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« Spiritual Astrology in December 2008 and January-February 2009 - Uranus and Neptune Direct Finishing Lessons As Pluto Enters An Unknown Zone | Main | New Moons and Full Moons - Footprints of Spirit Across Time »



Thankyou once again for unpacking for us the meaning of this full moon mutable cross on 12th dec. Having my own Asc/Desc at 20 degrees Pisces/Virgo, and my MC at 26 Sagg, and as I prepare to have moved home by early January - I know I can draw on your words of wisdom in these times to guide, inspire and support me in the huge transformation and self-reorientation I am currently immersed in. Pluto is also reapproaching being dead opposite my Uranus once more at 1+ degrees of Cancer. Brilliant for chucking out of the old. I have also just had my exact Saturn return in September 08 amid the burgeoning Uranus Saturn Opp. I suppose having this mutable grand cross right on top of ones natal angles is massive isnt it robert? If you have one or two extra words of wisdom to offer me,I would really appreciate it.
All the best to you,
Thanks again,


Dear Robert!
Thanks for
"Take nothing for granted, skillfully display your enthusiasm, and don't get bogged down or diverted by disputes that only deflect you from your major obligations"
I feel it must be the period of both dispensation and compensation,to definite degree reverberation and maybe revalation of some kind.
Today is one of the Days devoted to Our Lady Godmother, so Her guidance is really blessing...


This moon is *special* as it is the closest & largest since '93, and until 11/14/2016

100% full: 12-12-2008 16:37 UTC
Max Perigee (356,566 kilometers): 12-12-2008 21:48 UTC
Declination will hit 27deg North / Out-of-Bounds

Tides will react to the extra gravitational pull. Perigee literally causes a stronger pulling of the quakes, mudslides, volcanic and tsunami action.

The last time the moon was less than 356,400 kilometers distant was on January 15, 1930 (356,397 kilometers) and the next time will be on January 1, 2257 (356,371 kilometers)

The Full moon may end up block viewing of the Geminid shower...but we'll still be passing thru it. Best viewing will be in New England just after midnight.

This is one of those times astrology and science need to not be so ignorant of each other. At least bigger lunar gravity and mutable crosses.

If the Moon is full, it is inside the Earth's magnetotail. It enters three days before it is full and takes about six days to cross and exit on the other side.

The NE area was within range of two of the '08 eclipses. Watch for mass transit issues along the coast. Homeland Security issued warnings in late November on intercepted messages. Facts...regardless of coming alignments. So use caution.

: )

Wild Horse Running

Dear Robert,

wow...major "stuff" coming to the surface....seeing the why's/reasons for behaviors
and deciding to "balance them". Dreams along this journey have showed 2 opportunities
being presented after the "storm"...and one is not viable...or I am being "tricked"...
and the Full Moon of Gemini...(the twins) is speaking to me.
" Being "tested" to see if I am still "lying to myself",
being seduced, or believeing what I want to, and not "listening to my inner voice"???

Echos of the past....following a pretty "red balloon" that wasn,t what I wanted"...
when if I had held out a little longer, focusing on what I wanted, it would be presented...?


