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« Mid-July 2009 - A Time for Rebeginnings, Discoveries, and Personality Integration | Main | Answering Comments »



Hi, Robert. Here is an odd question, but many of mine are, given the situation that I am in astrologically. I think that a person has been deceiving me; the person was Born 5 August 1957, 9:46 p.m., Glasgow, Scotland. Am I likely to find out the truth during this eclipse? I certainly would like to. Thanks.

saturn's stepdaughter

hi robert, thanks as always for your insights! i have a bit of a forward-thinking question. i hope this is the right place to ask. i just looked @ the chart for the august 6 lunar eclipse and come to find out it is conjunct my natal moon @ 13 deg aquarius in the 5th house. what is the significance of a lunar eclipse that is exactly conjunct one's natal moon?


Hi Robert!
I understood this article! In regard to resolving dysfunctional energy forms which you speak to in the article what would examples of 'harmonious Gemini-Aquarius forms' be that you refer to, to assist that process? Thanks.
If you need my info...5/24/1951 3:30pm Jersey City,NJ

saturn's stepdaughter

hi again, sorry to double up on the comments, lol... these eclipses are just wearing me out lol. i also have saturn rx @ 0 deg 49 leo in house 11 so tomorrow's eclipse is conjunct my natal saturn rx and the next one, as i said above, is conjunct my natal moon. i barely escaped a direct hit w/ the july 7 eclipse (my sun is @ 12'54 capricorn) but it was close enough to create a few tidal waves.

to make my life even more interesting, the north node is currently conjunct my natal mercury, the aquarian triple conjunction just backed into my 5th house again, and saturn--after coming to the brink of my ascendant on dec. 31 then retrograding--is finally pushing through the end of my 12th house and about to pop across my ascendant in september. do i even need to mention pluto in the 4th or uranus in the 7th?

S/M/H! it has been a tough season. i believe this is making me stronger but it feels like i am being turned upside down and pulled apart! i have been hoping the "dynamic tension" will ease up when saturn ends the 12th house transit but who knows? i'm just taking it day by day at this point :)

frances mann

Hi Robert,
I've been reading your articles for some time now and find them very interesting. I've had y birth chart read and several progressed readings but I don' know how to do it for myself.
Having read last years article on solar eclipses, and how its effects depend on where it is in our birth charts, could you possibly tell me where the eclipse of the 22 july will be placed for me?
I was born 29/3/59 in Burton upon Trent,(Derby) England at 8.27pm.
I'm especially interested as I have been trying to make a life in France for the last two years but will be returning to the UK at the end of this month as it hasn't worked out as I'd hoped....I thought this might have something to do with this solar eclipse.
Thank you, Fran


Hi Robert,

This morning...clarity ref "amazing discipline and demonstrating"....I see through the mirrors that have
reflected me, that I have been "emotionally closed, defensive-aggressive-cold-closed"and it has been
a pattern-habitual, driving in the same old ruts, that are no longer driveable....and I see that I
have been in the process of opening, and this morning gave me the strength-ability to conciously decide
that I would "do what is hard"....and let down the invisible but never the less very strong walls....
and reach out/be available/open/warm to others, an open energy system vs a closed one.....

I read somewhere once, "when you make an inner decision, the Universe moves in ways that you would
have never thought possible".... half vs taking....

old inner foundations crumbling....


...and another old pattern that feels like it has worn out its rut pattern, and that has become
clear/concious and now my intention/decision of being true to my feelings
and letting go of the fear of expressing them, "absolute emotional honesty/expression"...
feeling my feelings, and choosing to speak my truth
taking off the mask...and becoming authentic....


Thanks Robert.

As the Eclipse falls on my very Sun degree, I am already (before the impact) starting to receive new internal and external insights after a long and foggy need for change -which I hadn't understood how to manage it before- and definitely I must congratulate you for the article, for it focus in this kind of radical past-future spiritual awakening and needed reorientations that perhaps is triggered by the Saturn-Uranus opp. (plus Pluto soon adding to the pressure). For sure mid-October will bring more to completion with Mars conjunct the Eclipse point, as you say, isn't it?..

I must say, if someone heavily impacted like me doesn't know what is happening in the sky, during this period he can feel really...strange...without understanding yet nor a little bit, I think.

Thanks again for your clarity, these are crucial times!.
I'll stay tuned.


I think this eclipse has already hit my 2nd house with fatal results. My sun is in Cancer.

As you said there will be disruptions in their relationships, values, or possessions... and i do have my asc, moon, venus and jupiter in Gemini. So i guess that helps... i'm squirreling on my feet to regain security. I'd just love to win the lotto. lol ugh.

Thanks again Robert


wow... so much buzz around this article!
Robert, thanks for this in depth exploration.
I've got this eclipse directly falling in my 29 33 venus in cancer on the midheaven.
my natal 17 degree virgo has been dancing with saturn and his opposition to Uranus and it seems that this eclipse will
make some huge movement in all these zones.

today my life is totally quiet and uneventful.. i cannot imagine what lies ahead.
gratitude and blessings.

