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Thank you Robert. I have been "pondering" much about Saturn's entry in Libra as it will conjoin my NN and my IC.
From the deepest part of my heart-my Arian SN, I guess, I thank you for your guiding inspiration and compassion in sharing your time, knowledge, Self...
Thank you. :)


"You have nothing to lose but a narrow destiny"

Beautifully stated Robert. Thank you...


I'm one of those third into fourth week of March people you spoke of with Saturn moving into Libra moving opposite my Sun as well as conjunct my Jupiter/Uranus -- Sun ruling my 9th and Jupiter/Uranus ruling my 5th and 7th.

With my partner (whose 7 Libra Sun meets Jupiter later) flying to Zurich on Sunday for final meetings for a new job and, optimistically, the signing of a contract, it would make sense for the Authority of Saturn to come into my life as I not only begin my journey through the VISA and Residence Permit application process, but also dive into the plodding, tiresome, but necessary, has-to-be-done work of packing and shipping (Saturn rules my 6th House of Daily Activities) of our apartment in New York.

For him to crystallize my Jupiter/Uranus inclination to drift toward all things "foreign" makes perfect sense as well.

Interestingly, when Saturn was conjunct my Sun I moved to NYC. Now, with Saturn opposing it, it appears as if I'll be moving to Switzerland.

And Saturn meeting my partner's Sun in 2010, after his retrograde period, is clearly indicating the elevation in seniority he'll be enjoying with this new position.

Thank you for yet another wonderful article. (^~^)


AMAZING post....Robert, just read this. it answers so much about the "urgency"...& what is happening on an energy level...also with electrical stuff & people's emotions.
maybe next show we can bring this into view for the listeners.

thank you for all you do in holding the healing space & relaying of timely & useful insight/info

om shanti
om namah shivya

u ROCK it :-)

let's connect again Nov-Dec

big hug of light


Awakenings Radio

kira kupfersberger

hi robert -
as my study of astrology has been in the process of deepening, i have come to rely more and more on your insights to quell my curiosity.

perhaps you have already covered this, but i'd love your insights on saturn return - a phrase that, like mercury retrograde, gets tossed around a lot, but i feel my understanding of it is vague at best.

as i believe mine to be coming up at 15 degrees libra, i'd especially appreciate the lesson.



You said it, Robert. I am LOVING the friends and allies with whom I share a heart-fire, and that's more than I could've said in the past two years!

Virtual hug!


thank you.


Feeling like the night before an exam with 4 Aries opp coming up and Pluto in the mix too.(Natal Sat in 11, ruling 2nd and trans 10) Onwards and upwards, Rescue Remedy to hand! Thank you Robert.

Sue Moon

It's a bit to absorb, but your take on it all is always so helpful. My question today is, how best to prepare for the coming transit of Saturn over natal Neptune at 11 Libra in the 8th and way too soon transiting Saturn over natal Sun, 24 Libra in the 9th. Just a quick take, I'm already starting to prepare for the Sun, but maybe should pay a little more attention to Neptune. Thanks so much Robert, you have no idea how your responses help us all, or maybe you do.


I don't know what's going on Robert!!! Last night I was offered an exhbition for this time next year and told I have the year to get it together....I have the perfect oppotunity as I have no job,,,,quite a year ahead for this Libran!!!


Hi Robert,

As a libran, I give a hearty welcome for Saturn to Libra! In an year or so, Saturn will conjunct my natal Sun & Pluto (both in conjunction) in my 12th house. I am a twelfth house loaded girl with Mercury and Uranus too. I wonder, if Saturn's 12th house visit with many planets in it would be a tough one ? Can I start/launch anything new during Saturn's visit to my 12th house ?

Please shed your wisdom on this. Thanks as always!!


Hi Robert, thanks for this post, and all of them actually! I have Pluto square Uranus and Uranus opposite Pluto both exact within a few days of each other. Do those transits normally go together? This must be happening to a lot of folks my age right now. What should I look to in my chart to see where this might manifest -- the houses those planets rule, or the natal placement of the planets?

