by Robert Wilkinson
UPDATE: Sorry about the previous title mess up. I set it in queue too late last night, and just noticed the brain blip. Have also corrected other errors in other articles. Sometimes I write too late at night.... And now, on to the article! Today we continue our examination of what the Aquarius-Leo partial Lunar Eclipse holds for our world. Overall, this should be a very productive eclipse freeing us over the next few months in some practical ways.
As this article builds on themes introduced in the first two parts of this series, you may want to re-read them before reading this one, since I discuss various critical elements of the Eclipse chart. You can find links at the bottom of this post, or just go to the front page and scroll down.
We pick up the narrative by examining key elements of the eclipse. Of crucial importance is to remember this is all coming down in the next 3 months, which obviously affects all that follows.
With the Moon, Neptune, and Chiron conjuncting the North Node, we will be pulled into forms of Aquarian idealism calling us to our Higher Self. This will come forth through mobilizing all our energies to confront a challenge with faith in our abilities and a sense of resolute indomitability that we are up to taming metaphoric forest fires.
This will demonstrate skills and disciplines we were introduced to in September 2006 that became crystalized between March and May 2007. These involved or led us to freedom from old social rigidities and offered us forms of fellowship to make life freer and happier. Whatever we learned then we can now use to bring forth new illuminations and life integration as we let go of old forms of these.
Look for forms of new mind strengths that can help override instinctive responses that build our spiritual vehicles to "pick up and deliver spiritual power" in the near future. In Aquarius new visions of a greater good come forth, along with development of group purpose and higher ideals and aspirations. Lunar forms infused with the energies of Neptune and Chiron show the way to development.
The Line of Greatest Evolutionary Development is in the Span of Perspective, the Scene of Management, on a degree of technique calling us all to rise to a challenge that will reveal our true stature and expand us. We need skill and courage to bring something potentially destructive under control totally mobilizing our skill, strength, and ingenuity.
Dr. Jones comments that this degree is one of "regenerative relaxation after extraordinary effort," where we know an achievement resulting from our wholeheartedness in rising to an emergency. He speaks of a "dynamic co-operation" that rehearses and releases potentials we might never know otherwise. "What can be misfortune to be suffered can as easily become a successful adventure in broad social responsibility."
The keyword is CONCERN. The positive expression of this degree is "special skill in bringing personal interests to some larger point of effectiveness." The "formula" is Manipulating, Ideal, Ingenious, Generalizing, Physical, and Responsible.
Eclipses in late 2006 through all of 2007 featured a distinct Uranian-North Node influence, showing we were pulled to find a Higher Law and Will through embracing forms of compassion, forgiveness, and vast understanding of what is common to us all within a Solar systemic or even Galactic perspective. The past two years we had opportunities to see and feel the ocean of space, time, and Consciousness.
In 2008 and for some years to come (due to the Eclipse effect) we will experience more of a Neptune-North Node influence. This will manifest as a pull to find a vaster sense of ourselves within the Collective field, learning to manage our energies in training to manifest a Higher Ideal. Through unveiling what has been cloaked, we will heal into a better way of doing our Being. Many will find themselves intuitively doing more than they ever previously imagined, and searching for a new balance or perspective.
The Sun is the Light, while the Moon gives form to that Light. With the eclipse Sun in Leo, we're offered ways to understand the strength and power of the unconditionally loving heart, while the Moon will help us focus on the more perfect ideals of friendship and group interaction.
The Sun is conjunct the South Node, showing the need to "show what we know" while following the line of least resistance. This aspect helps us fall back on familiar ways of showing heart, light, strength, and love.
Look for forms of illumination and integration that shine a light on releasing and demonstrating self sufficiency to create joy in fellowship and free the heart from old constrictions. This is the light of natural creative expression that demonstrates the sensitive ideals of healing into the Higher Self within a larger picture.
Be loyal to your enduring higher interests, get clear about what role or roles appeal to you and which are boring, unclear, or make you feel timid. Don't yield your will to others while getting clear about the vaster or subtle things of importance that illuminate you. Go for deeper or higher values while seeing what does or does not fit within a larger picture.