Rick Borutta

If anyone can offer this budding student of astrology some tips on looking at a chart progression on the date of an eclipse, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Particularly, how do I determine which house the eclipse falls in for me? Progressed Sun/Moon? Any other suggestions for major aspects?

Many thanks,

Rick B.


Hi Robert,

Great article; thx as always! I think you mean 10:35 PM EDT (NOT am) for those reading...

Satjeet (in Maine:)


Hi Robert,

This solar eclipse will conjunct my Nadir. Do you have any insights in what that might mean?



Hi Robert,

I was born in Johannesburg on the 22/02/1963. A friend told me the eclipse falls on my True Node which is in Cancer and my 10th House. How will this affect me?

Many blessings,


Dear Robert!
Your overwhelming article stirred/stirs so much in so many -- like the light which goes deep inside for everyone to be able to see what is inside and how it correlates with outside,or vice versa...
As for family affairs,Generations Tree in focus -- it is
hardly possible to doubt. I have a chance to participate in the current streaming of one of my favourite websites being in the Netherlands where my first grand son is going to appear/to get delivered from his mother's womb:) The doctors planned this sacred event for today but he seems to be brave enough to wait for the Eclipse timing:):):)


I was wondering if there is any significance to what you are doing/ who you are with during the eclipse. Robert, you once wrote about having a ritual for the time of you ascendant (if this is the correct term!) and I wonder if this is appropriate for an eclipse or would it be too contrived and just further future confusion of desires!


Dear Robert,

Thank you. Thank you.
I have been feeeling the effect of this eclipse since the end may. An old family story, a profound childhood hurt that I thought was for ever burried resurfaced. I have been trying to behave these past 20 years like nothing ever happened to me, that no harm was done. I was hiding the hurt in order to keep harmony and behaved in an understanding way towards the ones that ruined my infancy.
Well, this did not serve me well. In acting like nothing ever happened, they forgot and never really cared about my feelings. A family gathering brought everything back in my face, and i don't know why, but this time it was enough. I stopped all form of communication with them.
I cant say that i am well, because right know i feel that i dont know anymore who i am, or where i'm going. I was hoping to submerge myself in work,and thank god it happened, because i knew it was the only way to stop thinking of everything else. I have been and still am surrounded by a very loving companion, a beautiful person for the past 15 years but i dont know why, i never felt connected, even if i never gave him any reason to doubt about my sincere feelings for him.
I hope in change, i dont know what this eclipse will bring (Cancer sun 9° 56 Leo asc 16:38), but it is obvious that something is brewing.

Your words reach: they really do Robert.



Dear Robert, A friend sent me an article from the Times of India on the solar eclipse that will be visible in many parts of India. And I was struck by this piece of information:

“According to Indian astrological analysis, whenever three eclipses fall within a span of 30 days, great wars are witnessed by the Earth. This year, the first eclipse was seen on July 7, second is set for July 22, while another one will visit the Earth on August 6, all within a month’s time.”

I will be interested to know what you think of this unusual triad.

Thank you,


Well, i have been eagerly waiting for you to write about this solar eclipse and like others i have a personal question, because there are so many aspects to my natal planets and I would like to hear you thoughts about that even in one sentence :)

This solar eclipse is going to:
1. fall in my natal 5 house
2. conjunct Jupiter in Cancer in 5H (ruler of 10H) within 1 degree
3. oppose Venus in Capricorn in 11 H (ruler of 2H and 7H) within 1 degree orb
4. square Moon in Aries in 1H (ruler of 5H) within 1 degree orb
5. trine Mercury in Pisces in 12H (ruler of 3H and 4H) within 1 degree orb
6. trine Asc in Pisces within 1 degree orb
7. make 150 angle to MC
Many strong aspects to natal planets and points. what can I expect :)
Also my Sun is at 11 Pisces if that is important. Sorry for long post.
Thanks anyway R.


Hi Robert, as usual a very fascinating article... and all the comments from everyone are interesting as well. Isn't astrology just amazing. I must say, many of these things are appearing in my life, too, especially since I lost my job last month. I think there is a link between the sacking and the eclipse even if it is a month later. I feel pretty good. Perhaps much more than just my job came to an end. The eclipse is near my Uranus 22 Cancer, and trine to my midheaven 29 Scorpio. Hmm.

And a little off the subject- what do you think of the sighting on Jupiter, the new black spot?

Namaste to everyone :)


Happy TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE everyone! May all of you be blessed only with the most auspicious of beginnings and find peaceful resolution to any chapter you are closing.

Blessings -

Carrie Ann

I have certainly been feeling these eclipses very strongly. Since May I have been under heavy stress. I have been going through a major health crisis. I was born Dec 11 and my rising sign is cancer.- signed shaken to my core.....


Thank you for this article. This eclipse is conjunct my second house ingress @ 28 Cancer and my natal moon at 0 Leo, squared to my sun at 28 Libra. I also have Chiron at 28 Sag in the 6th. Since May there's been an ugly situation that has caused me to really re-examine my outlook and thought processes. I think I am leaving worry behind in favor of hope. This make sense in light of the article. Is there anything else for me to investigate?