My apologies if this is beyond the scope of the comment stream, and no problem if so.


Hi Robert!
What is your hit about someone who, instead of stepping up to the challenge/opportunity given in September 2006 to "escape from a narrow destiny", made the decision to turn away from the truth that was revealed then and has regressed to an earlier state of development and has remained stuck there for these three years?
Do you think that a wake up call of some kind could be in order as Virgo 29 gets lit up through April 2010 and as Saturn moves into Libra?
His natal Juno/Jupiter is at 29 Sag/1 Cap -- and his progressed Sun is now at 2 Cap.


Hi Robert,
thank you for your work! It's true: new heart-centered relationships began forming a couple of months ago, and now again recently more of them in the making. I am so happy and grateful! My sun's at 3 cap... But also wondering about saturn in opposition to a natal early aries moon? Any thoughts on that?
Take care,


Your Highness,

Balanced, refined and elegant are the operative needs of mine these days.....thank you! I wonder about Saturn hitching up with my south node...0 libra?..


i think as (libran) you're all too stuck on process in reading comments. what good does that do you? what good does generalization of astrology tell you about your life? and what good does specifics from a psychic (which I can be)? We live in polarity people. Polarity. Therefore nothing is all positive but yin and yang. Live your lives and then, then upon or after something happens, then reflect on this site of information and apply how it worked. That's my wisdom. peace.


My, my. Who let the sunshine in?



Lots of good I say! And while I'm at it, thanks to all you Librans for the optimism and smiles you've brought to the site in recent weeks.

Sue Moon

Hey Sheree, as another Libran I offer my take on your comment. We find comfort and community here. It doesn't matter if we live in polarity, what matters is how to feel better. We all feel better after reading Robert's wisdom and sharing with our global brothers and sisters who visit this site. Your advise is good, but a little one sided. There is much more to all of this than just seeking random generalities to soothe our little psyche's. The vibration of this site is so high that we are lifted up out of "polarity" into a velvet stream of consciousness that reaffirms we are not alone and for a little while soothes all fear or worry by reminding us of our connectedness. -Peace


Hello Sue, Thank you for your comment made to me in love. I made the comment I made because it is my experience that the world is made up in the Piscean Age of two kinds of people, and that has not changed, mystical people and religious people. Making yourself feel better is not why we manifested into human form. Bringing the higher, as in higher pitch, not above people for sure, light into our bodies, bringing heaven on earth is why. If you stick your head and the sand and do not learn how to live in it and help others by your example alone, not a bunch of words, do you actually fulfill what the Earth and Sun are trying to do. It's not about people, it's about the whole. We have been in hell for 26,000 years, polarity, and people must understand that to be awake. The people on this site do not seem awake, some that is, and my experience, with people who are supposedly like minded as myself is that they are out for money, and actually zone out like say a radical religious person. We don't need the 60s, we don't need a lot of fluff, we need awakeness, to understand that now the higher chakras and lower chakras, both their centers are in the heart, period. If you see me as one sided, you are being too balanced, typical of us. Be more decisive is my moto. We are all leaders Librans, so don't step in a puddle when you are commenting because what you did separated us--making it OUR site and you.

Sue Moon

Hello again Sheree, I think Robert's latest post, A Time to Remember answers it all. Namaste


Hi all - Had to jump into this one....

Hi A59 - Saturn will help crystalize a line of balanced development that will serve as a foundation for what will come these next 15-20 years. Maybe my Aries is helping you "show what you know," letting go of impulse and helping you to a more balanced view where you will demonstrate your straightforward "self."

Hi Mike - We've prepared, and now it's time!

Hi duse - Yes, the "boxing consciousness" can be tedious, but the adventure seems worth the effort! Congrats on getting to Switzerland. It sounds like your Saturn cycles are very clear when things close and other things open, and you and your partner are in harmony with your natural cycles. And of course, you're welcome.

