by Robert Wilkinson
Jupiter is now direct in motion once again. It is now re-tracing its steps through Aquarius for the 3rd and last time on its way to assisting all to major transfigurations in January 2010, after which it moves into Pisces. What does this mean for all signs?
Let's review what's happened so far. Jupiter left Capricorn and entered Aquarius in early January 2009. To those with planets in Aquarius, 2009 has launched a new 12 year learning adventure to whatever Aquarius planets Jupiter has conjuncted.
Jupiter is the great expander. Many think it automatically brings wealth, but that's really more a combination of (Venus + Karma + 2nd/8th house dynamic) than Jupiter. Jupiter teaches, blesses, protects, and helps us grow into a larger vision and deeper motive. Jupiter is merciful, generous, abundant in view, and shows us ever-greater life greater adventures.
Jupiter liberates us from old personal conditions represented by Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, the planets of personality. It is how we grow into ever vaster understanding of possibilities. It is a higher, ever-elusive Truth that keeps us moving into the adventure of discovery.
When balanced with Saturn, the Dharmic limiter, "Ring-Pass-Not," and time-keeper of Karma and karmas, we find ways to express our Saturn through our Jupiter, and our Jupiter through our Saturn. Our responsibilities to learn and teach express as our vision of possibilities to determine our future and Destiny. These two together show as Character, which determines everything in our lives.
In Aquarius, it has opened greater Aquarian growth for those who have embraced the vision. For good or ill, we've all been taught major Aquarius lessons since January! These deal with goals, ambitions, friendships, group work, and a more ideal and significant way of serving our world in cooperation with others. It is where we learn perspective on how all parts are related to the whole. In Aquarius we learn to manage our energies in collective circumstances to be fit for a greater contribution to our world.
It moved forward through Aquarius until going stationary retrograde at 28 Aquarius in mid-June 2009. Then it moved back to 18 Aquarius where it recently went direct. This shows that the period from mid-June through mid-October was about reviewing what we learned or opened to between late March and mid-June.
We now get to finish those lessons as those parts of our inner and outer Jupiter again move forward. We've all had opportunities to see a greater contribution and intelligently prepare, working with an eye to assuring future supply by learning new ways of managing our affairs.
The third experience of this span of degrees ends with the New Year, after which Jupiter moves through the end of Aquarius, a span challenging us to transfigure our individuality and daily lives in early January. In the middle of January it moves into Pisces, one of the signs it rules, where it will continue forward until June 2010 when it briefly moves into Aries.
Almost all 2009 it's been conjunct Chiron and Neptune. These are very powerful energies that help Jupiter grow into tremendous Spiritual potential. How harmonious or difficult the experience is depends entirely on the individual responses to the events this stellium has been associated with.
For some, it has brought a more altruistic vision and yearning of connectedness with other like-minded Souls. For others, it has brought heightened illusions in goals or supposed friendships. Whether deceptions or Divinely Inspired Connectedness, illusions or a greater dedication to a form of world service, Jupiter conjunct Chiron and Neptune has cemented these things in the larger collective field as well as in our own lives in whatever house it's transiting.
We now stand at the beginning of the end of this set of lessons and adventures, preparing to move into the Piscean lessons and adventures the first 5 months of 2010. Things associated with Jupiter will move very quickly the next few months, so if it's offered, grab the brass ring and move into greater circumstances more perfect for your long term growth.
On a final note for today, it could also be said that the Orb of Divine Mercy is now moving forward in all our lives. Many will be blessed, protected, and graced as Jupiter moves across Aquarius and again makes many contacts with our planets.
Our vision and what we've learned will be deepened into a greater compassion and understanding when Jupiter moves into Pisces. While sometimes the going gets obscure there, it also shows us our common humanity through expanded feelings which could lead to a vaster emotional intelligence.
Tomorrow I'll give a brief glimpse of what each set of birthdays can expect to expand or grow toward over the next few months.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
thank´s very interesting ..
grettings from mexico
Posted by: silvia | October 19, 2009 at 10:34 AM
Hey, Robert... I'm thinking about things astrological again, after something like a hiatus.
I especially appreciated this phrase in your post: "we find ways to express our Saturn through our Jupiter, and our Jupiter through our Saturn," as I have a tendency to remember only the square between my Sa/Ne and Su/Ma/Ur. Saturn is also trining my Jupiter.
