by Robert Wilkinson
Soon we'll have the second Lunar Eclipse of 2008 at 25 degrees of Leo-Aquarius on 2:16 pm PDT August 16, which is August 17 in Asia and points east. Since Full Moons fulfill the energies of the previous New Moon, this Eclipse will sprout the seeds of the August 2008 Solar Eclipse. Both eclipses are shutting old ways of life down forever (as all eclipses do), leaving us space to embrace the new already waiting for us. These eclipses will shine a light on closures, courage, and creativity, offering us a chance to manage social-emotional energies that show our willingness to embrace "alien ideas."
This Lunar Eclipse is partial, but is still a very important influence wherever its shadow falls. This eclipse will be seen in South America and some of North America as well as Western Europe, Africa, and western Asia, as well as in east Asia and Australia. Expect the Moon's disk to be some dramatic colors, depending on where you are.
From NASA, we are told that the color and brightness of the totally eclipsed Moon can vary considerably from one eclipse to another. Dark eclipses are caused by volcanic gas and dust which filters and blocks much of the Sun's light from reaching the Moon. But since no major volcanic eruptions have taken place recently, the Moon will probably take on a vivid red or orange color during the total phase.
The total phase of a lunar eclipse is called totality. At this time, the Moon is completely immersed within the Earth's dark umbral shadow. After the total phase ends, it is once again followed by a partial eclipse as the Moon gradually leaves the umbral shadow. This one will never get to "total," but it still will have major effects on all of us, and especially on the nations where its shadow falls.
The partial eclipse lasts about 3 hours 8 minutes, implying this Eclipse will be a very strong influence for just over 3 months. Like the February 2008 Lunar Eclipse, these are intense transitional periods of a period of months that clear things out of our lives, and especially our past (the Moon), so we can get prepared for the wild ride of 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013.
This Eclipse will help us focus our self-sufficiency in facing some "hostile element" from our past, and we will build spiritual strength in dealing with it. We can choose, using volition, what responses we will show, rather than yield to old instincts.
Of particular note is that this Lunar Eclipse will express energies set into motion at the February 2008 Solar Eclipse at 18 Aquarius. This is because in this coming Eclipse both Chiron and the North Node are at 19 Aquarius, while Neptune is at 23 and the Moon is at 25 Aquarius. All of these are within the zone of the February 2008 eclipse influence, so we should be getting more signals as a result of what was unveiled between then and now.
Before we go into more details about this eclipse, this illustrates how we can still be heavily influenced by prior eclipses, even those dating back to 2007 and prior years. You can find more about the eclipse effects for 2001-2006 by going to the link at the end of this article.
There are even influences between eclipses. For example, the Lunar Eclipse of March 2007 fell very close to the Lunar Eclipse of September 2006 at 15 Pisces-Virgo and continued some long lasting patterns of change. Examining the Virgo-Pisces eclipses of the past couple of years can yield interesting insights as to how the polarizations of this axis manifest. These will have their influence echoed by Venus in this coming Lunar eclipse.
Of extreme importance is the Mars position at 29 Virgo in this August 2008 Lunar Eclipse. This will no doubt set into motion anew much that was indicated by the September 2006 and March 2007 Solar eclipses, both of which made the final degrees of the Mutable signs hot as firecrackers! And don't forget that the Solar Eclipse of September 2007 is still very powerful and an influence in our lives. Go to the link to find out more about that eclipse, as well as two articles on the Lunar Eclipse of September 2007.
For now, here are a few paragraphs about the eclipses in 2006-2007 that may help you understand why so many things have changed in the past two years as they did. They've been edited for brevity:
... expect unexpected events to revolutionize your life. Those pitting their little will against the Higher Law or the greater evolutionary trend will crash through abrupt and unexpected explosions... Those who have prepared to escape from "a narrow destiny" can do this through rising to some duty, and be joyous in "enlisting in a task which broadens the life horizon"... That 2006 Autumn Full Moon Eclipse yielded major transformations. The line of greatest development was in honoring our unique way of responding to the Divine Will and finding inspiration in new routines and rituals. For some, a liberating ordeal. For others, the unveiling of cloaked totalitarian attitudes... We fulfilled a form of culture and prepared to take the training into the world.
