Cancer 5°38'08
12th House Leo 4°50'00

Can someone shed some light on the effects of the solar eclipse on this. My birthday is on July 31st.


"And there shall be signs, in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars." From the bible. This total eclipse is the perfect image of that verse. And after all we have been through in the last ten years, I do wonder what will happen. Could be a hidden biblical date - "8 Month and First Day". Sign for the Lord. I do have a message for those that wonder about this date. Yes, it could be a very big date, but what is more important is the time immediately "after" this event. ** This is the key! ** It's what comes just after this date. So, watch what happens, "just after" and you will know what this eclipse means.

donna not many

Robert I have Uranus in Leo on my midheaven @9 degrees...what you think and Have to say bout that,things have been real intense since July 13th when I was falsely arrested and abused by the police for it is lawyers court and thousands of dollars! The day after returning from jamaica for a month doing humanitarian work. It has been very disturbing and physically very challenging..breathing isnt easy and having heart palpatations....


Hi Robert. I found this site today, after having a dream on Tuesday morning that was what I call a "world" dream. These are dreams that reveal effects that are on a worldwide level, far different from the average personal dreams I get. I am very attuned to the dream realms, but like most the information I receive tends to be local. In this particular dream which was very powerful, vivid and quite amazing, I was witnessing a spectacular sunset unlike any other seen before. I was in traffic, right where I live now (which is not in the full eclipse zone) with my husband stopped at a light. I was first to notice the brilliant sunset and noted all the amazing colors and changes that were unfolding. And then, unexpectedly to me at least, there was a moment (brief) of total darkness where nothing could be seen as if the eyes were closed as I viewed an eclipse. When the light appeared I looked around and saw that everyone was aware of it, that everyone was watching and were also amazed. There was not one bit of negativity in this event, and the dream proceeded back to the normal local realm. Yet the effect remained evident in everybody's consciousness, and overall it was a very positive and hopeful element of change that had just been ushered in. I was given indications that the eclipse would happen in the Northern hemisphere primarily. Well, I do not follow astrology closely but I did some searching on the web and found that this eclipse is set for Aug 1, 2008. I have been pondering what this might mean in general for a couple of days now and found your website this morning. I am very much intrigued. I have a chart but no idea what to do with it!

I thought I would post what I have received in spirit through my dreams and also ask for any information as to what this may specifically bring to me. While I have a general idea (I wrote in my dream diary that this symbolized absolute endings, a period of rest and contemplation and then a new beginning) what this is about I would greatly appreciate any other insight you can offer.

Thanks for this site! It is quite amazing and I intend to spend more time here 'learning'.



Pontiac, MI
5:57 pm


Hello Robert,
My birthday is August 15, 1960, born at 5:05 pm in Beardstown, Illinois. Could you tell me how this eclipse will affect me?
Thank you,



I was born on 4th Feb 1983 at 4:27 am, Friday, in Trikoilur, Tamil Nadu, India. Can you tell me what house it will appear and what effect it will have on me.

Thanks for taking time out to read my chart.

Best Regards,


Hi Robert,
Reading your blog has been instrumental in helping me cope with the intensity of the past 7 months...I have Leo rising at 24 degrees, with an Aquarius sun and a 5 planet stellium in Scorpio...all I know is that I have experienced the most intensive soul searching trying to find my higher self and associated needs and nothing is coming easily...many unexpected jolts in the road I felt would be so easy traveled by this time in my life...which directly relate to my two life goals which I have been working so hard to accomplish- relationships and career. Although I have had considerable tenacity and strength to accomplish all that I have such far, I keep encountering many hiccups hindering progress...which leaves me wondering what area of my life is being activated by the current astrological situation that I may or may not be addressing to allow for growth. Any suggestions available based on the info I provided? Even a short response would be so greatly appreciated....I am always regenerating and emerging anew from self analyses and the associated healing it provides...


