by Robert Wilkinson
Today Jupiter exactly conjuncts Neptune, which is going stationary retrograde tomorrow. Both Jupiter and Chiron will continue to conjunct Neptune for many months to come, since the former is slowing to go retrograde June 15, after which it will again conjunct Neptune in early July while both are RX. What can we expect from these larger forces at work?
This is a threshold state for all 3 planets, since they all go retrograde in the next few weeks. This is giving us a forward look at a broader reality that will infuse the lessons of now through Autumn. This broader view, or understanding, will become more evident once these planets are all direct beginning November. The fused Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune ideals will take flight in December 2009 through February 2010.
The conjunction falls at 27 Aquarius, said to be a degree of the spiritual and/or aesthetic values "linking generations of seekers for the highest." It falls in the span of perspective, scene of Management, on the individual, mental, and spiritual level. These will show us what is changeless in our heart's feelings, and a stability beyond superficial things. It represents tradition, and a gift for using its values.
The 3 conjunctions falling between May 2009 and January 2010 is the completion of the last Jupiter-Neptune cycle that began January 1997 when they conjuncted at 28 Capricorn. This period marks the first Jupiter conjunction Neptune in Aquarius since 1843, which coincidentally also had Jupiter go stationary retrograde at 28 Aquarius and direct at 18, in the same months in 1843 that it will turn this year. When you're done here, you can read more about this Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in the article Jupiter Conjunct Neptune in Aquarius in March, April, May, and June 2009.
Jupiter expands, protects, and teaches through liberating the view in larger vistas. Chiron heals us into our Higher Self through the arts, sciences, and philosophies. Neptune is the Collective Unconscious, the spacious ocean of transpersonal collectivizing energies from which all things come and into which all things dissolve in the vastness of the shared feeling experiences of all beings across all space and time.
This will bring a new set of lessons to humanity combining Jupiter, the "Greater Benefic," Chiron, the "wandering wounded healer," and Neptune, where we all share a common feeling-field. Its effects will play out over a very long span of time, and bring a greater adventure and a larger view of a greater ideal wherever this falls in our chart. That's the area where we will commit to something of value, and be willing to expand our understanding of what we're learning and/or teaching of a broader social ideal.
Obviously, if you know where this falls in the map, then look to the affairs of that house to show you the adventure into healing to happen over the next 13 years. That said, enjoy!
Aries born in March and first half of April (and Pisces born the third week of March) see major changes in the area of friends, goals, ambitions, group work, and a larger form of service. A greater view will be seen concerning truth, philosophy, potential futures, the Spiritual Self, motives, how to achieve closure on old ideals, and the movie of their lives.
Taurus born in April and the first half of May (and Aries born the third week of April) will see major changes in their professional sector, as well as a new way of projecting their expertise to fulfill ambition or attain recognition. A greater view will be seen concerning desires, shared values and resources, goals, ambitions, and friendships.
Gemini born in May and the first half of June (and Taurus born the third week of May) will see major changes in their truth, philosophy, and how they approach higher and broader concepts. This indicates travel and higher education. A greater view will be seen concerning human relations, profession, personal authority, and public image.
Cancer born in June and the first half of July (and Gemini born the third week of June) will see major changes in their desires, shared values and resources, and how they deal with loss. A greater view will be seen concerning work, health, those in your service, higher or broader truths and philosophies, alternative futures, and your larger vision.
Leo born in July and the first half of August (and Cancer born the third week of July) will see major changes in their partnerships, how they view opportunity, and ways of being more ideal in their relations. Your partner is growing! A greater view will be seen concerning children, play, self-expression, desires, shared values and resources, and potential legacies.
Virgo born in August and the first half of September (and Leo born the third week of August) will see major changes in their health, work, and learn how to relate to others' motives in more ideal ways. A greater view will be seen concerning home, family, early life experiences, relationships, and ways to intuit which opportunities will be rewarding.
