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Sue Moon

My head hurts from all of this information and I am going to have to read and re-read the above many times. Thank you for continuing to educate us. My career is evolving so fast I find it difficult to accept at times. And my body is screaming at me to relax. My writing is again deepening and books are beckoning (3rd H Aries/9th Libra). Many times you have told me my Moon (19 Sag in 11th)is basically under the knife and will be the focus in 2009-10 in the area of group work/service. I have been an alternative healer with my own Centers in many modalities for over 30 years. When you told me this would be heavily affecting Cancer in my chart, I studied that for awhile (I have no planets in cancer but it rules my 6th and 7th Houses.) And work is really metamorphing and my business partner and I have been going thru many emotional and now physical changes. My 1st house has 5 degrees of Cap/30 Aquar/11 Pisces.....I'm a bigger personality than I can hardly handle!! And I wipe people out with my intensity or heal them by it!
I guess I just want to vent a little and I find you such a great person to share with, I wish you were my next door neighbor and we could sit on the patio and stare at the stars and talk till we had nothing more to say. Om Shanti guruji

Micheline  Cloutier

"Hi Micheline - You should be able to find a new way to anchor your natural self expression, or at least find experimental motifs for your creativity. Maybe going back to the past to find something for the future?"
ah but i discovered that i was wrong about the safari
ya i had to disable the silly javascript....
i need a newer system or and a computer all in good time all in good time


Thank you, as always, for immeasurably helpful insights:

Struggling to breathe sometimes with Pluto GI at natal IC opposite MC/PF TSQ natal Ceres 1 Aries opposite ASC 2 Libra, I feel healing transformation as Chiron opposes my natal Pluto and GI rocks my world on a regular basis of natal Mercury 26 Aquarius, Jupiter 13 Aries, and Mars 12 Scorpio.

Thinking of selling the house, job contract ends June 30, and daughter going to college next fall, I'm tired - tired of energy surges and crazy people. Maybe I'll move to Shangri-la

Any comforting words will be most appreciated. Namaste


Many thanks for this very informative website. I read your articles every day and I get very inspired by them. Furthermore, it helps me to study what is happening 'above' and is reflected 'below' even more.

Keep up the good work and again many thanks,

In Love and Light,

The Netherlands


Hi Sue - Sorry if so many words clutter the direct experience, but there is a lot to describe. But like my personal sessions, it does require some revisiting to get an ever-evolving sense of what the deeper and higher meaning and applications entail. Relaxing is a good thing, as I'm continually being forced to remember! Your Moon T-squared shows you're in a long term juggling mode. It does seem that you have a very wide "house of personality," and will show many different facets of your evolving self image as the years pass on. When the porch isn't available, then we find our way to the cantina! Blessings to you as well...

Hi Micheline - Definitely when it comes to computers we must update our equipment from time to time! Hang in there!

Hi Robertalini - You're most welcome. Your foundations are undergoing long range transformation, so figure out what you truly care about. The Ocean has come to meet your Mercury? No wonder you're "struggling to breathe..." Jupiter is opening new doors even as we speak. Just figure out what hassles you don't need, refuse that which rages around, and look to new ways to express yourself without so much self-editing. If selling your home will help you move into new life chapters, then it may be a good thing, depending on local conditions. But these types of life-altering decisions should not be made on the basis of comment streams, as they require more detailed analysis of other factors as well.

Hi Ilse - Glad you are inspired by what's written here. And yes, by studying the larger patterns it becomes easier to know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it here in the material world. And of course, you're most welcome.


Hi, Robert. I just continue to be completely overwhelmed. I make a choice which I consider and feel to be for my own health, only to re-think it from the angle that the old structures that I have dealt with for so long are no longer relevant. Then I don't know what to do. I try to take care of me, but the me keeps getting lost. You told me earlier that things were going on that I did not understand. That has proven to be an understatement. Love and light, Anne


Hi Robert:

I perused this article only to find myself reading and re-reading it over and over. I like it though, it gives me that feeling of being a student again which I enjoy. I had posted a comment before on the Mercury in Rx thread about signing a lease, and you indicated that the aspects of the Moon are far more important in lease-signing than Mercury. I did an event chart for my lease signing (1/10/09 12:00pm Long Beach, NY) and it has a Cancer moon with a Taurus rising! The 4th house is in Cancer, too. I am going to cast aside lingering worries and look at this with much positivity! While the moon in the event chart squares my Natal moon at 10 degrees Libra, I want to look at this square as a great impetus for change and growth. I am viewing this move with much positivity, but I still have nagging worries and an anxious Virgo part of me that is in dire need of transformation. The aspects to the lease-signing Cancer moon include two Capricorn oppositions (Mars and Midheaven) and a Venus and Uranus trine. I will be working from my new home but also using its proximity to the beach to re-ignite my passion for the outdoors and sports. Like a child needing hand-holding, I look towards you (and this blog!) as a sort of psychospiritual salve.

