by Robert Wilkinson
This "Harvest" Full Moon falls at 11 degrees 10 min. (12 degrees) Aries-Libra, which will fulfill the seed of the past New Moon in Virgo. A well defined See Saw pattern coupled with the Grand Irrationality set into motion by Venus on the volcanic eruption point makes this a very volatile lunation. Adjustments, sacrifices, understandings, and unveilings opening glimpses of a universal order mark the next two weeks.
This Harvest Moon falls on October 3, 11:10 pm PDT, 2:10 am Oct 4 EDT, 7:10 am Greenwich. Thus it occurs on October 4 in most of the world. A quick look finds 4 Cancer rising in Santa Monica, 11 Leo in Washington DC, 11 Libra in London, 15 Libra in Amsterdam, 26 Libra in Tallinn, 6 Scorpio in Istanbul, 26 Scorpio in Johannesburg, 21 Scorpio in Istanbul, 29 Sagittarius in Trivandrum, 21 Sag in New Delhi, 23 Aquarius in Tokyo, 19 Aquarius in Perth,15 Pisces in Melbourne, and 19 Taurus rising on Maui.
Because the New Moon preceding the Full Moon always represents the seed forms that are brought to surface at and after the Full Moon, please check out The New Moon in Virgo - What's Happening in September-October 2009. This can help focus what blessings and seeds are being offered to us in the near future.
This Full Moon falls at 12 degrees Aries and Libra. It is said that the middle third of any sign deals with the social levels of life, and being the second decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Leo and Aquarius. Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take.
The Solar degree Sabian Symbol is "Miners emerging from a mine." This is a degree where we either go deeper into our search for knowledge, or come up out of the depths into the light. It is a degree of intellectual dedication, but also of the need to lead a more natural life.
This degree is about transfiguration of the personality through "emerging from the depths." It may involve a working sacrifice on behalf of others, and it seems to symbolize the end of a search for that which could bring light and heat, but also pollution.
Rudhyar comments that it involves a "depth of participation in the world's work," and a "whole-Souled giving of self to service" through some form of extraction. Here the illumination of this lunation will shine on the need to keep the "fires of the collective mind of society" burning.
Dr. Jones says the keyword is ESCAPE and when positive it's said to be a degree of "inexhaustible resources of self with a consequent uncompromising strength of character." We find it is a degree of "the irresistible curiosity and indomitable self-confidence" which shows strength of personality, and though there may be involvement in "unattractive phases of experience," there is also a persistence of effort which create a better world and happier relationships.
The formula is Manipulating, Critical, Ingenious, Specializing, Spiritual and Sensitive. Rudhyar states the degree is in the Span of Expectation, and the Individual-Mental level of Transfiguration.
The Lunar degree symbol is "A Flock of Wild Geese." It speaks of the socially immature and unadjusted Soul that has not come down to full, steady expression, and is a degree of self-discovery. Rudhyar gives the keynote as "an idealistic reliance upon a mental image of universal order."
The interesting thing about this symbol is that the wild goose was a symbol of the transcendent Soul in India, called "hamsa." The term "hamsa," or hansa, or hamza, is the term in Hinduism for the Transfigured Self. This state of consciousness, also known as the Third Great Initiation, is that which precedes Paramahansa, the term for the state of consciousness known as the 4th Great Initiation, the Adeptus Minor, and the Arhat in the various schools of esoteric philosophy.
Dr. Jones says the keyword is INSOUCIANCE and when positive it's said to be a degree of "completely naive independence or an ever-immediate capacity for rising above any given involvement in experience." The form of the light of this Full Moon will involve the "irresistible aspiration and indomitable desire for freedom which represent the real core of personality," as well as "obligations to be met and ideals to be realized."
The formula is Manipulating, Critical, Original, Specializing, Spiritual and Sensitive. Rudhyar states the degree is in the Span of Realization, in the Individual-Mental level of Desire.
From these symbols it seems we can experience new resources within ourselves, as well as strength of character, while focusing it through a sense of a higher universal order and rising above old involvements. This will express in the ways appropriate to where it falls in our birth chart.