The September 2006 Solar Eclipse fell at 30 Virgo, Mars' degree at the Lunar Eclipse (setting) Mars into motion and a) shut down some things forever after the Solar Eclipse, or b) activated things after the Solar Eclipse that yielded major results. Of interest is that those eclipses fell at 15 and 30 degree of Virgo, both said to be the fulfillment of that sector of the sign... the September 2006 Solar Eclipse will be an influence through 2010...
The March 2007 Lunar Eclipse was a See Saw, with Moon in Virgo opposing a cluster of planets in Pisces. Saturn was in long term opposition to planets in Aquarius, showing polarizations... forcing adjustments, discrimination and forgiveness. A Grand Fire Trine of Venus at 14 Aries, Jupiter at 19 Sagittarius, and Saturn at 20 Leo. yielded lightness, brightness, and inspiration that burned up old forms no longer appropriate to our new direction. Disappointments taught us to navigate polarities leading to healing wisdom. We formed unique relationships while dealing with the weirdness of the revolutionary conditions freeing us for expanded feeling capacity.
The August 2007 Lunar Eclipse had a powerful Grand Mutable Cross between Mercury at 17 Virgo, Mars at 14 Gemini, Uranus at 18 Pisces, and Jupiter at 11 Sag... (functioning) more as a strong T-square throwing the void into 14, 17, and 18 Sag, which Jupiter triggered as it moves through that span late Sept-early October 2007.... The void shows us... our need to contact the Ageless Wisdom, our "spiritual ancestry," renew ourselves in relationships that help us "come out of darkness and despair," and value what protects us from too great a light or feelings.
... expect splits from the past wherever the Mutable signs fall in your chart. Mercury is on a degree of "volcanic eruption," so besides many explosions... we will be offered the chance to "break up old complexes"... Things will erupt in a big way as a result of this, so be creative and regenerative while things, people, and whatever else whirls through the air around you... Venus in this eclipse is the same degree as Saturn in the March 2007 eclipse. This should help us find people, resources, and values that make personal the larger lessons of maturity promised by the Grand Fire Trine. If we've "done Saturn correctly" the past six months, we should be able to capture enjoyable forms perfect for our personal situations.
In part two of this series, we'll go into various elements of this eclipse, and how it will manifest these next three months. It is sure to affect anyone with and Ascendant or planets between 21-27 of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, as well as those with planets between 27-30 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
Those with an Ascendant or planets between 8-16 of Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, and Taurus will benefit greatly over the next 90 days, as will those with occupied points around late Gemini, early and mid Cancer, early and late Scorpio, mid-Sag, and late Pisces. It would seem that late Mutable signs are in dynamic and very favorable change! I'll explain more in part 2.
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson
The Sept 11 eclipse last year fell on my birthday, and in my solar return chart it was conjunct the IC. Ten days later my mom died unexpectedly (the eclipse was opposite Uranus) but it did end her suffering with Alzheimer's. The Feb. Solar eclipse landed on my Descendant/Chiron (17/18 Aquarius) opposite my Moon at 18 Leo. Not much to note about it, except that of course the north node and my Chiron return are conjunct transiting there, with lots of processing going on, though nothing external. I think there's much to heal in the relationship & mother realm going on here! This full moon will land in my 7th house, adding more energy there.
Posted by: Leslee | August 12, 2008 at 05:08 PM
Robert -
I'm always happy to turn to your site because invariably I find something inspired to read. In addition to the aspects I was already aware of (that this eclipse will make to my natal chart), I'm pleasantly surprised my Jupiter (8*Sco) and Mercury (29*Pis) will get some much needed support and release. Simultaneously, transiting Jupiter is within orb and will station direct close to my part of fortune. All great news! Cannot wait to read more in this series.