Love and light,

(9/25/84 12:14pm Brooklyn, NY)


Hi Robert, like my fellow seekers above I also have to read and re-read your article- but that is a pleasure. The Grand Irrationality is still the best way for me to even remotely understand my life. Nothing makes sense from one day to the next, I'm SOO tired and still running like the energizer bunny. Wondering if I should find a new line of work... but thankful every day for what I have.

But anyway, how do you think the Grand Irrationality ties in with all these greedy financiers getting caught, stealing and losing other people's money in vast amounts, jumping in front of trains and stuff. Pluto in Capricorn or something. One after another, they are falling down. What's the connection with money?

Namaste :)


Hi Anne - Many feel overwhelmed at present with so much pressure to accomplish so much in a limited time. Why don't you just sit still and demand a revelation of what to do and how to do it, holding the expectancy until one shows up?

Hi Justine - It's like my personal sessions. A person has to take it in several times before a clearer and clearer light emerges. And much of what we experience in the now doesn't get clear until some time has passed and we get perspective. Glad you moved forward when you did, since Moon in Cancer can be a great time for signing leases. Not always, but often, especially with a trine to Venus exalted. 24 is an important year of change.

Hi Valerie - This site is definitely about stretching the brain! Every time someone reads something as complex as what is written here, they strengthen and/or expand the neural wiring in their brain, guaranteed to stave off stagnant thinking. Also feeling like the energizer, and also thankful for each moment I draw a breath and can love my loved ones. The GI merely marks a fork in the road. I believe the meltdown is related to Saturn in the Taurus decan of Virgo opposition Uranus in the sign of self undoing. The irrationality is why more of them aren't already in prison.


Fascinating. Thank you. I was just thinking of the word stagnant today... synchronicity! :)


for the last 4 days, including last night (!) i had strange dreams - I was dreaming of HUGE birds, i mean really too big to be real. Twice. Last night: a huge white bird was descending and i felt fear because it was descending right on where i was - it didn't hurt me, but i was scared. It was sort of roof or I was under the table where that huge bird tried to reach me through. Two days agp, same looking white big bird was trying to enter my house through my window, now it was descending staright on me.

Also, I saw a hills of seeds, various, but think mostly pumpkin seeds. Right in front of me. Does anyone have nay idea about meaning of huge birds, too big to be real. I know and it is a fact, that it means something, because I rare;y dream of anything insignificant, or I don't dream at all. It means something. Huge birds aiming at me and descending at me, and the hill of seeds, peeled ones. Thank you for any thoughts.

Micheline  Cloutier

hi, Robert for some reason i posted the wrong thing, my thinking or mercury short circuited my brain, hahahahaha
but i wanted to say that it seems that i am going to have many hits from the galatic center configuartion, i have my sun/moon midpoint at 1 cap (and pluto is that now!!!), then my dc is at 23 d aqu, i have three planets in virgo, mars at 14 d, pluto and uranus at 16 d all at the beginning of my second house, and then there is venus in scorpio in a seperating aspect to my natal ic at 12 scorpio and my natal neptune also conjuncts my venus...
phew is all i have to say
i will also need to reread your articles here.....
i was not able to go to your show cause for me to listen to you live i would have to get up before 5 to get set up for it..... sinice greenwhich means time is 9 hours behind us here in Tokyo... I would have loved to have spoken to you. But alas I have to sleep.... and rest though I had a few bizarre dreams.
okay thats enough for me Thanks Robert for this wonderful information and the time you take to write and create all this.


Thank you, Robert. I am staying open. Namaste


Hi Robert. Thank you for this article and your service. My husband and I are looking at each other asking ourselves and each other- what the heck is going on here? We had our car air conditioning break, a glass shower door shatter all over our two little boys (they got minor cuts and are okay- thank goodness!!) and I accidentally forgot that I was boiling eggs this morning and only remembered when I heard the eggs pop all over the stove top! All of this happened in one day! Plus, I am personally feeling extra hyper and over stimulated. The energy feels radical, wild, uncontrollable and uncertain. There is a certain sense of excitability and chaotic energy- very hard for me to explain- but I am feeling it greatly! Everything feels explosive and combustible!! As if there is major tension building up and will soon burst !!! Like the eggs this morning! :-)

What is going on? My husband and I could really use some clarity. Here is our birth info in case you need it. Thank you in advanced! You are one of the best astrologers out there!