This Lunation is indicative of a continuation of major shifts, but in new directions more ideal to our sense of initiative. Relevant asepcts are Sun trine Jupiter, Moon sextile Jupiter, Moon biseptile Mars and triseptile Venus, Venus septile Mars quincunx Jupiter, and Mars triseptile Jupiter, and Mercury exactly opposed Uranus stimulating the Saturn opposition Uranus.
I cannot elaborate on how each of these will affect each of us. Still, remember quincunxes create situations of forced adjustment where sacrifices lead to productive voids, and any of the numerous septile series aspects will lead to more radical choices and changes that will propel those areas of our lives into a more defined destiny. Since we have septile series aspects that involve Moon, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, you may expect strange events in all areas ruled by those planets in your chart.
Of special note is the Yod, or Finger of God, at work in the Mercury sextile Mars with both quincunx Neptune. Dispassion and compassion will arise from all sacrifices that focus us in spiritual or collective directions. Be a good barometer, maintain your innocence, and step back from glamors and illusions of the past. You can find amazing spiritual growth through sacrifices in the house in which Neptune is transiting (late Aquarius) in your chart.
Discipline your mind and speech, and accept that in applying your Will and Intelligence in squeezing out what you no longer want or need, you will find a greater Love and Wisdom, even if it pinches a bit at first.
Since it is a See Saw pattern, stay centered, and try not to get lost in the margins even while exploring the outer limits of the field. If you find yourself seesawing between views or energies, try to find the way to mediate between opposing views by finding the third or fourth points that harmonize the opposites.
This time can unveil new powers and a new higher order in our life if we either go deeper into our spiritual practice or find a way to bring more light(ness) to the process. It's time to counter the density and inertias as we prepare to break through to new duties and responsibilities when Saturn enters Libra.
Since Saturn is moving through the end of Virgo between now and late October, we are finishing our education in emotional-social and individual-spiritual lessons and trials of doing "the Great Work." We can now experience our "bottom line" issues in a new context based in ways we've begun to live the past 9 months. Just remember that for a long time to come, everything connected to the Saturn lessons in our lives is challenging our ability to deal with the long wave ongoing Saturn opposition Uranus. They are now very close, and will be for months to come except for a few weeks between November and January 2010.
This very powerful pattern is revolutionizing our lives and forcing us to adjust, learn, practice, and be very realistic in training for something that is to come. The polarization can assist us in building a new interactive yet protected existence if we embrace needed adjustments, conform to a plan, and do whatever it takes to live the higher standard we believe is worthy....
As with the last New Moon and Full Moon, this is the final phase of claiming a form of collective power and an enduring vision. We are still growing toward doing a work that will outlive us, so bring your unique gifts into practical usefulness, move from theory to accomplishment, and see how various steps all work together within a larger vision.
Say goodbye to whatever is hindering your individuation or courage in focusing your energies to express your Higher Self. Through the light of Divine Innocence, allow your life to be restructured in practical ways to get beyond glamor and preconceptions and be sensitive to the potential for joy to arise. Embrace the unique gifts that will come as we truly shift direction and reorient toward that which stabilizes our Spiritual Self as the director of our personality.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Wow, wonderful insight on this full moon. Thanks Robert, its always been a delight to read your articles and learn about the days ahead.
This full moon is a special one to me since the previous new moon in Virgo conjuncted my natal moon exactly and this full moon conjuncts my natal Sun exactly. The universe is saying something to me but not sure whats the meaning of it. Moreover, the coming new moon in Libra conjuncts my husband's natal Sun within 2 deg orb. Ha, what a coincidence! :)
Posted by: Mary | October 01, 2009 at 07:51 AM
Love this! My friend/boss just aced a very important exam :). Someone contacted me about a creative opportunity, this week. And I think I'm dishing out my best detailed writing and photography to date...
- A Libra <3
Posted by: Warriorlady | October 01, 2009 at 08:35 AM
Hi Robert;
I find this SO confusing. I am definitely at a void point - no job, no housing, no relatives, etc. - and the two solar/lunar points are my nn (libra 10th) and sn's (aries 4th), so clearly important. I can't make hide nor hair of how to apply this information. Yikes! k
Posted by: kathryn davison | October 01, 2009 at 04:45 PM
I have heard in Europe they say if you want your hair to grow faster you should have it trimmed a little bit on the day of the Full Moon, do you know if this is true and why?
