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Excellent news! :D


Looks very promising. Now, I wonder what effect this has on the election? Who do you predict to win? (I'm betting on Obama, pretty much because of Saturn on the rise in his Northern Hemisphere.)


This SU/SA trine JU is happening on my Virgo MO (H2) ... I'll try and offer a snapshot when the apex is over, but for the moment I can report that I'm getting cozy with self-containment and good boundary setting for the first time in my life and it feels super fabulous. I suspect there will be some interesting constraints and adjustments required of me, maybe even some painful transitioning, but I feel strangely capable to deal. "When Things Fall Apart" by Pema Chodron strikes me as a good companion volume.


I've been waiting for Jupiter and the Transpersonals to go direct for so so long. I feel like my life, an ever-parallaxical spiral of increasing novelty, has become an intermission in the past few months. Necessary as i've used this period for stationary relaxation, nutritionalizing, and healing...i'm wondering Robert with my Sun at 17 Capricorn and my Jupiter at 7 Scorpio what is in store next, i've moved back home since may to recoup from the over-frying of my existence in Colorado and i'm feeling antsy for the next phase to get a going...i've premonitioned that as planet's go direct so will I.

Many thanks.


Hi Jilly - Sure. The trine should be good for many in diverse ways. Speak with you soon.

Hi Valerie - Well, in an honest election Obama would win in a landslide, but there are still widespread vote machine "malfunctions" that have not been corrected even though the Repub companies that own them have been given as much as 6 years to fix them. In 2004-06 I blogged extensively on the multiple ways they can be hacked. Still, hope springs eternal that somehow we'll get some semblance of an honest election.

Hi Windsor - Saturn on the Moon is very good for understanding healthy boundaries and deepening the emotional nature. Jupiter should certainly be showing you how to reorganize your life and habits to make them more stable, responsible, and able to provide a practical container for renewed work effectiveness. You've already done the radical work when Uranus opposed your Moon. Now you get a new structure of your own choice with which to take care of yourself and others from a much saner perspective.

Hi Damien - Well, really, it hasn't been THAT long since they were direct, and the RX period has been good for different perspectives on how to handle the on-going practical revolution. And no doubt your adventure in self-transcendence has already shown you signals with Mars, Venus, and Mercury all trining Jupiter in recent weeks. I would think that mid-October will be a turning point, with Jupiter on your Sun and Mars on your Jupiter. Enjoy the new world opening before your eyes. Be diligent, TCB, and open to what would seem to be some fairly radical opportunities. Even small beginnings can turn your life toward major positive developments.

Wild Horse Running

Mi amigo...

wow....a recent expierence brings to mind a reply you sent to me...ref my Pisces on my 6th house. After my Mother passed away in 97..(she a western healing modality/Nurse/Gemini) interest in Body-Mind-Intuitive's(Carolyn Myss-Louise Hay-John E. Sarno "The Divided Mind") became very strong. Recently I have been observing many changes within my persona...ability to control/discipline old repetitive patterns. Also recently, I had a physical "symptom", which brought my attention to another issue. First went through the regular "channels" of health care...and received medicine, which made me almost sick...(I have been to massage therapy school...and am a certified herbalist) discarded the favor of alternative therapies. And then "decided" that maybe the issue was my body trying to speak to me...and as I searched for answers as to what this issue was about...(and certain people in my environment were mirroring it back to me) I realized that I needed to change my attitude/and behavior
ref this. The physical symptom has gone, once I made that decision, and have been acting on it. The issue-symptom was a 3rd house...communication/ability to speak issue.. assertion vs aggression...and I have been "handicapped in that area"..(3rd house saturn)and I think I have been "asleep" most of my life.
I believe the alarm clock is starting to ring, or has been ringing for a is now getting louder and I am unable to ignore it.



It HAS FELT long.


