by Robert Wilkinson
Following up on the general meaning and function of the "Inferior conjunction" between the Sun and Mercury, today we explore specifics of the Taurus Inferior conjunction of May 18, 2009 falling at 28 Taurus.
The inferior conjunction is when Mercury (mind) conjuncts the Sun (life) while retrograde, indicating that signals, messages, and ideas from either outer sources or subconscious sources will fuse with the life principle, setting the tone for the lessons involving how our minds are relating to our lives during the next four months. Since Mercury is retrograde, the degree of the inferior conjunction shows how our lives will merge with our perceptions and bring forth a new understanding of our light.
This degree is said to be "Mature Woman Reawakened to Romance Admires Herself" symbolizing a new perspective on life and rejuvenation out of our mature experience. It is a synthesizing degree where our imagination plus a well defined desire coupled with patience and understanding of destiny can lead to a renewal that transcends old limitations, whether biological or cultural.
Rudhyar says this degree symbolizes "Man's capacity to rise in consciousness and feelings above biological limitations" so that through our receptivity we can open to some sort of rebeginning. This can show as a challenge to see something from the past differently as we clearly define our role and peacefully adapt to the social needs. This degree synthesizes the process into a confirmation of new points of view and new perspectives.
Mercury introduced these energies when it first crossed this degree on April 26-27. The Inferior Conjunction now makes this a "hot spot" for months to come. We will get synthesized understanding when Mercury again crosses this point for the third time June 10-11.
We'll see VERY important developments occur when Venus, ruler of the conjunction, crosses the degree July 2-3, with Mars stimulating the process July 7-8-9. These are all action beats in a long wave process that will develop over the next few months.
This is the second step in a two-conjunction process. The first step is when Mercury conjuncts the Sun in forward motion after its retrograde period. As Mercury is faster than the Sun, after this Mind again outraces Life, and explores ideas and perceptions of experiences yet to occur.
Then Mercury goes stationary retrograde, and moves into the second step when Mercury again conjuncts the Sun while retrograde. This is when Mind is being absorbed by Life, or Life takes on the results of subconscious or collective ideas returning to source. Eventually Life gets as far from Mind as it can, Mercury goes stationary direct, and begins to speed up preparing for the first step anew in a different part of the zodiac.
In an interesting "co-incidence," the stationary points and the Inferior Conjunction points all trine the same points in previous Mercury retrograde periods. Perhaps by studying the sequence of retrograde, conjunction, and direct points we can see how Mercury, a.k.a Hermes, the Cosmic Magician and Guide of Souls, is steering our long range perceptions, understandings, and coordinations toward Soul understanding.
We are told that 28 Taurus is the third step of SUBSTANTIATION on the Individual, Mental, and Spiritual level of experience within the span of ENJOYMENT. Here we can find some level of synthesized understanding with the process of moving between external and internal activity, and prepare for a period of rewards that certify our "status" within the larger rebeginnings. This Inferior Conjunction of mind "looking back" into life will help us reinterpret experiences we've had which showed us how we've been awakened and initiated into a greater spiritual reality.
The fact that the Inferior Conjunction falls with the Moon at 11 Pisces would imply that through the "looking back" and alternative views and understandings, we will understand why we had to "walk on" when Uranus stimulated this degree from May 2005 through April 2007. All were individualized according to the quality of willingness, purity of heart, emotional goal-fitness, and "spiritually self-mobilized."
The Moon brings forms through reflection. The Inferior Conjunction is about a new view and life given to something, in this case a rebeginning. This implies something that helped us individualize, or bring forth our genius, uniqueness, or Higher Law of Being between those years will be embraced anew.
The Moon is a degree of the mind introduced to Soul realms, and awakening to a new dedication. Even as we learned to "surrender fears" we also found "a transcendent realm of reality." That's why so many things moved forward those 2 years. The next few months we'll nurture those tendencies along through the new beginnings, or more mature responses to whatever helps us transcend old inner and outer limitations.
Venus, ruling the sign of the Inferior Conjunction, is at 14 Aries biseptile Pluto in the Grand Irrationality with Mars also in Aries, the final dispositor in the chain of interactive planetary rulerships. This shows a new understanding of the gender dance, as well as the dance of the inner male and female. We can find a new "ritualization of relationship" and find a much vaster sense of the dances of energies playing around and through us.