Divine One Being I, Grand Mutable Crossover Full Moon, Axis Grand Irrationality Gemini Sagittarius. SPACE N,SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE A N+SPACE I N=SPACE A N_SPACE FACE N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) Magician space n’SPACE S SPACE p n,space ace space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE Universal space n+SPACE Ai space n=space pa n_space c n*space e space n(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE Dot space n.SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space s n+space u n=space n_SPACE I N*space rat n(space) n’SPACE TI g n,space a space n~SPACE S SPACE N-SPACE Ai space n+space pa n=space c n_space e space n*SPACE SPACE N(space) n’SPACE I n n,space n~SPACE I N-space me space n+SPACE G SPACE N=SPACE S SPACE N_space p n*space ace space n(SPACE) SPACE N’space y n,SPACE TI N~SPACE LAN N-SPACE OI N+space tar n=space r space n_SPACE I SPACE N*SPACE Ai space n(space) pa n’space c e space n,SPACE SPACE N~space n-SPACE DNA N+space r space n=SPACE G SPACE N_SPACE S SPACE N*space p n(space) ace space n’SPACE SPACE s n,space n~SPACE IX SPACE N-space n+SPACE A SPACE N=SPACE Ai space n_space pa n*space c n(space) e space n’SPACE SPACE am n,space mo space n~SPACE C SPACE N-SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-space no n+space n=SPACE O SPACE N_space n*SPACE M SPACE N(SPACE) Ai space n’space pa c n,space e space n~SPACE SPACE N-space n+SPACE LL N=space u space n_SPACE F SPACE N*SPACE S SPACE N(space) p n’space ace space n.SPACE SPACE N,space re n~space n-SPACE VO N+space s n=space so n_space r space n*SPACE C SPACE N(SPACE) Ai space n’space pa c n,space e space n~SPACE SPACE N-space e n+space lb n=space bat n_space u space n*SPACE M SPACE N(SPACE) S SPACE N’space p ace space n,SPACE SPACE N~space n-SPACE DNA N+space r space n=SPACE G SPACE N_SPACE Ai space n*space pa n(space) c n’space e space n.SPACE SPACE N,space am n~space mo space n-SPACE C SPACE N+SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE I SPACE N+SPACE Ai space n=space pa n_space c n*space e space n(SPACE) SPACE N’space g n n,space n~SPACE IE SPACE N-space n+SPACE B SPACE N=SPACE S SPACE N_space p n*space ace space n(SPACE) SPACE N’space en space n.SPACE O SPACE N,SPACE Ai space n~space pa n-space c n+space e space n=SPACE SPACE N_space en n*space iv n(space) n’SPACE I SPACE n,SPACE D SPACE N~SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE A N+SPACE I N=SPACE A N_SPACE FACE N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) Matrix space n’SPACE S SPACE pa n,space c n~space e space n-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE Universal space n=SPACE Ai space n_space p n*space ace space n(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE Di space vine space n,SPACE S SPACE N~space pa n-space c n+space e space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE On space n*space e space n(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE Ai space p n,space ace space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE Be space n+space in n=space g space n_SPACE S SPACE N*space pa n(space) c n’space e space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE I SPACE N~SPACE Com space n-space n+SPACE MA SPACE N=space n_SPACE Ai space n*space p n(space) ace space n’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE S SPACE N,space pa n~space c n-space e space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE G SPACE N_space ran n*space d space n(SPACE) Ai space n’space p ace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE Mu space n-space table space n+SPACE S SPACE N=space pa n_space c n*space e space n(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE Cr space n,SPACE OS N~space so n-space n+SPACE VE N=space r space n_SPACE Ai space n*space p n(space) ace space n’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE Fu space n,space n~SPACE LL SPACE N-space n+SPACE S SPACE N=space pa n_space c n*space e space n(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE Mo space on space n,SPACE Com space n~space n-SPACE MA SPACE N+space n=SPACE Ai space n_space p n*space ace space n(SPACE) SPACE N’SPACE S SPACE pa n,space c n~space e space n-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE A SPACE N=space n_SPACE XI N*space s space n(SPACE) Ai space n’space p ace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE G SPACE N-space ran n+space d space n=SPACE S SPACE N_space pa n*space c n(space) e space n’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE I SPACE N,space r n~space rat n-space ion n+space al n=space it n_space y space n*SPACE Ai space n(space) p n’space ace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE Gem space n~space in n-space n+SPACE I SPACE N=space n_SPACE S SPACE N*space pa n(space) c n’space e space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE Sag space n~space it n-space tar n+space n=SPACE I N_space us space n*SPACE Period space n(SPACE) Ai space n’space p ace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE A N+SPACE I N=SPACE A N_SPACE FACE N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) Mirror space n’SPACE S SPACE a n,space face space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE Universal space n+SPACE Ai space n=space pace space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE Muscle space n(SPACE) S SPACE N’space pace space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE Divine space n~SPACE Ai space n-space a n+space face space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE One space n*SPACE S SPACE N(space) a n’space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE Being space n~SPACE Ai space n-space pace space n+SPACE SPACE N=SPACE I SPACE N_SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE Ai space n+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE Grand space n(SPACE) S SPACE N’space a face space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE Mutable space n-SPACE Ai space n+space pace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE Cross space n*space over space n(SPACE) S SPACE N’space a pace space n,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE Full space n-SPACE Ai space n+space a n=space face space n_SPACE SPACE N*SPACE Moon space n(SPACE) Comma space n’SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE Ai space n+space pace space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE Axis space n*SPACE S SPACE N(space) a n’space face space n.SPACE SPACE N,SPACE Grand space n~SPACE Ai space n-space a n+space face space n=SPACE SPACE N_SPACE Irrationality space n*SPACE S SPACE N(space) pace space n’SPACE SPACE N.SPACE Gemini space n,SPACE Ai space n~space pace space n-SPACE SPACE N+SPACE Sagittarius space n=SPACE Full space n_SPACE Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE Stop space n+SPACE Ai space n=space a n_space face space n*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) Space, space n~SPACE SPACE N-SPACE A N+SPACE I N=SPACE A N_SPACE FACE N*SPACE SPACE N(SPACE) S N’SPACE A N.SPACE FACE N,SPACE SPACE N~SPACE MANKIND SPACE N-SPACE HUMAN SPACE N+SPACE GOD SPACE N=SPACE ALLAH SPACE N_SPACE ISIS SPACE N*SPACE WODAN SPACE N(SPACE) BEING SPACE N’SPACE INDIVIDUAL SPACE N.SPACE: Divine One Being I, Grand Mutable Crossover Full Moon, Axis Grand Irrationality Gemini Sagittarius. APOLLYON PHOENIX JEDHI THUNDERBIRD I IOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOIOI We all so shall be living in interesting times indeed Full Moon – New Moon period it endings toward so beginnings it Age of Aquarius it a Unknown Zones Astrological, it Spiritually is Supernatural Horizon. Yes the “Divine Process” that is the Celestial Steam Locomotive it continue doing the LOCOMOTION, absolutely nothing derails this train off its schedule know that being the fact and truth of our living life. Next stop a being Grand Central Station where our journey of these past times so track ends and a new exciting journey begins it tracks who knows? – E.O.