Just to clarify my question above, most frustration has been associated with career (just graduated from college, I'm a single parent of a child I had in high school, severe economic struggles to overcome)had a job, which I had to leave because of serious moral conflicts and now I can't seem to break through whatever is going on no matter how I try to approach it (networking, advice, etc) I just wonder with this on top of the revisitation of persons that had once caused me deep emotionally pain in the past (all contacted me in a 2 month span, and it had been many years since last contact) which was very healing allowing me to let go and move on- what on earth is going on with this and any suggestions that could help to move toward the energy I need to attain this career I have toiled endlessly to pull myself and son out of a life of hopelessness and into one of inspiration and hope. (My NN is Taurus, MC is Aries- and I worked as a researcher in college- soil science, if that helps)


This article has helped me sort a few things out, Robert. A really intense and important friendship I have enjoyed for the last 8 years seems to be coming to an end. We supported each other through some very difficult transitions but something has shifted and I don't think either of us are nourished by the connection any more. The eclipse is falling exactly on my Sun-Moon midpoint and in my 7th house so I am trying to think of this as a necessary transition. On the one hand I am scared and sad but part of me also longs to let this person slip from my life, even though there is no overt 'reason' to do so. I cannot speak for her but some of our conversations lead me to suspect that she may feel the same way.

It is wonderful to have been able to read this article and the comments.


Hi all - Medical emergency came up for a friend. I can't answer comments for a while.


Hi Robert,

My name is Prabhavati, and my birth date is January 26th early morning. Could you please tel me what effect this solar eclipse has on me?



Hi Robert,

My name is Prabhavati, i was born on 26th January 1984 early in the morning. I am an Indian, stay in Bangalore, it comes in Asian country. Could you please tel me what effect this solar eclipse has on me?
(I had forgot to mention some information about me so mailing you once again)



What house did the eclipse happen for me?............DOB 02-08-1963.


Todays eclipse falls directly on my 10th house Leo moon, sextiles my 12th house libra mercury and trines my 2nd house venus/ chiron conjunction. My 10th house is intercepted with MC in late cancer. So Aquarius is intercepted as well, and encased in my 4th house.
I've considered what happened in 1999; 1989; considered home/ work; and simply don't know enough to look at these dynamics and figure them out.
Would you mind telling me what you see? Thanks

Mark M.

Hi Robert,

Here's my birth chart:

SUN position is 28 deg. 30 min. of Scorpio
MERCURY position is 9 deg. 04 min. of Scorpio
VENUS position is 25 deg. 49 min. of Libra
MARS position is 28 deg. 56 min. of Sagittarius
JUPITER position is 4 deg. 25 min. of Libra
SATURN position is 6 deg. 51 min. of Libra
URANUS position is 26 deg. 01 min. of Scorpio
NEPTUNE position is 21 deg. 31 min. of Sagittarius
PLUTO position is 23 deg. 06 min. of Libra
N. NODE position is 14 deg. 42 min. of Leo
EAST POINT position is 1 deg. 40 min. of Virgo
VERTEX position is 16 deg. 18 min. of Libra

Any tips / advice for the current year?


Hello Robert,
I am a leo, a fifth house Leo, with the Sun at 9 deg, Venus at 2 deg, and Mercury at 29 deg. Right across I have Saturn sitting at 20 deg Aquarius . . . If I understand correctly all the planets positions, this will put me right at the center of the epicenter. So am I to expect some sort of "nuclear explosion" in my life over the next six months? Or just a major reversal that will transform me. I was born August 2n, 1963, and I still struggle with finding my career. I have been successful everywhere else in my life but there...
I would love to have your two cents


Robert, sending good wishes for your friend, I hope he or she is okay. Thank you for all the eclipse insights, it's been wonderful to read.


I am born on 29th Oct 65 at 3.33 PM in India and am in USA Southern part what effects it will hav eon me?


Hi all - Again, too many questions to craft long answers, but I'll offer what I can.

Hi Carrie - It would be in your 9th house, but affect your MC. And yes, the two are related since the 9th prepares our 10th.