Libra born in September and the first half of October (and Virgo born the third week of September) will see major changes in their creativity, self-expression, ways of playing and relating to children. A greater view will be seen concerning neighbors, siblings, ways of expressing interpretations, work, health, and adjusting to circumstances.
Scorpio born in October and the first half of November (and Libra born the third week of October) will see major changes in their home and family life, as well as their memory of early life experiences. A greater view will be seen concerning material and non-material resources and how they use what they have, as well as creativity, self-expression, and children.
Sagittarius born in November and the first half of December (and Scorpio born the third week of November) will see major changes in their view of reality and how they interpret it. New truths come through neighbors and siblings. A greater view will be seen concerning their self-image and body, as well as their home, family, and early life experiences.
Capricorn born in December and the first half of January (and Sagittarius born the third week of December) will see major changes in their finances, resources, and how they use what they have. A greater view will be seen concerning perception, communication, siblings, neighbors, sorrow-creating behaviors, motives, and the larger movie of their life.
Aquarius born in January and the first half of February (and Capricorn born the third week of January) will see major changes in their self image, instincts, and any sense of lacking direction. A greater view will be seen concerning goals, ambitions, friendships, group work, resources, and how to capture what they need to sustain themselves.
Pisces born in February and the first half of March (and Aquarius born the third week of February) will see major changes in their motives, sorrow-creating behaviors, and how they close out old ways of doing and Being. A greater view will be seen concerning self-image, instincts, profession, public standing, and ways of accepting responsibility.
For more on this long term influence, please read Jupiter Conjunct Neptune in Aquarius in March, April, May, and June 2009
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert,
Thank you for all of the lovely effort you put out all of the time for everyone!!!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Posted by: wendy | May 27, 2009 at 11:38 AM
Hello Robert,
What a beautiful and concise description of this powerful cosmic moment! Thank you for this. I have been consciously aware of the shifts taking place energetically, and reading your article both explains and confirms my experience.
Blessings to you!
Posted by: Laura | May 27, 2009 at 10:24 PM
Dear Robert,
Thanks so much for this post. I've been waiting to see what you'd post on this and it's very encouraging. This conjunction (in my first house) is exactly trine my natal Venus (in Gemini in the 4th). And boy does she need a little light right now. It's also almost exactly square my Neptune in the 9th. With the trine and the square I don't know what to trust, in a way. Some things feel very good, though old painful issues keep rearing their heads as much as I want to ignore them. Is there a way you'd recommend I'd use this energy? Any advice on the Neptune square Neptune transit, involving these other energies?
Posted by: reefaroundme | May 27, 2009 at 10:36 PM
What about Virgos born in the 2nd half of September??
Posted by: sally | May 27, 2009 at 10:38 PM
Everything you say makes sense.
But I would like to leave a question - Why does Neptune close to either the Sun or Venus (in my case) give one this sense of extreme fatigue? As if I were a sort of watering device, full of holes through which the water passes? Funny, though, this extreme tiredness does not preclude me from working, especially if it is in spiritual endeavours - there, strength seems to come from wherever... and it makes it possible... Still, there is this fatigue, it grows together with a sense of compassion as well...
I try to make a sort of energetic Alchemy to keep myself going... and it does work if I do it for the right reasons. But how to transform this better?
Thanks for any ideas,
Namaste and Love,
Posted by: Isabel | May 28, 2009 at 04:28 AM
thanks for sharing your insight. "The first half.." means the half of the first week?? then those born between after the half of the first week and before the third week has nuthing?? not even bread crumbles? Feeling stuck in the Universe's spinning.
Posted by: ev | May 28, 2009 at 10:01 AM
Should be an awesome conjunction for me!!! It falls in my 9th house. I predict and forsee healing travel to lands beyond my wildest dreams. :)
Posted by: Damien | May 28, 2009 at 11:45 AM
Hi Wendy - You're most welcome. Enjoy the community, and spread the word.
