by Robert Wilkinson
Mercury is going direct 6:22 pm PDT May 30 (May 31 east of Iceland) and is now speeding up for many weeks to come. This shows a quickening of the ability to coordinate, put things together, understand the whole and the parts, the process and the larger cycles. Mercury, or Hermes, is known as "the Guide of Souls." Also the Divine Trickster, as well as all lesser models. It now goes "direct in motion" at 23 degrees of Taurus, affecting that area for months to come.
The degree is "A Jewelry Shop," said to be a degree of "profusion of inner gifts," and "abundance of permanent spiritual values." We should be able to display examples of what society values by drawing on our skills and achievements and putting them on display.
Gems are symbols of that which is natural and valuable as a result of Nature's skill in crafting such things. A shop is where they are displayed and exchanged. This is a symbol demonstrating products of worth at the end of a "demanding natural process." We are told this is about some social process which shows us (and presumably others) our personal worth.
Dr. Jones gives its keyword to be PRESERVATION, and a degree of rewards for our efforts. Here "achievement in character or skills" shows as a luxury of some sort. We are told this is "a happy gift for shaping all vision to larger dimensions and directing all aspiration to more than trivial ends."
So it would seem that will all have opportunities to display what we do best, and be rewarded for those skills and character traits. We can know what is of worth, in ourselves and others. Wherever we've "walked the walk," we should see rewards and other concrete benefits that certify our achievements.
Significant aspects to where Mercury is going stationary direct will impact how the coming weeks play out. I've explained some of how it works in various recent articles. The main thing going on is Mercury building through its forming aspects with Uranus, and releasing through its forming squares to the Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune stellium all exactly conjunct each other.
Mercury is waxing to both Uranus and the Aquarius lineup. This is the beginning of concrete openings of Higher Synthesizing energies, with productivity through cultivating intuition around closure rituals and a vaster compassion for the human condition. So Taurus and Pisces will work productively in our charts and lives helping our lower mind get a larger (if not quite clear) picture.
Due to Mercury squaring Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune, Taurus and Aquarius will be in dynamic tension allow us to release Taurus energies through Aquarius skills and vise-versa. Any 2 planets in square can serve to release each other in dynamic ways. In this square from Taurus to Aquarius, we can bring balance to situations by using our Leo and Scorpio in the best way possible.
We can use the qualities of Mercury's degree to release the very powerful blended energies of Jupiter, the Greater Benefic joining with Chiron, that which heals us unto our Higher Self through a quest, enveloped by Neptune, the Collective Transpersonal Ocean of the Field. These 3 all together at this historical juncture marks an important opening point in Cosmic Time offering signs and signals of the coming future Age of Aquarius. To say more than that now is outside the scope of this article, but I will write more on it in the future.
Ultimately, we will see very productive developments in the late Scorpio areas of our charts and lives. Over the next few weeks many will open to a greater magnetism in specifically rewarding life areas. Eliminating old habits or reactions is favored.
If it presents itself (even unexpectedly), track new deep urges and vitality, and new ways of displaying faith and skills. The time opens a greater creativity and ways to transmute life energies for better self-maintenance. Solutions to problems involve being skillful in self-expression so that we see how to use creative impulses to bring ideas into reality.
In other words, in whatever way that opens for you, put on the show!!
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
How fabulous. Because over the time you mention I will literally be putting on shows. Ha! I didn't think the universe was this obvious.
Posted by: kelsta | May 30, 2009 at 03:03 AM
thank you for this beacon Robert.
As always, you bring to light just what needs to be seen and just what needs to be heard. these past weeks have been a big slog. uphill slog, steep grade, rocky path.
i send you my gratitude and prayers for Our Collective Light to shine bright.
Posted by: shanita | May 30, 2009 at 06:39 AM
My progressed moon in Virgo follows Saturn's transit. .. wondering what that means.
Posted by: Shannon Lee | May 30, 2009 at 08:17 AM
Are the eclipses in July & August specifically tied into this Mercury station, and/or the triple Aquarius conjunction? Thanks.