Hi Alexandra - It falls in your 12th, trine the Moon conjunct Jupiter. So you should receive rewards, and see what is closing that opens new motives affecting your self image, your creativity, and your power to attract your heart's desire.

Hi again Sangeeta - Sure. It doesn't have to be Sun in Cancer or Leo. We all have all the signs somewhere, and often planets occupy signs adjacent to our Sun. Or it could involve someone with a Moon in those signs, or ruler of their chart, or someone with a strong progression in those signs. And of course, it's always an inner issue.

Hi cathy - So this eclipse should bring about an end to old friendships and group work, while opening you to a more powerful form of personal service to a greater number. This will help your Aquarius Moon to find significant form of expression, while the coming Lunar Eclipse will propel you for many months into a new light/life and sense of purpose and responsibility. Expect lots of growth material to present itself over the next few months, preparing you for a new adventure next Spring. Opportunity will be all around you; you'll just have to figure out how and when to greet the guest.

Hi Quis - Yes, this would correspond to those things. And of course, thanks for the blessing. I do feel that way regularly.

Hi beingstill - It will fall in your Solar 10th house on the cusp of the Solar 11th. Depending on your rising sign and degree, it could also be either in your natal 4th or 5th house.

Hi donna - You're welcome. Glad I can pass it forward. May your job grow into your delight.

Hi Catherine - You're also welcome. The work you're moving toward is definitely heart strengthening, and I could see how the symbol would work both to and from you. It could definitely have connections to your Chiron. Perhaps a Sun in Aries is good for showing you a new pioneering beginning in your life, since our tribe usually shows up at beginnings. Immense will IS at all our fingertips if we will but use it wisely! Stop being afraid - fear will not help you wield the "wand of will." Only diligent and mindful focus is required, and some degree of detachment from our desires and suppositions. Our will can and should be the vehicle for Divine Will, but that requires tremendous self-surrender and setting aside ego to allow the Higher Self to practice the power of the Soul/Spirit. And of course, we all touch and are touched by the Spirit of Love we all share. Aum and blessings to your friend.

Hi Patty - Stop worrying as this eclipse will probably be liberating and relieving. Your Uranian genius should be awakened, and may be a more accurate expression of your light than before. Every loss will be an opportunity for regenerating your heart.

Hi Amy - You're most welcome.

Hi Suja - It will change your life forever in good ways. Your Soul will speak out in ways that your purpose understands and you can move into new directions rather quickly after early September. End what needs ending so that you can receive rewards for noble motive before now.

Hi Sam - Numbers can mean a variety of things. What matters more is our response to the challenge of growing into effective ways to serve suffering humanity.

Hi donna not many - It should bring the end of old legal hassles. Perhaps unexpected or innovative events will open new vision and resolve old problems. I would think it could mean a favorable resolution to the case, and maybe even take unusual turns to your advantage and relief.

Hi Katherine - Welcome to the site. Interesting dream, as "sunset" means all kinds of powerful things, especially when the following darkness is "total." Sounds like it could symbolize some of what confronts humanity. I've published quite a bit about what's up and coming, so enjoy picking through the archives. I do try to make it clear that I know we've got great times ahead after the storm clears.

Hi Patricia - You'll get major closure on an old way of relating to others. Expect the coming year to bring many things to completion, for good or bad, and continue to nurture the seed of understanding that began to appear this past year. Liberation awaits you later this year or the first half of 2009.

Hi Archana - This will affect all your relationships for the better as it falls in the Solar 7th. If you are Capricorn rising, then it falls in your 7th or 8th house, depending on your exact Ascendant. This will definitely affect the world you share with others.

Hi Jess - Glad what I write can be of help in coping with the general intensity. I'm sure you have found elements of your Higher Self, and of course distilling the power, love, and wisdom of that vehicle seldom comes easy, since authenticity only comes with the overcoming of the causes of suffering. Regard every challenge as opportunity to learn a skill and eliminate old karmas around ineffectiveness. The eclipse in the 12th ends old major cycles of motive and frustration, and usually brings rewards for heart strength and willingness when in Leo. As I noted before, the heart is a muscle that grows stronger through exercise. Take heart, steady things down, eliminate discontent, and be strong.