Mars is on a humanitarian degree, one of "transmuting life into love." It is septile Neptune and tredecile Pluto, anticipating what Venus will capture or admire when it moves across this degree May 25-26. There are also other important specializing and spiritualizing aspects Mars makes to other planets. Through unique interactivity, we will be able to link with others to help all to transcend some form of outer harshness through utilizing a form of spiritual energy we trained for in the past. That's going to be the bottom line and backdrop to what's energized these next few months. Mostly this will come through dynamic frictional aspects.
Venus bisects the Sun-Mercury square to Neptune, Chiron, and Jupiter. It also makes a quincunx to Saturn, guaranteed to force adjustments to perfect forms. The former aspects at best bring forth a healing into broader perspectives through new forms of self expression to achieve a better ideal of service. Getting clear about roles is important, and not drifting into uninteresting actions or timidity.
Overall, the complex of aspects indicates that Saturn is still the nozzle for all the energies of all the other planets to express themselves. Keep an eye on wherever 15 Virgo falls in your maps, and use the virtues of Saturn to keep a handle (literally!) on the process. It seems the next few months will be concretizing ideals, saying goodbyes, and finding new ways to do old things, or embracing new actions that somehow resemble past ones.
Since Saturn is the singleton opposing all the other planets and is now direct in motion, we can expect more intense Saturn opposition Uranus manifestations. You can find more about what we're learning and how to use these energies productively by going to the link.
The 11 days before the inferior conjunction (fusion) of mind and life is a good time to take a new look at how you can bring out your inner wisdom by adjusting to a future vision or broader perspective that's opening for you. It's also good for getting a new point of view regarding what your imagination is willing to consider and how to coordinate your life to reorganize it productively.
It's great for intuitive flashes, insights into the larger collective consciousness and unconsciousness, and seeing how you're being led to see elements of your Soul you may not have recognized before now. So think back on what's happened in recent days, and find a new way to view how those things may symbolize the future somehow.
Here are other links to recent articles on what this May 2009 Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius is all about:
Copyright © 2009 Robert Wilkinson
When I read...This degree is said to be "Mature Woman Reawakened to Romance Admires Herself"....I understood why what was happening to me today was happening. Being a May Gemini, I am quite sensitive to whatever Mercury is doing. I feel like I "found myself" today....finally....and I know it only gets better from here. Thank you so much Robert for your insight.
Posted by: Shell | May 18, 2009 at 05:28 PM
As always fascinated by the article and amateurishly trying to interpet the significance... my natal sun is virgo 14.39, 12th house and natal saturn is 13.55, 1st house and mercury is leo 29.45, 11th I right in thinking this is particularly apposite? can you explain a little more what this may mean and how saturn may help?
Am I right in thinking that this could be particularly potent?
Any insight would be most welcome ...
Posted by: Janey | May 19, 2009 at 02:08 AM
This is being the greatest retrograde, with lots of good things coming back. Can't wait for june/july :)
Posted by: Marie | May 19, 2009 at 06:44 AM
Hi Robert,
Given that the 1st step in this conjunction process occurred at 11 Aries, what has the last 6+ weeks been about considering what each 11 Aries and 28 Taurus represent?
Posted by: Matt | May 19, 2009 at 07:53 AM
I have to agree whole heartedly with Shell. This mercury retrograde has been really great and the degree of 28 Taurus " Mature Woman Reawakened to Romance Admires Herself " symbolizing a new perspective on life and rejuvenation out of our mature experience. Not too mention - " a renewal that transcends old limitations, whether biological or cultural. "
It's all very dead of me for I feel at this point I've
truly found myself as well.
Everyday looks brighter
Melody Dawn
Posted by: Melody Dawn | May 19, 2009 at 08:55 AM
That's supposed to read Dead On for me. Yes it is
still fundamentally Mercury retrograde .. LOL :)
Posted by: Melody Dawn | May 19, 2009 at 08:56 AM
If as you say, "Saturn is the singleton opposing all the other planets and is now direct in motion, we can expect more intense Saturn opposition Uranus manifestations," my boyfriend has his Saturn in Virgo (in my 4th house).
Should i suppose that i can expect more opposition to my Uranian tendencies? That because of this action, depending on how to interact with this situation would be key. Especially when you state this: "its a good time to take a new look at how you can bring out your inner wisdom by adjusting to a future vision or broader perspective that's opening for you."
I'm there. I'm tryin. Thanks Robert.
