by Robert Wilkinson
Vote! Make sure your vote is registered! Make sure your vote actually recorded the person you voted for!!! This is not paranoia since voting machines all over the country are not recording votes or flipping votes from Obama to McCain. It's already happened in Michigan, Illinois, W Va, TX, TN, Nevada, and several other states. A machine even declined to register Oprah Winfrey's vote! So please pay attention to what your machine is doing if you're unfortunate enough to have to deal with electronic voting machines. "It's not who votes that counts, but who counts the vote." - Joseph Stalin.
Hi APOLLYON PHOENIX JEDHI THUNDERBIRD - Your comment was unpublished due to violating posting guidelines. Sorry, but I cannot allow anyone to post excessively long comments that contain extreme (and repetitive) speech since that is not in line with the intention of this site and makes commenting more difficult for other people.
Posted by: Robert | November 04, 2008 at 08:48 AM
I got up at 5:00 am to vote early than later. There was already a long line before the doors opened! I was surprised to see so many people already in line, most where over the age of 45. Our ballots are paper.
Posted by: Chili Pepper | November 04, 2008 at 09:33 AM
Hi Chili - Great! For everyone else who comes to this comment stream, please say where you live since I'd like to have a sense of the voting demographics based in these anecdotal reports.
Posted by: Robert | November 04, 2008 at 09:41 AM
I am in Springfield, MO. I spoke with another Springfield person who voted at 10:00 am CST. He did not experience any problems in his voting district as well, and they got free doughnuts!
A girlfriend in Naples (FL) said there were no lines or problems when she voted during her lunchbreak. So far most of my friends and family have had positive voting experiences.
Please send a "tweet" to Twitter Vote Report Share your experience. Twitter is free!
All the best to everyone! Chili Pepper
Posted by: Chili Pepper | November 04, 2008 at 02:48 PM