by Robert Wilkinson
A fan of the site in India recently wrote me about their situation, which they felt was hopeless. No money, difficulty in getting and keeping a job, and other symptoms of hitting bottom. They had obviously consulted a Vedic Astrologer, since they were asking me if they should choose one of two colors of sapphire to end their distress. It is common in Vedic astrology to wear a "prescribed" gem during certain periods and sub-periods of difficulty, in the belief that certain stones have the ability to counter negative conditions. What follows today is my answer, as a Spiritual Astrologer.
I've made a few edits for comprehension. I will only note that they have a substantial number of planets in the middle decan of Earth or Water signs, which can serve to explain my answer. If you also have planets in the middle third of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Pisces, then much that I've noted here can apply to you as well, especially if you also have something in early Cancer, early or late Scorpio or late Pisces due to powerful aspects occurring over the next few weeks. I wrote:
Though I am not a Vedic Astrologer, I do know something about it. I am a Spiritual Astrologer of the Western tradition. First, regardless of whichever bangle you choose, your life will shift for the good in just a few weeks anyway if you mobilize your intensity and focus on beginning the favorable "journey" about to come to you.
Overlook nothing because it seems too small, since it is in the details that you will begin to remake your life forever in just a few weeks. Your chart clearly indicates a favorable time approaching, whether you wear a blue or yellow sapphire or not.
I do not accept the power of bangles as something greater than the indwelling Atman (Spirit) which is supreme over all material things. You have the supreme power within you, much more than any thing or stone on Earth. While sapphires do have a unique and special energy, they are nothing compared to the Divine Power within YOU that you can summon at any time and change your life forever in that moment.
This is well established by many respectable Gurus, Saddhus, and other wise beings. Though a bangle can have an effect, there is no power greater than your own Spirit to change unfortunate karmas to good effects almost immediately. I have seen this countless times over many decades of counseling people in urgent need. A being only needs bangles if they give the power to external material things. As soon as you surrender to the Universal power within you, your karmas will change forever. Atman is forever greater than any forms or material tendencies.
To paraphrase the great Jivanmukti Sri Yukteswar, Paramanhansa Yogananda's guru, the deeper the Self-realization of a man (or woman) the more s/he experiences the whole Universe by his/her subtle Spiritual vibrations, and the less they themselves are affected by the phenomenal flux.
At this point, I suggested some personal antidotes to their specific planetary configurations. So I will take some key points that may be useful for all of us to remember as we slog through this impermanent world of the 5 senses and the mind.
We are all born with a special spiritual karma to fulfill. But given we are human beings we often confuse needs and wants, and often have not learned how to use the right means to get to our ends. We can achieve great good when we stop blunting our power and learn to focus on what is the greatest good for the greatest number, since when everyone is benefited then we will be as well.
We all have the capacity to cultivate compassion, and this affords us a certain protection as we move through life's storms. We are altruistic and idealistic beings, but often learn unfortunate habits that divert our Higher energies to lesser behaviors. This is why it's good to cultivate deep meditations, since that allows us to attract what is true, good, and beautiful with specificity.
We all need to stop setting our sights so low! We all have excellent talents, but suffer from a lack of largeness of vision. If we could live in the Eternal Now witnessing our Divine estate, we would not fall into traps of feeling inadequate arising from ego limitations. We tend to place many internal rules and limitations in the way of our progress, and due to human experiences often expect the negative instead of the positive. Obviously this magnetism creates effects.
If we can learn to expect positive results even in the midst of difficulty, we can change the magnetics, and thus the effects. Since our own apprehensions often magnetize negative expectations into manifestation, if we change our magnetism we change the effects. We have far more power to bring forth positive manifestations than we believe. We only need to shift our point of view and do what it takes to identify consciously with our Divine Essence, and be patient as the magic of Spirit works unerringly to bring forth what is in our Divine plan, which is always the greater Good.
As we embrace our Divine Protection and welcome EVERY opportunity to grow into worldly effectiveness everything will change forever. Many times we need a good creative challenge more than a sapphire or any other external thing. Even when we go through losses, we need to stop viewing them as defeats. It is better to see these 8th house matters as protections taking us away from those who could harm us or create negative future karmas. Eliminating a negative tendency in the present is a good inoculation against them happening in the future.
