by Robert Wilkinson
Like the Mars Stress Zones articles, these also are still timely and important to keep in mind as we move through the trines and squares to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune, which will show some fairly dramatic effects in June.
For your renewed consideration, from a few weeks ago, here are two articles that can offer a bigger view of what this lineup is about, and how it will affect each of the signs individually.
Jupiter Conjunct Neptune in Aquarius in March, April, May, and June 2009
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Greetings Robert,
Thank you for all of your insightful wisdom. Your site has become one of my favorites. I'm an astrologer with the Sun at 26 degrees 14 min Aquarius in the 3rd (Sag. Asc./Aries Moon) Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter are widely conjunct in my natal 10th house. A few of your sage thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
Posted by: Bruce Kaiser | June 13, 2009 at 06:41 AM
Hi Bruce - Glad to have you as a regular in the roadhouse! You have the ability to touch many lives right now through your balanced understanding and ability to hold contradictory views while relating them to an integrated vision. This is the beginning of a new social-emotional role in your world, so some things won't be clear for a few months. Work with foresight, commit to adding deeper and more refined feelings, and prepare to launch whatever by Jan 2010. By the middle of 2010 you'll have a big shift in resources, relationships, how you use what you have, and will be living a new adventure. Get the widest view of a greater work, as early July 2009 will be a major turning point.
Posted by: Robert | June 16, 2009 at 04:37 PM
Dear Robert,
For many people who were born in 1961, such as myself for instance, we will be having this triple conjunction right on our south node, starting with Jupiter in January and ending in 2012 with Neptune. For some of us who were born a little after, these three have already been there.
My progressed south node is right at that triple conjunction and I'm very confused about it, I think the feeling is a bit overwhelming, my imagination has been extremely vivid but daydreaming has been very tempting and also oversleeping. There's also a lot of fear and an excessive perception of pain in the mix and the impression that something really big is about to happen.
Posted by: Alix | June 16, 2009 at 05:55 PM
... There's this writer who's just released this book on the nodes and for her, the south node is always a vulnerable place no matter what, in her opinion whatever planet touches the south node will bring you problems, not only that but she also affirms that your judgment will be poor regarding whathever quality brought by that planetary influence. I mean it's quite a bit sad having to read things like that, she says for instance that when Chiron is on your node it is a low emotional point and that you are likely to hurt other people, that you realise your power of misusing those qualities related to that house where the south node is. So basically, she points out that there will be only losses and regrets.
So Jupiter is coming first, followed closely by Chiron and then Neptune. It all feels like a major set up followed by a massive disaster. In her opinion, any planet that touches the south node goes wacko and destructive. I thought that those three could have the power of healing the placement of the south node but instead it's like we're headed for annihilation in those areas.
How do you see this event taking place for a person who's got SN at 0Pisc43 in the 8th house?
Posted by: Alix | June 16, 2009 at 05:56 PM
Hi Alix (edited after further consideration) - Ordinarily I'd answer this after other comments already posted, but this one is so important that I must respond immediately.
If what you say is true, the writer you quote has a superstitious view of astrology and is misleading people. She seems to have no understanding of the SN! Sorry to come off so authoritarian, but it's a major drag when people who seem not to know what they're talking about put out nonsense like that and create erroneous and toxic thought forms.
As I've often stated, the SN is where we "show what we know." It's where we demonstrate what we've learned at the NN. While it's what we already have down and have nothing to learn from, when a planet touches our SN then that transiting planet function is what we learn from relative to what we already know, or think we know.
NOTHING can make us have poor judgment except our unwillingness to go to the source of higher knowledge, the heart. I don't accept her premise about SN contacts bringing difficulty because of my direct experience. Saturn on my 2nd house SN for the past year plus has NOT brought me 2nd house problems in any way, shape or form. In fact, it's easy doing what I know best, since I have the discipline and maturity to handle that contact!
Neptune conjunct the SN would of course make dreaming a major factor in a life, as well as an instant knowing of collective consciousness, with all its fogs and illusions. Fear is a function of Saturn, so look to that planetary influence, not the SN, which is merely one pole of the Lunar axis - not even a planet - and has no inherent power in itself.
She is under a grave misunderstanding if she thinks that Chiron can be misused. It can only be used for healing into our Higher Self through mastering one or more of the Chironic disciplines. That is its primary function, and has little or nothing to do with emotional low points, which is more of a lunar phenomenon. You cannot "misuse" the SN except to make that a primary focus of learning, in which case you'll spin your wheels and do what you already know.