Hi Laura - There are major events pushing and pulling humanity to its better, higher nature. As various planets trigger these conjunction points, elements of the New Era will appear. The squares will release energy, the sextiles and trines will further productive energies and stabilize our understanding and ability to harmonize with the larger waves of evolution. Other aspects of course will have their own specific qualities.
Hi reefaroundme - I figured that even though I wrote an article about Jupiter conjunct Neptune a few months back, since Chiron has joined the party and the 3 are EXACT that it would be good to revisit the event. In the first it really does show a major new adventure based in the ruler of your Sag and Pisces trine the ruler of your Taurus and Libra. You may get lucky re: a living space. Definitely favor through Gemini women.
Jupiter square your Neptune simply counsels not to get too detached from what's going on, and learn to give things a nudge so they are in your continued interests over time. Take a larger, detached, dispassionate view of whatever is the source of the pain or distress. Neptune square Neptune is generational, and so is beyond the scope of this comment stream, though for your generation particularly you are doing a collective gutcheck on where your hearts are at, and how you can enjoy life a little easier. I'll probably do a larger article someday, since each generation goes through this when in their early 40s. Mine lasted from 38 to 44.
Hi sally - I noted that under Libra due to where the conjunction falls.
Hi Isabel - Neptune visiting a major planet is certainly like swimming in the ocean. And swimming and swimming and swimming. Neptune is like that. It's also a constant receptivity to the collective, which is exhausted in its own peculiar way due to resisting the need to gladly evolve into a more sustainable reality for many thousands of years. Perhaps you're simply experiencing the fluxes and flow of the planetary energy rather than your individual energy, and so sometimes it's time to rest, other times it's time to work. Tides do go in and out, you know.
As you know, the tension of collective striving in anticipation of the "return" of the World Teacher is going 24/7. We who strive to hold the focus of a better Way will feel both strength and stillness as we give birth to a new Era. If birthing demonstrates wave forms, so will the advent of a new world Teaching for the next era, a.k.a. "the Dwapara Yuga" (which we've already begun, but the inertia of the old Kali Yuga dies slowly...) Overlapping wave forms can create a degree of static, but identification with one's own Ray forms provides relief as we ride the waves of greater effective realization.
Hi ev - It means the first half of a month.
Hi Damien - Very good for long distance or higher learning, expanded futures, and a sense of movement!
Posted by: Robert | June 01, 2009 at 03:39 PM
Dear Robert,
I have a question regarding capricorn during this time - is the major change in finances up or down? thank you
Posted by: jean | June 02, 2009 at 03:01 AM
Hi jean - I have no idea. These are general interpretations taking the long view of how this configuration relates to the signs. It could go either way, depending on whether a being is extravagant, procrastinating, and selfish, or generous, dispassionate, and dedicated to a larger service. Jupiter can work to bring opportunities that we either squander or use wisely, depending on our character development.
Posted by: Robert | June 03, 2009 at 07:00 AM
Hi Robert,
Thanks for the wonderful look into the possibilities for all signs under these transits. I, too, am feeling the energetic changes and an awareness of great spiritual energy available in my day to day life. Sort of like letting go and staying focused at the same time.
I am very busy these days and on Monday woke up intensely ill. I am usually very healthy and this took me by surprise and really scared me. I literally felt like I might die.
I reached out to friends for what I needed that day (not always easy for an independant Aries) and awoke on Tuesday much better and feeling like I'd landed on a completely different planet. I didn't have all my 'old' energy back but it's okay. The message seems to be to trust and let go of my old way of expending so much energy to get things done.
This transit is exactly opposite my natal Pluto in Leo in the 5th. What would you say about this Pluto connection? I would appreciate your point of view on it. Thank you.
Posted by: Maria | June 04, 2009 at 07:28 PM
Thanks so much for your answer. Makes a lot of sense for me right now. I'll go call my Gemini mom!