Posted by: JeanneB | October 02, 2009 at 02:31 AM
Robert you stated this about my chart some years ago:
"And in this chart there is a Grand Cardinal Cross of the three types of the Grand Cross: According to Tibetan, the Mutable Cross is crucifixion of humanity; Fixed Cross, energy of four holy creatures any disciple learns to master; Cosmic Cross is only able to be handled by the one who is the World Teacher. So a rough gig for her. She’s stuck learning to master Christ energies as a human being. It only occurred in the sky a couple of times in last fifty years. Dynamic yet rare."
Can you please explain, or tell me where to go to learn about mastering the energy of the 4 holy creatures as a disciple does and you mentioned? it is time, i have to do it. thank you.
Posted by: JeanneB | October 02, 2009 at 02:39 AM
What do current social circumstances tell us about the spiritual challenges the human community faces at this time? How can self-knowledge allow us to relate in a healthy way to these challenges? These are Aries/Libra questions.
In this culture, increasingly threadbare myths about Freedom, Democracy, and Sacrifice for a Noble Cause are used to justify great evils. The body social is ill unto death. In our desperation to avoid facing the truth, we admire individuals who are best able to be clever, greedy and aggressive while projecting a veneer of the opposite qualities - hence the popularity of Obama.
This illness of the body social cannot be healed except through the efforts of individuals to self-knowledge (going down into the mine). Aries brings to the surface and externalizes unconscious tendencies of the individual ego so they can be made conscious.
So this full moon of Aries/Libra no doubt presages another stage of our individual/social crisis. It brings more outward chaos brought by spiritual contents that wish to make themselves known (those wild birds).
May we all reap the benefits of this full moon!
Posted by: Lorraine Jarvi | October 02, 2009 at 06:04 AM
Hi Robert,
This lunation conjuncts my descendant (12.06 Aries), and my POF (12.42 Aries) progressed moon is conjunct
my progressed SN in Pisces 6th, also conjunct Uranus...and Chiron/Neptune are conjunct my natal chiron in the bday 11-15-59 (50) just about at that Chiron return....uranus goes direct end of Nov in the conjuction
of progressed moon/node....Ive been told..(and dreams predict) surprizes, and upheaval...a bumpy road ahead?
Expression is much easier, and softer,calmer....prgressed moon approaching natal SN...karmic returns?...A wild ride?, 6th house SN-12th house NN but I have them switched Virgo on the 12th, Pisces on the 6th.. , and Im noticing that Im
"feeling" more, or valueing it I need a seatbelt???
Posted by: Wildhorserunning22 | October 02, 2009 at 08:38 AM
Progressed moon conjunct south node. Aiy! That is one bit of astrological information of which I was really really glad to be aware. It's just plain weird to me. Gunk in my engine. For some strange reason, I was always running to gunk out of curiosity (like what is this, I don't get it). Don't want the gunk! Turns out to be a bit like shedding skin for me. There are days when I get the sensation of tunnelling out of that old skin.
And Robert, "unattractive phases of experience" . . . that would about explain this full moon week. It's good to be aware of it now.
Posted by: caliban | October 02, 2009 at 10:57 AM
Hi Robert
I have been finding much meaning and value in your posts - recent & archived.
Do you (or anyone else here) have thoughts regarding the full moon, particularly this one, in close conjunction with the progressed sun?
Haven't found much on it via Google.
Many thanks.
Posted by: hjalmar67 | October 03, 2009 at 09:18 PM
Hi Robert,
Love your wise words and insights, thanks for the guidance! x
Posted by: Cristy | October 04, 2009 at 01:46 PM
thoughts on the full moon in aries? Always have thoughts on the moon, but its just personal input. The sky was overcast, solid, but the clouds were mottled. The moon must have been bright because the light filtered through the clouds. It was odd because it looked like the light just before sunrise, even a few birds were confused and made a little noise before settling back down again. I felt myself anticipating the sun. The moon did not show itself until well after midnite. So for me, it was about dawning.
I think Robert wrote some really good stuff in his marriage article about bringing self to the table in relationship. And getting past all that gooey stuff (that I have been so guilty of), that gets in the way. It's a long trail for this old horse.
Posted by: caliban | October 05, 2009 at 07:41 AM