Hi again all - got to go right now. Back to answer more in this stream later.


Thanks Robert...that sounds really really good!! I needed to hear this.


Hi Robert,

Thanx a lottt! Thanx for making me feel special :o)


Hi Robert. i would really appreciate a few comments as well if you have time.

My birth details are 10 Nov 1978, 7:30pm, Ingham, Queensland, Australia.
(Scorp sun, gemin asc, pisces moon).

I believe the eclipse fell right on my Jupiter in Leo. I'm in the midst of my Saturn Return period and very confused about career and where to live.

A possible job offer did land in my inbox on the day of the eclipse which would require me to relocate. I arrived in the city I am in now right on the day of the 6-7 Feb eclipse in Aquarius. I had a mini-breakdown/intense'spiritual wounding' episode that day and all the months i've been in this new city have been rocky to say the least - housing difficulties, relationship and work issues. it's been a very lonely and trying time. I've had to go deep within to develop any sense of stability.

So I guess I'm wondering what the significance of these eclipses (the Feb and the Aug ones) are for me re location/sense of place. This is particularly significant to me given my Saturn return in Virgo.

Much appreciated.



My question is rather basic~ do you take into account more the degree of the eclipse or the houses ruled by Leo/Aquarius? Or both?

The eclipse falls in my 9th/3rd houses, though Leo/Aquarius rule the 10th and 4th. My house cusps are at 16 degrees, which I am thinking is past the orb of influence? I have planets in both houses, but not in the fixed signs. The only thing within the orb is my ascendant at 6 degrees Scorpio. Are any of these near-ish aspects worth considering or just near misses? Just trying to clarify! Thanks!


Hi cloudland - Many things are ending, but that just opens the door to renewals more appropriate to our evolved self. Relationships that don't nourish are usually bound to end. Glad you found value in the comments as well.

Hi Prabhavati - It will change your relationships in major ways. This is a year of major change for you, and whatever is ending is paving the way for a major new adventure or opportunity beginning Jan-Feb 2009.

Hi Luz - It fell in your Solar 6th house of work, health, and those who you serve or are of service to you.

Hi Jells - An old Lunar function will be shut down that will offer productive coordinations and understanding of what you like and don't. Expect public things to end that will provide you relief.

Hi Mark - Very productive year. Search for your place of greatest service. Get into the rigor that will help you train in your effectiveness. You're getting ready for 2010-2011.

Hi fredo - Not necessarily explosions or reversals, but more like a sense of relief when parts of your life end so that you can cooperate with your more playful/creative possibilities. Expect loss to provide you with space to fill. 45 is a turning point where you must mobilize to fulfill the vision of 44. Jan-Mar 2009 will mark a major shift.

Hi Lainie - They are okay, but of course, some people just don't know when to take it easy! And of course, you're welcome.

Hi Sam - It will provide relief in the public or professional sector. Expect work changes to benefit you in unique ways.

Hi Matt - Not surprising you are not clear at this time. Saturn teaches us patience. You'll find that at the end of this process you'll feel more relief than you presently know. An old Jupiter will be shut down, while you hit a fork in the road in terms of your potential futures. Sometimes an eclipse can shut down an old frustration and open a new life! Grow into a bigger picture, figure out what is ending forever, and embrace the unlived life. Of course, please re-read my article on the Saturn return, since it may be of assistance.

Hi Kerrie - Both, of course. The houses are the worldly affairs, the degree is the specific point in the larger cycle revealing its unique qualities. If 10 Leo falls in your 9th, then that's the area of primary influence. This eclipse will impact anything between 3-17 Fixed, so yes, this is worthy of consideration.


