by Robert Wilkinson
Pluto is the ultimate transformer which purifies all forms down to their "seed quality." In any seed is the inherent pattern of its future form. If Pluto rules seeds and the power of self-replication inherent in all seeds, then we can learn a lot about archetypal patterns by studying how Pluto works.
First, a few words on how Astrology works. The natal chart shows our basic tone that evolves within our larger Dharma as shown by progressions. The transits show the gestalt of the moment, the individual forces and collective patterns within which we live, breathe, and have our Being. They are inner and outer events that are precipitating triggers where we learn to realize and apply our various understandings and skills we're developing this lifetime.
Different transiting planets symbolize different areas in our larger growth process. The inner planets, namely the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars, impact us on more personal, day to day levels. The outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto show more the slower, more seemingly "permanent," social, cultural, and spiritual levels we're living in our particular ways.
While transits impact our chart in countless individual inner and outer ways, the transit to transit aspects show a larger field of energies within which we must learn to be proactive so that we are not the "victims of circumstance." So while transits to our natal and progressed Pluto show us our particular and personal purification challenges, transiting Pluto taken on its own shows us all what we're learning in the way of seed forms to cultivate in their highest, best possibility. While it's occurring individually in our own charts, it's also happening on a much larger level simultaneously.
Pluto has now left Sagittarius, which looking back was an era of religious and philosophical turmoil, conflict, and the exposing of the seeds of these things. All religions and forms of higher "Truth" or ideology are ruled by Sag, and it is easy to see how the past 14 years have featured great conflicts of ideologies in the economic, political, social, and religious realms that took us to the core patterns of what these are truly about.
Transiting Pluto in Sag challenged us individually to purify and transform any planetary inner or outer function symbolized by planets we may have in Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, or Sagittarius. Even as it precipitated these radical breakdowns, breakthroughs, and breakouts in our lives, it also was precipitating these in our world as a whole.
To mention just a few examples, the three religions that dominate our world were all exposed down to their most destructive seed patterns for all of us to behold. The philosophical polarization that allowed a few reactionaries to block scientific consensus on global warming being a concrete planetary threat was exposed for the bought-and-sold political theater is was.
In the US, the seed patterns of both the Democratic and Republican party philosophies were exposed as shams of the wealthy to hold power among the few, and mainstream media was exposed as the poseur it is. There was philosophical extremism, as well as the over-reaching and consequent bankruptcies of many hate groups. And don't forget the widespread reporting of crop circles and other seeds of contact with space beings (Sag) that were reported globally.
The philosophies of business went to their extreme forms, self-inflated by "vain imaginings," another Sag trait. How businesses are structured and managed, in terms of financing and market assumptions, held up until Pluto left this sign. Signs of deflation appeared, with an acceleration in the breakdown process happening now that Pluto has entered Capricorn.
Capricorn is a pragmatic Earth sign, so we can expect to see the beginnings of the breakdown of old authorities and structures exposing seeds of practical realities. For instance, to mention one global phenomenon, the philosophy (or religion!) of free market economies and infallibility of the banking system is now exposed as needing major restructuring of assumptions and forms. We're no longer able to binge (Sagittarius) but now must "plan responsibly how to manage" (Capricorn) the seeds (Pluto) of what we're awakening to.
This period, lasting through 2024, will purify everything about the basic structure of authorities across all human realms. Forms of governance and power will be purified. How we structure society will transform, with new seed-forms sprouting. Capricorn is how the Sagittarian ideals will be substantiated, and is the predecessor for the Pluto in Aquarius era to come.
The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was 1762-1778, which was a time of major ferment globally. Empires were established and challenged. Divine Right of Kings gave way to "All men are created equal." (Yes, I know it took awhile to amend that to include the other 53% of the population, but it did start there in the modern era.) While I don't want to turn this into an extensive and boring history lesson, I'll just note that some of the very economic philosophies and structural assumptions and forms put into play then are the ones crumbling and transforming now.
When I say that Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are "nothing personal," I mean it in the sense that these affect everyone on radical levels. At any point in time, Pluto affects different people differently based in individual circumstances, but it also affects us all in specific ways. This is best understood at present by seeing that while some are in better, some worse individual financial circumstances, we're ALL caught in the global financial meltdown.
We will continue to explore Pluto in Capricorn in future articles, and how it's affecting each of us, and all of us. Different generations will be challenged at different times, as will people born throughout the year. Right now, anyone with any planet in the first 5 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn will be going through radical changes and purifications in those departments of life in 2009-2010.
I'll leave you with the thought that as we embrace Pluto's energies proactively we learn to dance with the energies of "radical breakdowns, breakthroughs, and breakouts." While these can seem awesome in their intensity and daunting in terms of what we face in potential annihilations of entire areas of our life, we can become a living process of purification that can lead us into transformations where we're living our true core integrity.