My husband: 05-26-69 Angra do Heroismo Azores Portugal 1:00 PM
Me: 03-19-75 Harbor City, CA USA 12:45 PM


Hola Senor,

There is an internal storm happening....over the last month, I have adopted new patterns of speaking/
facing others, expressing myself, and subsequently let go/ended/closed doors/with many after expressing
my true feelings. And in doing so, I see the energy of those connections, and the lack of respect within
them. I cannot allow dis-respect anymore, or dealings with those who choose to play games.
I am unable to lie down anymore, and am feeling explosions that I realize I have "contained"...
but can,t anymore...and they are coming up with a force, that surprizes me. I have felt anger for the
last couple of days, and have been at a "JOB" that I realize validates those old feelings.
Yesterday an "instigation" by a customer caused me to react swiftly and assertively, which made me realize
that I feel differently the same time, I am seeing what I haven,t been able to see before,
in being able to "read" people...I am beginning to see their "hidden" motives, and am facing them/speaking
ref them. old rickety crumbling, weak foundation house......sucumbing to the force of natures storm...


Well Im is more calm, but Im starting to "recognize" times of intensity/anxiety
as shiftings, and I wonder about the "explosions" I wroteabout, if those are "old impulses"?
I read an eclipse article, ref Feb eclipse at 21 Leo...exact on top of my Uranus...the degree
of "Own worst enemy"....from the article...
The eclipse occurs at 21°00' Leo (the degree of "Own Worst Enemy!"), in conjunction with the Fixed Star Algenubi, a star of cruelty, yet also artistic appreciation combined with great spiritual gifts, while the Sun is on the stars Castra ("The Fortress"), often considered problematic, though it has a good side, and Nashira, which favours good governance, writing, religion and the overcoming of evil. Pretty good, then, so long as you tread carefully and do not let ego create big problems making you your own worst enemy!

This eclipse once again stimulates that square in fixed signs I have at 21-22 degrees....
Recently I have been awakening/opening to new abilities of expression/inner strength...and realize
that I have not been strong within, and covered it, masked it with defensive-ness/aggressive-ness/attacking
instigating of others, and I now see it, understand it,in those around I guess my question this eclispe which conjuncts that Fixed star "Algenubi"...which also holds "spiritual gifts/artistic
appreciation" and sitting on top of my Uranus opposing my Chiron...bring me those possibilities of attracting
the positive, or do I get to continue being my own worst enemy?

The Crossroads??????? Which way do I want to go?????



Hi Valerie - Once we target stagnant conditions, then we can move the Chi forward!

Hi Larisa - Everything in dream work is dependent on your preexisting imagery and prior experiences. For example, birds are often symbols of spiritual forces, unless you've just seen the Hitchcock movie before going to sleep. White birds are often symbols of spiritual messengers. Perhaps you're scared of a big spiritual force in your life. Houses are often symbols of personality, so the theme continues that perhaps a big spiritual force is trying to get through to you but you're scared. Pumpkins are a special vegetable to me, as they are the means by which I've fed a LOT of people via soup kitchens and donations to churches over the decades.

Hi Micheline - Your planets will show the most obvious effect. Midpoints and abstract points (ASC, MC, IC, DSC) respectively show combined narrow resonances and ways of viewing the world. Definitely relate what choices and changes are occurring related to the houses your Virgo and Scorpio planets fall in as well as rule. As you know, the show was blitzed through Mercury RX malfunctions. But you can always listen at your leisure by going to the link on her site or mine after it's posted. And yes, the show is live at 5 am Tokyo time, so I suppose you get a pass!;-) It seems as though many are having "bizarre dreams" during this span of time. Also, if you would, could you please email me using the link on the sidebar. I need to ask you something.

Hi Anne - You're welcome.

Hi Maricarda - Well, we have Mercury RX conjunct Mars, Sun and Mercury conjunct Jupiter, and the general tension of Saturn opposed Uranus, any of which can indicate accidents, breaks, spacing out important things, getting too spread out, and other manifestations. Of course, those are generic indicators, and your individual chart is probably being activated by at least a couple of these things, as well as perhaps others. In your chart alone, Jupiter and now Mercury squares your Uranus, Pluto is square your Jupiter, and Mercury is RX square your Venus. I'm sure that day the Moon activated all kinds of things. The coming Mars-Jupiter conjunction will fall exactly on your Mars, showing a 2 year cycle of expansion and action will commence then, so it's definitely a time to learn how to steer your Mars energies wisely. Pluto is square your husband's Moon, Jupiter is square his Saturn, and his Uranus has been under long term pressure from Pluto. No doubt he has "escaped from a narrow destiny" in the past two years. This Spring and Summer should be very good for him if he can be precise in his imagery of what he wants to see come forth.