Posted by: Nancee | May 30, 2009 at 12:14 PM
About that "Jewelry Shop" at 23 Taurus, Your Highness,
So What do you think is "across the street" from that Jewelry Shop where my 23 scorpio moon sits on the end of the 7th house doing it's never ending balancing act tipping the 8th? Please dont tell me it's the "5 and Dime Store!" Don't forget I've got ISIS pushing the envelope at 22 Leo!! C'mon...give me some good news. Yesterday I nearly broke my toe, gotta bee sting and pulled a ab muscle! Have mercy!!!!
Posted by: Chickie | May 31, 2009 at 09:02 PM
Oh my God Robert!
I thought that the Mercury going direct meant good things! It has been more of a disaster than the retrograde so far!
I seem to be screwing up all over the place like never before, perpetuating old patterns that I thought were laid to rest and having a difficult time with so many people...I truthfully don't know how to move on today but I can't stay as I am, there is too much to play for.How can this get better I need to start putting things straight somehow!!
Do you know how???
Posted by: Marie | June 01, 2009 at 10:26 AM
To Marie,
If I may make a comment to your post...looks like we have the same wavelength of cluster mishaps. I find that mercury retro is not as disturbing as the actual "stop and go forward" motion. The "motionless" period for me is the MOST difficult. Though this one happened to be a grand slam body assault!
Stop, regroup, BREATH.... and go slow with the flow of Mercury. Sort of align yourself with may help. I hope.
Blessings my dear!
Posted by: Chickie | June 01, 2009 at 12:13 PM
So nice of you to add to my comment Chickie,yes one mishap after another,all weekend.Trying to breathe but difficult with the heart palpitations!!
i suppose I'll get around it, usualy do but hasn't been this intensly testing in quite a while:)))
Posted by: Marie | June 01, 2009 at 12:30 PM
Hi Kelsta - Glad to hear you are completely in synch with what's up! I suppose it's more obvious to some than others....;-)
Hi Shanita - You're most welcome. I hope you're enjoying your journey! I've found a slog up the mountain can yield a great view, and even a magnificent sunset, as long as you remember the path back down! And as we chew up karmas and find the right realizations, we never have to go there again.
Hi Shannon - Most charts show a synchronization between the P Moon and T Saturn, since they have approximately the same relative speed. Those with an ongoing conjunction are learning to mature over time, and find purpose through finding nurturing forms of Saturn's positive qualities. In your case, through practical discipleship and training to manifest some ideal more perfectly. Things will appear MUCH differently when they're both in Libra!!
Hi Nancee - The Moon in Capricorn in the Lunar Eclipse will novile the stellium. Obviously, the Solar Eclipse at 30 Cancer, being in the Grand Irrationality, will strongly affect the stellium and be affected by the stellium I'll compose more in a few weeks.
Hi Chickie - Transmutation is "across the street." Do your homework and you could find a Mercurial way to express your Moon. Jupiter continues to challenge you to find a view that integrates your sensitivity with your diversity of interests. And with Chiron and Neptune joining the party for the past year, you're finding your purpose. Find the way to integrate the various Fixed energies, and you could win a very big prize.
Hi Marie - It's probably time to take a much larger view of the process that is set into motion. Maybe this is the last time you'll "screw up all over the place" in this way, since you seem to be totally aware of what's happening, and as you know, being conscious is always better than being unconscious. When in doubt, simplify, and remember that sometimes stillness and silence is better than action or words. And Chickie gave you some sage advice.
Posted by: Robert | June 01, 2009 at 04:01 PM
Thanks for being out there and sharing your insight. You are indeed a special soul. You have a lovely way of expressing the energies at play and give us clues of how to effectively navigate down the celestial highway.
Many Thanks.
Posted by: Pamela | June 01, 2009 at 09:56 PM
Hi Robert!.
Glad you are composing on the Eclipse that will cojoin my Natal Sun at 30º Cancer. I'm really curious about your explanation on this very big phenomena, that touches me fully.
My last 30º degress Cancer eclipse took place in summer 1990, and I still remember it as a really, really unrepeated turning point in life.
By now I am just wondering what my life will be afterwards, with this retrograde I have had some opportunities to project outwards after the Rx in search for a "future future", but...should I make any move before my very Light will be obscured -with a 0'12º degress orb)?.