Often our successes come as we cultivate more self-confidence without antagonisms and get a much broader point of view as to our higher possibilities. Each of us has a Dharma, or "true" Higher function. Once we get beyond misinterpretations based in limited views, then we can antidote negative personality magnetisms. Many things in our lives turn for the better when we focus and stop looking to externals as having power to hinder us. Discontent is unhelpful if we are looking to better our career. If we would prosper, we must magnetize positive future expectations.
We can assist the process by being willing to cooperate in our own growth. The heart is a muscle that becomes stronger with exercise, and very little that is lasting is created in comfort or without some form of challenge. We need fewer rules or fears that hinder our embrace of the Dance with the Eternal, and cultivating imagination with faith can remind us that just as all creatures are taken care of in their daily affairs to the extent they are true to their function, so it is with us when we align with Dharma and stop focusing on how hard it has been in the past.
Many times we feel sad because of something. Sadness is a part of the human condition. Since we all have Pisces in our chart somewhere, at one point or another if we choose to feel we will pick up on the global suffering more than any particular personal condition. The antidote to the mind suffering over its own suffering is the generation of Bodhichitta, or good will to self and all creation. Generate an intense positivity and suffering has no grip on the mind. This is also the antidote to any antisocial tendencies. Welcome all that comes as opportunity to grow into your Divine Self.
We all strive to get what we want, be independent, and the other very human aspirations. These are not problems, but human conditions. Rebelling and pushing against circumstances only happens when we are reacting rather than acting with intention unless we are called by our higher duty to be the counterweight to whatever seems to be happening. When we are uncertain about a path or are non-committal about things, then we need to contemplate how it fits into our greater path to Self-realization and understand how it aligns with Dharma or doesn't.
If we can suspend negative judgments and expectations, then we can learn that even unknown or unfamiliar steps can still lead us to health, wealth, love, and perfect self expression. To quote a great Western Master of the Wisdom, it all depends on our point of view.
To learn more about countering negative karmas, "bad luck," "bad yoga," and other difficulties, please go to Overcoming Bad Luck, Bad Karma, and Bad Life Circumstances
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson
Great and wonderful lessons, Robert. This was just what I needed to hear today. Thank you.
Posted by: J. Sue | August 03, 2008 at 12:39 PM
Robert - I cannot believe how timely this is...I have been thinking as much, most of this day today. Not quite so eloquently, as thoughts tend more to race than to prose, but an affirmation it was. Thank you.
Posted by: BritLitChik | August 03, 2008 at 02:12 PM
Thank you Robert, for the fine review (and additional enlightenment!)It's good to be reminded that there is nothing greater than the God within. Rock on... :)
Posted by: Valerie | August 03, 2008 at 06:05 PM
Bless you Robert. I could not have asked for better answers to the questions I've been pondering. I'm continuing to listen to the tape you made for me in December. You explained very well that most of my family and friends don't understand me and that bit of understanding from you has helped me be patient with them. With all the activity in Cancer and Virgo, I can feel the changes swirling like misty colors around me. Instead of resisting them, I hope to yield to the higher function.
Posted by: Sandy | August 03, 2008 at 06:23 PM
Hi Robert, yes, I have pluto/mars/uranus respectively at 16/14/14 degrees in virgo, and venus in scorpio at 14 d, jupiter in taurus at 18d, and neptune in scorpio at 18 d... does this count!!! My pluto/mars/uranus all reside in the second house. My venus and neptune are in the fourth house, my venus conjuncts my ic and opposes my jupiter in the tenth house which is conjunct my mc.
I know lately I have been very interested in getting at the bottom of understanding my own karmic debts, how to dissolve them and how to become the most divine that I can be a s human being.
Posted by: Micheline | August 03, 2008 at 10:22 PM
Thank you, Robert. Can't throw the baby out with the baggage, but what to do with the baggage? Thank you, again, for this wise reminder.
Posted by: s | August 04, 2008 at 12:01 AM
(I'm re-posting from Back in the Saddle with your permission-thank you) I've held back because I truly appreciate how much you give to all of us and don't want to be a bother. That said, I have Mars at 9 Leo, Pluto 14 Leo, Saturn 20 Leo in the 7th House, with Venus 6, Mercury 18 and Midheaven 19 Scorpio, any insight for this eclipse is over the top appreciated.