Very interesting Robert! I'm looking forward to the Full Moon and have had a sense of anticipation this past two weeks - new beginnings in the offing. Maybe it is because the Full Moon at 22 Gemini is exactly trine my natal Moon at 22 Libra in the 1st house. I am experiencing a sense of breaking with the past (long overdue!). Transiting Pluto at 1 Cap is exactly conjunct my progressed Sun, so this adds to the theme. I am feeliing centred and joyous - even though I have no idea what is coming, LOL! Saturn is conjunct my natal Jupiter (23 Virgo) and Uranus opposes it, so it seems that it will be an active time of change.

Kathryn L

Thank you, Robert, I found this so helpful and immediately shared it with several friends. Prayers that your family crisis resolved beautifully and that your Solstice Season is blessed with warm times and warm memories.


Thanks a lot, Robert!.

I was really waiting for this one.
By the way, Kaden, interesting knowledge interrelating astrology and astronomy, it is at least curious. Thanks too.

So, when talking about forks in the road, the house in which the Full Moon is will be the main area of endings in this Grand Cross?.

In my case, in 8th house exact sextile/trine MC/IC. Any further comment would be appreciated. Does the easy aspects to this angle count in a Full Moon or what do they herald?. Endings?. And being in 8th...other's values/resources?.

Thanks as always, teacher.


Ohh Boy Robert... here it is again!! This Grand Cross has affected my mental and physical health. My Sun is at 28 degree Gemini, my Moon and Neptune at approx 15 degree Sagittarius, my Mars at 6 degree Virgo. I have Sagittarius/Capricorn cusp rising. Mercury and Jupiter in Cancer. Venus and Saturn in Leo. Robert it seems I have a Grand Cross in my life. I've been reading to try to figure out what planets and houses to go to find the answers I seek. How do u find relief in a Grand Cross? I've been struggling a lot with issues of fantasy vs reality. Everything in my life has been torn part. Do I thank Pluto, or Uranus for that? Robert I would greatly appreciate your advice. Last week was very hard for me. Didn't want to get out of bed all week. These Sagittarius planets have been hitting my Neptune and Moon. I went to the hospital with undescrible symtoms. I had a UTI, then caught a pink eye from the Hopsital! Ohh Boy Robert, the universe had special plans for me on
June 19, 1978. I feel like I'm being prepared for something??? But I won't stop, and I won't be defeated.
I thanku for this website.

