by Robert Wilkinson
Continuing yesterday's theme, today we discuss more about Mars' influence on various signs in the weeks to come. As Mars usually brings agitation and edgy interactions, it's not really a harbinger of good things, though what it does offer can be quite exciting.
If you haven't read yesterday's post, please read that one before reading this one, since it lays out the primary influences for the very dynamic conjunctions, squares, and oppositions that Mars makes with most of the signs. In fact, it seems that only Virgo and Sagittarius are spared the Mars stress influence over the next 7 weeks. Of course those signs have enough on their plates given Saturn's much longer wave lessons.
The quincunx effect significantly influences 18-23 degrees of Virgo and Scorpio the 3rd week of May, and 23-30 Virgo and Scorpio the last 10 days of May. It impacts 1-5 degrees of Libra and Sagittarius the first week of June, 5-11 degrees of Libra and Sagittarius the second week of June, 11-16 degrees of Libra and Sagittarius the third week of June, and 16-22 degrees of Libra and Sagittarius the last 10 days of June. Quincunxes are associated with physical, emotional, or mental health issues requiring sacrifices and adjustments.
Thus the last half of May most impacts Virgos born the 2nd and 3rd weeks of September, and Scorpios born the 2nd and 3rd weeks of November. The first half of June most affects Libras born in September and Sagittarians born in November. The last half of June most impacts Libras born the first half of October and Sagittarius born the first half of December. Of course these are approximate. Please consult your favorite professional astrologer to be more specific.
Through the quincunxes, Virgos and Libras will have sacrifices and adjustments in the areas of loss, regeneration, shared values and wealth. This will help Virgos learn to let go of obsolete considerations and views, as well as desires that cannot bring them what they want. They will also learn new ideals, a broader point of view or a greater vision of how they can contribute to a greater group work.
Libras will have sacrifices in the same areas, helping them learn what to eliminate from their lives on every level, as well as a larger vision of what they need to learn or a quest they need to accept. They will also learn to see how they are creating sorrow for themselves, and have an opportunity to close out old ways with compassion for who is undermining what. Both signs will learn how to get their magnetism and desires straightened out and eliminate that which cannot be carried into a future already taking shape.
Scorpios and Sagittarians will have sacrifices and adjustments in the areas of work, health, and those they do service for or who do service for them. This will prepare them to deal with those who serve them, or those they serve in the realm of what needs to be done, from a balanced perspective. New working initiatives are indicated.
Scorpios will learn a more effective way of attaining goals, and can find new friends who can be of practical service to those ends. They can also learn a new adaptability and alternative ways of viewing, interpreting, and communicating what they share with others.
Sagittarians can learn a more balanced view and a greater ideal in who they call friend and how they relate to them. They can also learn a new sensitivity to what they truly care about and why they can be so touchy at times. Both signs will learn to adjust to necessities in simple effective ways, and prepare for that which is surfacing in their lives.
The last half of May, Pisces born in late February and the first week of March, as well as Geminis born in late May and the first week of June, are extraordinarily affected by the Mars semisquare to their Suns. The first week of June the semisquare primarily affects Pisces born the second week of March and Geminis born the second week of June.
The second and third weeks of June the semisquare primarily affects Pisces born between March 9-20, and Geminis born between June 10-20. The last 10 days of June the semisquare affects Aries born in March and Cancers born in June.
The semisquare is a 45 degree aspect indicating internal crises of direction, or a sense that something is beginning to open (or close) with decisions to be made. They show important factors regarding things that are emerging or ending, and offer information about hidden or unconscious influences at work.
For Pisces and Aries birthdays mentioned above, new developments and challenges in the cycle that began mid-March through late April 2009 don't have to be a problem if you become more open, optimistic, and take a future oriented larger view of your values and relationship to things and money.
