by Robert Wilkinson
The New Moon falls at 4 Gemini on May 24, 2009, 5:11 am PDT, 1:11 pm Greenwich time. Although this is the first New Moon in months to fall outside the cluster of planets spanning early Capricorn through late Taurus, it still forms a "Bucket" chart shooting a massive amount of energy toward Saturn, which focuses everything. This will be a time of discovering and experiencing things in new ways, with major forks in the road coming thanks to the Lunation falling biseptile to Saturn. While some things will melt down, new developments will show us what cannot be repressed any longer.
This continues to be a time to be practical, and finish lessons of discernment and ordering. We confront a form of culture valuable to us as a means to release our yearning for new experiences, even as we also face necessary adjustments in perception and communication. The growth is in stabilizing the heart energy as best we can, while eliminating whatever stagnant feelings we no longer need to carry.
This is the first point where the Sun is outside the old cluster of planets, showing we confront an added understanding because of Gemini being activated. That it is biseptile Saturn indicates a very important time of choice and change in terms of how we wish to focus energies in responsible ways, or organized efforts to bring high value to whatever we are expressing. There are forks in the road of power, destiny, form, and responsibility coming, and we can learn techniques to handle what is coming forth even as old forms break down.
The span still opens with Pluto, but now ends with the Gemini New Moon. This Lunation is not heavily aspected, but the ones it makes are very powerful. Besides the biseptile just mentioned, it makes only a quincunx to Pluto, a semisquare to Venus, trine to the North Node, and a novile to Mars.
First, the aspects to the Lunation. There will be heavy duty adjustments as per the quincunx. We will have opportunities to value our independence and a youthful way of seeing things, as well as an ability to re-create what we need to through will power. Prove whatever needs proving, even while demonstrating cooperation in collective activities and seeing the power of symbols in shaping deep feelings. The trine indicates good timing on something that comes suddenly which can liberate us from adverse conditions through spectacular developments that galvanize us to action.
The novile shows either we're on a form of probation, or coming off a period of probation. This is emergent information of perceptions of how to act on our own initiative while attaining a strife transcending state of consciousness. It may come through frictional circumstances or inner crises of development, but the challenge is to be willing to shape the perception in forms of potential fulfillment. Follow your sense of responsibility and you may find a "fortuitous cooperation between inner and outer elements of being."
As mentioned in other articles, the cluster of planets between Capricorn and (now) early Gemini, including every one but Saturn, focuses things in the areas of our charts where it falls. Wherever transiting Saturn is in our charts is where we are learning a joyous rigor of learning and practicing a skill or two. It's a dominant factor in how the planets express themselves throughout this Spring season. You can find more by going to this link on the Vernal Equinox.
As Saturn is now direct. We will now commence a new experience of the lessons and trials of doing "the Great Work" since we're retracing steps for the third and last time. We have reviewed and refined our process while learning the "venerable standard" we will live as emblematic of our destiny. Everything that has happened so far in 2009, whether on a personal, interpersonal, or transpersonal level, has shown us elements of a Saturn in Virgo retrograde experiential practicum. We now get to move forward through this section of the zodiac again, but with familiarity and therefore some degree of wisdom.
A reminder: This is still challenging our ability to deal with the long wave ongoing Saturn opposition Uranus. Though 11+ degrees apart, it's now beginning to come closer, becoming exact in September. This very powerful pattern is revolutionizing our lives and forcing us to adjust, learn, practice, and be very realistic in training for something that is to come. We can build a new interactive yet protected existence if we can do needed adjustments, conform to a plan, and do whatever it takes to live the higher standard we believe is worthy.
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate. This Lunation is in Gemini, and is the seed for the lessons of the coming Christ Fest, the third of the "3 High Moons" of Spring each year. You can find out more about the Three High Moons, as well as the Wesak Festival, in various articles on this site.
This New Moon in Gemini falls at 4 degrees, a point of returning to source, and a technique to finding a form of "holiday spirit" to preserve some power of the wealth of heritage. We are told it is a degree of "social warmth," as well as a longing for a "preintellectual state of consciousness." This should intensify our feelings when we're in contact with primal images and "tradition-based archetypes," where we can discover deeper values and aspirations.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, we find this symbol is one of encouragement and life's ability to stimulate "every resource of imagination and spiritual appreciation." Here the "universal richness of experience" can be a shared self-renewal, if we respond enthusiastically to the universal factors around us. The keyword is RITUALIZATION, and we are told this degree is "a gift for fellow participation in every rewarding expression of individuality on all levels of human relationship."
