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Thank you again for the good work! Everyday, I read your astrological analysis which helps me to understand the intensive lessons we are all going through!

In Love and Light,

The Netherlands


Can you tell us or refer me to previous articles on why you round up or down with the Sabian symbols? What you think of cusps? Heliocentric astrology such as Merriman now with Mercury in Sagittarius? Thank you.

Niagara Falls

Shehzaad Maroof Khan

beautiful insights :)
thanks my friend

good luck :)



This has really helped me to frame my current experience in a more focused and positive light. Things are very weird and happening fast right now and your advice regarding Saturn really put into clear focus what the challenges are for me and in what ways I need to rise to meet them.

My estranged husband died unexpectedly overseas a few weeks ago and I am the executor of his Will. His family is a hostile karmic circus. Their response to the situation has been sordid and more appropriate to a daytime soap opera than real human life.


One more question:

During a void of course Moon do you take the first aspect as its end or the entry into transit of the new sign?




:) You have such a way of stating very positively what we are all expereincing in this financial, social and cultural make-over.

You interpreted my chart for my last September and though it is hard to see exactly what you see coming in the chart, upon looking back I can start to understand the puzzle that is presented. I am one of the many who has lost a job, thru lay-off, and am now in the process of a "new beginning" and "pathway to MY destiny". Faith and perseverance are two key elements for me at this time. I do hang on to the hope that your interpretationg that 'all will be well' for me by the end of March is fulfilled. However, I do know that it is up to me to make my life happen and that what I have done in the past has created my choices now. As you say, "we are making our character and thus making our destiny."

My choice for working P/T at a New Age Bookstore in Sept '08 defined my "process of being educated through activities (that)will lead us to whatever we value in our cultural heritage, and we should find the union of the worldly and the "Spiritual" in our lives by mid-May, leading to a mastery of the lessons. I'm so ready for that union of spiritual and worldly.

I am writing to provide you with confirmation and appreciation of your work and 'service' to me for your interpretation of my chart. I'm sorry that I could not meet up with you when you were passing through in January. I am so very focused on finding new employment and staying hopeful, positive and enlightened.

Much peace, love and light to you
Joanne (jojo)


Thank you for this. This climate has been insanely trying and testing for me. my MC is at 20-something virgo, directly opposing my 4th house in pisces. as a double libra (conjunct sun and moon) these pluto energies are also getting thrown into the mix! truly a test in growing up and dealing. perhaps this is a meditation on 'stepping up to the plate' and doing the work assigned to me (saturn in virgo) versus running from my problems and sublimating into rebellious escape (uranus in pisces) has really got me thinking about the bigger lesson here and what it is i am supposed to do.

like joanne stated above me, the notion that we "we are making our character and thus making our destiny" has been immensely helpful.

and on that note, i should go back to work :)

thanks so much, robert
love and light to you



This is very timely! I've been looking at the movement of Saturn over the next several months. It's now conjunct my Sun and square my natal Saturn, so the dates you're describing sounded very familiar. It's also good to see the positive side of Saturn described here, because it gets a lot of bad press! I like to think of Saturn as form for the poetic inspiration to to worked into (but then, I have Saturn on my 5th house cusp! as well as natal Uranus trine Saturn). Thanks for this post.


Hi everyone, just a little recap on Saturn... I think I've written about this before, but Saturn can bring great things as well as the more well-known trials and tribulations. Right now Saturn isn't aspecting much in my chart, but I once got a huge raise when Saturn transited conjunct my Sun. I had no idea it was coming, but I worked hard at my job and had a good record, so I must have earned it. You can get a promotion or a job offer, too. An old friend of mine got a great job last year, and he was getting ready to retire but this thing came along. Saturn conjuncted his Virgo Sun exactly. I think that these things can happen if you keep a positive attitude and try to be a good person in general, not selfish, not complaining. Or at the very least, whatever was difficult becomes smooth sailing, and the pressure lets up.

Very positive and constructive article, Robert, thanks!

Namaste :)


Hi Ilse - You're most welcome. I have found over the years that by knowing the larger influences, we can navigate our daily lives a little easier, and with a lot less stress since we actually know what's going on, what to do, and when it will end. And of course, this IS a very intense time!