Warmest blessings,
Posted by: Matt | August 12, 2008 at 06:39 PM
Robert, I love your site -- though I must admit that it makes my brain hurt a tad. I suppose that's a good thing, and I enjoy the challenge that comes with reading and figuring out what each forecast means. Part of me is always susceptible to the doomsday element that comes with some degree of 'forecasting' as a lot of these planets are active in my natal chart. My solar return for my birthday last year (this solar return year) sent me into a panic and I couldn't handle all the predictions and such that came with the eclipses and transits. I am afraid to understand what these eclipses mean and even more fearful to do a solar return chart for my birthday next month. Can you help me understand and not be overwhelmed by this seemingly irrational fear? It almost seems like a Pandora's box of sorts.
9/25/84 12:14 pm, brooklyn, ny
Posted by: Justine | August 13, 2008 at 11:42 AM
Hello Robert, good to read your articles on Full Moon/partial lunar eclipse. I have one question for you. You said : "It is sure to affect anyone with and Ascendant or planets between 21-27 of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, as well as those with planets between 27-30 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
Those with an Ascendant or planets between 8-16 of Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, and Taurus will benefit greatly over the next 90 days, as will those with occupied points around late Gemini, early and mid Cancer, early and late Scorpio, mid-Sag, and late Pisces. It would seem that late Mutable signs are in dynamic and very favorable change!" Ok , what about the others which doesn't have planets or Ascendant on the degrees you mentioned? They will not be afflicted by the full Moon/eclipse event?
Thank you.
Posted by: moon2lightshadow | August 14, 2008 at 03:54 AM
Hi Robert
Thank you so much again for the wonderful information you share with us.
I am wondering if it is me, or where
Feb 20 and Feb 21 dates are noted, should I read this as August?
Love and best wishes
Posted by: Sam | August 14, 2008 at 05:50 PM
Hi Leslee - My condolences on your mom's death, even if it did liberate her from Alzheimers. My grandfather had it for several years before his passing and it was very tough on all of us, him included. Your chart occurrences sure seem spot on. Perhaps the Feb eclipse events are yet to play out, but will to some extent show as a result of this Lunar one. So yes, the Moon could nurture and give form to mother-related energies associated with the eclipses.
Hi Matt - Thanks for your kind words. Your Mercury has been under long term pressure anyway, and Jupiter will be of great benefit to it through the end of 2008. It's also great for your Jupiter at the same time. And of course, your Jupiter is also in the zone of the Grand Irrationality.
Hi Justine - Sorry about the brain gymnastics. I have to include something for everyone, and I write in a way so that anyone who reads any of this helps their neural wiring in many different ways. As for feeling like some forecasts may bring difficulty, that's a natural thing. Here we must remember that we do not create many of the circumstances we confront, but we must deal with them as an evolutionary necessity. Even when we're confronted with difficulty, we must somehow make the best of it. Even an eclipse can have beneficial effects. That's one of the qualities of the Aug 1 Solar Eclipse. I suspect its specific effects will yield a BIG relief in some areas of our lives.
Remember also that Saturn in Virgo has been dancing on your Mercury for a while now, which can turn the mind toward narrow interpretations. My advice for the next year is for you to return to the student state, and discipline the mind and speech to go where you want them to go rather than into anxious states. Fear is a very dangerous disease, and I've written numerous articles here about ways to expunge it from our nature. Please site google "fear" and read some of those posts and begin to kill out this useless feeling for all time. This is your immediate task, since your Mercury is now in the zone of the Grand Irrationality, which you should also read about here to get an understanding of the irrational factor in your equation. If you can find the "right vision" at 23 you can act with deliberate focus at 24. Based in what opened for you November 2007, some form of good fortune will be activated in December 2008 that you're going to like very much, so stop dreading whatever and enjoy the ride!
Hi moon2lightshadow - Well, it means it won't affect you personally or necessarily inwardly in dynamic ways, but it could still work through someone you know with those points active, or even through beneficial factors in your life that may not be dramatic but will prove to be important down the line. There are other points active - I just don't have time to list every point and every possible effect, so I hit the high spots. But of course there are others, and I'm sure that something in your chart will be activated by one or more of the main influences of the eclipse.
Hi Sam - Sloppy editing on my part. Already offered my mea culpas and think I caught all errors in the articles. It should all be squared now.
Posted by: Robert | August 15, 2008 at 09:56 AM