Perhaps the most remarkable element of this Lunation is the dearth of frictional aspects (only the semisquare to Venus) coupled with many non-rational septile-series aspects along with dynamic squares from Mercury to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune making a sextile to Uranus. This puts our Gemini and Virgo areas in tension with our Sag and Pisces areas, and will show through changes in how our lower mind relates to our Higher Mind, or how our interpretations must change relative to the higher Truth we follow.
The irrational aspects include the Lunation biseptile Saturn, and Venus still within range of the Aries zone of the Grand Irrationality. When we add Jupiter conjunct Neptune, both septile Pluto for weeks to come, we can expect major shifts wherever this configuration falls in your birth chart!
Besides this powerful boosting of the generic irrationality, we also find Mercury at 25 Taurus coming off a very unique configuration with Saturn and Pluto that should have shown as interactive unique gifts and circumstances in recent days. The recent past is a harbinger for further highly specialized events to come June 6-12 related to further developments between late June and the first half of July.
Mercury, ruler of the Lunation, promises that we should be able to find enjoyment and refreshment in areas of shared culture. This should show us the benefits of "the commons," that which we share together as places we could never create individually. Recreation is behind the discoveries coming up as we "return to source." Simplify!
Mars continues to be the final dispositor for every other planet. This shows that for at least part of the next weeks we can see how a double promise is fulfilled. Overall, even though Mars is in its home sign of Aries, it should be somewhat softened by its joining in a long term conjunction with Venus.
This is the discovery phase of what was substantiated over the past few weeks. We've emerged from an old way of life, and now will discover new possibilities of action. As with last month's New Moon, we continue the friction from Mercury's square to the Jupiter conjunct Chiron and Neptune Aquarius cluster. It takes on an added importance since Mercury rules the Sun, Moon, and Saturn in this chart.
The multiple squares indicate a release pattern for all of the favorable building aspects made from Venus and Mars to the Aquarius stellium. and specializing aspects mentioned earlier. The void is thrown into Leo and Scorpio, so show heart and love as you continue to eliminate and regenerate whatever you need to.
Get clear about the roles you're playing, and open to an inner knowing of others' subconscious if you must get something across. Do not indulge put downs or undermining speech or behavior, and give voice to what is unclear without exaggeration. We can find genuine dispassion in ways that will allow us to pick up and deliver a higher power in the near future, even while experiencing subtle feelings that link us across generations with other seekers of the highest.
Be efficient, adapt your understanding based in what's coming up out of subconsciousness that was forced down before now, and find the ideal that will help you heal into your Higher Self. We can find totems of enduring worth and stability, where we embrace a continuity of meaning and an anchor for the identity of the Higher Self.
This time teaches us about meaningful traditions, and can bring a very high realization of values as well as the ability to use them skillfully. We are opening new doors of perception and activity through using the techniques shown to us during these weeks. And as noted earlier, these are the seeds that will be released globally at the coming Christ Fest Full Moon at 18 Sagittarius-Gemini. That event will occur 11:12 am PDT, 7:12 pm Greenwich June 7, 2009.
You can bet I'll be composing more on that very important celestial event in the near future. After all, it is the time each year when the World Teaching for the coming year is released for the Spiritual benefit of all sentient beings on Earth. We have a major protective integration coming that will open the hearts of everyone on Earth, in many, many ways.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert,
You've said that free will and awareness are key to experiencing changes that can happen when astrological aspects and larger cycles open up opportunities for these changes (both internally and externally).
What of people who do not learn a lesson repeatedly presented or who do not come to any kind of higher awareness about their behavior?
I'm thinking of someone in particular who seems to benefit greatly from a refusal to be responsible to others. Throughout his life, the benefits seem to grow. Either he doesn't see or won't see -- or doesn't care. Actually, I think it's each of these at different times.