Hi Robert - really motivating article. Nice. So we should pay attention as to what we really want and it will be time to act since Pluto slowly but surely will take us there, and Jupiter - strong influence! I am all excited here. Not afraid of changes, since if they are to come, they will. I love discipline of September. I don't know what it is in my chart, but having a plan is good. 1, 2 and 3. No plan - I really don't want to wake up in the morning. Motivation, plan and action is good. Puts a smile on your face. Change is good. Challenge is awesome! Great article, THANK YOU!


I am looking forward to September, not only for the reasons you pointed out, but also Saturn will conjunct my Pluto for two weeks - once in 30 years' occasion/opportunity! and I just landed in a new country that I adore! While staying on my path, I feel I very much need a new, out of the box thinking, acting, believing, and trusting. Hope Saturn + Pluto help me find the way in.


Clarifying my comment above, its just felt like life has definitely been heading in a backward direction. Thanks for your response!!! :)


Hi WHR - It's a true breakthrough when a person can observe the fluxes of this world as though happening to a different being than the observer. This is the beginning of mastering dispassion, which as you know is the antidote to the mental affliction of aversion, the source of much suffering. Also good that you're observing how the body's shifts can lead to other integral awarenesses.

I also cannot trust allopathic medicine and its "cures," since they've almost killed me several times in the past (literaly!) I used to be an herbalist some decades ago, and am definitely in favor of "alternative" approaches to restoring homeostasis. Often changing one's point of view will result in physical changes, though I'm somewhat alarmed by the prevailing notion that simply affirming something means it MUST happen, a la "the secret," aka the power of affirmations and thought-form building. If we affirm something that isn't true within our Dharma or hologram, it won't manifest. But in yhour case, it sounds like a natural focus of Self realization, thus results come quickly.

As one who has often been suspected of being "too aggressive," remember that the difference between assertion and aggression is often in the eye of the beholder, and Venus is prone to mistake Martian energies as being too whatever. I also have Saturn on the border of the 2nd and 3rd, so also know of that need for control of the mind and speech, and the need to learn discipline and patience regarding 3rd house matters. We have many mansions in our personality, and while we are occupied in some of the rooms, we also sleep in some rooms until we awaken to the need to open the windows and blinds and let some sunlight in.

Hi Damien - Einstein once explained how we feel time relatively this way. "When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours. That's what is meant by relativity." That's why we feel time differently based in where our heads and hearts are at. As we learn to master this, we can move through time without getting hung up on faster or slower anything and enjoy the ride watching the weird scenes inside the gold mine.

Hi Larissa - This is a time when having prepared, we can now move forward with practical confidence. A really grounded time!

Hi Mari - Well, Saturn has actually been influencing your Pluto for the past year, and will continue to for at least another year plus. The point of focus for you is September, but truly your Pluto has been restructuring for quite a while and you'll get to practice the form for some time to come. "Out of the box" thinking is required by the larger tides of irrational change. Glad you're enthusiastic about your new home, since that is always beneficial to enjoying the journey. Perhaps Saturn has shown you the transformation, and you're in the heart of it right now. In other words, Saturn's influence has been, IS, and will continue to help you through your own willingness and discipline to become the authority of your mature experience, and you're now freed from old chains. Welcome to a new life!


This is all fascinating. Is there a difference when the aspect says Pluto retrograde is conjunct another planet in declination? What is the difference between an aspect with or without declination? And what is the correct preposition to use?


Hi Annette - Declination has to do with whether a planet is parallel or contraparallel another. They both intensify, and the former acts like a conjunction (both planets north or south parallel) while the latter acts like an opposition (one is north declination while the other is south declination.) I hope this helps clarify, since the study of declinations is very important in understanding overlooked but important transit patterns. They are far stronger than most suspect.