Gemini and Cancer people with birthdays mentioned above need to end some things they began between mid-August and mid-October 2007, so capture the harvest and close out what you need to without getting aggravated at friends or the goals that you couldn't fulfill. If this applies to you, you're entering a fallow period where you'll need to do closure rituals, preparing for a new cycle to come starting mid-July through mid-September 2009. This period is directly related to the process of ending some activities and seeing them in the broader context of your life story as a "hero's journey."
For Pisces, lessons you're learning concern your values, resources, truth, philosophy, and how you view your future. For Aries, they concern your self image, way of relating to your physical body and sense of distinctiveness, as well as ways of what you desire and how you view shared resources and societal values.
For Geminis, lessons you're learning put a spotlight on your friends, goals, ambitions, work, health, and how to adjust to what's coming in the near future. For Cancers, the focus is on your profession, public standing, spontaneity, self-expression, and children.
Perhaps the greatest influence of Mars during these weeks is during the time it's in the Aries zone of the Grand Irrationality in the second and third weeks of May, followed quickly by Venus in the third and fourth weeks of May. These planets transiting those degrees set that major configuration into action, bringing us all to another set of "forks in the road of destiny."
This is the next stage in the long term lessons we began to learn, and responsibilities we began to embrace, when Saturn entered the Virgo zone last September. The transit of Mars and Venus through the Aries zone begins many weeks where Saturn will again anchor the Grand Irrationality as the planets move through the Gemini and Cancer zones between late May and late August.
Every time a planet moves through any of the 7 zones of this on-going long wave configuration, it triggers choices and changes as we confront an "intersection of fate and free will" at a "fork in the road of destiny." There are many articles on this site explaining the larger influence of this configuration, so by all means check out the archives if you want to know more!
As it is the Aries zone that's being triggered, we're now launched into a new world that is fairly irrational, with major obsessive-compulsive behaviors dominating affairs. Things won't make much sense, but they don't have to.
So for the rest of May and June, see what's emerging and be willing to act, quickly and definitively, on whatever is opening in your life. This will be a great period of productivity and specialization in the areas ruled by Aries, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
Even now, Mercury begins to speed up, ready to go stationary direct at the end of May. This indicates major rewards are already on the way if we have found our purity of heart, and faith that the invisible world can and does bring forth whatever our heart's desire, as long as we're patient and know what's true for us.
Now that Saturn is direct in motion, we'll all begin to experience anew the larger tensions and polarizations shown by the on-going Saturn opposition Uranus. Find the highest way to deal with the polarizations this indicates, and remember what you stand for that can serve as an example to others in the future.
Major Earth trines will dominate June, grounding the new initiative of April and May. We are all moving through a process of transcending our old lives due to whatever has ended or is beginning to end as a result of the Wesak Festival "Death Moon." Just remember that the ChristFest Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius is on the way, bringing a new outpouring of the World Teaching for the coming year expressing the wisdom form that the Wesak has triggered and will continue to trigger for the next year.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert, Thanks for the great article. The rewards have already started flowing in. It feels nice to experience life in the way you want...(focussing on positives has made me blind to the negatives)
Posted by: Aditya | May 22, 2009 at 09:49 AM
Can I see your insight about coming Saturn in Libra soon? Also, Saturn in Virgo coming back in 2010 - whether it's gonna be the same influence? If it is different, then how?
Posted by: ev | May 22, 2009 at 10:39 AM
Dear Robert and folks here,
My sister sent me this amazing commencement address by Paul Hawkens, at the Univ of Portland. It reminded me of Robert and of lots of you here, so I thought I'd share it
Posted by: NS | May 24, 2009 at 12:49 AM
Robert, your note on quincunxes very informative for me (24 degrees sag; 1st h) as I initiate a medical malpractice suit against (those who serve me)my surgeon who severed my kidney arteries (Gemini systems?) during tumor removal. Am I interpreting this correctly?