Posted by: reefaroundme | June 04, 2009 at 11:01 PM
Hi all - A moment to connect, no more.
Hi Marie - You got temporarily purified.
Hi reefaroundme - Excellent!
Posted by: Robert | June 05, 2009 at 10:41 AM
Thank you! I have ben through a difficult time and the above explanation helped me very much.
Posted by: Marcia Paula | June 07, 2009 at 03:22 PM
Thank you for your comment!!!
More about the RETURN?
Posted by: Isabel | June 11, 2009 at 03:45 PM
Hi Marcia - Glad this helps.
Hi Isabel - What return? (Am I missing something obvious?)
Posted by: Robert | June 15, 2009 at 01:24 PM
Hi Robert,
I am a Pisces (March 15, 1982 - 6:21am). I am having a hard time living right now. Some of my past decisions are eating at my conscious and some difficult situations/decisions are making it undeniably hard to live. I have led a very good life until approximately 8 months ago, when I made some poor decisions. I am having difficulty waking up everyday and see no point to life. It is not a chemical imbalance. I am in dire need of some insight/guidance please. Is there anything you can tell me?
Posted by: P | June 15, 2009 at 01:49 PM
To add to the previous comment, it is not that anyone that I know of is even aware of the poor decisions that I made besides the few people I have told. I am my own worst enemy right now and on top of it I have decisions that I have to make that will shape the rest of my life. Any guidance will help please.
Posted by: P | June 15, 2009 at 01:52 PM
Hi P - Well, with Uranus on your Sun it's probably like an acid trip without the acid! Add to that you've had Saturn opposition your Mercury and Sun, and it's no wonder you're having a hard time over having a hard time. Let go of the past. It's a thief that will steal your present. Do not be pessimistic or narrow in your thinking and perceptions, since our future always holds more than we imagined in the past. Just don't make the same mistake twice, forgive much under the banner of "it seemed like a good idea at the time," and move forward.
A new purpose beckons, if you have a degree of patience and decide to take control of your life and response-ability. Poor decisions are a part of being human, but we do not have to cling to suffer over them if we "get right" with our plan to restore our sanity by referencing our Highest Self rather than the confusions of our memories of perceptions of memories of perception of memories of... Make your decisions based on "best evidence," and remember that within a thousand days your life will be much different than it was just a few hundred hours ago.
Posted by: Robert | June 18, 2009 at 06:12 PM
I already made the mistake of letting my future go> I had everything I had ever asked for in a man beg and plead to be with me and I kept pushing him away to give someone from my past a chance. My first boyfriend who had been a major stressor made promises and talked me into allowing him another chance. He has now taken my love in ways I never imagined. I can't feel love and don't see myself coming out of this. I had to quit my job because I can't work anymore. My life is falling apart. I have tried contacting the man who I thought should be my future had I not made a mistake, but he has moved on and is not interested in pursuing anything even if he hadn't because of the stress he went through. I have made a mess of my life by dwelling on the past and don't know what I can do to fix it. I was afraid to move forward and now see no future. I felt bad for the ex who had been in love with me for 11 years. I wish I had spoken to you sooner. The past did steal my present. I don't see any way out of this and can't continue to live like this.
Posted by: P | July 03, 2009 at 08:51 AM
I made the same mistake twice. That's my whole problem. I let my ex boyfriend intrude in my future relationship. To make it worse I let him have my heart again and pushed away something I have waited for my entire life. I have let the ex go completely now, but am now left in the middle of nowhere with nowhere to go with so much regret. I had such a bright future Robert. I keep trying to forgive myself and move on - but whats done is done and I see nowhere to move on to. If this is too much for a comment stream, I do not have a problem speaking to you over the phone when you are available.