wild horse running

tks for the insight...the symptom has "shifted"...not sure what the outcome will be...but the realization of weaknesses that need to be strengthend....passive-aggressive springs to mind...I am awakening to how/when/why I speak...and if it is an unconcious repeated comfortability that I have become "stuck" at. It has been "easier" for me to avoid/ignore/hold in...true preference to pleasing others...than the pressure cooker effect kicks in...and the aggressive/rude lower manifistation of mars shows up. I am attempting to find the balance between the two. Somthing has happened in the last 2 years...that when somthing about someone irritates me..and I figure out why, I am able to admit that I may have that quality "hidden within me"...I am still working very hard on letting that part of me go...I had a dream where I was told, I needed to let go of "Being right-having the last word-telling others what to do"....and needed to learn to LISTEN....and that "You must let go of one thing, to attain another".......the people in my environment are holding up a big mirror, and the pressure is escalating alot this week.....Dreams 4 years ago, showed me the possibilities/results...I just didn,t get that I would have to expierence.... "chaos-harmony through conflict" ....soul ray of get to that place....and patience (another non-strength) would be part of the lesson also.




Thank you -- when aspects have either north or south declination effects with each other, do they effect everyone? Are there declination aspects happening now?

I assume that if one's chart has other relationships with the declinated (declined?) aspect, it's like a double- or triple-word score in scrabble. It must be stronger, yes?



Dear Robert, a good friend has put me onto your site which is a sheer delight after investigating many other sites, including from reputable astrologers. I would love to have a personal interview, however I am in the Uk. I have noticed that you have kindly commented on other peoples dilemmas, so if it's not too much to ask to take a peep at my chart, I would realy appreciate it, as this was possibly the worst year for me, ( and I've had a few of those) My details are 31.7.54 budapest circa 2am. I feel the worst is over, but not really out of the woods yet. Many thanks either way.


Hi Robert - good. Time for new things, so tired of old. Suffocating. Personal and professional changes would be just great. So tired of being unsatisfied and unfulfilled. I am ready. I know any change is a challenge, getting used to new is not easy, not for me anyway, but I love it, otherwise my brain is going to fall asleep. Thank you.


Hi Robert - Is September 12 (or 3 days around it) carry some sort of revelation of a secret the universe wanted Aries to know? What will be that time? Thank you.


Hi WHR - Awareness of our speech helps us give voice to our hearts rather than live on autopilot. If all of us said only what was true, good, and/or beautiful, the world would change in a heartbeat. Even if it were harsh, unvarnished, and pointed, as long as it was true or useful in some way we would still be better off than mouthing the tapes that no longer work or cannot bring us our heart's desire. Sometimes "rude" is actually the truth coming out in an indelicate way. I've certainly been known for being blunt, but at least people know they can expect me to tell the truth as I see it the best I'm able. One can be both rude and diplomatic at the same time if you know how to hold that paradox. Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes comes to mind as an example. While it's true that often we're annoyed by qualities within us we behold in another, it is equally true that some things are not tolerable AND we do not have them within us. Child abuse springs to mind along with a thousand other odious traits. As for letting go, yes, we cannot be given jewels if we are holding on to pennies. And harmony through friction is the keynote to the 4th Ray, the bridge uniting the Higher Self and the lower self where we balance the pairs of opposites. Glad you're where you're at. The threshold of Eternity beckons.

Hi Annette - Yes. Parallels and Contraparallels can be noted by referring to an ephemeris. They occur transit to transit, transit to natal, transit to progressed. They do tend to intensify whatever else is going on.

Hi AA - I hope the changes were satisfactory. Wouldn't want anyone to feel overexposed here. Thanks for your praise of the site. Personal sessions are easy via phone, tape/digital recordings, and paypal. Life is very much easier in the 21st century. The recent Solar eclipse should be very fortunate for you these next couple of years and let you know you've made it through the night. You began a long cycle in 2005-2006, and since then have been redefining yourself on your own terms. Saturn on your Venus just shows you're learning what you can get along without, so you can be blessed with things more appropriate to your likes and dislikes at this time in your life. Go deeper, let go of old vanities and people no longer a reflection of who you have become, and since Pluto is almost off your Mars, consider yourself purified. Uranus in your chart has been put under pressure by the Grand Irrationality, so please read articles connected to that phenomenon. This past year has been the end of whatever you began back in 2003. You're still learning if it works it's true, and if it no longer works it's not true for you, regardless of all other factors. Go inward, go deeper, seek a broader understanding and compassion, and you'll have a whole new way of flowering solidified by next year.

