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« Jupiter in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus Opposition Pluto in Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio from 2008 through 2012 - Pt. 1 - The Opposition | Main | Invisible Children - The Rescue of Joseph Kony's Child Soldiers (Updated with video interview with Ishmael Beah) »




What if Pluto and Jupiter are BOTH in Virgo? Also, how does this relate to Saturn's opposition w/ Virgo?




Pl 0 Ju on Regulus (natal) 180 Ju0Ne0Ki?
I know, it's not exact opposition, but few degrees away. It seems to me it could be something about "the rulership" of some sort of new energies (this aspect is from the chart of an healer I know).
Would you please comment?

And blessings for all your wonderfull texts. I just love them :)



Thanks so much for discussing this in more depth.

How will I know how the opposition is manifesting in my chart? Do I look at my natal chart...? Just in case: Nov 13, 1966, 10:51pm.



Blessings Robert,

Loved studying astrology under your wing here.


Blessings S,

Jupiter and Pluto conjunct every thirteen years. This shows up in the Natal charts of babies born in 1994 and it will happen again in 2020. Those times and those children are very powerful.

Robert's article, however, explores how we Pluto in Leo generation folk are experiencing Jupiter in the sky opposite our Natal Plutos. Pluto in Leo egotists and tyrants fall while all those Pluto sweethearts committed to Aquarian ideals down through the decades finally flourish and prosper.

After that Jupiter moves to oppose the Pluto in Virgo generation. I assume your Natal Jupiter is conjunct your Natal Pluto, so when Jupiter opposes them, that WILL be a big experience for you and others born Jupiter/Pluto conjunct in Virgo.


Hi yzze,

Here is an ephemeris which tells you where the planets are, were, or will be, on any given date:

Your Pluto is 20* Virgo, conjunct Uranus and Mars opposite Chiron conjunct Saturn. April 2010 Jupiter will arrive on top of your Chiron/Saturn, opposite your Uranus/Pluto/Mars and your life will probably shift radically.



Hi S - I assume you're speaking of natal Jupiter conjunct natal Pluto. That happening once in the 50s and once in the late 60s. But Saturn was in Pisces, opposed to Pluto, in the mid 60s, so what you're describing is impossible. Do you mean Uranus and Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces?

Hi yzse - Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune opposition someone's natal Jupiter and Pluto is more than can be explained in a comment stream. There are many aspects that can create a healer, since there are many different schools of healing (4 major, dozens of minor methodologies). I'm not sure what you're getting at regarding "rulership of some sort of new energies." Energy is just energy. We create variations on how to utilize energy, but usually this is a continuation of something that has gone before. Of course, thanks for your blessings.

Hi Alexandra - Sure. Yes, look at your natal chart to see how this opposition (when it enters Pisces next year) is bringing something to surface, or leading you to an awareness of a Jupiterian form expressing your Virgo outer planet energies.

Hi Flowers - Blessings to you as well. Glad you enjoy the cantina. As you've no doubt noted, I am unclear exactly what yzse was getting at, since Jupiter conjuncted Pluto in late Virgo in 1968, but Saturn was in Aries. And the birth info you quote is for Alexandra. (Yes, the name of a person posting a comment is below the post, but it looks like it's above! - Not the first time it's happened);-) Thanks for stopping by.


I had in mind natal chart from first week of November 1955 (and it's not my chart :)), but never the less thanks. :)


Hi yzse - Scorpio IS the sign of magnetics, so Sun in Scorpio often can radiate intense types of energies. Which depends on the Ray composition of the personality structure and the level of spiritual development. This being has Sun quintile Pluto, good for certain gifts and specialized type of energy work. They also have Venus conjunct Saturn square Pluto, showing challenges and how they will master the Pluto force. Throw in Mercury conjunct Neptune both sextile Pluto and you've got some interesting dynamics. Everything is bundled between Leo and Scorpio except the Moon (which could be in Leo), Chiron, and the Moon's Nodes.


Hey Robert-

Once again I am TRULY a novice so my apologies for any confusion. According to my birth chart, I have Jupiter 0°16' Virgo and Pluto 21°44' Virgo. I was born in 1967 so perhaps that makes more sense and if so is there anything interesting about this as related to your post?