I'm not naive enough to think that if you behave well, you will reward you in any way other than internally. But this just seems wrong on so many levels.
How does one explain this?
Posted by: Annette | May 25, 2009 at 01:26 AM
PS -- He's a very happy man justifying his behavior and getting back-up from others. He just avoids taking responsibility, either consciously or unconsciously. Crazy, but true. He's self-satisfied and a bit smug, even.
Posted by: Annette | May 25, 2009 at 01:28 AM
Interesting, Annette. I was just discussing a similar perspective with a loved one the other day, expressing a desire to move into a different part of the world... with a less stressed atmosphere and a population of folks that, though imperfect, care for/appreciate one another.
I've become sickened by the sense of entitlement within our own culture. Hate to admit that, but at least I'm being honest. And in all honesty, this sense of entitlement makes some of us want to puke.
I take great joy in knowing, however, that we all learn at our own time. We can learn when it's not so hard to accept a particular lesson. Or we can learn when we're about to crash into a wall at 100 mph.
The choice is ours.
Posted by: WarriorLady | May 25, 2009 at 10:30 PM
Oh this just got ripped out of my memoirs of the most recent days of my life. Maybe its all the Gemini and mercury in my chart. Things are regenerating.
i bought a book at a random used book store when i was down in jersey for the holiday. Its called: You can be happy no matter what. Five principles for keeping perspective by Richard Carlson. It deals a lot with the psychological perspective of thinking, moods, feelings and moments that we go through in relationships, many different kinds of relationships.
i find it now as i read it, and i'm not even done yet, very interesting how idle thoughts and automatic thinking affect our feelings and happiness.
i think i've found my own little advice, sort of a present from the universe. what's funny is that the day before i asked my boyfriend to pray for me when he went to church. i was half joking. In a way he must have prayed for me lol!
i think its time to just sit back and relax and let the world go by. its almost that time of year. :)
Posted by: robyn | May 25, 2009 at 11:27 PM
Dear Robert:
I am having such a hard time making up my mind about the direction I should go, Mercury keeps hovering retrograde around my descendant at 24 Taurus. Mercury will go direct at 22 Taurus, the sabian symbol is ''A white dove flying straight and fearlessly over troubled waters''.
Kind regards,
Posted by: Pamela | May 26, 2009 at 05:01 AM
I'm loving this Gemini new moon! Everything feels fresh and new, including the home I've lived in for over three years :). And I'm feeling so confident and optimistic, lately.
My husband and I spent nine days hiking along neat trails several hours away from our city. And I have to say that the entire trip was so memorable. We climbed rocks and ducked beneath tree trunks for hours just to watch cascades. Also, little money was spent on motels and food and stuff.
We're not campers yet, though. Sigh. But I'm really looking forward to camping!
Posted by: WarriorLady | May 26, 2009 at 11:34 AM
Hi Annette - This would be more appropriate in another comment stream. As for those who choose not to learn lessons, that's free will. Some egos are just stubborn. If someone benefits off others' labors to the laborer's detriment, then that's both parasitic and sociopathic. However, the one who labors volunteers for the job, or else there could be no exploitation. Mostly exploiters don't care, and refuse to see certain things. Getting frustrated about that is like getting frustrated that dogs bark. The key to your question is your phrase "it seems wrong." An example: It seems wrong that Nixon escaped prison, and lived his life out in luxury. He also was smug, self-satisfied, and unrepentant. That's the karma of being a Mafia front man who was the ultimate political shill. Still, he died in unredeemed disgrace, which was the far greater humiliation for his Capricorn Sun. And do not mistake the lack of retribution in this life to mitigate what he has to deal with the next time around. The Law is everything, and is not fooled. Everything done must be accounted for, one way or another.
Hi WarriorLady - You have hit upon one of the great delusions of our times. Entitlement is perhaps one of the most insidious mental/emotional infections of our world. That's the result of the efforts of those of us who won "rights" now taken for granted by those who feel entitled to those rights. We do all learn in our own times, and you're spot on in your analogy. We can learn one way or another, but most assuredly we WILL learn what we need to. (Some may deny the lesson despite the experience, but that means nothing in the bigger picture....) Camping is a great Gemini thing, since it can be done in a short journey that opens vistas we usually don't see. Glad you're opening to a new vision, pulse, and vibe.