Hi Jim - It's easier just to tell you here. ALWAYS round up. The analogy: Your first year of life ends at 1. Your second year of life ends at 2. So 1 year + even a day falls in your second year of life. 2 years + a week falls in your third year of life. Any whole degree fulfills what was set into motion after the fulfillment of the previous degree. Any fraction always leads to the next whole at some point in a sequential system. So 2 degrees plus any amount = 3 degrees. There are articles (and comments) on house division systems and the cuspal "zone of transition" in the archives. Site google house systems or divisions and you'll get there. As for Heliocentric Astrology, it's far too big a subject for a comment stream. By definition, VOC begins when the last aspect in a sign is done, and lasts until the Moon moves into the next sign. The only debate is whether the "minor" aspects matter in defining whether the Moon is VOC. I believe ALL aspects must be counted, whereas other astrologers believe otherwise.

Hi Shehzaad - Blessings to you as well. Glad you're doing well. There is great potential now that some things have changed. Saturn approaches to offer you greater things.

Hi Tolly - Yes. As I mentioned in another comment stream, sometimes by knowing the macro level pulses we can make sense of things and remember not to take many things personally. Things will continue to be extraordinarily weird as long as the Grand Irrationality continues, with some times weirder than others. We're passing through several weeks where what we decide will have greater impact in the future than usual. My condolences on the death of a loved one and finding yourself in a toxic situation. Still, as executor do what you must, since you are in fact bound by law to "do the right thing," regardless of what others feel or think. And of course, you could always write a screenplay!;-)

Hi JoJo - I suppose I could start listing the downside to things, but that's just soooooo pessimistic, and not a very helpful thoughtform to energize! That's why I list the possible, and not the negative beyond what to watch out for so we don't go there. Often clients say that what I tell them makes more sense over time with the perspective that time and experience bring. A layoff can be a blessing if it spurs us to learn a new skill and new sense of the possible. If I told you "all will be well" by the end of March, then definitely participate in the process of bringing that about!

Venus RX should help you revise, renew, and get ready to launch whatever in April. Overlook nothing, and be alert to every possible signal showing you what directions to place your energies. I would think that with 5 months of immersion in a metaphysical place that a "union of spiritual and worldly" things is already taking place. Thanks for the appreciation. And though we couldn't meet in January, there will be other times. Just open to your blessing, demand a demonstration from Spirit, and don't allow negativity, doubt, or impatience to cloud the affirmation. I have found over decades that we do in fact get the exact revelation we have demanded, whether it looks like the one we wanted or not.

Hi Justine - Well, sometimes the temporary climate does get overwhelming! Saturn is helping you prepare for greater recognition and/or authority in your world. Open to greater, deeper, more mature Truths than you've known before now. Uranus has been revolutionizing your foundations for a while, which you may expect to continue. Libra is always striving for balance and perspective. Try not to allow the radical endings and transitions to disrupt your equipoise amidst the outer chaos. Of course, you're most welcome, and blessings to you as well. Keep persevering in due diligence, and you will find yourself in a much different professional position within the next year and change. 1 thing - get closure on what you no longer need between now and Autumn, since Saturn's entry into Libra will change your life forever.

Hi Leslee - I agree that Saturn does usually get a bad rap from those who struggle with the chains of mental slavery. Conjunct your Sun shows it's time for you to reap the harvest of what you've worked for, and claim your authority based in your experience and willingness to do whatever maturity dictates. I have an article about Saturn conjunct a planet or asc, so site google it. Saturn in the 5th does show a need for more self confidence in your self expression.

Hi Valerie - Thanks for what you wrote on Saturn. I agree wholeheartedly. Saturn conjunct my Sun in 1997 brought me world wide praise for my book "A New Look At Mercury Retrograde." (And the end of a relationship that was more crushed stone than anything that could nourish the Soul!) Was the end difficult? Only to the degree I was attached to an illusion and refused to move forward. In the long run, the lessons of Saturn on my Sun brought me liberation, dominion, and authorship on many different levels. Again, thanks for your very pertinent and helpful examples of the good that accompanies Saturn transits if we get the right point of view and do the right things.