Bless you
Posted by: Sue Moon | August 04, 2008 at 05:31 AM
When all else fails and when confidence in oneself is low one can also surrender to God. It is not surrendering to Karma or Destiny and it is not being weak or negative. We are human and we will fail ourselves some of the times. We will also be subject to the ills of the world, evildoers. It is part of life. And sometimes we are unable to fight, not clear in our mind, for any reason we just do not wish to take control/charge. We are not alone, we must always remember that and we will receive the help we need. Always believe that.
Posted by: abacus | August 04, 2008 at 09:19 AM
Hi Robert. Very insightful and accurate feeling and thought on this subject. We are all what we think; in essence, the first spark of a thought is capable of creating a positive or negative outcome. Though the hand that we are dealt-- going in-- can be rather difficult, it need not remain this way. It's what we do with the hand that matters in the long run. No one has it easy, whether throughout the early stages of life or in later ones. So, blessings to everyone (myself included) in our paths of greatness- we are ALL great, and limitations are only set-off by what we are "taught" to be. If we all only knew what we actually are, we'd be unstoppable.
Posted by: Deb | August 04, 2008 at 11:18 AM
Robert - I agree wholeheartedly with your words on this subject. I, along with most, have taken on my trials and tribulations throughout my lifetime. . .and more to go. It is just a part of life. Unfortunately, no matter how positive our thoughts run and how strong our faith, there are periods where it seems only the "bad" comes to us. This has been the case for me. Out of nine planets (including Chiron at 22 degrees Pisces), 5 of them are middle decan earth/water - and my moon sits at 15 degrees Pisces. So, I am very curious about the "favorable journey" you speak of in a few weeks. I would love to see my life take on more of the sweet goodness, and I believe I have already seen the first signs of this coming. So, I am very curious - astrologically speaking - as to what and when will promote/support this "favorable journey." I have been enjoying your site for a couple of years now, and I have gained much knowledge and insight from your wisdom. Thank you!
Posted by: Cheryll | August 04, 2008 at 01:29 PM
Robert, beautiful article and I'm featuring it today. Come on over to my new site and let me know what you think!
Posted by: Lynn | August 04, 2008 at 02:21 PM
Thank you Robert. Just received confirmation from you as well. Have been reading Napolean Hill too and it matches with what I have felt all along. Though my problem is or was negative people all around me. I know now that it was me all along. I also know the power of my thoughts. I feel that human beings should evove into the next step and this could be achieved if all the children of the world were taught the above principles.
Best regards
Posted by: Aditya | August 05, 2008 at 12:48 AM
Dear Robert,
It's been some time, as work overrides leisure time these months... Better times will come and I appreciate duly what you say about "magnetizing" positively and thus bringing about needed change!
Your artucles have exactly the right spiritual approach and that is why, eventhough I cannot come and comment all the time, I never cease to find a neverending field on interest and inspiration with you! Bless you for your good work.
These are times of perpetual change, but, strangely enough, as if we had always at least part of the "script" - is it merely our intuition? Or are we getting hints from astrology and other sources as well?
With six planets in Aquarius, Uranus in Leo and Pluto in Virgo in my Natal horoscope, plus a Moon in early Taurus, I can exactly feel many of the phenomena you explain happenning in my chart (or should I say "within me and around me"?!).
I am curious about the new Moon of the 16th, as it will happen close to several planets of mine. I take it that, with Moon close to Neptune, notwithstanding the potential for confusion and flooding, inspiration will also be of the matter, and WRITING might be inspirational then, right?
Well, sorry for the long comment.
All the best,
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | August 05, 2008 at 05:23 AM
Hi J. Sue - You bet. Seemed like it was in the air, so figured a post would offer something to many.
Hi BritLitChik - Well, sometimes I get lucky!;-) You're welcome.
Hi Valerie - Am rocking on at least one time for Ringo, as it was once sung.... And yes, there is nothing greater than "All-That-Is."
Hi Sandy - Over time, I have no doubt there will be a greater understanding on the part of all concerned. Yielding to the higher way usually results in great effects that make us feel much better over time.
