by Robert Wilkinson
Continuing the series on Jupiter opposing the Pluto for everyone on Earth during this time in history, today we explore possible effects of Jupiter "afflicting" Pluto by aspect.
While natal aspects show life long lessons to master, transits show ongoing situations we must respond to in the highest way possible. Of course, transiting Jupiter afflicting natal Pluto will be somewhat different than transiting Pluto afflicting natal Jupiter, even though the interacting energies are the same. The former aspects expand and release Plutonic seeds. The latter catalyze and purify Jupiterian functions.
According to one of the greatest Astrologers of all time, Dr. Marc E. Jones, we are told that with natal Jupiter-Pluto afflictions we need be clear about what's in our best interests, and avoid secretive schemes and affairs that could backfire on us. Expanding on his application of the aspects, we must be open and above board in pursuing our best interests, and not seek opportunity in dangerous or covert activities. I would think these possibilities could also apply with transit to natal, as well as transit to transit circumstances.
The astrologer who most influenced me in my earliest studies was the legendary Grant Lewi. From his classic, "Heaven Knows What," we read that natal Jupiter-Pluto afflictions may lead to misguided optimism that overlooks critical details, inflated expectations or judgments regarding ours and others' abilities, and possibly overlooking opportunities and avoiding challenges.
From Grant Lewi's equally esteemed masterwork on transits, "Astrology for the Millions," we find when Jupiter makes a conjunction or affliction to natal Pluto, "this is a meeting of the Mentor and Transformation principles," where we're "walking on water" and "closer to the meaning of death." We are cautioned not to be too controlling, and allow things to unfold.
Though none of the Pluto comments were written by Grant (since he never wrote on things he had not observed personally) in recent editions the editors of "Astrology for the Millions" added the paragraphs on transits to and from Pluto using the spirit of his approach. It goes on to say there are opportunities, and it's a good time to study. We can find knowledge we might not ordinarily be able to access, and use concentration to go deeper than ever before to transform our lives forever.
There are other works dealing with transiting Jupiter afflicting natal Pluto but often these interpretations focus more on the negatives than positives. Remember that Jupiter expands whatever it touches, and Pluto represents Divine Power and the principle of "Economy of Energy" in its most essential manifestations.
If we don't have a healthy approach to Pluto's energies in our chart, it may show as ruthlessness, coercion, desire for power, and extreme views, whether these arise from inner or outer sources. Pluto shows us where "forces beyond our control" strip away parts of our lives forever, leaving either a barren landscape or a field of pure potentiality, depending on how we view what has been taken away. At best it is the Phoenix, or Firebird, that arises from its own ashes to fly to the highest peaks of existence. It is the Divine Purifier at the core of our Being, as well as our irresistible "Divinity as Seed" Cosmic Mystery.
So it's easy to see that Jupiter, the racehorse, Mentor, Cosmic Joker and Priest/ess-Healer does some interesting and intense dances and interactions with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld and Eternal Pillar of Fire. The conjunctions, squares and oppositions between these two are where the Philosopher/Shaman meets Shiva in ways that create dynamic tension, whether for destruction or the release of the Power through the one who brings a greater promise, adventure, vision, or truth to our lives.
The Great Expander, Protector, and Blessor of all things human doing a dynamic work with the Transpersonal Transformer and Purifier is bound to be important. And everyone on Earth is coming to feel the confrontation of Lord Jupiter with Lord Pluto that is bound to bring forth clear realizations of what is, what isn't, and what is to be.
As each year passes and important Pluto seeds continue to be brought to the surface of billions of lives we will see ever-more polarization manifesting through belief systems, as these are ruled by Jupiter. For many, a dance of absolute renunciation arising from forces beyond individual control. For those on a path to Higher Awareness, the surfacing of opportunities to break free from old corrosive forms and sprout Spiritual seeds demonstrating the vision of Divine Opportunity. This is where we learn to merge with "All-That-Is," or find ourselves with sands of perceptions slipping through our fingers.