Hello Robert,

Since this is a Forum for knowledge on eclipses, I am concerned about my current astrology prediction regarding August 1, 2008 solar eclipse and August 16, 2008 Lunar Eclipse. Please communicate what effect it will have on me and my husband and our family (my parents).

Details about my husband:
DOB- 14-09-1975, Sunday, AT 21:45:0, Mumbai, India

Details about myself:
DOB- 29-04-1976, Thursday , AT 15:45:0, Sojat Road, Rajasthan,India

Looking forward to your response.



Dear Robert,

I have a two-part question. One part has to do with the influence of the current solar eclipse, 1 August, in relation to a Leo birth date generally. The second part relates to interpreting its influence more specifically to my situation.

I understand the importance of the arrival of a solar eclipse in one's own sign (mine is Leo). I've been told that the greatest impact of a solar eclipse is when the birth date falls with 4 days. Can you comment of the effects or degree of influence when it falls 7-14 days out?

My chart includes 8 Leos. I have had a very difficult five years professionally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially. I am currently being considered for a corporate position that could be a positive catalyst with a breakthrough for each. The decision will be made within the next few days to ten days. I want to make sure that I understand the implications of the eclipse so that I interpret events as they are intended, take advantage of its positive influence, and stay grounded whether I am selected for this specific opportunity or not.

I would very much appreciate your insights into both parts of the question and look forward reading your response.


Hi Lata - What you want would be impossible to address adequately in a comment stream. I certainly cannot make a statement regarding your parents. Briefly, your husband will end old friendships, goals, and ambitions, and go through changes in his life foundations. This is a turning point in his partnerships and sense of grounding in his life. You are also going to go through changes involving family and home life, and will no doubt be motivated by very different energies than before now. Apart from the eclipse effect, your husband is ending a major long cycle in his life, and will receive exactly what he is due for his efforts by later this year into next year. Please read my article on Saturn conjunct the Sun (Feb 11, 2008) to find out more. Jupiter on his Moon this year should bring beneficial feelings if he can work with his energies being curbed over the next 12 months and not yield to anger, impatience, or doubt. You are opening to new truths and a larger view of possible futures this year, as you also are ending a long cycle due to Saturn near your Ascendant. On a final note, you are a born world servant not bound to local circumstances. Restrictions should soon start to give way so that you can be more natural in your self expression by later this year, and by Feb 2009 you will be living a new set of goals, ambitions, and friendships. Namaskar!

Hi Barbie - Well, the greatest impact is if your Sun is within 7-9 degrees of the eclipse degree. It could take a variety of forms depending on when your birthday is, since that also often involves Mercury and/or Venus as well. All eclipses take things away, and this one will prove beneficial in helping us know we've made it through an ordeal we've been through before now.

I don't know how your chart could include "8 Leos," since there has not been a time with more than 6 planets in Leo in the past 60 years, and you included no chart info, which makes analysis difficult. I suppose if you include the Asc and Part of Fortune it's possible, but that could only occur at sunrise during a New Moon in Leo either 1947 or 1957. Life altering decisions should not be made on the basis of comment streams, and definitely not made unless you know precisely what influences are at work. In any case, Jupiter in Leo's 6th house of work trine to Saturn in Virgo occupying Leo's 1st or 2nd house of self/resources would seem to be a good indicator, but again, you gave me nothing to work with.


Hi Robert,

Going through a very hard time at the moment and was wondering if you could shed some light re: the solar and partial lunar eclipse. I was born on 27th March, 1970 at 1.40am in Ivanhoe, Victoria, Australia. Aquarian ASC, Aries Sun and Scorp moon, Have just broken up with my Aquarius Sun patner who I have been with for many years. The drugs he was addicted to finally made it unbearable for me. I realise that the solar eclipse was in my 7th house of relationships and the partial lunar eclipse coming up will fall on my ASC and my ex-partners Sun. Find it hard to let him go, was hoping you could shed some light.
Thanks so very much, Julie


Dear Robert,

Can you please look into the future of this relationship. Will this work long term? We've known each other for 6 years now.