Hi Robert,

I only understand partial of what you have written... I'm jus wondering, what does all these mean for me?

Below is my chart

Planets & Houses

Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0

Sun Aquarius 25.59 Ascendant Sagittarius 9.01
Moon Cancer 4.39 II Capricorn 6.53
Mercury Pisces 1.39 R III Aquarius 5.20
Venus Aquarius 13.08 IV Pisces 6.03
Mars Pisces 6.11 V Aries 8.30
Jupiter Libra 9.42 R VI Taurus 10.02
Saturn Libra 9.09 R VII Gemini 9.01
Uranus Scorpio 29.58 VIII Cancer 6.53
Neptune Sagittarius 24.25 IX Leo 5.20
Pluto Libra 24.15 R Midheaven Virgo 6.03
Lilith Scorpio 5.15 XI Libra 8.30
Asc node Leo 10.53 XII Scorpio 10.02

Planets in the houses

Sun in III
Moon in VII
Mercury in III
Venus in III
Mars in IV
Jupiter in XI
Saturn in XI
Uranus in XII
Neptune in Ascendant
Pluto in XI
Lilith in XI
Asc node in IX

I have been having a tough love-life... and have learned a lot in the past 2 relationships. I hope there will be a change for the better... if not, I will not go there for as long as it takes... *sad*


Amazing...a culmination on the values of my worth worth solar eclipse fell in my second house..and I have no nothing anything...materially that is..grateful for the roof over my head and food..
And I am happy..selfworth a Beautiful reward , truth based on the pricelessness of the human soul not how much money a person has or how they are subjugated into feeling worthless in a society so heiriarcailly based on deception and greed..It doesn't matter ..a cleansing of all past untruths.

Aum Namah Shivaya..Aum Namah Shakti...Aum Shanti....Tao..Ta aaaaay..oh!
Have a Beautiful Day, Light Ones..xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


Hi Robert and All, again I appear..:)..I was so caught in that eclipse as it also fell near the progressed moon in cancer, which had pulled me deep into an introverted unravelling of my 4th house ancestory and home area...I intensely released as Saturn Capricorn opposition Wisdoms smacked me in the head..and of the many writings just purged as Saturn Virgo sits happily near my Nth node Dharma path, I recognise the use of Mars to actvate through the diligent applications of communications as a Leo with a Moon In Libra (I am what I am).
On the 22nd I suspect I was in a gap between my higher self and the quandry and dillemma of doubt that my ego lower nature had become locked in I released many ways...One writing I just read..first time I have read it since It spilled out, but relevent to your brilliant appraisal of this primality axis..(SURVIVAL)

Prolapsed now in wrapped up falseness, keep up the notion of homes being opened. To steal and beg for allegations to be unread and change the blame to suit your fame.
And all will be revealed in times of Tao's Nows, for sacred is the progression of the cause.
Fragments that you piece out of the puzzle, to claim as answers to the questions, out of leap and out of context they rave of conquest of the notions of revelations and enlightened explanations, yet always distorted in perfection of scepticism minds bent on ego recognition of facts and science bends, they do not recognise the twists and gaps.Ignorant in their so called appraisals of the Universal answers as thier excited evaluated response only shows how ignorance capped under lids, thinks it is open and seen as wisdom, when hidden in itself and feared by exposure, false security and false ego's uncover esteem's that reak and stench under perfumed exteriors.

This was part of the realisation for me of how incredibly untruthful and deceptive the world is.

"The Lunation is quincunx Pluto, showing hard adjustments that will break many free from their past, or corrosive elements that need reorganizing because they've resisted core changes before now. This will force changes in what we're faithful to, and help us release things in dramatic ways or through dramatic developments."
And pluto squaring my Moon at 1 degree Libra..certainly a spinning unblocking..
Aum Shanti.. Felita


Thanks for all the informative articles regarding the eclipse. With so much going on, I don't know which causes what :). Expecting a break in my career but couldn't get a chance yet. Apart from the eclipse conjuncting my natal Saturn, my natal Venus (in Leo) is at 29 deg 57 mins. Guess, Venus will get affected by this eclipse too ?


I would like to share my joy with you -- my grandson was born today in the morning -- 4,5 kg! He made a kind of revolution on the Solar eclipse night,having totally changed his location, but appeared here between the former and the forthcoming Lunar Eclipse...
wish you,all your family and all the AquaPaperians:) God/s blessings


Hi Robert,
Sorry about posting on what seems to be an outdated page. I just wanted to ask about the significance of meeting someone on the evening of the 21st July. Meeting this person left me feeling disoriented, intrigued and obsessed. I still don't know what to make of it. My birthday is Mar 7 1987. Would be great if you could shed some light!
Many thanks!


I am researching my life's turning points using your very valuable articles. Today I thought of looking at the date of my suicide attempt (sorry for mentioning such an awkward thing). One of the longest eclipses you say? That's just too good to be a coincidence. I am a believer now for sure. Mars was directly opposing my Sun and the Neptune-Jupiter-Chiron stellium was on my IC. Nice, eh? I DO love astrology :)

And Robert, you are a true master. Thank you for the articles, thank you for the enlightenment.

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