Hi Micheline - Yes, it counts! The Earth signs predominating this year will give you lots of grist for your mill of Soul, and since your Virgo planets are in the heart of the Grand Irrationality, no doubt destiny is on the move for you in major ways.
Hi s - Sort through what baggage is useful, and discard the rest!;-)
Hi Sue Moon - Already answered you over there.
Hi abacus - Surrendering to the Divine Wisdom is always a useful thing to do. And of course, if there's nothing to be done, then not doing anything may be the best plan of non-action. Whether to act or not act is always the primary consideration, especially when doubt or fear are present, since to operate from these usually brings problems. And yes, we always receive exactly the help best suited for our circumstances.
Hi Deb - Matter does indeed follow thought. Therefore what we think is of utmost importance in all that will follow, whether we "succeed" or "fail" in whatever. Even if we are in difficulty, our response can cultivate a skill for the future. And you're so right, in that NO ONE has it easy. Each gets the burden of their karmas to transmute into strengths and skills with which to serve humanity.
Hi Cheryll - Since you have so many planets in middle decan earth and water, this time should be one of fantastic building, growth, opportunity, and exteriorizing the strengths you've cultivated. Though Saturn is opposed your Moon, Jupiter is sextile, throwing favorable energies into mid-Cancer. Mars has already activated the process, and you can bet that by November things should be clear, harmonious, and cooking nicely indeed!
Hi Lynn - Checked it out a while ago, and think your new site looks great! Thanks for the cross post. I left a comment which I trust was appropriate.
Hi Aditya - Well, sometimes negative people just show us how not to be that way, and what to say to antidote the generic suffering of the ignorant. Sort of a reminder not to go certain places, and offer what we can to antidote those who are stuck in a rut.
Hi Isabel - You're welcome for the reminder. It's okay not to comment if it's time to absorb what you need and enjoy the ride through the cosmos. Thanks for your blessings. Intuition, astrology, and all of it together work as one larger harmony of indicators of how to attune to "All-That-Is." As it was once sung, "And the time will come when you see we're all one, and life flows on within you and without you....." Writing could be a very good thing, especially themes of collective need.
Posted by: Robert | August 05, 2008 at 04:16 PM
You said it wonderfully Robert. It is the most empowering and hopeful message because we have the power, we are our best teachers, one only needs to look within.
'Happiness is inevitable' says Yudhishtra in Peter Brook's adaptation of the Mahabharata, the ancient Indian epic.
I believe it is inevitable for each and every one of us.
Thank you for this affirmation!
Posted by: Lila | August 06, 2008 at 10:58 PM
Like a broom, sweep it all out of your life and into oblivion. (Edited due to violation of posting protocols)
Posted by: Tarot Reading | August 09, 2008 at 07:39 AM
Hi Tarot - You need to check with the proprietor before you post a commercial web site. If you want consideration, email me. Aum.
Posted by: Robert | August 09, 2008 at 08:29 AM
beautiful article dear Robert!
thanks my brother :)
Wish you good luck
Posted by: AceStar | August 11, 2008 at 09:21 AM
Hi Lila - Well, a gentle reminder from time to time is the best confirmation that we in fact do have the Divine power to steer our lives in better directions! Happiness is inevitable, in that the mind will ultimately go in directions it believes will yield happiness. The trick is not to get attached to any given form of happiness, and embrace the joy of the Eternal NOW where our Soul resides. And of course, you're most welcome.
Hi Tarot again - I note you never came back nor did you contact me. That's why I have the policy I do.
Hi AceStar - Thanks. In an unstable world, we need gentle loving Beings to maintain the light of the Spirit. You are one of those Spirits. May you be well and shine the light of loving wisdom to your world, and may you receive grace and protection with every breath you take.
Posted by: Robert | August 12, 2008 at 07:32 AM
yes, we have as much power as a stone. we are like stones emitting energy. you are
acting as a stone when you wrote your article. so if you are saying in your pep talk don't use a stone, then they shouldn't use you either. i think stones are very helpful medicine to use in 3rd dimension to keep e.g., the heart chakra open. a stone can save your life if you have the wisdom to listen to your inner voice to go get the dang thing. right? always always raise yourself above the picture to realize, Robert, that you are a stone. thanks for all you say but don't godify yourself. let everyone choose for themselves.