Hi Larissa - We all stand on the edge of change. As for September, it's not exclusive to Aries. It's a major point of shift for all signs. Everyone gets to share in this blessing.


Hi robert,
I have been visiting this site for a number of years and have taken much knowledge away with me each time.
but this is my first comment.
in the past 3 weeks i have had a car accident, turned 40 the day after, then lost my job the day after that
12-13-14 th August.
i am also about to "go through" saturn conjunct pluto.
My son also had a serious bowel opperation in late may and i lost a job becouse of that then too.
i was born as a love child (vietnam R&R baby), 13 th August 1968 at 10.30am North Sydney Australia.
i feel lost.
i've read as much as i can on it including astrodienst(Robert Hand)
I just really am feeling dodgy, unmotivated and ;lost
I am Truly blessed to have my son healthy now and not to be hurt in the car crash but is this how it's going to keep going...sorry for the long post but i'm in the poo as they say.
Cheers A


Sounds good this earth perspective (i have an earth pyramid in my natal chart moon-mercury-uranus/pluto). I am curious how the transiting planets will activate natal planets.
Great and very accurate article even for beginners in astrology. Thank you, Robert!

Sue Moon

This article is just so uplifting to me, thanks. Sometimes the wisdom in your explanations takes all the fear out of change. I have Neptune 11 Libra in the 8th and Sun 24 Libra in the 9th. And the Mercury RX at 23 Libra feels rewarding to me. Your article confirms the feelings I've been having about greater success in my field of energy medicine.
Any observations by you are greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much Robert, I hope you feel the love that flows from everyone's post, I certainly do.

wild horse running

me again...somthing broke through yesterday...Mercury square pluto? I have been an escape artist...neptune in the 1st? Oppossing Sun/Moon...5 planets fixed...or all of it... I am seeing or maybe feeling for the first time the results of my "perfecting" escape ...the chasing after desires..with a totally blind eye to the road I was running down. "This part of me" has been in control all of my life...I picked up an astrology book on Uranus opossition Chiron recently...and found that many with this aspect...have difficulty being grounded...I at least got an "A" in that class... I have chased after every pretty red balloon...and it has led me to a dead end. I have put myself in a situation, where I can,t run anymore, and am very restricted...(hopefully for the reason of finally seeing what I have been doing)....and that maybe this last 2 years was the necessary requirement (how hard-headed can I be!!!!!)for me to "surrender-sacrifice" my desires. I feel like I have been stumbling around in the dark for all my life...and someone just turned the lights on, and I am in a prison cell.

Woody Allens new movie...Vicky-Christina-Barcelona....spoke to me...about the things we do to please others/or because we are not strong enough to please/take care of ourselves...even when our inner voice is screaming at us....

Thanks for your ear...:-)


Thank you Robert for your prompt and helpful answer as well as your practical help. You must be working in your sleep to keep up with the demands of replies and posting new articles. Bless you for all your contributions.

wild horse running

Robert..Thank you for your last response, Im also noticing that Im starting to Listen, as I see from your response that I was not clear in my communications ref...things that irritate me, and me having that quality "hidden within". I was speaking in ref to communication presentations. I have become very aware recently of how "people present themselves, communicate and how it makes me feel". Example...aggressive speech, name calling, bullying, attacking, sarcasam, tone of voice, intimidation tactics. That is the background I came from...however somthing is shifting within, and I cannot tolerate it, feel that there is no need for it....and realize (in my opinion) that it speaks to me of emotional immaturity. I have been "blunt-rude" but if I look at it closely, I was taught to value power, in dominating others.
I have had much 'teaching" recently on dealing with rude/irritated/demanding/angry the beginning, I returned the same 'attitude-energy", only to find that I was being controlled by others, and was not choosing how I would conduct myself, allowing them to pull me into conflict, then taking that energy out on someone else. Recently Im finding the ability to stay detached/calm and control of my emotions/responses...and then I notice that their response sometimes softens..."There is strength in Softness"..Do not mistake kindness, for weakness"...It is much easier to "hear another" dependent upon the delivery...