Posted by: Robyn | May 19, 2009 at 12:29 PM
Not only is Saturn the nozzle for all these planet's energies in the weeks and months ahead, he'll also -- with Tr Sun, Mercury and Venus through September and into October -- close off the March 2007 Eclipse as he travels over 28-29 Virgo. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, the next Inferior Conjunction between Mercury and the Sun will take place opposite that Eclipse Degree in late-September.
Saturn's visit opposite the Eclipse Degree is important in the unfolding of our lives and the paths we choose or find ourselves on. So, whatever that Eclipse ushered into our lives -- or whatever we found ourselves doing in response to something being taken from our lives -- will reach some culmination with the visits of Mercury, the Sun and their Inferior Conjunction, then Venus and finally Saturn.
As always, it'll be an interesting time. I look forward to your future thoughts on this, Robert.
Posted by: duse | May 19, 2009 at 02:14 PM
What a trippy serendipitous retrograde !!! :)
I have alot to say so sorry for the length ...
First off, I've had the urge all day to revisit
a favorite play and writer of mine - Josh Whedon
and all his wonderful creations. I've spent the day working and listening to the score of his play " Once More With Feeling " and was able to hear it from a whole new wholesome perspective though it still resonates from a more dark and moodier time of my life.
This retrograde is sitting on my natal Venus in my 10th/career. I have to say most emphatically that all that is occurring in my life right now feels as if I am truly finding my real self.
What I find really ironic is well, Jupiter is also Guru's and mentors. A role that I have been forced into at times in my life and probably thru many lifetimes in the past. Roles of guidance, helping, mentoring or even parental that I felt either compelled at times to play or were just expected to play. This took me far from who I was inside individually.
Now Neptune is illusion, delusion, escapism but also DISSOLUTION i.e. loss, dissipitation ( spell check mercury retrograde :) ). Then of course there's Chiron - master teacher, self wounding, soul transformational bridge builder and so much more.
I find it HYSTERICALLY funny that part of my chironic wound has been that I had to lose the need and reflex for playing and allowing these roles of mentor, guide, guardian, psychologist and many others like them. That I had to come to the realization and acceptance that I had not helped at all but only been fodder for some very karmic people that were and are in truth just very hollow parasitic people who had weaseled thier way into my life over lifetimes.
Many times in the past I felt the need ( or was played and tricked into believing the lies ) to try help those who merely tried to force me into fulfilling these kinds of roles for them while
they simulaneously were just trying to mold me into something that I wasn't in order to fill some truly dysfunctional oedipal complex for them ( hello Chariklo and dysfunctional relationships ) which in turn just perpetuating my own chironic wounds.
Thier excuses, when asked for accountability, every time any damages they may have caused no matter how horrendous, selfish or vicious was that they aren't responsible for others short comings.
How utterly grotesque ?
Yet I would hear them in the same breath quote so many supposed enlightened passages, things I had exposed them too as if they themselves had ANY understanding what so ever of the things they were reading or spouting.
Well, gram always said when it comes to people the
truth is that the proof is in the pudding. Anyone can say anything and fake it. And these people DO .. ALL THE TIME !! It's amazing to me.
Now after all these years I've found a path that I can truly claim as my own which is really at the heart of who I am as an individual and as a person.
It is, ironically, something that this person cannot and will not try to steal, copy or plagiarize as thier own or thier own inspirations because it goes against thier own deeply rooted prejudices, complexes and bigotry. HOORAH !!! What a grand gift of symmetry from the universe !!! Thier schemes, habits and complexes are FOILED at thier root core @!@ What a blessing in disguise !!!!
I have crossed my Chironic bridge in safety, am free to continue healing on my own knowing I have secured the right path and am now turning my Venus at 26 degrees Taurus which is conjunct this 28 degree Taurus retrograde into something that far exceeds what I ever was before which is now taking me to a places that I know they will never go. Is this why
the universe had me come into this life not only to
be a late bloomer but to let my intercepted houses unfold later in my life ?? To learn these lessons, be able to identify these kinds of people, remove them from my life, find ways to finally heal age old wounds and take what is truly in my heart and make it a gift for all? I truly think so. I certainly have had many confirmations to confirm that this is so and to substantiate my feelings on this.
So - Hoorayyyy for freedom, true revelations and true original thinkers who at this time become free from the tyrrany of others complexes,projections, parasitism and dysfunctions.
May everyone who does thier OWN work find thier deepest blessings and what they truly deserve from this retrograde period coinciding with the Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune conjunction! You deserve it.