Male DOB 26th Jan 1967/Time 10:45 Pm/Palai - India/ Sun in Aquarius,Moon in Leo
Female DOB 31st July 1967/Time 8:14 Am/Cannanore - India/Sun in Leo,Moon in Taurus



Hi Julie - This seems to be a time when people are rearranging who they're with and what they're doing. That is probably a good thing if there is a difficult future in those directions, as painful as it can be in the moment. Better to be able to grow into one's "truth of Being" than to live a life that has become "untruth."

Like me, you're a Sun in Aries, and when the dream is over, it's really over, so there is no going back to anything. There's no going back to anything anyway, but most forget that and try to recreate something that may not have existed to begin with, and certainly can never be re-done, since "the moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on...." Still, you may be able to establish a dialog to re-build whatever possible friendship there is, which is the only sound foundation for any relationship. Jupiter in your 12th shows protection in completions, and offers great wisdom if you can look at "the movie of your life" as an integrated whole. When it crosses your Asc next year, prepare for a new adventure, especially when Mars also crosses in Feb-Mar.

Hi Gopinath - What you ask is beyond a comment stream. Remember in this Mayic world "free will," for good or bad, is everything. If you both choose to grow into the long term journey and cultivate genuine friendship, affection, and respect for the similarities and differences, then it will work. While you are natural partners, both of you are seeking a type of freedom (with stability! - a paradox!) that will be realized over the long run. If you can dance together and separately, then I suppose it will work. By early 2009, you will know where each other's hearts are at.


I come and lurk on these pages. I don't understand any of it, but something in me imbibes something in here and a soothing takes place.

On August the 1st i had a shattering experience. in the immediate aftermath it became very clear that i was not susana but that i was the space in which susana appeared.
every little incident over the next 24 hours became clearly that i was the space and these were appearances. and with that there was no, no name, no body, no involvement.

having seen that so clearly i find myself being susana again and all the shit that that entails. along this life path i have been aware that i move from one side of the river of knowing to the other where there is unknowing, you know find it, loose it, find it ....
this cognition seemed final, and yet it was not.

i want to know if you can inform me in the simplest way what the planetary line-up for 27th August is. Someone mentioned very close to Mars, and two moons.
i so hope this means the end.....


Hi Robert, thanks so much for your wisdom and insight. Interesting Jupiter in my 12th house, I am certainly reviewing the 'movie of my life' and am saying to myself "the pattern stops now!!". Thanks so much fellow Aries (only wish you had a Scorp Moon and could give me some advice on how to handle these intense emotions!!).
Thanks again, and much love, Julie


First Robert, I would like to Thankyou for having this website. Its truely has helped me since 2006 in understanding what I had been going through was part of the "Grand Irriationality."
Since 2006 I've died and been reborn, to only die to be reborn again! Old traumas, old hurts, wounds, and sorrows from childhood had errupted in my life. I was finding myself. I went into a spiritual seclusion for almost 6months. In 2007 I left my apartment and went on a "Healing Journey" drive across the United States that changed my life! My values has changed, my philosophy has changed, my friends has changed, my sexuality has changed, my family has changed... and somehow I knew with these coming eclipses I knew I wasn't done yet! My life had been stripped down to nothing to only slowly rebuild where I am now.
I have Venus at 3° 49’ Leo; and Saturn at 26° 12’ Leo. It seems obvious that whatever the universe has it store for me, it's not done yet! When will I learn to Live and Let Live!!

My DOB is 06/19/78; Baltimore, MD.
Sun 27° 51’ Gemini
Moon 8° 38’ Sagittarius
Neptune 16° 35’ Sagittarius
Venus 3° 49’ Leo
Saturn 26° 12’ Leo
Jupiter 13° 08’ Cancer
Mercury 4° 00’ Cancer
Mars 2° 59’ Virgo
Pluto 13° 51 Libra
North Node Libra
Uranus 12 42 Scorpio

Any insights on what the universe is asking of me? I'm at another Fork in the road, especially as far as relationships and children are concerned.
Thankyou so much.