No planet "goes wacko and destructive" if we are aware of the planetary duality and choose not to go into wacko and destructive spaces. It is WE who "control" how a planet manifests. No planet controls us or circumstances. A planet CANNOT make anything happen. We are the beginning and end of all planetary functioning. Again, if what you say is true, that author just doesn't understand how astrology works.
IMHO you are correct that Chiron can bring healing to that function (doing what you already know) and Jupiter can bring new lessons, new adventures, and a new sense of possibility to what you already know.
I would caution anyone who has read books and articles that are suspect when subjected to critical thinking: please don't give too much power or credence to things that would have no credibility except for the fact that someone got it published. Do not buy into ideas simply because you have read them. Subject everything to critical thinking using detachment, dispassion, and discrimination, all within the requirement that the idea asserted generates positivity in some way. As for the gist of what you believe the author said, if she truly made those points, it sounds like she doesn't understand at least some of the fundamentals of astrology.
Posted by: Robert | June 16, 2009 at 06:57 PM
Hi Robert,
Once more your analysis is greatly appreciated. As I review your analysis on a personal level, I can readily draw-out major live-events that occurred at all the points in time that you elucidate (2001,2002,2008). In particular, May 2001 was the beginning of a major change in my life, which I am now living.
To give you some context, so as to illustrate my larger point that is forthcoming, in May 2001 I moved from a major east-coast North American city to work at a lake-side resort for the summer. This move was a kind of escape for me literally, as many parts of the edifice of the life that I had built up to that point were disintegrating. Just for fun and for some colour, this disintegration included a failing tech start-up,(and the resulting foolishly-accumulated debts piling up from that venture), poisoned relations with my social group, due to destructive habits (both mine and those of my other "friends"), strained family relatiosnhips due to the above business start-up etc.
In May 2001, I left this situation by taking refuge in the country-side without a definite plan of what was to come next. Anyway, come the end of the summer, and thus the end of the work season, I decided to move to a major city on the west coast of North America. I had lived previously on the West Coast in 97-99, due to schooling, and was being drawn there.
I landed in my new spot on the West Coast(not the place I attended school, and I continue to live here) on September 8, 2001. We all know what happened 3 days later. Nonetheless, when I arrived, I remember having a sense/feeling/thought that I had arrived "just in time" or that I had somehow "just barely made it" into something. When the events of Sept 11 occurred just a few days later, this sense was magnified and emphasized for what I think are obvious reasons. In the intervening years, I have, on more than one occasion, described this sense (and the events of 9/11)to my friends as "a reset" point for us humans.
And thus my question for you today:
Can you speak to this "reset" point that I perceived/perceive, in terms of the larger macro-astrological elements (now and going forward), which you so elegantly align for us on a consistent basis?
As a note, again on a personal level, in the course of the intervening years, I have managed to "build a narrative" around these events in the course of striving for personal understanding and meaning, and thus I wonder if there are macro correlations too, from the universal perspective.
Also, for a little more depth in my personal narrative, the beginnings of my "move", can be traced to a year earlier (May 2000). If I remember correctly there was a Taurus eclipse at that time and depending on the degree it would've been somewhere between my 6th and 7th house (I'm a 22 Aquarius Sun to boot). I made 3 literal moves from May 2000 to Sept 2001.
Seeing that we are currently experiencing a lot of Taurus energy, it's probably not a coincidence that I now write of these things, but I'm also wondering if the 2000 eclipse has any special-bearing on the conjunctions that you describe.
Thanks so much.
Posted by: JP | June 16, 2009 at 07:47 PM
Dear Robert,
On a personal level I can already tell that this conjunction is affecting me at many levels, I can already feel Chiron and Neptune's energy, probably amplified by the presence of Jupiter. I think the fear comes from the magnified perception of suffering, feelings and imagery that have been coming to my mind in massive doses. And then if you are feeling like that, for as much as Jupiter has been there before and even Saturn, when you read that book you can't help but feeling gutted.
She goes as far as to say that the south node neutralises some of the planetary's qualities, i.e: Jupiter becomes less fortunate, and so on.
If anything, I think that it's her book that has a destructive effect.
Posted by: Alix | June 17, 2009 at 11:49 AM
Hi JP - A comment stream really isn't the place for such extensive analysis. There are so many vectors of possibility that I can't really offer much, since you're asking broad correlative questions that require personal in depth analysis.
Hi Alix - The Aquarian stellium is no doubt affecting us all on levels we may not know for a while! And yes, there is so much fear around the world it's no wonder that those of us who are striving to lessen separateness are feeling all kinds of things. SN on Jupiter should show us how to demonstrate that energy in our world in ways that are familiar to us. Again, I put zero stock in people who write things that sound half-baked.
Posted by: Robert | June 20, 2009 at 10:43 AM