Hi S - Yes, this clarifies everything. You don't have a Jupiter conjunct Pluto, but you do have Venus splitting the difference between them, thus creating an obscure condition called "collection of light." You do have a Uranus conjunct Pluto in late Virgo.

This article relates in that when Jupiter moves through Pisces beginning early 2010, it will first oppose your Jupiter, then oppose your Venus, then oppose your Pluto, and then oppose your Uranus. Then in late 2010 Jupiter will retrograde back to an opposition to your Uranus and Pluto, then go forward in a third opposition in early 2011. This will offer your Virgo qualities major opportunities to come to the surface, and once you're oriented, the sky's the limit!

You'll also want to consult articles from Feb 2008 on when Saturn squares, opposes, and conjuncts planets, since you have that going big time between 2007-2012. It matures and crystalizes whatever it touches. In 2007-08, your Jupiter (philosophy) and Venus (likes and dislikes). In 2009-2010, your Uranus and Pluto (Spiritual qualities). All of these parts of your inner nature have been awakened and revolutionized by Uranus the past several years as well. Jupiter will expand on these awakenings next year. More explanation than this would require a lot more work and is usually done in personal session.

It may also help you to read my articles on Mercury retrograde, since you have that in your natal chart. Especially find articles in the archives from 2006-2007 on Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, since some of what I wrote may prove useful. I hope this helps you make sense of some things from the past several years.


Thanks flowers and Robert!
Flowers that is so helpful. Any insight into the kind change that will, and where (what house?) would be helpful. Things are changing quite a bit - I'm just hoping it is the same kind of positive change we are talking about...?


Blessings Alexandra,

With personal astrology you face two choices, one is to pay an astrologer to look at your scope (or convince an astrologer to do lots of work for you for free), and the other is to learn astrology yourself.

Certainly anyone can visit, generate a horoscope there and start to explore personal interpretations.

Deeper and wider yet, Robert may offer personal readings. I do not.

Studying astrology, I submit, mimics studying the weather. Astrologers can see when and where the sunshine and the rain, the snow and the winds are likely to hit. Yet, obviously, if you wear a tank top and shorts in a blizzard this may cause death, where staying home in front of the fire may inspire you to write a book that changes your life and the lives of others for the better. Same blizzard, different individual responses.

As a concrete example of this, consider our first Saturn Returns. We all experience them, age 28-29. This transit means it's time to be a grown up - often a very hard transit. Back at the time of my first Saturn Transit, my youngest child started school, giving me more freedom and time and I decided to go back to university. I started working on my own future, creating my own life goals. Yet my oldest child, at her Saturn Return lost her life-partner to death in a freak accident. My younger daughter changed careers, becoming a teacher in an inner city school.

Ask people what happened to them at their Saturn Returns and they will tell you how they "grew up" in some way big way. This might have been super wonderful or horrible for them at the time - same transit, very different individual issues at play.

Again, in this article Robert shares about big generational aspects, that impact us all. With Jupiter in Aquarius this whole year, the whole Baby Boomer generation is experiencing our Jupiter opposition. Generally speaking, this means egotistical and greedy people with Pluto in Leo beware! But all those Pluto in Leo generation folk who live and promote Aquarian Age values, prepare for big breakthroughs and blessings.



Hi Flowers,

No worries - I wasn't requesting a full on reading. I am learning, slowly, and most obviously with Robert's help, insight, generosity and a reading when I can afford them!

Yup - gotta watch that ego - aspects or no aspects. ; )


Hi Robert-

Thanks for the info. You are correct I have Venus at 12°04' Virgo. I have always known that I am "obscure"...thanks for the reinforcement! :)

I went back to your posts on Mercury Rx in Scorpio 06 & 07 as per your suggestion. I believe the post in June 07 was around the time I started reading your blog. I actually sent your text related to the 10th and 1st houses to my Cancer boyfriend who I had just broken up with because it was absolutely relevant to his life at the time. I didn't know then that I am Cancer rising so ironically that was relevant to me also. The plot thickens because I started dating that boyfriend (love of my life to-date) on Oct 26, 2006 (just before Mercury Rx) and then broke off the relationship on June 1, 2007...just before the June-July 07 Mercury Rx period. The relationship truly ended on a very dramatic note shortly after the Sept 07 Eclipse. He then reappeared in my life under what I would describe as "fated" circumstances in June 08 during the May - June Mercury Rx period. I guess I always knew I had something going on with Mercury Rx...Now I know why!