This will develop as a result of the eclipse Moon in Aquarius. The North Node develops that which expresses through the South Node. In Aquarius we are shown a greater, vaster view of collective work, ideals, and world service. This Moon will help us over the next few months to overcome handicaps of our own nature showing us our stamina and integrity.
We can integrate in ways that bring us the power of self-mobilization to take advantage of our distinctiveness. We can develop our uniqueness and find a special gift for turning any deficiency into a strength we can call on.
As a result of the Mars square Pluto we'll have to deal with creating order out of chaos, often under some extreme and even separative conditions. Energies can get out of hand fairly quickly with this aspect, though it can also provide dramatic turns in the road that help us get behind an inhibition and win allies for things they may not understand.
Other things to be aware of include the need to bring things to focus so we can get a better handle on them, without reacting too quickly or jumping to conclusions. We must learn to be alert to unique, sudden, or specialized developments, and recognizing general tendencies so we can capitalize on them or direct them to better ends.
The Uranian oppositions remind us to take nothing for granted, show stick-to-it-iveness, and be alert to the implications of sudden changes. Keep your genius and enthusiasm focused these next three months, and search for channels of your best self-expression. Be the forgiving compassionate individuality as you move through the changes,
With the emphasis on the stellium in Aquarius, we can continue to find friends and a group work in an appropriate alignment with our better nature. Keep putting yourself and your skills out there on behalf of a greater altruism and you'll continue to find friends and allies within a larger ideal.
Of major significance is the Moon conjunct Neptune, giving us a picture of a greater collective awareness. This can help us grow out of separateness, and see how we are connected to others within a larger feeling-field and ideal. Neptune and Chiron are both retrograde, leading us inward on a journey to healing through experiencing the commonality of what we share with others within the collective human experience across space and time.
Remember that the Eclipse chart is remarkably non-afflicted, with the Virgo stellium trine Jupiter, the Sun trine Pluto and Moon sextile Pluto. The Earth trines are productive, practical harmonizing influences that are very stabilizing.
The opposition-sextile-trine between Sun, Moon, and Pluto assists economy of energy in doing what we have to, and can help us all maintain momentum regardless of whatever polarizations are occurring. It throws the void into late Gemini, so we should see a definite exteriorization of forms of our individuality August 25-26, September 21-22, the end of September and early October, October 18-19, November 15, and December 15-25.
Since the Aquarian North Node assists us in growing into our greater possibilities of a larger service to others, be flexible as you find your fellowship, your group, your friends. Say goodbye to whatever, see how it fits into a larger picture, and open to newer, more effective ways of living already on the way.
As noted in prior Eclipse articles, the Eclipses of 2006-2007 freed us in ways we could not have anticipated then. Several featured squares to Pluto at the Galactic Center and these influences will be with us for years to come. This eclipse features another of those squares, this one from Mars.
That's why this is another important step in the larger process. We should expect anything moving through the last degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces to keep triggering these past eclipse effects for quite a while, so heads up this November and December.
Now we'll take a look back that can help you get perspective on the changes of the past year. Here's a bit on the September 2007 Solar Eclipse still impacting everyone on Earth:
That the coming Solar Eclipse is exactly conjunct the Sun of the 9/11 chart gives us pause for thought, and prayer that we will see the light behind that event and come to a higher realization of how to live with each other in our world. I would think as Mars transits Virgo in 2008 it will set into motion much of what these eclipses have portended, and so we can and should prepare accordingly for the "volcanic eruptions" promised by these lunations.As I wrote last Spring, "During these next months (and years) purify, purify, and purify some more, since Pluto is stripping us all down to the core, regenerating whatever seed power we are on the highest and most effective of levels." With the powerfully harmonizing Saturn trine Pluto in this Eclipse chart we should all find the purification process stable, pointing us to solid understandings of how to reclaim "lost opportunities" by using creative imagination, as well as natural boundaries and limitations that allow us to play with others in a field perfect for us. Just remember that Jupiter is biseptile Saturn, setting irrationality into motion on the world stage for quite some time to come.
