by Robert Wilkinson
I thought it might be good to pull some of the various influences together that have been happening. We've been through a swirl of conflicting aspects recently as we've been living in the shadow of the longest Solar Eclipse for centuries to come.
First, the recent Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Its effects will be with us through 2012, so please take a new look at the articles I wrote outlining what we each and all can do with those energies. Links at the bottom of this article. I'll also include links to the January 2009 Aquarius Solar Eclipse, since that also has a run time of about the same length. These two influences will parallel each other, even though they will show as radically different influences. Check them out.
We also had a Lunar Eclipse, though that one, as well as the one coming August 5-6 at 14 Aquarius/Leo, are somewhat weak. They will still play their part in ending some Lunar life elements along the axes they fall on, but the Solar Eclipses are the primary influences coming on us over the next 3+ years. Links at the bottom.
Along with these, most of July featured the Grand Irrationality in major play in an almost constant pressure from multiple angles. I did 5 Spiritual Astrology articles just before the Eclipse that slipped down the front page which featured 2 specifically focusing on the whats and whens of the Grand Irrationality in July and August. I'll also put links to them at the bottom of this article.
And now the swirl. It began just before the Solar Eclipse when Venus formed a square to Saturn followed by a trine to the Aquarius stellium at the same time it squared Uranus a week later. This shows a harmony and friction at the same time. What Venus built through its Air trines it released through the square to Uranus, or it could have worked the other way: how Venus was challenged by Uranus could have led to Aquarian understandings.
Again, these are transit to transit aspects. These create an interactive energy field blending dynamic and stabilizing forces. It can manifest in many ways in our charts, depending on what level we are living on, and how we can use interactive forces in our lives and work.
It harmonized an understanding between the rulers of the Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces areas of our charts through the houses where we have Gemini and Aquarius. It set up friction between the ruler of Taurus and Libra and wherever we have Pisces. As you can see, too many possibilities to discuss them here in any depth. It'll be a subject of a class I'll be offering soon.
Venus as the third planet moving through the Mutable T-square created by Saturn opposition Uranus while trine the Aquarius stellium continued the influence of that sequence. You can find out more about these multiple powerful configurations in the article Astrology in Early July 2009 - Uranus Stationary Retrograde As Mercury and Venus Release Major Energies
The Venusian trines and square were accompanied by Mercury forming oppositions to the Aquarius planets the last week of July. These oppositions have offered information and insights heralding events for the coming Solar and Venusian oppositions to come in August and September.
Mercury opposition Jupiter and Neptune usually challenge us to get clear about the roles we're playing and what we really think about things. It can give a gift for knowing the phases and stages of any given process, though it can also show as imagination run wild or vague or speculative thinking. At best, these are times when spiritual truths can be transmitted or revealed through some sign, signal, or idea.
In this case, since Mercury is ahead of the Sun, it acts as a herald for what will be illuminated or vitalized when the Sun makes its oppositions to the Aquarius stellium in the 2nd and 3rd weeks of August. Mercury opposed Jupiter and Chiron on the 25 Leo-Aquarius axis, while the Sun will oppose Chiron at 24 and Jupiter on the 23 Leo-Aquarius axis. This created a spread of a unified influence across those degrees.
Both Mercury and the Sun will opposed Neptune on the 26 Leo-Aquarius axis, so it would seem those lessons are of great importance in balancing the opposites. Much of what we're learning, reversing, imagining, or dreaming will come to some form of manifestation this coming December as Jupiter crosses that span for the third and last time in this era.
On a final note, closing July and ringing in August is the very powerful Venus opposition Pluto at the 2nd degree of Cancer. This also will bring awarenesses and polarizations in some fairly clear terms. Usually this challenges us to purify our relationships and attitude about resources or values.
It definitely brings Plutonic things to the surface through some Venusian form. This should give us some signals about what to expect at the end of August when we have a critical degree T-square between Mercury, Mars, and Pluto all at the first degree of their signs. I have an article that will post on that in a week or so.
And that's the way it's been, and is, at the end of July and beginning of August 2009. Enjoy refreshing yourselves with some gems from the recent past that will lead you all over the place into a much larger view of all that's happening.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Once again to remind you - there will never be a solar eclipse of that
duration at any time in the future.
By the time any chance of it occurs the moon will have moved away in
it's orbit.
(nobody seems to get this, haha,)
Posted by: Ishmael | August 02, 2009 at 09:11 PM
I have had one h-ll of a few months...the worst, most stressful & odd time of my entire life. I'm hoping to come out of this phase real soon. Thanks for the info!
Posted by: Hillary | August 03, 2009 at 08:18 AM
Many thanks for the reading and reassurances contained therein. It is also heartening to know that this strangeness is "fated" and not some everlasting imbalance. The principles and effects you so eloquently express help keep me focused on the light.
With gratitude for your work...
Posted by: leslie devries | August 03, 2009 at 01:16 PM