Pluto is how we confront the seeds of what is and could be, and learn the willingness to do what it takes to get to the core patterns so that a better seed can sprout in our lives. If we consciously embrace a determined focus utilizing Pluto's power of "Economy of Energy" we can find our greatest realizations of who we are, who we could be, and how we could become a "sprouter of Divine Seeds" in the lives of all we touch.
Pluto in Capricorn can lead us into purified structures of becoming, seed forms of transformational power that can change how we organize and author the forms in our lives forever. If you are glimpsing seeds of taking responsibility and moved to embrace new disciplines, of claiming Divine power based in Truths you've been living forever, then you're on to the secret Pluto holds for all of us.
A few things to ponder as Pluto in Capricorn coincides with "the Winter of the 21st Century."
© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson
Im very interested as to my nature coming out of this transit. Its going to be hitting my solar 1st and natal 8th houses, as well as squaring all of my Libra planets. I've been told by some that I may experience a death of some sort during the time. Shamanic, ego death is how many describe it. At other times I feel I will adopt a new name and radically transform my perceptions and views as to how one lives and what is important in one's environment. I'll be 42 by the time it moves to Aquarius, a seeming lifetime considering the speed with which this planet is transforming and evolving.
Posted by: Damien | December 12, 2008 at 09:59 AM
Um, it looks as if my comment has been deleted or it fell of the earth?!
Posted by: Damien | December 12, 2008 at 10:05 AM
Weird, maybe Uranus' fault. ;)
Posted by: Damien | December 12, 2008 at 10:11 AM
Libra/Scorpio cusp-born here, with my Saturn in Libra at 3°55'58.. & going through my Saturn Return. Not very well-versed in astrology but am most definitely aware of this serious purification process and am blatantly being faced with long-standing patterns that no longer serve me... whatever this is, is very very intense. Great articles -first time visiting this site.
Posted by: Melanie | December 12, 2008 at 11:37 AM
I will comment about Pluto in Capricorn, Robert, not strickly-astrologically but pragmatically. I think the world has seen what is wrong: imbalance of economy, populations, resources, dependence in oil, old political models, lack of environmental considerations...
But now, what is right? How shall we put that ideals into reality?
Since Pluto entered Sagittarius (my sun sign and MC) I have radically admitted that our society was working in the wrong way. Everything moved by money and lack of space for each soul self-expression, purpose, mission...
Now this economy depression is a great opportunity to change, to act, to make moves. But it does not seem easy. Currently I am looking for a new job, having these moves in considerations, but the world seems to still function too much in the old ways. I try to find jobs with a healing approach to medicine, ecology, spirituality, herbalism, green building, arts, writing books, even astrology,... but at least in Europe, let's say it this way, these occupations although very good for the soul they seem scarce for the pocket wallet...
This week was a shattering in the way I would like to change my life. However it seems a huge challenge to push forward, to pioneer these new jobs and ways of living (in the good incoming Uranus in Aries energy).
The world is in a huge need for new inspiring ways of living (and radically different that a old way of thinking, being and doing)
Light and Love,
Posted by: Popplagid | December 12, 2008 at 12:01 PM
Beautiful Robert! grt insight into Pluto in Capricorn i was waiting for this .... you always write what i need to think and learn :)
i always look back into History and how Pluto transform the whole world when transiting through signs :)
Deep always attract you and makes you wonder ... same with me i am curious about Pluto how its effect us :)
thanks brother :)
good luck
Posted by: AceStar | December 12, 2008 at 01:29 PM
I agree with Popplagid in everything.
Pragmatic soul-function for generating our true dharma and real opportunities in this "old-shaped" kind of ill-structured society need transformation.
I think it will be the Plutonian effect here, and it's really a hard task, for the subtle yet atomic effect of Pluto -deep waters- should be really meaningful eroding Capricorn hard stones, those that interfere in our dharma by means of old rigid social patterns when developing our true potentials facing an obsolete system of social expression.
Not to mention the economical system of "get indebted and you'll be secured" lie.
Posted by: Henry | December 12, 2008 at 08:35 PM
Pluto went through my 6th house like a cyclone and it is now entering my 7th house.
What I experienced from its transit was pure instability and a tearing down of what I had thought I had built or building.
And now it is transiting my natal venus which is at 06deg53 capricorn, I take it that I will feel its full force in 2010 or 2011?
Is this correct Robert? and how do you prepare for this transit?
Posted by: Nicci | December 15, 2008 at 05:36 AM
Hi Damien - Well, there were posting issues within Typepad that got resolved. That's probably why your comment disappeared, then reappeared. I learned a long time ago that "I die daily" is the only sane way to live. Too much glamour in shamanic anything, but I'll go along with ego death, since only ego (and its components) die. I suspect you're already transforming in ways you don't yet understand, and 42 introduces an entirely new 7 year cycle.