I do have one more question…if you don’t mind indulging me a bit more…since Virgo is in my 4th House…will most of the changes coming through 2011 be centered on 4th house “issues”?

I really appreciate this info and may just get in touch for a personal reading...the last 2 years have been challenging in many ways to say the least and it appears that I have a lot going on in the next few years as well…




Dear Flowers,

Quite wise your insight on Saturn Returns and the diverse ways in which people respond to the same energies, according to at which level they express them.




Hi Alexandra - There are so many books, articles, and even web chat sites on astrology that you should have a great time exploring the many ways to approach studying this type of thing. Flowers is absolutely correct in that really there are only two ways to find this stuff out. I just studied and studied and studied (and those were the ancient days before internet!;-)) It's also true that the notion of "positive change" is in the eye of the beholder, as well as whether the response is appropriate to the aspect (event) or not.

Hi Flowers - Yes, your 2 choices are about it. I took the laborious route of years of study and contemplation of what meanings I could get from the knowledge of the planets, signs, houses, and aspects involved. When I started my investigations, I'd ask astrologers for their take on things, but found back in the Stone Age they were pretty rigid or lost in jargon without comprehension. It was difficult to listen to astrologers who thought frictional aspects were "bad," or that we should ignore Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in our chart investigations. Very tedious....

When I had my school of Astrology, I was a broken record with my students that there are two ways to learn. 1) Through books and what others say. 2) One's own observations about what's going on and how it's explained by Astrology. Of course, it also goes to say that while 99 times out of 100 a thing seems to conform to "the rule," the one time it doesn't seem to work is where we must pay attention, since we're being shown something "outside the box."

Yes, as it has been said, Astrology is like a road map and a weather report. It doesn't take the place of common sense and Spiritually appropriate behavior, but it does give us a heads up so we know what's coming and when. In your Saturn return example, we may know we're entering a time when our Saturn function is confronting itself, but we still have to make the choices and walk the walk. Sorry that your child had such a difficult loss. My first Saturn return was spectacular in both triumphs and crashes. I certainly learned I was not immortal!

As for what we boomers confront, I suppose there's a blessing in Jupiter's trine to our Neptune, throwing the productive void into Aries. For those with Uranus in Gemini, Jupiter offers a Grand Air Trine. For those with Uranus in Cancer, sesquisquares, biquintiles, quincunxes, and triseptiles. Jupiter in Pisces in 2010 will make the same configuration with its opposition to Pluto and trine to Neptune in Scorpio, throwing the favorable void into Taurus. The ones with Uranus in Leo will have the same strange set of aspects as we with Uranus in Cancer, but those with Uranus in Virgo will have the opp-sextile-trine as well. Great power to be used wisely!

Hi S - I'm sure your relationships really have matured the past several years. Sounds like that relationship was picking up from a past life, and who knows? Mercury is about to be RX again. You just never know who you're going to connect with during Mercury RX!

Saturn near the nadir shows a restructuring of foundations as a result of how you have redefined your self image, values, and perceptions since Saturn was on/in your Ascendant. In the 4th, a time to examine childhood behaviors and grow beyond old limitations based in memories of perceptions of memories.


Hi Robert,

The curious one is back again, and always a pleasure reading up on the articles.
Is there any info on the 2009 june-oct conjunction between jupiter/chiron/neptune retrograde transit (which will transit my 8th house). Furthermore is there anything truly significant about the jupiter/chiron/neptune retrograde conjunction? as opposed to a neptune/chiron conjunction retrograde versus a jupiter retrograde or chiron retrograde or neptune retrograde?
Or shall I read the book you have recommended first?



Hi Nicci - Try the Mar 24th article. As for the differences between direct and RX conjunctions, that's a huge subject that would be a book in itself. Why not study what I've written about the Superior and Inferior conjunctions and extrapolate for different planets?


Hi Robert:

Thank you for your informative website!!! I have learned a lot from it,it is well written in terms that a non-professional can understand. I look forward to reading it daily.
Thanks again


Hi Maura - You're most welcome. I try to find a balance between what professional and amateur astrologers can understand, and what laypeople need to know. That's why behind the astrological terms, there is always the interpretation laid out as best I can explain.

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