Posted by: mary byrne | May 24, 2009 at 07:41 AM
Hi Robert - I read all your articles and yet hard to explain. this year has been tough, difficult emotionally on me, physically also. Some very strange things happened and can't be undone, as you said once. True. It is so heavy on me like never before. I don't know. It is either year of Ox is tough love or what else. I am an early March 30 Aries, with Leo rising, Scorp moon; Mars, Jupiter, Mercury in Aries. Old wound haunting me and don't go away. I try to meditate, but it's hard. My mind is clogged with things I can't let go. Help me to detach myself from all this
Posted by: Larisa | May 24, 2009 at 09:23 AM
Hi Aditya - Yes, over time we can learn to view many things dispassionately, which is always good. Of course, I don't think we can afford to overlook the negatives entirely, lest we be blindsided by the law of unintended consequences. That said, focusing on the positive potential and actual is always good.
Hi ev - Will compose on Saturn in Libra in a few weeks. That will include insights on Saturn RX back into Virgo. For now you can find clues by going to the article on how Mercury's inferior and superior conjunction cycle works.
Hi NS - It's a very powerful speech, and I agree with everything he said. Very brilliant man who hopefully is managing to awaken the minds and hearts of those who get to read or hear what he said.
Hi Mary - Sorry you also have had to deal with our dysfunctional surgical system. It's why I avoid surgeons like the plague. The technicals for law: Malpractice suits deal with natal 9th house issues (law), 7th house (contracts and contests), as well as 2nd house (9th of the 6th, which rules doctors.) Progressions also play a major factor. Astrology offers times to initiate lawsuits based in the rules of contest analysis, with special focus gives to the above houses.
As for the medical specifics, generally speaking kidneys are ruled by Venus, which also rules venous circulation in planetary physiology. Arterial circulation is ruled by Sun, and Jupiter is said to have an influence on both type of circulation. I hope this can open insights about what happened, when it did, and why.
Hi Larisa - This year has been tough on many for all kinds of reasons. Even when things are working fairly well, if a being is striving to bring forth something new, there will always be "fire by friction." The trick is to know when to stop forcing things and regenerate, however that's possible. And don't discount that at the death of things, much energy is taken away so that new things can come forth in the appropriate future season.
If an old wound is particularly troublesome, it's time to heal whatever is festering inside it. That may mean finding the right "physician" to reopen it so you can clean it out once and for all. Or if you have the skill, do it yourself. With your Moon in Scorpio, remember the best way to fight evil is not by loathing it, but to make progress in the good. And of course you know I enthusiastically endorse more detachment when any attachment leads to suffering.
Posted by: Robert | May 25, 2009 at 12:59 PM
Thank you Robert. I catch myself often trying to get even and I hold grudges. You are so right, I should not loathe bad... But I pray, because some things were simply injust, I was hurt by one individual. over and over. I hope that weasel gets it. I remember you said that last year to me and I should had stopped all communications with that person. Some things are hard to ignore, forgive or forget. I think I should just stop forcing, you are right. This year is something, let me tell you. No major disasters, yet, so hard even to breath. Thank you, I will be making progress in the good. I will sit still. Balance will come back, I believe. I remember before my mom died, several days before, seems that she could read my thoughts, when I was sitting at her bed, and I was upset and obe thought crossed my mind of how to get even with someone. My mom suddenly said - don't do anything. I was shocked. She knew.
I always used to listen to her, since she knew better and she was better than me. I am a piece of work, simply because I am trying to control some things. If not those words of hers, I would probbaly already made havoc and disaster. I can only try not to hold grudges. Thank you again. I listen to you also, always.
Posted by: Larisa | May 25, 2009 at 05:16 PM
Hi, Robert.
With those coming earth trines, should one follow one's intuition in adventuring into new avenues?
Posted by: Isabel | May 28, 2009 at 07:28 AM
Hi Larisa - The best revenge is living well. Shake the dust off your feet and find a new point of view that makes you feel like you're moving toward something better than what has been.
Hi Isabel - The Earth trines should be good for practical planning based on solid understanding. The new has been opening for a few weeks now. It should attain solidity over the next few.
Posted by: Robert | May 30, 2009 at 02:04 PM