Hi Robyn - Glad you feel the regenerative pulse. I agree we must maintain positivity throughout the various experiences we have. That's why mindfulness and checking in with our state of mind is a valuable self-discipline. Definitely random thinking and unfocused feelings (or vise-versa) can create chaos. I believe the most powerful prayers are the silent ones we speak in our hearts, and the prayers of thanks and protection that comes from our loved ones, whether we know they are or not. "I'm just watching the wheels go round and round, I really love to watch them roll..."
Hi Pamela - Actually, the degree is 23 Taurus, the jewelry shop filled with gems, since 22+ degrees is 23. Uranus is trine your Asc. Though you gave me little to work with, I'm sure you'll know more by late June and early July as to which direction you "should" go, and by September you'll figure out how to make every opposition into multiple understandings and opportunities to further your affairs.
Posted by: Robert | May 26, 2009 at 05:41 PM
Hi Robert-
Well to say I am feeling WAY out of sorts would be an understatement. Now, of course, there could be many reasons for this "weirdness", BUT I am curious about something that I just found out. I had my progressed chart done for the new moon (5/24/09) and according to this chart I have/had the all of following in my 4th house: Sun 8 Sag; Moon 9 Sag; Mercury 24 Scorpio; Neptune 24 Scorpio.
Is there anything "weird" or significant about this? As always any insight would be highly appreciated!
Posted by: S | May 26, 2009 at 07:06 PM
Dear Robert,
I think there might be merit of taking back the issue of HOUSES and illuminating it with your profound and yet practical Wisdom. What do I mean? Take, for instance, the ninth House - I always hear it described in terms of Values, Law, Foreign or Ultramarine places, Deeper Friendships, Higher studies, Philosophy, etc. But faced with the effects of Saturn going through it, I am not sure waht the level of interpretation should be, for me. Also, being a Sagitarius rising person, probably that would geve extra meaning to one's nine'th in Virgo?
Do please put up something on the deeper understanding of houses, will you?
Namasté and Love,
Posted by: Isabel | May 28, 2009 at 04:52 AM
Hi S - Sorry you're out of sorts. I can't really make a coherent statement on your progressed positions without knowing the natal, and that's way beyond a comment stream. For example, I don't know if you're speaking of them being in your natal 4th, or progressed 4th. But I can say you've just had a progressed New Moon, which means you've spent a few years doing a review of your life, where certain specific months exactly corresponded to earlier whole years. You've been re-parenting yourself, and now confront a whole new 25 year cycle. P Mercury conjunct Neptune gives ideas and insights into Neptunian things, so you're probably connected to collective consciousness in some very strong ways.
Hi Isabel - What you're asking for is a book unto itself. It's something I may consider someday, but I have at least 5 other subjects I need to do a book on, with almost no time to do any of them due to my counseling work load, and the massive amount of writing this blog requires. Saturn in the 9th challenges us to deepen and broaden our understanding of higher things. It prepares us for greater visibility or responsibility when it moves into our 10th.
Posted by: Robert | May 30, 2009 at 02:28 PM
Ah Robert, so many ideas and so little time...LOL
Dear Warrior lady, I don't know what state you were hiking in but it sounds wonderful. I must put in a little pitch for camping... I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but if you got as far as hiking, you really should try camping!! Bring layers to wear, plenty of water, a dome tent, maybe an air mattress, simple foods. It's so wonderful to be one with the earth, the fresh air, the campfire. Don't think about anything, just be. In fact, you will have a healthy dose of all four elements, if you include a lake or waterfall. Also you will see marvelous stars at night. Try it, I gaurantee a rejuvenating experience... :)
Posted by: Valerie | May 30, 2009 at 05:02 PM
Thanks Robert...just as an FYI I was referring to my progressed 4th...
Posted by: S | May 30, 2009 at 06:16 PM
THANKS... "Prepares us"... hem? OK, I will then try to "prepare myself" for it too!
Joking, but just because the air is lighter and more humour around, somehow...
All the best, still if before you write that book you can share one of your excellenta articles on this, that would be great!!!
Posted by: Isabel | June 01, 2009 at 10:16 AM