Hi Michele - It's great that you can verify this through your own vectors of interacting with your students and listeners. We'll do another interview soon!

Hi kira - Glad I can help expand your knowledge of astrology. There's an article on the Saturn return in the archives, as well as several articles about when it touches planets in our charts. And to note, you'll begin your Saturn return this week when it enters Libra. You'll get the first lessons over the next few months, then be in the heart of it by late next Summer. Please read the article to understand how best to use this very important time of using free will to end what you no longer need to live with, and embrace life's adventure in new forms.

Hi Warriorlady - Great alliances are forming, getting ready to impact the world in new ways! (A very good thing, given the fragmentation.....) As for sunshine, I suppose we take it where we find it, even if it comes with clouds.;-)

Hi meesha - You're most welcome!

Hi Morvah - Squares are great for turning corners and putting brakes on things no longer worth pursuing. Oppositions are necessary for realizations - the trick is to "balance the pairs of opposites."

Hi Sue Moon - Saturn is transiting the Neptune of an entire generation. It can make clear that which was nebulous, and give structure to our ideals. As you do that, you'll incorporate much of it into your Light/Life as Saturn transits your Sun. Great for getting the results of long term labors! And sometimes we must conserve vitality while we're ending old parts of our lives so that we create space for what is coming. (And don't forget that Jupiter is trining your Sun for a few weeks!)

As for what you told Sheree, I am in agreement with what you said. I have tried to make this a safe place for those who want to find community and share experiences and understanding so we all may benefit through the generation of good will and positive intention. It is true that with so much suffering and isolation, sometimes the most important thing to do is find connectedness with other Truth-seeking Souls so we may remember we're really not as separate as it seems. The metaphor "velvet stream of consciousness" is extraordinarily tactile. What a great image!

Hi Marie - Excellent! Be patient, mature, organized, and methodical in rhythmically applying yourself to your gift, and your "authority" should come through.

Hi Starlook - Well, it depends. It will clarify your purposes, and prepare you for a whole new sense of self when it crosses your Asc. The 12th is where we harvest, for good or ill. If we've done what we should, very favorable. If not, the end of those things clearing out our motive for more appropriate efforts in the future. Of course you may launch things with Saturn in the 12th. Just stay focused on what bring sorrow and what brings clarity about how to use your experience to become your mature Dharma.

Hi reefaroundme - That is a phenomenon that is very rare, so you and others of your generation should feel very special!;-) Without doubt, a revolutionary condition that could help you break through some old, old stuff. Since they are purely "spiritual" planets, take that in mind as you note which sectors are most affected.

Hi Catherine - Well, some did step up to the plate and some didn't. If we don't progress we regress - that's an inevitability, since all that lives must grow or die. And yes, I do know quite a few who are stuck in a morass of negativity, as well as denying they're stuck, so you have my sympathies. With Pluto on his Jupiter, he may have lost his protection over the past 2 years. This will show in some form when Pluto conjuncts his PSun. This is a "hitting bottom" aspect, which of course is always good, since if we need to "hit bottom," then perhaps we learn to admit we have a problem which is wrecking our lives so we can turn things over to a Higher Power, however that shows up.

Hi Amy - Saturn waxing square your Sun shows a big turning of the wheel into new foundations and beginnings. Pluto is purifying your Light/Life. Saturn opposition Moon requires you balance the professional and personal, and take care of your true needs while letting go of old wants that cannot nourish. Given the T-square throws the void into Cancer, this is doubly accented. You may want to go into the archives and read the articles about Saturn conjunct a planet. You're definitely on the threshold of a new life adventure, since Jupiter and Uranus will visit your Moon mid-2010.

Hi Chickie - My dear, we will speak soon. Until then, you should be able to "show what you know" with grace, elegance, and balance. And congratulations on connecting the dots between the pool and Nawlins.