With Mars now in late Virgo, perhaps the recent eruptions in our world are related to these earlier eclipse energies, and foretell more destabilization. At least Jupiter is in a long term trine to Saturn, helping stabilize things for a while. But 2009 is a different kettle of fish than 2008, and of course, as always at this time in history, the Grand Irrationality continues!
Long Range Eclipse Astrology - The August 2008 Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius-Leo and What It Means Pt. 1
For more on Pluto at the Galactic Center, go to this article containing links to related articles.
For multiple links to articles on the coming squares and oppositions that will blow things wide open on a global level, please go to The Coming Cardinal Squares and Crosses of Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013. These energies are what we're training to deal with and turn to a higher good.
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks again Robert. I'm looking forward to finding 'new friends with higher ideals' because of the Aquarius influence.
Peace, love, light
Posted by: Joanne | August 14, 2008 at 07:08 AM
Hi Robert, Thanking you kindly for your inspirations and wisdoms.
I am reborn in many ways after much purification.
It was hard! The solar eclipse reiterated my new chapter and I was so happy to come hear and read your light and love. I felt this all today.Love is strong in the world!
Bless You Robert and All.
Aum Shanti Felita.
Posted by: Felita | August 14, 2008 at 07:25 AM
I always appreciate the information that I find on this site. As an Aquarius sun with Aquarius moon (at nearly the same degree as this full moon) and Mercury in Aquarius this eclipse is TRULY packing a punch in my direction! I've been feeling as if EVERYTHING is in flux, my whole life in the vortex of some dervish's out of control whirl .. but of course, it's really just the perfect set up for what is to come. So much change .. it's heartning and scary and all so wonderfully sacredly COSMIC! Blessings, love and light to you!
Posted by: Jean | August 14, 2008 at 06:47 PM
Hi Robert,
Thanks so much for this series of articles. This eclipse Mercury and Saturn in Virgo will be conjunct my natal Pluto in the 8th house. Could you please offer some insight or words of advice about that?
Posted by: Melika | August 14, 2008 at 10:17 PM
Hi all - You're welcome. May we all find exactly what's perfect for us by being able to see it once old "lights" are obscured. I like Aquarian energies, even if in the liberations we get a thrilling ride!
Hi Melika - It would structure you Divine Power of attraction. Your job is to learn to be precise in what you want, lest the Law of Unintended Consequences bring you what you didn't expect. That's the focus of the next 90 days.
Posted by: Robert | August 18, 2008 at 10:04 PM
Hello Robert -
So far, I have seen NOTHING come forth from either the eclipses of Feb. or Aug. I am still quite unemployed and things just don't look good for me financially. I'm trying to hang on but, admittedly, I'm running out of faith.
In your reading to me on 1/29/07 (I still listen to it even now), you said that 2008 would be the year when things turn around for me. Do you I just need to have more faith because good things are around the corner?
Thanks always.
Posted by: Crystal | August 25, 2008 at 02:51 PM
Hi Joanne - May it be so. Aquarius will be the line of development these next 80 days.
Hi Felita - Of course you're welcome. Purification can come by leaps and bounds, or in the silence of the inner sea of consciousness. Glad you're feeling the strength of light and love. It's there if we open to it!
Hi Jean - Thanks for your appreciation. I'm sure you'll grow tremendously these next 80 days. It's all about choice. We're all learning choice this next period that demonstrates our self sufficiency as we "cross the anvil of the Sun."
Hi Crystal - Well, eclipses as a rule work their magic over time, not just a few days or even weeks (except for the Lunar Eclipses.) Still, that said, it often takes a little distance in time before we recognize what has changed. Sorry things are difficult financially. Remember that an astrology configuration of itself doesn't make anything happen. WE are the ones who make it happen by our openness to new opportunities, even the ones we don't initially recognize. When I ran out of faith, I got to work checking out EVERY opportunity, even the ones I had previously overlooked. We still have a third of the year to go. While faith is good, diligence is also good. Good things are around the corner to the degree that you prepare and are perceptive when the guest shows up at the doorstep. The only thing I'll GUARANTEE is that within 8 months you'll be living a whole new adventure and vision. Take it to the bank.
Posted by: Robert | August 25, 2008 at 09:51 PM