by Robert Wilkinson
As many of you know, Dane Rudhyar was one of the greatest astrologers in history. He blended Astrology, Humanistic Psychology, and Holistic philosophy into what we now call "Humanistic Astrology." Though many of his works are fairly abstract, they still stand as philosophical masterworks of 20th Century progressive thinking. He had a lot to say about our lives and futures, individually and collectively. Today we take a new look at a small but significant piece of our human puzzle.
Today we revisit an article posted a while ago but still timely since we do in fact stand on the threshold of a new era in human consciousness. It comes from the last part of his masterwork, “An Astrological Mandala,” where he reinterpreted the Sabian Symbols through the lens of holistic philosophy. Besides the symbols themselves, that work is very valuable for anyone who wishes to explore the concept of mythos and living the symbolic life.
For your renewed consideration, Dane Rudhyar on Astrology, the Eternal, the Sacred and the Profane And when you're done there, please click on the internal link to his name in the first paragraph of that article to find out even more about this remarkable renaissance man!
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson