by Robert Wilkinson
A question from a reader got me to thinking, which can be dangerous.;-) They wanted to know the possible effects of Jupiter opposing their Pluto in Leo this year and found the usual textbook stuff very unhelpful. I started with pointing out that it's part of a larger multi-year trend of Jupiter opposing the Pluto in the charts of everyone on Earth at this time in history. No one will avoid this major expansive and purifying development in the evolution of the entire human race.
Since this is such an important factor in what's happening to us all, as well as how things will develop in the years just ahead, I thought I would break the information into sections so that each could be considered on its own merits. Today we'll examine the opposition. The next sections will consider the sign energies, how Jupiter and Pluto interact when in dynamic aspect, and possible generational challenges and realizations.
The Opposition
First, let's consider some things about the aspect itself. Oppositions create polarizations, oppositions, and realizations. It is also where we bring things to surface, exteriorizing the promise begun at the conjunction. At the opposition we confront the "Thou" in the "I-Thou" of existence. At the opposition we see what is emerging into the public realm of the essential nature of that which is opposed.
We are told that oppositions are frictional, creating difficulty. I find them to be among the most favorable and productive of aspects. While they can manifest as difficult experiences, they also show us what we can and cannot, will and will not take into our public realm.
Sometimes this can show as the mystical "separation of the sheep from the goats" in our life. An opposition can show us how "cream rises to the top," though in its more difficult manifestation, we see something odious floating to the top of the waters of our lives.;-) And of course, curdled milk also has its positive applications.
One essential element of any opposition is that it usually works out through someone else, or a circumstance. This is where we find "the opponent," or Nemesis. It's also where we find the Divine Other and move into the Conjunctio.
In an opposition we are able to confront our ability to glimpse wholeness within. We are also able to see a lack of, or a manifestation of, what we believe is the "Not-Self" that could fulfill us. These show us in distinct terms who we are and what we are mated with, for better or worse, in every realm of our life. So whether the "Sacred Marriage" or the "Sacred Battle," the opposition is a powerful phase in the sequence of aspects.
Every time you've faced "the enemy," as well as "the beloved," you've experienced the opposition. Every time you've entertained opposing views, or were able to see both sides of an argument or activity, you've experienced the opposition.
It's where we accept or resist the Divine Will. It's where we find awareness.
The next parts in this series I'll elaborate on the planets, signs, and ways these two gigantic forces dance with each other.
Copyright © 2009 Robert Wilkinson
It takes two to tango. Right on my groovy guru! How on earth would I have learned anything without opposition... Everyone is changing, it's incredible how many people are altering their views. Dance is reality, in it's unbelievably ethereal "come to truth" best... and, I adore you.
Posted by: Jan | April 21, 2009 at 05:59 PM
Dear Robert - such a quick response! The accompanying natal Aquarius N.Node/Jupiter transit conjunction in opposition to the natal Pluto/S.Node conjunction has me turned upside down. It all seems quite combustible with a Sag sun, Aries Moon & Aries rising...look forward to learning how to use or Yield the power! Thank you again for your insight.
Posted by: ryn | April 21, 2009 at 06:41 PM
This is interesting to think about. Two cycles ago in 1986 I successfully went on a diet when Jupiter (in my 1st house) opposed my Pluto. I lost 15 lbs. It's about to happen again, and even tho my life is very different now, boy do I wish the diet could work again!!
Posted by: Valerie | April 21, 2009 at 07:26 PM
dance is the only momentary art. once the movement is complete it is passed and the next one begins. i just wonder, should i change partners now?
you are a gift.
Posted by: cheryl | April 22, 2009 at 03:41 AM
Hi! I have experienced that AWARENESS can help us interiorize both sides of the OPPOSITION and the, if these is a possibility of triangulaton (I mena, for instance, if a planet makes a sextile to one of the planets involved in the opposition, while making a trino to the other) this may be like discovering a "compromise" point where we may more harmoniously solve this "inner debate"!
Posted by: Isabel | April 22, 2009 at 08:05 AM
I thought Pluto was in Capricorn starting now, staying there for a while...
Posted by: a.h. | April 22, 2009 at 03:21 PM
Hi Jan - That's exactly why I consider the opposition the most favorable aspect! Awareness is everything! How we use it productively, in stable and/or unique forms, and when to show what we know is indicated by all the other aspects. Am definitely dancing as gracefully as I can.....
Hi ryn - You should be doing great these next few years! What you're learning now through the end of May will be the personal and social forms that expand when Jupiter crosses your Asc and Moon not that far in the future. Stay alert for Spiritual Brothers and Sisters showing up in major ways this year, and get ready to harvest many good things early 2010 that will help close old ways and open new understanding.
Hi Valerie - Jupiter in the first and you lost weight? Bravo!! Perhaps this time you'll find a new "spiritual diet" that can help you shed excess mental and emotional weight so that the body will naturally adapt to your new awareness.
Hi cheryl - I never believe a person should make major decisions based in what is in a comment stream. These are major decisions that require greater analysis and deep contemplation. That said, the fact that the question exists implies the answer is already there.
