by Robert Wilkinson
In yesterday's article, we explored our Eternal Self, how our Spirit-Soul and Higher Mind are created, and what relationship these have to our body, feelings, and ego-minds. Please read that article before reading this one, since the information there lays the foundation for what's in this article.
To re-cap, our Eternal Spark, or Monad, is our One-ness within a vast field of Limitless Light/Life. The Monad externalizes in specific forms to gain experience throughout our sentient existence, which we are told is infinite and eternal from ancient venerable sources.
When "That Which We Are" is moved by "All-That-Is" to exist in the physical, it attracts Cosmic substance of various frequencies to create our Higher Triad of Spirit, Soul, and Higher Mind, as well as their holographic mirrors on denser levels which we call ego-mind, feelings, and our bodies.
We are these 7 manifestations simultaneously. All duality exists on the physical, emotional, and mental levels of existence, but not in our Soul experience. We now pick up the theme of how the Monad finishes creating our two densest bodies, the Astral-Emotional and Physical.
After creating ego-mind as the mirror to the Higher Mind, our Monad finishes creating our lower triad through attracting the substance of the Astral and Physical bodies, the densest two frequencies of our existence. The Astral body is where ALL our lower feelings exist, largely perpetuated by the desire mind's eternal restlessness and inability to feel fulfilled for any length of time. The physical body is of course the bihemispheric homo erectus we all inhabit with its instincts, inertias, and genetic patterns.
The entire process of creation functions within the laws of Karma. We cannot create a lower self that is contrary to the tendencies generated in previous human embodiments. We "inherit" our strengths and weaknesses, our wisdom and our blind spots, as a result of karmas.
However, regardless of the strengths and deficiencies we are born with, our job is to get our lower triad integrated through disciplines of self-realization. In our trials and errors, challenges and breakthroughs, we learn how our Higher Self can best express our Soul and Spirit.
Again, all of these various "bodies" exist simultaneously. We are told someday in the distant future the Earth (and us, of course) will evolve beyond chemical-mineral bodies, and will have bodies composed of pure light substance, as dense to us then as the current scheme of things is to us right now.
We will still not be collectively functioning as pure Soul bodies. However, we are also told that such lifewaves do exist and that despite the present prevailing conditions, we can attain to that state of pure Soul consciousness while in a body on Earth once certain bad habits are transmuted into positive strengths and abilities.
There is no one else in the Universe like you. Each of us is individualized to a greater or lesser degree, but there will never be another one like you. You do have a Twin Flame, but they are not you and you are not them, even though you are One in a greater Life/Light.
In the Secret Doctrine we have been told that there were not enough Spirit-Souls for the number of human bodies on Earth at the point of individuation 3 million years ago. That's why there was a split, and why we've been searching for our Twin Flame since the beginning of time. But we are perfect complements, not identical manifestations, since that would be impossible due to Divine Mind's innate economy of energy.
We are part of an infinite and eternal field of Light-Life. There are many within that field we will be forever close to, in harmony with, and reincarnate with, over many existences. Of course, other consciousnesses that choose not to harmonize on our frequencies of manifestation will move on to other schemes where they can continue their evolution in conditions perfect for the lessons they need to learn.
We are part of a vast field of connectedness with an infinite number of sentient Beings. We learn from other Souls through the duality of pleasure and pain, and are challenged to realize, apply, and get skilled at demonstrating the qualities of our Higher Self, Soul, and Spirit. All of it leads to the ending of "the heresy of separateness," as the Tibetan Master D.K. has put it.
That's why seeing things through the eyes of an Eternal being having human experiences can bring an end to our isolation and sense of separation, and accelerate our ability to lessen suffering wherever we are. We have a body, we have feelings, we have a mind, but we are Loving, Wise, Intelligent Eternals.
Some things to consider as we individually and collectively dance on the corner of Fate Street and Free Will Street at a corner on Eternity Boulevard.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
"That's why seeing things through the eyes of an Eternal being having human experiences can bring an end to our isolation and sense of separation, and accelerate our ability to lessen suffering wherever we are. We have a body, we have feelings, we have a mind, but we are Loving, Wise, Intelligent Eternals."
I like that! Thank you Robert! Happy Wanderings!
Posted by: Joanne | March 16, 2009 at 07:29 AM
It all makes sense now in the calm of the Venus RX. Thank you for reminding me where the path is Robert!
Posted by: Sita | March 16, 2009 at 12:48 PM
BRILLIANT :) Robert!! Thank you!!!
Just lately we were talking about the Self. And how we were getting too caught up in the outer expression of the lower ways.
It's a HUGE relief to Self inquire and remind and rid myself of the piles of conceptions that can spin on this ferris wheel of life, all of the repeated patterns.
Anyways, thanks for your inspiration!
Posted by: wendy | March 16, 2009 at 03:08 PM
Dear Robert,
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and the "Truths of the Ages"...During this time of immense and wild change, it is so healing to have your clear perspective presented in love and light. Remembering who we all are helps greatly in living each day with compassion.
Many blessings to you and yours,
Posted by: Laura | March 16, 2009 at 06:43 PM
happy travels :-)
Posted by: michele | March 18, 2009 at 12:03 AM
Hi Joanne - Well, life on the road always has its ups and downs, like everything else in life.
Hi Sita - Yes, Venus rx can remind us of what is of true value, and how to use those things/no things wisely.
Hi Wendy - You're most welcome. I figure once we orient ourselves to the composition of our reality, then we can begin to cooperate with our Higher Interests.
Hi Laura - Glad the blog technology finally caught up to the needs of the world. We now have access to more varied information at our fingertips than ever before, which is a good thing for those of us who are consciously choosing a higher Way.
Hi Michele - Well, I won't go into what a gigantic hassle air travel has become since Dubya made it a bureaucratic nightmare involving TSA (Thousands Standing Around.)
Posted by: Robert | March 21, 2009 at 02:50 PM
So, learning to see things through the eyes of Eternal Being may also answer some of the questions about why we are incarnated, and therefore this article completes and deepens the meaning of the one you did on incarnation.
Thanks and hopefully you will be allright, in spite of the different plane and other accidents in the days of Pluto square Sun amd Mercury conjunct Uranus bringing us news and unexpected things...
All the best,
Posted by: Isabel | March 23, 2009 at 08:46 AM