Ps. May u always be inspired, to light the way for us to see.




I don't know if I am seeing it correctly but these posters really expect a lot from you.
If you need a break come join me for a walk around the garden.
I will put on the kettle.


Hi Susana - Lurking is fine. I'm sure you understand more than you think. We all do! Sounds like you had a moment of ego-transcendence. Treasure it. We are who we are, and yet have the ability to be that which we've never been or imagined. All it takes is a New York minute. The line up involves planets in late Virgo square Pluto. Don't know what two Moons is all about. It's a greater end than many suspect but every ending is followed by a beginning. That's the way cycles work. Will definitely take time to walk in the garden. Sometimes people just don't read the guidelines for commenting, or ignore them. In any case, thanks for the invite.

Hi Julie - Jupiter in 12th can bring major rewards and an expansive view of our movie. I have Moon in Aquarius which anchors Scorpio energies, so I show the taproot. Try a stable genuine friendliness toward self and others that easily detaches from stuck feelings.

Hi Olivia - You're welcome. Glad it helps you make sense of what doesn't make sense. We've all "escaped from a narrow destiny" since 1996, as well as gone through a Sun-Mars cycle since then. The latter topic is tomorrow's post. "Live and let live" is not really a Mutable thang - more like a Fixed ideal. Go for the quest this year, a larger dream and vision, and you may just find a form of the Ageless Wisdom. Get clear about the roles you might be able to play on the world stage, and start using the energies that are now back in play.


Here's something interesting. I had found my soulmate, a woman who I've had MANY past lives with and was in a realtionship with her for almost two years. The night before the August 1st 2008 solar eclipse we suddenly broke up. I felt like I had to stand up for myself, that the relationship was one-sided with her controlling things and getting her way. We tried a reconciliation and it just made things worse and now I feel like it SHOULD be done. But, when I looked at the upcoming January 26th solar eclipse, I noticed that it lands within MINUTES of our composite Chiron in the 7th house. I've tried to find some info on what this could mean and haven't been successful. My sense is that it could be highly positive.

My natal: Mar 4th 1955 9:29 AM Chicago, IL
Her natal: July 5th 1956 12:12 PM Evanston, IL


Hi Meho - A being usually does "break up" with a Soulmate, since they are here to bring forth an unconditional Love. Your "Twin Flame" would never require that you "stand up for yourself" in a way that would break the two of you up. Twin Flames are not about control issues, and such a thing would never be an issue more than a moment or two.

I'm sure you haven't found anything about Chiron relative to your search, since it's very specific in scope. Please consult my archives for the possible eclipse effects on planetary conjunctions. Usually eclipses remove things forever, so as it falls in your 7th, perhaps you can heal into your Higher Self in relationships after the coming lunation.


Dear Robert,
I returned to read this post as per your advice, then i went to check the charts. There are some unclear things related to the effects of eclipses.

As you said "Wherever this eclipse falls in our charts is where we can expect long term endings...". Ok this eclipse fails exactly on my mars. Now going to the other eclipse from jan 2009 it is oposing the august 2008 eclipse, and there are only few months between these eclipses.
How exactly they mix their effects?
I started to focus and to do some personal studies on these eclipses,so any help from you would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.



Hi Suryamukhi - What you want involves the Art of Synthesis, something way beyond a comment stream. Integrating opposing, similar, harmonious, and frictional tendencies across eclipses is a huge field of study. Different things are shut down and different things introduced by each eclipse. Why not go back to eclipses past and within the duration of each, figure out what happened subsequent to those eclipses? That could provide you with a personal pattern. Then perhaps observe others' lives you know from those periods and extrapolate what happened or didn't happen to them within the same evaluative criteria. That could yield personal and impersonal insights.


Hi Robert and thanks for reply. Indeed you rightly said Art of Synthesis, this is what i want to do. I will follow your advice and will observe others chart also to see what happen and to get some conclusions.
Best wishes.

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