Things have definitely been shifting for me, especially health-wise, and in a good way. I'm finally ready to do some interpreting for other people.
Posted by: Karen M | October 19, 2009 at 12:22 PM
Ah... I have Saturn and Pholus in Aquarius, both 8th house. With Jupiter's expansiveness here, I'm thinking this has interesting implications related to my occult studies. I hope to be a shamanic healer, though I have a lot of personal work to do along the way. Good to know Jupiter's there helping out.
Posted by: Siri | October 19, 2009 at 02:02 PM rock!
Posted by: Shell | October 19, 2009 at 02:03 PM
As an Aquarius with 4 planets in Aq. the 6th house (Mer., Jup., Sat. & Ven.), I have found that have my Jupiter return was pretty useless. My life is still in a really bad state (unemployed for over a year now!) and I haven't been in a relationship for well over 4 years. Not much spiritual growth has been going on...
Is it possible to not receive any benefits from having Jupiter in your sign?
Posted by: Aquarius 40 | October 19, 2009 at 02:23 PM
Hi Robert, Yes, indeed, you do rock. No Jupiter hasn't been much use to me either, gave me a boon but then took it away, but these next few months, I am sure to come in 1st! The early bird gets the worm! Thanks for all your devotion to us. Cheers, Susan
Posted by: Dale | October 20, 2009 at 07:57 AM
R- your eloquence of late is wonderful, truly creates subtle vibrations in anahata, comforting as the purring of a cat... many thanks.
Posted by: Deva | October 20, 2009 at 08:23 AM
how long does your progressed moon stay in a sign?
Posted by: elizabeth | October 20, 2009 at 09:29 PM
Amazing article
thanks dear Robert
GOD Bless :)
Posted by: Shehzaad Maroof | October 21, 2009 at 05:39 AM
Hi Silvia - You're welcome. Blessings to Mexico as well!
Hi Karen - If you're the activist Salon blogger Karen from many moons ago, welcome back! (Been looking for you!) And if you're another Karen M, blessings to you as well for resuming your studies of the craft. Squares from Cancer to Libra (I'm assuming that's the case) show great power when organized and timidity is overcome. Saturn trine Jupiter helps us to a stable understanding of larger possibilities of growth.
Hi Siri - Jupiter is merely expanding what you learned as Chiron and Neptune conjuncted your Saturn. Work for all, and for all time, for the greatest good for the greatest number, and your healing abilities will grow accordingly. "We dedicate the merits of our spiritual practice to the enlightenment and healing of all sentient Beings...."
Hi Shell - "Just let me hear some of that rock and roll music, any old way you choose it, It's got a backbeat you can't lose it, Any old time you use it, It's gotta be rock - roll music, If you wanna dance with me..."
Hi Aquarius 40 - You were opened to many things as a promise or expanded view. It offered opportunities to open to new understanding of your life quest, as well as new skills, values, relationships, and responsibilities. BUT! Planets do not "make anything happen." WE are the determiners of what comes forth in our lives by how we act and react to situations. I'm sure you can find a skill your world needs, and learn it so well that you could make a nice living doing that skill. And I'm equally sure that if you cultivate your cooperative, friendly side and put yourself out there, you'll attract people who could be your friends. Usually over time you find at least one of them could be someone you could live with.
Hi Dale/Susan - And roll.... Jupiter is also "easy come, easy go," as it takes our Saturn function to anchor things in form. Jupiter may open views and opportunities, but sometimes it's just to show us what's possible. The trick is to find the view that "if not this, then something else like it even better..." If it's true for us, then something must show up if we hold the magnetic attraction strong and focused.
Hi Deva - What a lovely image. Purring cats are truly a blessing from Spirit (and Great Cat Bastet, of course!) The manifestations of Heart Chakra are always good things to cultivate, and only grow stronger through practice.
Hi Elizabeth - It depends on many factors. It is safe to say rarely less than 2 years, never longer than 2 1/2.
Hi Shehzaad Maroof - Blessings to you as well. I trust your prayers and thought forms are lighting all in your field of activity, and protecting what is good, true, and beautiful. Given the news, trust your heart and be alert. Strange days indeed.....
