by Robert Wilkinson
As you know, I have posted quite a bit on the Mayan Calendar and my firm belief that 2012 is NOT the end of the world, despite glamorous TV shows predicting global chaos. While I have access to Mayan authorities, I also monitor what Carl Johan Calleman writes, since he is someone many others refer to as a source. It seems there's a global celebration going on right now. Read on to find out more.
I received an article written by Mr. Calleman where it seems he is in agreement with much of what I've asserted about this "end of the Age" and our imminent transition to a new way of living, being, and relating to All-That-Is. From his article The Rebirth Celebration – The midpoint of the Sixth DAY of the Galactic Underworld May 9-11, 2009:
This epoch period, the Mid-Point of the Sixth Day of the Galactic Underworld, gives humanity an unprecedented opportunity to cooperate with the forces of evolution to fulfill individual and collective purposes, and to create a sustainable world of harmony, abundance and balance with Nature. As with any birth, there is also death…death of that which is no longer supported by these new evolutionary energies.
For those of you with a short attention span, or just want to cut to the chase, here's more from the article that includes such topics as "The Galactic Underworld is a wave movement of shifting energies of time" featuring a timeline of these "Mayan Days and Nights" approaching 2012 and its implications for the global economy:
... Another level of understanding is that of the cosmic plan where we are now in the Galactic Underworld, which does not have economic and technological development as its primary purpose. On the contrary, the Galactic Underworld is about broadening the human horizon to a holistic viewpoint where we show concern for all of creation and the whole planet, which the world’s economic system has increasingly come in conflict with...Thus, while I feel that we are under the influence of the energies of the Mayan calendar... our choices and the choices of different rulers influence how they manifest. Thus, certain policies of the Bush era might for instance have aggravated the situation. Regardless, I feel there is every reason to predict considerable hardships for many individuals who may lose their jobs, private economies and homes at the current time and the many, who in the time to come are likely to be faced with similar circumstances. An observer from a different planet may however look upon this also from a somewhat different perspective... (looking) upon the end to the incessant growth economy as a sign that there is some hope that the planetary cancer is starting to recede and that there is some hope that humanity will actually survive and fulfill its purpose....
... We may for instance take note of the fact that no world leader or economist is currently advocating a shift to an economy that is sustainable. So far, few have even started to consider that there will be no upturn in the economy, and when this starts to dawn on people we may in fact come to witness all kinds of actions of desperation and social unrest taking somewhat different forms in different cultures. Many hierarchical structures are likely to collapse.
Will a sustainable economy then emerge? Well, there is no answer to this in the Mayan calendar, simply because it depends on the choices people will make in the time ahead and what they focus on creating. In the perspective of such a collective choice determining the future of humanity, it however seems plain silly when you hear people claim that the Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world from pole shifts, asteroids, natural disasters, sunspots or other physical events outside of ourselves. The reality is that the Mayan calendar describes the evolution of consciousness and for the future does not predict anything except for what emanates, directly or indirectly, from the human beings themselves. Another way of saying the same thing is that there are no “consciousness shifts” happening on this planet outside of ourselves.
The article is far more detailed in many respects than the brief excerpts posted here. While I don't agree with all of Mr. Calleman's historical assertions (such as the US being born on July 4, 1776) he is certainly a recognized authority on the Mayan Calendar and offers us much food for thought.
There's another article at the same location on the current global meditation happening this weekend. It's called "The Inner Dimensions of Cosmic Rebirth - The ecology of choice and transformation in a rapidly changing world."
The author, while clearly a worker for global good, invokes some fairly glamorous assertions, and is obviously a student of the "I AM" techniques. However, he also claims to have "co-created" the Harmonic Concordance of 2004, which contrary to assertions at the time, had nothing in common astrologically with the Harmonic Convergence of 1997. Just my 2 cents....
Calleman's article is necessary reading for anyone who wants to know more what this source is stating at the present junction of "fate and free will." And the idea of a global meditation is always a good thing, as we are in fact all in this together, and learning a new way of relating to All-That-Is. Check it out if you're so inclined.
From my archives:
The Mayan Calendar, 2012, What’s To Come and Hope For The Future including links to articles on the major squares and oppositions happening between 2009-2013.
2012 Won't Be That Bad, and Could Even Be Very Good
The Newest On 2012 Mayan Calendar and Prophesies - the End of the Age from Mayan Authorities including posts in the comment stream from current Mayan authorities in Guatemala on what's happening and what's not.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
what a cool article, i have been getting reaquainted with a pretty spiritual mathematician and we have been talking about all this stuff and i sent him this post
i love it
i wanted to do the meditation at common passion but i had not gotten the pic yet and now i have it
do you think i can still do it anyway ?
thanks Robert for a wonderful post
Posted by: Micheline | May 13, 2009 at 12:42 AM
Lord Robert,
Do you have any comments on the "Indigo People?" They were suppose to have been sent to earth to help with the transition to the next dimension, the "NEW EARTH."
Do you feel that people are going to have to WAKE UP, and take this country (USA) back from the government? The government was never meant to have this kind of power, and take people's hard earned money away from them.
Do you feel that a revolution is in our future? There are a lot of books, talking about a "Middle Age Revolution."
I don't see the economy getting better, I see it getting.....different. This country can't keep supporting the rest of the world.