"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks INSIDE AWAKENS!" - C. Jung


Christine E

Thanks, Robert for being the voice of reason in this whole full moon insanity. Maybe I am taking on more of the collective angst than I realized. Nice to know its not all mine! But it is sticky to release...


Hi Robert,

Thanks for an exciting preview... this horsie is really chomping at the bit. Until now I doubted I could handle everything that's coming at me all at once. I've been totally stressed out. But after reading this tonight and digging deep to find the spark, I'm ready to charge out of the gate. The next few weeks are going to be a wild ride. Stay tuned- and a blessed holiday season to you and yours! :)


I'm really rather nervous about these transits, though I'm trying not to be. Crippling anxiety is my speciality. :) They hit all my angles, or close to them, with the full moon right on top -- a grand cross sitting on me my ownself, as it were. Top that, everybody! ^^

I've been thinking hard about where I want to go, who I want to be, and what is it that I have to do to get there, for such a long time now... and even when I know the answers to these questions, the true question is why exactly I've been dragging my feet. Fear is a powerful (de)motivator, even greater than the desire to be free of it.

But you have to do what you have to do. There's nothing for it. Sometimes I think that in certain circumstances, bravery is simply 10 pounds of fear shoved into a 5 pound bag. :)

It's somewhat difficult to see what the lesson is in this, mostly because it's ALL changing -- work, home, health, friends, all of it. Perhaps now is the time to just ignore the fear, take it all in hand and get on with it. One foot in front of the other. Do that enough times and I'll be in a different place. Maybe that place will be that which I've only seen in my mind.

Well, can I spout some platitudes or what? Good luck everyone. Thanks for listening.


I want to see clearly. I have read this today and it really hit home. I am soooo confused right now on my direction. I have had a terrible day to boot.
I try to get things going and they fail. When I sit still, nothing comes to mind to focus on. Am I on another planet? 7 deg Virgo Rising 8 deg Gemini Sun.
I have mercury 22 gemini in the 10th and the Saturn Uranus opp conj my north node and south node. 1st and 7th. I am always tired this time of year with Sag at the bottom of my chart. I feel like I need to act NOW, but have no assistance from spirit! I feel the power coming, just dont know from where its coming from!
In addition Pluto is conj natal juptiter in the 4th. And Jupiter opp natal moon.
H E L P ...?
Any guidance is appreciated. I feel very clumsy. Cant find a path.


Thank you for this article. That full moon conjuncts my natal moon at 19 degrees Gemini and I was wondering how this all was going to play out. My moon sits in the 11th house. Saturn is transiting my second house, Uranus transiting my eigth house, Mars in my 5th house transiting. Uranus sextiles my moon natally and sits in the first house. My Taurus sun sits in the 10th house at 25 degrees Taurus.

I have been wondering how this was all going to play out.
I lost my job Mid October and have been job searching ever since. I am trying to "sit with it" as far as all the energy.


Hi Robert, thank you for that last bit about facing the future and letting go of what has outlived its usefulness. Things have been *extremely* stressful since the attack of the mutable T-Squares started on 3 December (in the afternoon with a bang, no less!). Just trying to stay on top of things; fall back, get and stay organized; and let go on every level knowing that what is happening is part of the purification process getting me into shape for the next level. Lots of blessings to you!