It seems that "feeling" is opening in my life...or I have switched to that form of processing information...and as I feel how someone treats me, it makes me very aware of how I am speaking to/treating others.

This also helps me to understand about "listening to others"...and to be Clear about what/how I say things and how it might be percieved...because if I want people to hear me, I need to be able to communicate in a way, that causes the least resistance.

grasias amigo..:-)


HI Adrienne - Sorry about the recent misfortunes, and of course very happy that your son healed quickly and you weren't hurt in the accident. 40 turns you inward to seek new understanding and deepen your values preparing for what begins at 42. You've actually been beginning to move into the Saturn conjunct Pluto since last Autumn. You didn't lose the job because of Saturn. You lost it due to real world conditions which may or may not been anything personal. Saturn simply shows the time to find a new structure for life conditions symbolized by whatever it touches while letting go of enslaving conditions associated with that planet.

You're a very strong and noble being who is here to learn to listen and follow through on what nurtures you. You have a very complex emotional nature that is forcing you into a totally new way of feeling and experiencing this lifetime. You're extraordinarily bright, fairly lucky when you stop allowing doubts, criticisms, and negative thinking to blunt your momentum, and learn not to underestimate yourself or allow yourself to be taken for granted. Pluto in a Grand Fire Trine in your chart has certainly blessed you with purifications you've been able to understand, and the coming Jupiter station should help you move forward in practical stabilizing ways. Count your blessings, since your chart shows quite a few of extraordinary potential.

Hi moon2lightshadow - They will form numerous interactions too numerous to elaborate on in a comment stream, since different natal charts will have different aspects and different house rulers. The art of synthesis can take lifetimes of study.

Hi Sue Moon - You're welcome. Change is inevitable, so it's up to us to learn to steer our boat while enjoying the ride as much as possible. That's why fear is a useless thing, even if a dangerous disease. Your Neptune and Sun are about to go through some interesting changes, especially given the Venus conjunct Mars so close to both. You'll see new ways of doing what you discover in the next few months when they're conjunct next year in Aries exteriorizing the Libra initiatives. Probably learning multiple interrelated pulses on more subtle levels, different balances and rhythms in physiology, and more natural "half steps" to restoring health and homeostasis. Maybe using forms of art and beauty in programming the mental and emotional bodies, since these are the originators of all dis-ease. The body is merely the vehicle to deliver the effects. The cause is never in the physical. Thanks for passing it forward, since we're all smarter, stronger, and more connected together than we are separately.

Hi WHR - Surf well! You'll still be you as you do this wave, but you can easily drop old patterns and become your ideal as it constantly changes this lifetime. Neptune in the 1st challenges you to like yourself despite the occasional lack of clarity and rest easy in the infinite ocean of consciousness that is truly the lap of Divine Mother energy. Desire is fine as long as it's directed to Higher ends, and we have the self discipline and reasonableness so that we don't get attached to whatever. I have Uranus opposition Chiron natally, and I'd like to think I can get grounded when it's necessary. That aspect shows individuation through healing into the Higher Self and the ability to bring that resolve and balanced "tension of opposites" when we find ourselves hanging out with others who have problems associated with those energies. To address the next comment, some of us MUST stand up to bullies to put a counter vibration into the social situation. I tend not to have much patience with disrespect or nastiness, but have learned how to say what must be said as diplomatically as possible, or with humor. Taurus energies help us deal with intimidators. That's the part of us that can smile, sit down, and just say no. We do get to dominate our own affairs. It's called dominion, the positive expression of Saturn. We just need to make sure our agenda is steering our boat toward our Higher Self. Sometimes that means being calm and cheerful when embracing conflict, other times when steering away from conflict. And truly, many conflicts can be prevented as we learn to model compassionate behaviors and expressions.