Hi Isabel - You have hit upon something I teach to advanced students of the craft. The art of triangulation is perhaps the most useful of awarenesses, since knowing traits that yield productivity, stability, and understanding can resolve any opposing trends. Since you have already demonstrated your understanding, I'll give you a bonus. Gifts and specialized developed qualities that lead to unique serendipitous circumstances can be found by the quintile and tredecile points once the sextile and trine energies have been developed.
Hi a.h. - It is. We're speaking of transiting Jupiter relative to the natal Pluto points. Pluto in early Capricorn is radically transforming anyone with Jupiter in early Cancer through its opposition. That involves those born June-July 1930, June-July 1942, May-June 1954, Sep-Nov 1965, May-June 1966, Aug-Dec 1977, Apr-May 1978, Jul-Sep 1989, Dec 1989-Apr 1990, Jul-Aug 2001, and Jan-Apr 2002.
Posted by: Robert | April 25, 2009 at 09:09 AM
Hi Robert, yeah ain't that a real kicker- people usually get fatter with Jupiter in the first. Thanks for that perspective about a "Spiritual" diet- I sure could get rid of some mental and emotional dross. Great idea. Also I happen to be one of those people with Jupiter (8 deg.) in Cancer, being transited by Pluto! How cool is that!
Namaste :)
Posted by: Valerie | April 25, 2009 at 03:47 PM
Well, thank you for the bonus! All the best,
Posted by: Isabel | April 27, 2009 at 02:36 AM
Hi Robert, I was just reading an archived article(K Rove) here and noted your responses to some rude commenters.
Just had a Eureka moment after seeing your response to Isabel.
The very fact you could defend yourself so well is because you have identified your strengths and know when, where and what to deliver. That works like magic for you, especially when I have seen other good blogsites being inundated with rude people, leading to all comments being banned
This brings me to my own oppositions Sun(4th Aries) Opp Pluto and Mars(7th Gem) Opp Neptune
I have Sun Q Mars(exact) and Sun Tredecile(3deg orb) Neptune(1st Sag)
I have identified my Sun Q Mars gift of having a unique sense of timing in everything I do. I could not find any interpretations for Sun Tredecile Neptune.
Could you please give a brief explanation on this.
Posted by: Aditya | April 27, 2009 at 09:37 AM
Hi, Aditya,
How interesting your interpretation - application of Robert's hints! He is wonderful at making people have their EUREKA's!
By the way, next time I will post photos from other parts of Portugal, as a special "treat" to you. You did not go to the last post, but keep looking for the new one tomorrow.
All the best to both Robert and Aditya and EVERYONE!
Posted by: Isabel | April 28, 2009 at 05:12 AM
Hi Isabel, Thank you for your kind reply. Lisbon's lovely balconies has 5 comments now.
Posted by: Aditya | April 28, 2009 at 09:56 AM
Hi Valerie - Looks like you could be a Jupiter being in the midst of the general chaos. As for dieting, I found slight modifications, like not eating after say 6pm, along with a vigorous walk in the early evening dropped a lot of pounds over a couple dozen weeks pretty effortlessly. Now if I could just find the time to do that again!
Hi Isabel - The more complex comfigurations can show all kinds of specialized interactions. They are part of the art of Synthesis. Lisbon sure is beautiful! Of course, I'm a big fan of the ocean, since Atlantl was my best friend in my Florida childhood.
Hi Aditya - I polished a lot of my "art of response" back when I was immersed in political blogging, since the people in that world can be rude, crude, and poseurs. Part of the ability to defend has to do with staying focused on why you're put in that position to begin with. It's about standing on what you believe in, without going apologetic simply for having an opinion, however accurate or misguided. I'm always open to new views, and love a good debate. And of course, it's always good to examine the inconsistencies and unwarranted assumptions in another's argument. (And thank heaven I've only had to ban one or two from this site, after lots of fair warning.)
Any quintile aspect, including the tredecile, has its own unique expression. I'm not sure that we can know every possible unique expression for an aspect. A Sun tredecile Neptune could mean something about your Aries light has/is a gift the collective consciousness needs, or that there is something in the collective that is perfect for a uniquely enlightening circumstance. It could show that should you become famous, you would offer a wide variety of people a unique experience. Again, too many possibilities. BTW, I also have a Mars opposition Neptune, and once I learned not to give up so easily, I mastered that opposition's ability to get to the point and cut through the fog. That opposition is great if you want to be able to inspire others, or be the tip of the spear for a collective effort!
Posted by: Robert | May 01, 2009 at 07:25 AM
Thanks Robert, I am very Jupiter-like, having Jup-Sun-Moon in a tight conjunction in the sign where Jup is exalted... lots of Sag and Pisces people in my life too. The no-food-after 6pm was my first rule back in 1986. Now I'm sitting on my tush at work (computer) at night, and the office is full of food! What a dieter's nightmare! :)
Posted by: Valerie | May 01, 2009 at 06:24 PM