Hi Sheree - As the owner and operator of this roadhouse, I occasionally have to remind people of the need for respect for others' knowledge and direct experience. So you win Professor Robert's op-ed of the week.

It seems to me you judge things from a very narrow lens. On this site we try to encourage others and place our hearts and minds on the altar of community. While each gets their opinions, no one likes to be told "you're all too stuck on process in reading comments" and "what good is blablabla..." That's a fairly offensive tone IMHO.

You cannot speak for anyone who comes here except yourself. YOU seem to have an issue with polarity based in what you've stated. Your statement about two kinds of people is incorrect in every way. There are many millions who are neither mystical nor religious. I know, for I am neither of those two.

Who are you to say we are not here to feel better, or help others feel better? As a man who once experienced years of deep grief at the death of my daughter, I assure you I value compassion very highly. Are you denying compassion is a virtue? Are you saying that comforting the afflicted is not bringing in a "higher pitch" or "bringing heaven to Earth?" We are told that the generation of Bodhichitta is one of the only things that is good in a universal sense.

My dear, life here is ENTIRELY about people, since that's how our individual experience works itself out. You will never know "the whole" unless you can relate to various parts of that whole in some way, and we are ALL parts of the whole. You cannot expertly play the piano only using the white keys, as it were.

I totally reject your assertion that "we have been in hell for 26,000 years." That lets me know you have absolutely no knowledge of occult history as it has been recorded from antiquity by ancient chronicles. Study the Secret Doctrine and the information about chains, rounds, and root races before you assert one more thing along those lines lest you spread false information to the unwary and generate unfortunate karmas for yourself. Even when you speak of "higher and lower chakras" you make it apparent you're just another new ager who never studied the source material. Chakras don't work that way. Each has its essential and necessary function. Period.

I find it extremely presumptuous that you would assert "The people on this site do not seem awake." Who are you to judge? I know many of them much better than you. In my experience as proprietor of this site for many years, I reject that anyone who comments on this site "are out for money, and actually zone out like say a radical religious person." Again, your limitation of view.

NEVER trash the 60s. You obviously were not there. I was. Fluff? You must be kidding. The civil rights, free speech, antiwar, and environmental movements are hardly "fluff." Nor was the women's liberation movement, which I was in the middle of. Again, obviously you never lived in that era. We were not about money, or power, or war, or lies, or racism, or sexism, or 3 martini lunches, or anything else that was selfish and exploitive.

While many were clueless, misguided, or just ignorant, there was an energy in the air that tens of millions on the planet sensed. And those of us who were actually there knew who our brothers and sisters were, even if some fell short of the ideal. Again, who are you to judge? Were you there? Did you ever march for peace, freedom, and justice? For equal rights? For human rights? Did you ever dance in the face of gunbarrels? Have you ever wept for those who died so you could speak your mind?

While some of your generalizations have merit, you come off like someone in command of knowledge and authority you don't seem to have, since your assertions are very one-sided and not very deep. Take it from someone who's consciously studied, practiced, and lived many sides of Truth for over 40 years. Sue is not a separative person, but you seem to be. So by all means, physician, heal thyself. Peace out from the bouncer.


Two snaps up in a circle!


I couldn't agree more about my experience in the 60's, Robert.

Sue Moon

Wow,I feel as if Krishna/Buddha/Jesus glanced in my direction and the Sun came streaming out of his face and I am completely raised up in affirmative consciousness with tears of joy flowing and these words cannot even slightly tap into how humble and holy and awesome I feel. Again, at your feet Robert


Dear Robert, I have to laugh out loud with joy as your description of 30Vir is exactly right on! I've had TSat moving through my 9th conjoining my NMer4, NSun9, NSN9, (w/squ.SagAsc9), NVen10, NMo25 and now my MC at 29+Vir. My NSat2Lib coming up. I have felt EXACTLY what you wrote! The pull from my heart and solar plexus was/is tremendous. I must 'follow!' I've been using this time to study, practice, open and expand. No other option. And I finally 'get' my NPisNN9! Thank you so much for Being! You are deeply valued!