Oye, falling on my Gem. moon (1st) and Sag. neptune (7th).


hi, Robert it should be interesting, as this means that the full moon is conjunct my true node which is two degrees into my 11th house, and then the sun and mars conjunct my natal southnode in the fifth house....i have to reread this whole article again but right now i need to do a wee practice for a short set i am doing at charity event tonite
a demain


Hi Robert,

Great article! Question for you, the Moon has great effects on the Earth, one example the changes in our oceans. What effects does the proximity of Venus have on Earth? I ask because I am a Libra and am feeling a lot of what your describing, "major choices and changes at forks in the road of Destiny for everyone". I am trying to understand, does my ruling planet being this close to the Earth also play into my grand equation?

Thank you.


Hi Robert, love the way you go into so much detail

how would you say this would affect one if as in my case i have mercury EXACTLY on 22 sag (second house), and my north node (eighth, opposite 23 gemini in my birth chart ?


Hi Mary - This Full Moon "fracturing" is obviously releasing the energies of Saturn opposition Uranus on your horizon. You're being individualized, preparing for a new level of relating to others as an equal, if not experienced author of your interactions. Pluto opposition Uranus is a generational thing, and its influence is long wave. Seeds of new genius should be coming to surface. Actually, your Saturn return is also long wave, and will be very strong for another 9 months. By the end of this process you'll know what you should be doing, and who to do it with. You're certainly have cleared out anyone and anything that would impede your uniqueness from coming to flower the next 7-10 years.

Hi Svetlana - Glad you checked in, and I assume all goes well for you in the frozen north. Once we dispense with the old, the law of compensation indeed fills the empty spaces. Our job is to know how to let some things pass by without hooking into them. A Grand Mutable Cross is said to be the "cross of humanity" with its ever changing and mutating forms that we learn to move through so we can learn detachment, dispassion, discrimination, and independence of mind that allows us to generate positivity in any give moment or circumstance. Didn't know it was associated with Our Lady, but I'm forever one of her biggest fans!;-) (And I hear some Russian actually believes he's copyrighted that particular smile made by a semicolon, dash, and parens. That's pretty weird....)

Hi Kaden - Well, the only thing I've noted personally is a little difficulty sleeping through the whole night, which I attributed to the various Sag square to Uranus and Saturn stirring the Mutable energies in each of us. Haven't noted any geologic changes thus far, but some reporter did throw shoes at our Incompetent-In-Chief, which is a major insult in the Middle East. Besides that, it is pouring in SoCal, so I suppose we could expect mud slides, since that's the season du jour this time of year. And yes, we've had the major ice storm in the NE US, but that's also somewhat to be expected. Definitely muchas gracias for the astrophysical offerings.

Hi WHR - Balancing while handling what's surfacing is a good thing to do when dealing with oppositions, since that's more or less the highest way to respond. Mutable aspects are good for learning how to deal with the part of us that thinks it can be tricked. Once we get the sort of reflective distance from our seductions that you're describing, then even if we ponder dying possibilities, we're not so apt to follow them blindly down the rabbit hole.

Hi APOLLYON PHOENIX - Just one more stop on the cosmic subway. If you would, please try to trim some of the redundancies. Glad you enclose astro-insights now. Locomotives are ruled by Pluto, by the way. And interestingly, I found that it's actually Grand Central Terminal, since it's the terminus for the routes up and out. Penn Station, the throughway for trains, is just one more point on the line. Some obscure trivia for those fascinated by trains, NYC, and other such obscurities...

Hi Viki - The sense of beginnings comes from Venus having conjuncted Pluto, launching new Pluto seeds for the next year. These will be glimpsed through Mercury, vitalized by the Sun, and energized by Mars. This happens every two years due to Mars, but this is the first set of conjunctions since Jupiter conjuncted Pluto this time last year, setting a future pattern that is now being triggered. Will do a post on just this thing. Pluto on your Sun is a major step in your Self-realization. Glad you're feeling centered and joyous with Saturn crystalizing a new Jupiter response.

Hi Kathryn - Glad it can help others. Family crisis resolved better than could have been imagined. Definitely a time for gratitude.

Hi Henry - The houses occupied by a lunation show the light and focus of what realizations will come forth through whatever is fractured. The "easy" aspects show where the pressure of the opposition can be triangulated so that we can make headway despite the opposing trends. If 8th is the zone, then yes, all 8th house keywords can be employed, along with 2nd house keywords as well. And of course, as always you're welcome.