Hopefully I caught all the typos before I hit
enter this time .. LOL
Cheers and Namaste to all
Melody Dawn
Posted by: Melody Dawn | May 19, 2009 at 02:31 PM
I guess this is my revelation.
I have my Mars 22 degrees of Taurus, in my 12th house of escapism, secrets etc. I believe that i am learning about my own actions and temperament from others sense of escapism and secret keeping. I always find out the secrets, its been a gift to me, which has helped me deal with life lessons. Retrograde of Mars seems to be repressing and secluding my sense of stability. Sensuality is lacking or being held back. Along with Saturn in Virgo, i am getting a big No from someone in my life which adds, to the energy of escapism, disillusion and dissipation.
Under all this i feel the situation very familiar. I suppose i am coming to an end of a regimented behavior that is in response to other people's and my own escapism that i've dealt with for too long.
I'm still waiting for that ah-ha moment tho.
Posted by: robyn | May 19, 2009 at 03:34 PM
Trust me sweetie,
Hold your breath, release and let it all go and it will come ..This triple conjunction has alot to offer to those who are ready and willing to let go of all past preconceptions and to just let it speak to them ... :) Kind of like being out in the desert .. let the vision come and don't try to create it -
revelations aplenty will surface from the depths of
Neptune just let Chariklo mated with Chiron the multidimensional couple who love each other so dearly take your hand.
I whole heartedly hope you get your AHA moment soon :)
Sorry I wax poetic tonight .. :)
Let the myths move you ...
Melody Dawn
Posted by: Melody Dawn | May 19, 2009 at 04:30 PM
Hi Shell - I have a feeling that by the time August hits, you will definitely be in your groove. There should be manifold rewards that show you your best in the next few weeks, and you'll know a balanced stability by early 2010.
Hi Janey - This Taurus transit falls in your Solar 9th house. The Inferior Conjunction is tredecile your Sun/Saturn, which should bring serendipitous events connected with the planets involved and what houses they rule. Really for you, the main thing is Saturn on your Sun/Saturn. Practice Saturn's virtues and you'll be receiving exactly what you deserve and have worked for PDQ.
Hi Marie - While elements of my life mirror what you've said, it seems as though some old Taurus stuff is difficult to eliminate. I also am waiting for Summer, since many recent beginnings will be given a lot of juice.
Hi Matt - The Superior Conjunction fell almost exactly the same time as my Solar Return. I would think that would mean a newer, more idealistic vision of Divine Order has been shown in some way, and that now we must find the way to some form of rebeginning over the next span of time. The next Superior Conjunction will fall at 22 Cancer.
Hi Melody - I believe we can all find something to admire from our experience and move in new directions, which of course will be related in some way to whatever archetype we set into motion late April. Perhaps you are finding your "flowering self" in many ways, and will continue to do so for the next few weeks. Just try to remember that many dysfunctional situations we find ourselves in are there for us to demonstrate a spiritual skill, not just get free of them. We can never outrun our hologram, though we can elevate it in some really great ways and not stay plagued by old patterns.
Hi Robyn - This aspect impacts us all in many ways. It sets our own Saturn-Uranus aspect into motion, and also sets a tension between our Pisces and Virgo areas, whether we have planets there or not. Planets in our charts that make sextiles and trines to the opposition are where we learn a lot through the awarenesses and tensions. Your boyfriend is having his Saturn return, so he's in major motion, and has been dealing with the Uranus opposition for some time now. You may expect negative Saturn people and circumstances to oppose your uniqueness or genius, but that can also bring forth powerful realizations of your own Higher Law. I suspect you're getting a new look at how your Mars functions, and will be able to harvest a new way of doing your Being as Venus and Mars cross your Mars very soon. The ah-ha may be sooner than your think. Remember the 12th is where we reap what we have sown, and so can be a great place to enjoy a bigger view of what's been happening. Glad you're tryin', and you're welcome.
Hi duse - Yes, the transits through Virgo this year will nail some things down regarding those eclipse effects. Since Saturn crystalizes what it touches, it would seem to bring a certain form and finality to whatever that eclipse was about. All the Pisces and Virgo eclipses a few years ago have been moving and grooving thanks to Saturn and Uranus. Just wait until those planets go across the last degree of those signs, as that was a primary trigger in all of those eclipses. That guarantees that through Summer 2010 we're in for major polarizations that will show us even newer ways and forms of how we have, or are, "escaping from a narrow destiny" (and you thought that one was over, eh?)
Posted by: Robert | May 24, 2009 at 10:19 AM