Dear Robert,

"Special" indeed! Hahaha. Thanks for trying to make us feel better about it! Your comment is appreciated and so far, yes, it's all been on a spiritual level. May take years to see how this period changes us, I suppose, but it definitely feels like it's "on."


Dear Robert,

Thank you so much for speaking up in order to educate and enlighten. Yes the 60s were replete with change, and that change was made possible by many separate movements over a long period time, on an individual and also group level. People who diss the 60s do not know history. Mutiracial and anti-racist women organized in the 70s and believed the root of the problem wasn't sexism, it was oppression in general. That's what it's really all about here on this earth plane, dominance of one group over another, power and privilege. When viewed from the physical body, what higher pinnacle of achievement could ever possibly be had? But when viewed from a mystically philosphical perspective, we are all on the Journey and the Light of Love is everywhere... Thank you for being that hole in the wall that lets the light in!!



Thanks Robert, for your response and advice!!!! That helps me to know how to proceed with Saturn and continue the journey with inner peace.


Hi Robert; Happy Saturn Moving Day! (from a virgo)
I have a quick question, if this isn't an inappropriate place to ask - this Saturn transit through Virgo has been difficult, to say the least. My moon is cusp cancer/gemini and rising leo so I've definitely been feeling Saturn's lessons for quite some time. My bday is 8/30/67 and I know that Saturn's influence is mostly felt relative to that, however, I felt as though it's been as intense the whole way through. I have venus and mercury in mid virgo - and uranus in late virgo, therefore wondering if the uranus-saturn oppositions are a big factor?? And if so will that be letting up now that Saturn has moved into Libra?

One fascinating aspect of this transit has been that I am a journalist and definitely tend to see details/ideas/angles that others do not but always had trouble making that work for me rather than against me. Now the light has definitely been shed on that very big issue!! :)
Thanks!! Beth


I just got to say, where would we be today without the 60s? Hard telling. I was 12 in 68. My values (formed between ages 9-11 per psychology) were formed in the 60s. Who would I be now without the influence of that movement. I heard an interview with an American Indian some years back. He was in jail and saw the civil rights marches on tv there (remember blacks didn't get the vote till 1960s) and he said if they can do it, we can. Black rights, Indian Rights, Women's rights, Gay rights. Power to the People! And it was the back to the land hippies that ushered in the 1970s environmental movement.

I am not with drug use: my choice. But I wonder if perception hadn't been expanded by mind altering drugs and if that hadn't filtered into the culture, would we be experiencing the levels of perception that we do now.

It's hard to know where we'd be if the 60s movement hadn't happened. Whether you were for the war or against, everyone was engaged.


Back again, I should have noted in the previous entry that my 1960s input comes from being a kid in America. I just got all fired up revelling in the power of those days. But it doesn't change what I said.


Hi all - Rather than try to comment on each thing offered, let me simply express that I appreciate this community. And I'm dancing while praying as fast as I can!;-) Oppression is truly a drag for anyone who must endure such things. Our relationship to many things really does depend on how we view it, from the angle of matter or the angle of Spirit. I value what the 60s brought forth, even if it was gunned down by the powers-that-be. Some things are somewhat beyond our control. Will answer Beth's query at another time from a more general angle of examination in an article.


Hoo boy! Great rebuttal, Robert. I was here during the 60's too, and you are absolutely right. As to all the other parties speaking in the cantina, let everyone learn to be respectful, as Robert says, to think before you speak and have an open mind. Blessings to everyone.

Aside from that, Robert thanks for that tidbit about squares (to Morvah). That really helps. I'm coming up on a huge bunch of Saturn squares. Square to Cap Mars, Cancer Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury... I'm not worried or in trouble, just waiting for instructions, so to speak.

Great fireworks in the cantina..... Namaste everyone!


Thanks Robert!! Looking forward to it! :)

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