Posted by: P | July 03, 2009 at 10:58 AM
Hi P - You may need to step back and be more objective about the relative importance of this event. You are an Eternal and are bound to "make mistakes" from time to time as you figure out how to correct your desire nature and mental assumptions. If he is your Twin Flame, then he could not resist the connection. Since he's not, then detach and resolve to attract someone who is even better for you.
Sorry you quit your job, since often a routine of doing something outside our personal patterns helps us keep stable in the midst of inner transitions. I have no doubt there are many ways you can improve your life, both personally and interpersonally, but that's beyond a comment stream.
Just remember that as an Eternal you'll ALWAYS have a future and will always be "moving on" regardless of who you're with or not. The trick is to learn to navigate it with Love, Wisdom, Intelligence, Detachment, Discrimination, Compassion, and as much humor as you can generate.
If you want to schedule a session, then email me. Otherwise, practice the virtues, and try to detach from giving yourself a hard time over having had a hard time. "The best way to fight evil is to make progress in the good." Generating positivity and good will toward self and others can help turn many things around quickly and quite nicely.
Posted by: Robert | July 05, 2009 at 10:25 AM
Namaskarums and *many thanks* for this article, Robert. This Triple Conjunction is significant for me as it happened exactly on my natal Chiron at 27 AQ in my otherwise empty descendant 7th house. I'm definitely still healing from a relationship that had to end in 2007; otherwise I don't know what's going on with me :-) In your recent Merc Retro article I noted you mentioned possible *rewards!* for those with planets in late Scorpio. My natal Jupiter sits at 28 Scorpio in the 4th house. I'd been looking forward to my Chiron Return for years, thought that would happen when I will be 51.7 years old... but it looks that due to the elliptical orbit, my Chiron Return is going to last for years! And while I am not homeless, having a *better* home which would be a Protected Sanctuary for my music composing work is much on my mind these days. 05/11/59 11:56 am Warren, OH
Posted by: Timothy | July 06, 2009 at 09:38 AM
Hi Timothy - Namaskar to you as well. Yes, you're no doubt healing, and given it's Jupiter driving the boat, it's probably somewhat protected and/or blessed. Chiron returns last a while, like all the outers. For ex., my Saturn return began around Autumn 2007, got stronger and closer Autumn 2008, and will be full on from now through Summer 2010. Some transits teach us things that shape our lives forever after!
I would think Uranus could give you flashes of inspiration to be applied through many Cancer and Virgo avenues offered from now through early Nov as various planets trine your Jupiter from Cancer, quintile it from mid Virgo, and sextile it from late Virgo. Just do the work, and I suspect you'll be doing VERY well by November into next Spring.
Posted by: Robert | July 07, 2009 at 12:48 PM
Thank you Robert 8^)
Posted by: Timothy | July 07, 2009 at 03:35 PM
Dear Robert
Thanks for what you wrote above re Neptune aspects to personals giving an openness to collective energies. This can be so difficult to cope with and I have experienced both the wave energies and the birthing at times it feels like everything is being pulled out of my deep cells along the spinal channels and the intensity of the pulling is such a challenge to contain. I have posted before on the Persephone blog about the physical pain and birth date is Feb 4, 1962 7.10 pm Canberra Australia. At the moment there is so much grief. I have moved in with my partner but there is also a constant pull back to the ending of an 11 year relationship which occured on 4 Aug 2004 when the Sun was on my ex husbands Mars in Leo conjunct my ascendant. He was English and I have english ancestry our return there in 1998 opened up deep ancestral stuff. He left when I failed to move back to the UK due to my sisters mental illness which pulled me back to Australia in 2001. It felt like an abortion of some kind but Neptune seemed to pull me into something deep here at the south coast by the ocean and much as I tried to move away I kept being pulled back, it was five years of physical and emotional agony. I would appreciate any feedback as my new partner and I have had major hurdles to overcome and the pull of this past relationship brings grief which upsets my new partner. I feel bad about this but also need to cry. Thanks Deborah
Posted by: Deborah Allin | July 13, 2009 at 07:38 PM