WHY does it seem that polution and everything else had fallen on our blame and make us pay for? China and Russia polute a lot more than we do. How can we polute, most of the industry has moved to other countries! WHY is everyhing that has happened for decades, our fault?
What say you, Oh Mighty One? Enlighten us!
Posted by: ScorpioSun | May 15, 2009 at 08:31 AM
Hi Micheline - Glad you like the post and can share it with a spiritual mathematician, since we are kindred souls, astrology being the ultimate symbolic spiritual mathematics. I believe that whatever meditations we do contribute to the greater thoughtforms. By all means add your voice to the Cosmic Choir.
Hi ScorpioSun - I tend not to play to glamorous titles that make some people "more special" and therefore set people apart from each other. ALL who volunteer are here to help with the transition to a "New Earth." As for "indigo people," there are several groups that have been given that title, from a class of Chinese youths born about 30 years ago to the kids born around the Harmonic Convergence to those of more recent vintage. To me, unless it plays in Biafra and Bangladesh as well as Beverly Hills then it's a local phenomenon and not a global development. Some vintages have very special qualities, but as "they" say, we all have our unique song to sing and gifts to give. ALL those who show up to do their Dharma are equally important in bringing in the new era. Community, Cooperation, and surrendering to a Higher Law of Being are signs of those who are here to do the work.
Some have already awakened, others will wake up, but many more won't, since they have chosen (by their actions and non-actions) to go to a different evolutionary scheme at the point of the "separation of the sheep and the goats," to use a well-known phrase. We approach the end of the era of separateness, which ultimately is to blame for all the ills that plague humanity at present. Those who want to stay selfish and clueless will no doubt move on to different frequencies of reality. Our fragile Earth needs those who will cooperate rather than exploit and destroy without conscience.
The governmental form here in the US isn't to blame, and it's actually a pretty good one given how messed up most if not all of the other systems seem to be. The problem is capitalism without conscience, and the unbridled power of the corporate state to steamroll individuals and the Earth Herself, implemented by the power of corrupt politicians and Supreme Court appointees who are blind to other more humane realities. This government has always had this sort of power over the individual from the beginning (see the Whiskey Rebellion.) Again, the problem is not "the government." It's the corrupt people in positions of power bought and sold by corporate interests. Capitalism without conscience is the problem.
When the people have little or nothing left to lose, and the state can no longer contain the collective frustration with bread and circuses (think cheap beer, plastic food, and American Idol) then things will change PDQ. I suspect the global economy, being unsustainable at core, will have to collapse so that we the people can remember the true sources of wealth, which has nothing to do with banks and the illusory "financial products" currently sold to us as things of value.
Actually, we're not supporting the rest of the world - China is, through the shell game the bankers are perpetuating on the entire world. While we play a part, everything is interconnected in a devil's game of spiraling debt perpetuated through an economic system that depends on ever-increasing consumption within a "buyer-seller" paradigm. End that and the game is busted.
Pollution began with the industrial revolution, accelerated through the 19th and 20th centuries through capitalism without conscience, and now we're reaping the results of blind stupidity. The fact that other countries now pollute more than us doesn't matter, except in the sense they are perpetuating an unsustainable system that is hastening the end of life on Earth as we know it. But we will survive, if we are to believe the ancient sources, and will go forth to restore the beauty of our Earth and right relations with each other and all of Life. Humanity has tens of thousands of years to go before another, greater transition will occur. Until then, we're on the path of collective return, and the coming era will be glorious compared to the widespread suffering of the old one now dying. Aum Namah Shivaya! This is the century of Divine Mother, and She is a protector of Her children. If you want to know more, site google "Divine Mother" or "21st Century" and enjoy what you read.
Posted by: Robert | May 20, 2009 at 09:06 AM
Hi Robert, are you aware of
they currently have a fabulous documentary that is very well done on the 2012. I highly recomend that you take the time to see it. I would like hear your views on it.
Posted by: Micheline | May 22, 2009 at 08:29 PM
Posted by: Ishmael | May 26, 2009 at 03:05 AM
Hi Micheline - Will check it out. Thanks for the reference, and I'll see if there's something to say.
Hi Ishmael - As long term readers of this site know, I do not accept that major historical shifts occur at specific points, but instead are indicated by larger trends within which events happen that link together as major change, usually seen only in hindsight. Even if we consult the works of Dr. Calleman and other authorities on the Mayan Calendar, the end of this era is not a "now" as much as a time span lasting from the 90s through another dozen years at the very least. This year is no more or less important within the larger span than others, though I must admit we're still at the front end of the massive squares and oppositions that will shake our world from stem to stern. These will happen over the next 1500 days. This is the year to find allies and secure conditions that can be sustained over time. And of course, NOW is the only time there is.
Posted by: Robert | May 26, 2009 at 01:59 PM
Please may I use this article in our local Astrology magazine for the Astrological Association of South Africa. We are a non-profit organization that wishes to expand our astrology horizons. Many thanks Isabella [email protected]
Posted by: Isabella Goosen | June 07, 2009 at 12:21 PM
Hi Isabella - Of course you may re-post this article. Just please give authorship credit and a link to this site.
Posted by: Robert | June 15, 2009 at 01:22 PM