Hi WHR - There are many internal storms in this time of Saturn opposition Uranus. The best thing in busting old patterns is that it blows the pre-existing systems and games wide open. Not allowing disrespect seems to be a larger theme these days. Probably some degree of detachment is good right now. Many things that burst out are in fact old issues that have been held in check by ego. As a scholar of many degree systems created over centuries by at least a dozen men, I don't ascribe to degree interpretations that have negative connotations. That's also why I tell everyone not to immediately accept the traditional "meanings" of the fixed stars, since they overwhelmingly were negative, except for the few that were over the top blessings for fame, power, artistic talent, and all the other superstitious claims of antiquity. "The fault is never in the stars, but within ourselves." A star neither makes us cruel or successful. The ego is always one's worst enemy, and always within our ability to change for the good regardless of whether this star or that planet is active. You cannot be your own worst enemy if you totally embrace self-realization practices and stop the tendencies to manifest the lower rather than the higher.

Deborah Allin

Hi Larisa just reading this on Feb 3 the day before my birthday, I dreamed that a large black crow with a large beak hovered over me but I was not fearful just trusted it came to heal and transform. It feels like major death rebirth time at present with life feeling like bursting forward into new forms but the energy to integrate along spinal axis has been so intense with Saturn and Uranus so close to exact second opposition quite a challenge to contain.

Robert I tried a post on another article was interested to see if you could take a quick look at my sister's chart. She has been in an aborted transformational crisis since 20 Feb 1980 when she suffered a major cerebral bleed and was in coma for a few weeks. Came back from that but went into psychosis following the damage, husband left took her four sons and they were estranged from us for years. She got her movement back for some years but got caught in an abusive relationship and started to fall, suffering bi polar..too much medication.... too littler support to truely feel and grieve. Have been advised today she is in psyche ward again. Huge lessons in detachment. Her dob is 2 Jan 1946 in early am round 2ish. It keeps swallowing my Mum dob 1 Nov 1924 both born in Canberra Australia. I feel forced to let go as have no belief in medication and had to avoid in in the course of my own breakdown. Any spiritual astrological insight would be most welcome. Warm wishes and thanks Deborah (dob 4 Feb 1962)


Hi Deborah - Well, I really cannot do an analysis of your sister's stuff since it's a bit much for a comment stream. Your own life is one of tremendous openings right now. You have an amazing aptitude for playing a significant role in your world, and this year is the beginning of a grand adventure. Go deep, see broadly, and become the Angel of your Higher Nature.


Thanks so much for your response. This really, really helps me and my internal thinking process. I definitely am pondering and exploring on how to find more creative and healthier outlets for all of this Aquarian energy and Mars energy that I am beginning to feel very strongly. I do not want to EXPLODE. I have also found the need to meditate way more than ever before.

On February 10th 2009, I will have the stellium of: Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Chiron and North Node in Aquarius in my 8th house. Both transiting Jupiter and North Node are conjunct my natal Mars in this 8th house as well.

Uranus in Pisces is on my MH (within 4 degrees), but still in the 9th house. It will cross into my 10th house on March 23rd.

Transiting Venus in Aries is conjunct my Natal Sun in Pisces and Jupiter in Aries, also in the 10th house and this Transiting Venus will be opposing my natal Pluto in Libra in the 4th house.

This is all making me feel extremely nervous because my 8th house is involved and excited, too about the definite change that will happen. I can greatly sense the uncertainty and unpredictability of it all - yet I definitely feel like I am not ready for the surge of energy and I worry that since the 8th house is involved- well- I worry about the possibilities.

Also- real quick- I am sorry to ask, but I did not really understand what you meant by "he has "escaped from a narrow destiny" in the past two years." I would really like to understand.

Thank you again and again and again! I am forever grateful!


Hi Maricarda - That phrase specifically refers to Eclipses past that liberated us all from an old way, purpose, or sense of duty. It involves a specific degree being highly activated which led many to enlist in something that broadened the life horizons and require that we rise to some occasion. You can find more from going to the archives and re-reading the articles about the 2008 eclipses.

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