Hi AA - You're most welcome. We do what we can. Now if only I could clone myself!;-)


Hi Robert - is September 12 going to be stressful and why? Thank you

wild horse running


Much is happening...the standing up to bullies issue is making itself clear. The "physical symptom" I told you about has created a situation where I see how I have avoided doing just that in the past. Escapist tendencies...and it is time for them to be discarded.

Thank you for the conversation, which has brought much to the surface of awareness....which now demands action of a new kind. :-)


Hi Larissa - Based in other comments, you seem to be hung up on Sept 12 as being stressful. Apart from Sun opposition Uranus, which happens every year, why are you preoccupied with that day in particular? Any given day is stressful for some, not for others, unless it's a world changing event. Even then, some are stressed less than others. 9/11 didn't seem to stress Bush who sat for quite a while not reading a non-existent book he was holding upside down.

Hi WHR - As the layers peel off, you'll find yourself lighter, clearer, and more focused on what truly matters. As the forms melt away, you'll be able to contemplate many things as an interconnected whole which will lead to a new sense of yourself as a Spirit in the material world. Then everything you do will be magic. Just remember to enjoy the ride....


Hi Robert - you are right. I should not be hung up on that date, its just around Sept 15, a full moon. Some sources (i should not be reading some newspapers) say murphy's law will prevail around that date 12-15, or a secret will come out in the open. I hope not. You know, I am a woman and i guess easily influenced when i see something like that. as for W - yep - piece of work. I think when the person is dumb, even cosmos refuse to deliver the message to such. there is no entrance. i hope history can erase... I am sitting here, listing my Sept priorities, time to be back on track. Vacation is over. Thank you for all your guidance.


Hi Larissa - Yes, generic sites, including newspapers, do not have very accurate astrological prognostications. While they occasionally hit something that seems spot on, usually it's just haphazard associations. That's why when I did my column years ago, I took a totally different approach. I would think both lights square Pluto at the Full Moon would bring out some "hidden" things, but there are a thousand other possible effects depending on where this falls in our chart. Wouldn't think women are more or less susceptible to persuasion than men. Yes, Dubya's mind is a closed book filled with blank pages. We can only pray he leave history's stage before starting yet another war for his neocon friends.


hi Robert - i agree. I don't bthink the world has seen more embarrassing figure. So much damage... so sad.

Paul Mayo

Hi Rob (& Larissa too). I haven't posted before but I've often been sent links to your site by my wife, who is a great fan; this page was one she forwarded to me.
As regards President Bush, I recall exactly where I was on the day he was first elected - trading on stocks through an internet site. I posted a paragraph of comment on him on that site, suggesting that Mr Bush would just about get through his term of office ok, but would sow a trail of disaster that would take generations to unravel, and that he would later come to be acknowledged as the worst American president in history. I was shot down in flames by other traders who thought I should give him a chance - and how could I possibly claim to know that stuff anyway, as nobody knows the future? However, I knew my charts and 'stuck to my last'.
I'd love to think that one or two of those traders did remember what I said, but I doubt it somehow. We all remember what fits our current reality and dismiss the rest, though some of us tend to slide those spikey, uncomfortable bits into a mental holding bay until it does fit somewhere. Mercury-cnj-Pluto types do that (like me...and President Bush).
Very nice site, wish I had time to read more of it. Like your philosophy, Rob.
All the best, Paul


Hi Paul - Well, yes. As Paul Simon once sang, "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest...." At times I suppose we all are Cassandras for those in our world with their heads in the sand. When I was a fairly well known and respected political blogger back in 2002-2006 I posted a LOT on the Greenland ice sheet melt, as well as the thinning of the Ross and Larsen ice shelves in Antarctica. That was before "An Inconvenient Truth." Of course, I was mocked and flamed as a deluded hysteric. Now it seems that everything I posted then was me being the canary in the coal mine. People with well-trained strong Mercury-Pluto contacts can spot the seeds of coming things with amazing accuracy. Got your email. Yes I am very concerned, not just for that time, but for quite a few other points as well.

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