Posted by: Robert | October 21, 2009 at 07:57 AM
Here's hoping that Jupiter in Aquarius can help launch me in a forward direction. It hits my MC at 19 Aquarius for the last time at the end of this month.
Posted by: Damien | October 21, 2009 at 12:11 PM
Hi Damien - That should bring opportunities for a higher profile socially and professionally. I've noted that many already feel a "sea change," which is a good way to describe planets going RX or direct.
Posted by: Robert | October 22, 2009 at 10:27 AM
Great article... I wanted to share my Jupiter experience in light of your article. Jupiter went direct on my ascendant. I don't know what will come of it, but a person who is in a position to help me has emerged to mentor me and offered to be a champion of my creative work. This still means years of work for me, given my field, but it's the kind of encouragement one needs to keep at it. Anyway, I know that I am on the right path and that's a treasure of magnitude.
Posted by: reefaroundme | October 24, 2009 at 10:57 PM
Hello...first time posting (Cancer)
I will be having a jupiter return in my 11th house, with Uranus there Saturn will be entering my sixth house. I have been more spiritual as of late, I would really like to know about career changes (if any) I may have in store.
Posted by: Ursa | November 12, 2009 at 10:03 AM
Hello Robert, thank you for your explanation of what's going on up there. I've followed astrology for years, and I must say that this year has been iconic for me. I am an Aquarian with Scorpio rising and Cancer moon (30/1/69). Omg, the planetry line up has messed with my reality and whole persona this year. Having said that, they have also helped me to break free of the lifelong facade, allowing me to actually be free of myself. This in itself has been a huge tranformation, not only emotionally, but spiritually and physically as well. Nothing short of rebirth for sure, and most painful at that, but also clarifying and cleansing.
With that in mind, my failing relationship of 12 years (4 years married), has been put through the wringer as well, with 3.. YES 3, potential suitors propping themselves literally on my doorstep throughout the year. The 3rd and final (presenting himself mid October), as an unforgotten ex from 12 years ago, who ran from the scene over a miscommunication and misunderstanding that broke both our hearts, and left us both alone and wanting 2 years after. Through chance correspondence only, we have rediscovered our buried love for each other and we feel that we have been given a 2nd chance. However the irony is, we are both married, and I have 3 kids. Argh!! Why Jupiter, why now?? Why not 10 or even 8 years ago? Huh? The 2nd irony, is that our split occurred during last Jupiter transit in my sign, Aquarius 12 years ago, where I also met my current husband, and now my ex and I have rediscovered each other in the 2nd Jupiter transit of Aquarius, 12 years later. Why is that? It's spooky!!!
Life is very messy and complicated at the moment, but I do see a light, albeit a small one, at the end of a very deep, dark tunnel. I do know that Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune have a story to tell, and for me it's a story of lessons learned, facing the music, chickens coming home to roost, and ultimately healing. A most painful, yet amazingly eye opening and heartfelt year for me personally.
Posted by: Julie Barr | December 05, 2009 at 09:29 PM
Hi Julie - So you've definitely begun a new 12 year adventure, and preparing for a greater flow beginning late January. I'm sure you're confronting a life that is pretty different from the one you've lived before now. 40 turns a being inward to seek a new type of understanding and/or compassion, preparing for 41 when many things are brought to a conclusion, for good or whatever. Sorry your old 12 year cycle seems like a failure, but no doubt you've learned much about values and self expression. The 3 suitors may be good symbols of where your inner "other" is at. Perhaps you are being given "a second chance," though we can never go back, only forward. It sounds like unfinished Jupiter business if it's showing up again at the same point as it ended last time. Just remember that it's always better to get closure on old things before opening doors to new ones. In any case, blessings on your new adventure!
Posted by: Robert | December 06, 2009 at 12:39 PM
Thank you again for your insight Robert. Your view on what may be occurring in my personal life during the Jupiter / Aquarius transit, highlights some very interesting factors that I both look forward to, and partly dread the outcome. I'll be sure to post the conclusion to the very messy dilemma that is currently my life, in the not too distant future! Like a shiny, plastic wrapped collectors' card found at the bottom of a cornflake pack, so have I found the following quotation to be true in my love and life, "to thine own self be true".. happiness can only come from within.
Posted by: Julie Barr | December 06, 2009 at 04:37 PM
And thank you for your blessings :)
Posted by: Julie Barr | December 06, 2009 at 04:37 PM