(At least this eclipse over my Sun is not so conflictive as 1990's, and Uranus is trining it, because in 1990 it was like a hell of a year). I don't know what to expect, only know that I have a lot of commitments for September and the Eclipse falls just in the natal and solar return house -9th- of these commitments (my God!).
Should I make moves after the retrograde but before this huge darkening, should I wait?. I...JUST...DON'T...KNOW...
Thanks teacher!.
Posted by: Henry | June 02, 2009 at 06:59 AM
It's funny Your Highness, that Jupiter in Aquarius "continues to challenge you to find a view that integrates your sensitivity with your diversity of interests." My progressed Jupiter is 29 Aquarius in the 9th, with a trine to Par Fortune 29 in Libra in the 5th.
I can feel it down to my broken toe that I'm on to something big. Been working with the Abraham Hicks methods and have been handling the Grand Irrationality much better!
We'll see my dear....many thanks for your dearest voice when I'm in need!
Posted by: Chickie | June 02, 2009 at 07:37 AM
Hi Pamela - Thanks for your kind words. Just glad I've found my Dharma after so many lives wondering and wandering. I suppose we ALL need a navigator from time to time to make sure our ship of Personality is going to land at the right place and time in the harbor of Soul.
Hi Henry - Glad you checked in. I'll compose some things about the Solar Eclipse when I'm back from LA, assuming there's no massive earthquake to delay the return. (only kidding, folks....;-)) Eclipses on my Sun have always taken many things away, but left me square in my Light, having shed old elements of that Light/life that no longer had potential to illuminate or which refused to integrate in harmony with my Light. And whenever life takes something away, it leaves space for another thing to enter. For example, a 1997 eclipse on my Sun helped end a marriage that had been lifeless for over 2 years, while marking the publication of my book "A New Look At Mercury Retrograde" to international rave reviews. The fact that I had to work on that book for a year before it was published should answer your question. Of course you should make preparatory moves into new ways, since whatever was is about to end. Remember a RX doesn't deny, but may bring signs and signals of things to come. The late Water segments (including late Scorpio) in your chart should show the way to flow. Perhaps old truths and futures will be "eclipsed" so that new ones can come forth. Even if the Great Light is totally eclipsed at noon, we can see the stars. Make your moves, hang loose, and welcome the guest.
Hi Chickie - You're in the middle of long range transfiguration into a whole new way of doing your Being. Glad you're handling the GI better, since those who learn to surf the waves of irrationality, or find a productive way of dealing with obsessive compulsive behaviors when they show up on our radar screen, will do well in the years to come. And you're most welcome of course.
Posted by: Robert | June 03, 2009 at 06:56 AM
Now that Mercury is direct and Mars left Aries and now in Taurus (with all due respect for my own sign of Aries, it was a bit too mich for me) - so now I can digest food again (figuratively speaking) and move forward. Funny enough, I feel more solid and persistent in my goals and interestignly I feel good for about 3 or 4 days. Happy even. It is not ecstasy exactly, but a very new feeling of solid determination and inner strength and optimism. I would describe it as peace. Something brought comfort to my mind and my heart. Over the last several months, starting from January, I didn't feel secure, I felt confused and out of place. Crazy events were in February - March. Now it is solid ground and I really need to move some things along - and I sense I will.
Do not know what - but interestingly how this change occured. Strength and peace and stubborness ( sorry, I am that, yes)
Robert, in July 8 I will travel to motherland for a month, need to visit my mom's grave and see my family or what is left of it. Hope it will be good time to travel in July.
Posted by: Larisa | June 03, 2009 at 08:04 PM
Hi Larissa - This is how an opposition can work when it's channeled correctly. Oppositions can balance things out specifically to the sign being balanced. Insecurity is a reality in the human condition. I suspect you'll connect deeply standing on the ancient land when honoring the Crone that brought you to the party.
Posted by: Robert | June 04, 2009 at 06:02 PM
You have a wonderful way of expressing the planets realtionships and each of our opportunities for growth into the Light. It resonates with me very much. My moon is at the 23 degree of Taurus. I am feeling renewed and full of insights about my work and my self expression. Thanks for highlighting the Mercury direct implications.
Posted by: Maria | June 05, 2009 at 04:06 PM
Thank you Robert! How beautiful your words are! you made me smile :)
Posted by: Larisa | June 06, 2009 at 07:05 PM