Thank you for posting this again Robert,
I had indeed totally missed it and it seems important now...I have hopes for Saturn in Libra as I have not made any headway careerwise since I graduated in November,,,do'n't know which way to turn if any AND of course my mind turned to more personal and family matters.
Had my mind made up to hold out 'til May now it seems I will have 'til September in the "Limbo".


thank you robert for posting this again. your timing is perfect, as always.
blessings and gratitude for your wisdom and impeccable guidence



Thanks for re-posting this to the top. I think is very timely; it's helping me reconsider why I'm going through a roommate search so soon (I'm sad to report my Leo roommate did not exhibit the lion's more admirable qualities). However, I also know (as Valerie mentions), keeping a positive attitude counts a lot while I dedicate myself to finding the best roommate possible. But the other lesson I've learned is that I'm ready to - and need to - move: same neighborhood, a better apartment (and there's a glut of supply now!).



Hi Robert, thanks for re-posting this. March has been very hard. Could do with a break...

Sue Moon

Just adding my two cents to thank you for taking the time to educate/inform us all. I eagerly await each post and read and re-read them all to glean as much wisdom as I can from your high estate. These postings are so much more than information, they raise us all up into a realm of Light that adds to our self realization. Indeed, I feel like all who are connected to this site are part of a group of souls who have journeyed together thru the millennia of time and space.
At your feet, Namaste.


Hi Marie - Saturn is indeed the key to all good things at present. Perhaps you should regard Saturn as teaching you patience and organized persistence in searching for what your long term play will be amidst the short term influences, which are very positive now that Venus has begun to speed up and closes in on Mars. I wouldn't hold out till September, but would get very clear about the archetype over the next 3 weeks, then plug my energies in gear and watch things solidify in June as Venus and Mars both trine Saturn.

Hi Shanita - You're most welcome. Glad I thought to republish this, since Saturn is the focusing agent for everything we're trying to accomplish.

Hi Matt - Well, experiences teaches us where we shouldn't go as well as where we'd like to go! And some things must be chalked up to "it seemed like a good idea at the time..." Sometimes a change in scenery is the best tonic for a new view.

Hi hitchhiker72 - Well, March has been a ride through the Grand Irrationality, a Jupiter quincunx Saturn, and a number of oppositions to Saturn and conjunctions to Uranus even before this set of squares to Pluto! I suspect things will begin to feel more clear and steady after Venus conjuncts Mars and both enter Aries.

Hi Sue Moon - You're welcome. Sometimes I post too many things in too short a time, and valuable information gets pushed downstream. I'll probably try to go back through the archives from time to time and repost some articles that are still useful. Glad you find such inspiration from the work, since if there is any object to what I'm doing, it's to help everyone who has an open heart and mind to grow into their Higher Self. And that truly would make us a group of Eternals of similar intention and interest that are a part of a larger global Sangha of Truth Seekers. Blessings to you as well....


Gosh, anyone would think we live in a moral universe that is out to give us lessons lessons and more lessons. And the consequent punishments. I thought it would be over but you've gone off on a Pluto square Saturn scent now. Don't we get off time ever? Was the universe created to send us lessons? How didactic is that! And how reductive. Maybe things just happen?And we must be resourceful and go along, sometimes questioning, sometimes accepting. Stoicism anyone? Just wondering.


Hi anu - It's not a moral universe that does these things, but rather our own need to "tune Apollo's lyre" to the innate natural harmony that exists. The universe never punishes us, but we ourselves. Reference the third of the 3 Truths: "Each man is his own absolute law-giver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself; the decreer of his life, his reward, his punishment." Our only "time off" is when we're resting for the next summit to climb, or when we're dead and in Devachan, reviewing the movie and waiting for the next cosmic moment in which to incarnate.

The universe just is. We are the ones who must "learn lessons" as a function of the desire for incarnation in materiality, but without perfect knowledge of how to navigate these 4 dimensions. All beings learn always, unless they choose not to pay attention. Then the laws of karma, a.k.a. Saturn, begin to operate in specific manner, since evolution is a one way street. We evolve according to our Divine Pattern which exists in the aethers, that which we REALLY are, rather than the apparent self that identifies with the 5 senses and the mind. Whether we choose to be stoic or rejoice in the adventure is up to us.

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