Hi Melanie - Welcome to Professor Robert's cantina. You're not quite experiencing your Saturn return like you will later in 2009, but close enough for horseshoes as "they" say. Purification is happening due to Pluto square your Saturn, a major life period. There are quite a few articles in the archives which may be of use to use concerning the various Saturn cycles, as well as the generations Pluto is most affecting. That knowledge is unfortunately scattered among the many articles in the archives, but with creative site-googling, you may find some gems. By all means, keep checking in!
Hi Popplagid - Yes, this is the time for breakdown, breakthrough, and breaking out of old systems. These are the seeds of things to come, and much will be implemented as Mars transits Cap and Aquarius in the near future, with a whole new way of doing many things to come after Venus conjuncts Mars at 30 Pisces. Many new jobs will be sustained out of sheer necessity that we return to sanity and eschew the false "cures" of Big Pharma.
Hi AceStar - Glad I'm still in tune on a global level! I suspect that we shall not know the whole of the Plutonic effect on our times until we are on the other side! And of course, you're most welcome.
Hi Henry - This is truly a meeting place where many of like minds and hearts get to swap info and points of view that we all may become stronger and wiser. The current model is utterly inefficient to bring forth what will be necessities in the coming decades. "Debt is the means to wealth" is one of those illusions.
Hi Nicci - The transit of Pluto through the houses is a very long term set of lessons. Pluto certainly removes antiquated things, and its transit of a natal Venus takes away many people, things, likes, dislikes, and vanities. You're already feeling its power, regardless of how far it must go before conjuncting your Venus. One prepares by going to the core of one's being and eliminating over time all that is contrary to the Divine Will relative to the planetary forms that have pre-existed before then. Saying goodbye may be difficult, but not as hard as holding onto a whirlwind.
Posted by: Robert | December 15, 2008 at 08:30 PM
so are we liberating or tightening up?
i like what you said & so agree "we are breaking down to breakthru"
it seems that we all need to have "stick-to-itness"
it seems there can be a lot of "holding patterns" & yet & whizzing by energetically on the subtle & not so subtle planes
this is a GREAT post
glad i saddle up to the ole corral & took a time @ "robert's cantina" lol
Posted by: michele | December 15, 2008 at 09:30 PM
Definitely in new ways, realms out of mind and body, death does it exist? But that's an old explanation, I want to relieve this part which does not want that other thing.
Posted by: Damien | December 16, 2008 at 12:23 PM
Hi Michele - Looking forward to going live with you on New Year's Eve! Glad you like this article. I'll probably do more in the same vein.
Hi Damien - We are told by Higher Sources that "death" only affects the impermanent aggregates and our experience of all forms of death is conditioned by perception. Some deaths are welcome, some are not. I suspect that as we cultivate subtle perceptual tools we open to the infinity and eternity of Life in its countless forms that surround us all like water to a fish.
Posted by: Robert | December 24, 2008 at 11:02 AM
Hi Robert, as always, great answer, quite correct about feeling pluto's power. However; In your article you say "anyone with any planet in the first 5 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn will be going through radical changes and purifications in those departments of life in 2009-2010."
So in my case for a radical change it would be 2010-2011, or is it a minimum 3 degree orb eg. 3deg53?
How does pluto and saturn interact regarding the "present" state of the financial crisis and the realisation that financial model and policies rethink and restructure is required. and .. when do you think there will be an upturn in the world economies, financial markets and what planetary involvement would that require?
Posted by: Nicci | December 28, 2008 at 07:00 AM
Hi Nicci - Anyone with planets in early Cardinal signs will be dealing with Plutonic energies for several years. "Exactness" is not relevant in this sense, except when an inner planet triggers the effect by transit. The degree of orb just indicates a more specialized quality of any aspect. I believe the present economic and financial meltdown is more indicated by Saturn opposition Uranus. As for long range predictions of systemic shifts, that is beyond a comment stream. I'll just say that Humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall, and "all the king's horses and all the king's men won't put Humpty Dumpty back together again." We can no longer afford NOT to pay attention to the man behind the curtain. Long term global change is always incremental, and even as we speak there are people investing time, energy, and money in future technologies that will spread throughout the world. Some local economies are already turning better due to shifts in focus.
Posted by: Robert | January 02, 2009 at 08:22 AM
Once again Robert, you are a legend, thank you for the explanation.
Posted by: Nicci | January 07, 2009 at 06:25 AM
Hi Nicci - You're most welcome. Enjoy the ride with the rest of us!
Posted by: Robert | January 11, 2009 at 07:38 AM
Great article, and if this is OK with you, I have included your article in my website, where I have a collection of articles about the topic.
Posted by: Ali Ugur | May 03, 2009 at 10:38 AM
Hi Ali - As you know by now, I definitely think your site is a good thing with many good things to offer. Since Pluto will be there for so many years, you're probably going to pick up visitors for quite a while!
Posted by: Robert | May 07, 2009 at 07:23 PM