On a final note, when Jupiter makes its waxing (upper) square to different generational Pluto positions in a few years, we will see the culmination of what began for each generation back when Jupiter conjoined their Pluto. Jupiter conjuncted Pluto in Cancer from July 2001-02. Jupiter conjuncted Pluto in Leo from August 2002-03. Jupiter conjuncted Pluto in Virgo from August 2003-September 2004. Jupiter conjuncted Pluto in Libra from September 2004-October 2005. Jupiter conjuncted Pluto in Scorpio from October 2005-November 2006.
The seeds awakened during these periods are what are surfacing during the current run of oppositions from 2008-2012. (The table for each generation was given in Pt. 2 of this series.) By linking what began then with what's happening now, it can show you what will culminate in the waxing squares to come for all generations between 2011 and 2015.
Simply put, we're all being shown our path to immortality. Go with humor, go with compassion, and above all, go with G*d. It's the only game in town.
Copyright © 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Hello Robert
Spot on! Thank you for that very grounding piece. It is uncannily accurate -(25-03-54 Asc 28 Scorp). Just checked out the 2003 conj. All making perfect sense. Current trans Sat squ. nat Moon @ 15 Sag is holding things up, hope only temporarily cause it's hot in here! Bless you.
Posted by: Morvah | April 27, 2009 at 12:21 PM
I come here to experience sanity and get it everytime I return!!!
Thanks so much Robert!!!!
Posted by: wendy | April 27, 2009 at 01:12 PM
Robert, absolutely beautiful words! I am just coming out of transiting Pluto squaring my natal Moon and am STILL in the flip side of Sat/Uranus opposition; i.e. my natal pluto, conjunct my natal Uranus in Virgo and my Saturn in Pisces. i couldn't have said it better. I have experienced the ruthlessness, out of control energy, watching most aspects of my life being blown to bits and then arriving in the "land of pure potentiality", not really wanting to fill it back up just yet! What a ride it has, and continues, to be, but eventually one learns to stay on top of the wave, or at least get back to the surface a little quicker and with grace. Surf on!
Posted by: Yeshe (Josie) | April 27, 2009 at 08:42 PM
Dear Robert,
It is interesting,
Me and my Husband have joint natal Jupiters and the years 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 have all been quite special, though demanding. And in our conjunct chart we have Jupiter PLuto conjunct in first house.
Posted by: Isabel | April 30, 2009 at 06:53 AM
Hi Morvah - Saturn square Moon shows us the need to restructure our habits and sense of responsibility relative to each other. In May, Jupiter quintile your Moon should be excellent given the supportive trines from Venus and Mars.
Hi Wendy - Glad you find this place a touchstone. Sometimes I wonder how the entire thing persists given all the other pressures and necessities and plans in my life, but somehow it all rocks on.....
Hi Yeshe - Yes, it's still funny to me how some difficult things play out. Pluto is almost finished semisquaring my Moon, double sesquisquare my Venus square Pluto. But because with Pluto in the first, I've been forced to make peace with that energy and turn it to productive ends, Pluto transits are not as difficult for me as they used to be when younger. Now Saturn on my Saturn and Uranus on my Jupiter is a different story altogether! Am expecting many good things from that, even if they will probably be both similar and different from what I've been doing up to now. Like you, am surfing with as much style as I can muster given the waves sometimes break in strange ways.
Hi Isabel - With similar Jupiters, you'll both be experiencing similar things at similar times. As you can imagine, that can be wonderful or difficult, since for both of you, when it rains it pours! And of course, blessings shared are blessings multiplied. A composite Jupiter conjunct Pluto in the first shows the two of you together are a power to be reckoned with! Expect dramatic reactions when the two of you are together, since you're both a protective and purifying agent for others.
Posted by: Robert | May 01, 2009 at 08:13 AM