Posted by: sheree | August 17, 2009 at 12:23 PM
Hi all - Again, from the top.....
Hi J Sue, and BritLitChik - You're most welcome.
Hi Valerie - Yes, when we realize our highest potential, miracles and wonder come forth.... Am rolling on quite nicely, thanks.
Hi Sandy - The tape will continue to yield insights every time you listen to it, so enjoy the journey! I figured in reprinting these, some could find merit in some of what is put forth.
Hi Micheline - You should have a great September in many respects as long as things are kept in a balanced perspective. This year has been major training and a prelude to when Jupiter moves through Pisces in 2010! I'm a big fan of welcoming the opportunities to chew up karmas and transmute the energies to good, since it prepares us for higher work.
Hi s - Perhaps examine why that baggage is there to begin with? That teaches us not to attach to inappropriate things, or appropriate things after they've outlived their purpose. Good for finding fluidity to counter ego fixations.
Hi Sue Moon - Remember Lunar Eclipses only last a few months. Your Leo is being illuminated so you can do it more expertly. By October much will be productively clear, and you'll get a much wider view that will show you your next flowers.
Hi abacus - Surrender is often the only sane thing to do! I don't see any separation between Karma and God, while Destiny is created as we shape our character at the intersections of "fate" and "free will." Sometimes we learn more from our failures than our successes, since they challenge our imagination. Yes, the world is what it is, and some we meet are tests to take the high road rather than respond in kind. When ego is dominant, then it will become frustrated from time to time. And yes, we are never separate from All-That-Is, and will attract exactly what we need as we open to our latent power of magnetic attraction.
Hi deb - "Thought" works on many levels. There are also other, higher bodies that bring forth the dualisms of thought. It is only through learned misunderstandings that thought forms go in unproductive directions. You're so right that NO ONE has it "easy." Even Saints and Sages have their trials to demonstrate their Godhead. And yes, truly if we knew our Divine Estate, we would never sweat the small stuff again!
Hi Cheryll - The more we learn how to deal with the white noise of life, the better we can serve suffering humanity when we are privileged to do so. The "bad" comes when the Lords of Karma allow us the circumstances to evolve more quickly by confronting the challenge to be our Higher Self. You're going to have an amazing opening next Spring. Glad you've been visiting the cantina for awhile and find it meritorious.
Hi Lynn - As I noted, I checked it out at the time. I hope your readers got a lot out of it.
Hi Aditya - Many find their way to the same well across the generations. Negative people are often crying for a more positive example, whether they know it or not, since it brings them into awareness. I agree that the children who come to wisdom will prove to be a blessing to their world.
Hi Isabel - Yes, the work has been thick and heavy for many! Magnetic attraction is one of those "cosmic laws" we must master if we are to become our Highest Self. Thanks for the blessing. Our intuition "reads" the script - hopefully our lower mind can interpret it correctly!;-) The timing on the changes is seen in the chart, while through all the changes we are challenged to bring forth latent powers, love, wisdom, intelligence, and serve suffering humanity however is appropriate. Jupiter is probably expanding your universe quicker than you thought, while Chiron is helping you heal into your Higher Self in many ways.
Hi Lila - We are truly capable of greater things than we've imagined. The trick is to focus on eternals rather than local things.
Hi Acestar - Blessings to you as well. May the turmoil be contained and lessened so you may pursue your evolution in peace and safety!
Hi Sheree - Uhhh. A stone cannot heal the sick and raise the dead. A stone cannot comfort a bereaved parent through wisdom and compassion. A stone cannot build a home for the homeless, nor serve in a soup line for those who hunger and thirst. The power is never in the object. Some of your assertions are curious. A stone cannot "keep the heart chakra open." Only we do that. Everyone chooses for themselves anyway, so I'm not sure what your point actually is....
Posted by: Robert | August 24, 2009 at 03:12 PM
We don’t always get our hopes and dreams, and we don’t always get our own way.
But don’t give up hope, because you can make a difference one situation and one person at a time. Did you agree with me?
Posted by: discount coach | July 12, 2010 at 12:40 AM