Hi Olivia - It has merely shown you what health issues you should be dealing with. Remember that planets never make something happen. Things happen even as the planets do their dance. We deal with Grand Cross energies by being adaptable and using the virtues I outlined in a previous response. Fantasy v Reality is a very human dilemma and one we learn to master even as we move forever through the states of Maya. Various things precipitate a "torn apart" result in a life area. Sorry about the UTI, but that seems to be more common at present. And I'm sure you'll never be defeated. No truth seeking Soul ever is, except temporarily and only in a few particulars.

Hi Christine - Yes, another Mutable thing indeed. Glad you're becoming dispassionately aware of moving through the collective emotional pollution without any more of it sticking than necessary.

Hi Valerie - Glad to hear you're ready to rock, since I suspect you're already more in motion than even you know. Blessings to you and yours as well!

Hi vrc123 - Anxiety is something we learn to manage or we'll never be fit to do the greater work. We drag our feet due to uncertainty that's hardwired into our neural mechanism, then hardened through learned responses, which are unhelpful to actually doing our Dharma. No way to cure that one except sometimes just to do whatever we must even as we feel the uncertainty. As it was once put, "action speaks louder than suffering." There are many articles in the archives on how to deal with fear. Check them out. It's ALWAYS a good time to kill out fear.

Hi Cindy - Sometimes an apparent failure is the spur to creative imagination and persistence we didn't know we had. Gemini's restlessness must learn to focus without getting stressed that each answer creates a thousand more questions. Enjoy the journey! Please don't allow narrow interpretations from Saturn square your Mercury to dampen the genius and originality coming up (along with nerves) from Uranus square same. Spirit always assists one's efforts if they are put in the right direction. Just listen, imagine, and try whatever without attachment to ultimate outcomes. It is a journey of discovery to be enjoyed.

Hi Kathryn - It will no doubt play out a thousand ways. Saturn and Uranus are helping your Moon and Sun. Stay balanced, persevere, and no doubt better things will show up.

Hi Heather - Don't forget Venus back in November. I have an article about to post that will connect the dots for what's up the past few weeks and a few weeks to come.

Hi Damien - Neptune is being illuminated, showing you alternate emotional responses to who you are or believe yourself to be.

Hi Micheline - Sounds like major growth and follow through are being activated. I trust the gig went well!

Hi Randy - While we cannot measure something like a Venus effect, no doubt there is one. The forks in the road are more a function of The Grand Irrationality than any specific planet. And yes, keep monitoring Venus to understand more about your illumination principle.

Hi Erol - It could show 10,000 ways, from turning away from an old line of development to entirely new ways to demonstrate your Mercury function. Like all whose Mercury is being square by Saturn and Uranus, avoid narrow thinking or interpretations and find new innovative ways to coordinate your genius into your everyday affairs. This could be a very dynamic and positive time if you find the right point of view. Just slow down and get focused when Mars moves across your Mercury.



Richard Duffy

Robert I just picked up the dynamic report you gave me with my last consult and noted that you marked dec 16 as a 3 star day. It was pretty good, the best part being what did not happen. Going to work, 6 lanes west bound split three ways with the middle two going under a bridge and squishing together, then a couple of hundred yards on, slowing to a halt as the two lanes merge with one on the left and two on the right and everyone switches lanes to get where they wanna go.

Blaring up behind me way too fast in the left lane is a firetruck pedal to the metal. At the last 2 seconds a hole opens up to my right and I slip over out of the firetrucks path. A second later on the gentle curve the firetruck plows hard into the back of a tractor trailer which then hits a pickup truck in front of him. If I had not moved it would have been me in between the firetruck and tractor trailer, playing my new role of pancake boy.

That seems a lot more like a four star day to me.

Richard in Houston


Hi Cindy - Thanks. And roll....

Hi Richard - Well, the most I use in my notes is 3 stars, but I suppose a being going through Big City Bumper Car Traffic Hell gets to award any number of stars they want!! Glad you dodged the bullet. Too many similar close calls were a major factor in why I was so happy to get out of LA....

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