by Robert Wilkinson
The New Moon falls at 25 Libra on October 17, 2009, 10:33 pm PDT, October 18, 1:33 am EDT and 6:33 am Greenwich. The New Moon in close separating trine to Neptune and quincunx to Uranus makes a Bucket pattern with Mars at 1 Leo as focal determinator. Lots of combustion, breakthroughs, adjustments, endings, and activities in diverse areas.
The Lunation finds 8 Cancer rising in Santa Monica, 15 Cancer in Vancouver, 15 Leo in Washington DC, 15 Libra in London, 18 Libra in Amsterdam, 29 Libra in Tallinn, 4 Scorpio in Berlin, 9 Scorpio in Istanbul, 24 Scorpio in Baghdad, 1 Sagittarius in Johannesburg, 25 Sag in New Delhi, 4 Capricorn in Trivandrum, 30 Aquarius in Tokyo, 23 Aquarius in Perth, 18 Pisces in Melbourne, and 24 Taurus rising on Maui.
This New Moon at 25 Libra will help us find wisdom amidst the passages, and there is much we can learn from Nature's cycles at this time. The last New Moon continued our liberation from "a narrow destiny" and "routine duties." This one shows we have understandings of how to shape our life aesthetically in ways others can appreciate, and know how to make progress despite limiting conditions.
Recent "hard adjustments" opened us to the need to defend our sense of mission, or see the broader context of that mission. We also now know how we can enjoy ourselves publically in a new way. There have been opportunities to learn radical self-reliance on inner strengths and resources, as well as the need occasionally to ignore the outer to cultivate the inner through techniques of concentration.
This New Moon in Libra is ruled by Venus, the final dispositor of all the other planets, making it the ruler of all that will happen in all the different planetary realms of influence. Venus also occupies the exact degree where Saturn will go stationary retrograde on January 13, 2010.
This makes the "backdrop" of this Lunation the same exact degree quality that will begin to be structured by Saturn starting mid-December, and fused as a trigger point in January. It deals with translating the wisdom we've learned from our teacher/teaching and become that wisdom in a living form. I'll write more as Saturn approaches its stationary degree.
This is the last New Moon with Saturn in Virgo until April 2010. That implies we are finishing up Saturn in Virgo lessons during the next 4 weeks, preparing for Saturn in Libra lessons beginning November 2009. This is the end of our education preparing us for action, and within 4 weeks we'll be ready to manifest a new ideal, a new archetype, and a new sense of self within interpersonal and collective circumstances.
With all planets except Uranus and Neptune in direct motion, this is a good time to move things forward in all areas of your lives. Saturn at 29 Virgo continues to assist us in finishing our education in individual-spiritual lessons and trials of doing "the Great Work." We can now complete some of our "bottom line" issues in a new context based in ways we've begun to live the past 10 months.
Just remember that for a long time to come, everything connected to the Saturn lessons in our lives is challenging our ability to deal with the long wave ongoing Saturn opposition Uranus. You can find out more in the recent article Saturn Opposed Uranus - The Centrifuge Purifies All Of Us Given that it's now within close orb of its coming square to Pluto, expect signs of friction on large and small levels.
As I've mentioned in other articles, it's the culmination of what began November 1982, when Saturn conjuncted Pluto at 28 Libra. This is a long range cycle for human evolution. Things set into motion then will fulfill their process between November 2009 and August 2010, when the last waning square is made. From Summer 2010 on, Saturn will make no more frictional aspects to Pluto until late 2014.
Throughout many articles in past months, I've explained that this very powerful pattern involving the two "titans of authority," Saturn and Uranus, is revolutionizing our lives and forcing us to adjust, learn, practice, and be very realistic in training for something revolutionary that we're in the midst of. The polarization can assist us in building a new individuality, interactive yet protected, as we embrace needed adjustments, conform to a plan, and do whatever it takes to live the higher standard we believe is worthy.
Back to the overall pattern. All the planets except Mars occupy one half of the zodiac, beginning with Saturn in Virgo, the stellium in Libra, Pluto in Cap, the Aquarius stellium, closing with Uranus in Pisces. All these energies are focused through the singleton Mars in the first degree of Leo. Due to where it is, we will all be "scooping up," or initiating, new experiences the next few weeks.
In practical terms everything that's happening now is expressed through Mars, the planet of new initiatives, quarrels, confrontations, pioneering breakthroughs, and eruptions. Much will "burst forth" in the next month, showing our strength, courage, and determination or the need for these. Expect a LOT of focused activity wherever 1 Leo falls in your charts.
The most important aspects in this lunation include those I've mentioned so far, as well as the very powerful separating Saturn opposed Uranus, separating Venus sextile Mars and square Pluto, and Jupiter separating semisquare Pluto. Separating aspects show things already happened in the past, so a study of these would indicate a lot has already happened in all the areas of our lives ruled by and occupied by these planets.
The forming aspects show things to come. These include an exact Mercury quintile Mars, wide Mercury trine Jupiter and Chiron, and an out-of-sign sextile from the Moon and Sun to Pluto.
Expect special conditions and gifts in Aries, Gemini, Virgo, and Scorpio areas, understandings between the broad and narrow, collective and personal, consciousness and mind, and a lot of productivity as a result of intellectual weariness giving way to deeper elements of wisdom around life and death processes.
There are quite a few planets in the late degrees of their signs. These show spiritual activity, so the Moon, Sun, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all in the last degrees of their signs show a continued time of spiritual completion, for good or ill. Mercury and Jupiter occupy social-cultural zones, while Venus, Mars, and Pluto are all in early degrees of their signs, showing a focus on activity.
Mars is the focus of the Bucket pattern, so we can expect that it's about to become a time of action. That brings us to the last unexamined major aspect, Mars quincunx Pluto. This absolutely brings hard adjustments! This sets up sacrifices and expansions in early Leo and early Capricorn areas of our charts. There will be many discoveries of subconscious matters and things in the next few weeks, as well as opportunities to negotiate and bargain at the end of an old cycle of activity in some Pisces arena of life activity.
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate. This New Moon falls at 25 Libra, a point of seeing through life and death processes to come to wisdom. We can discover transcendent elements of existence once we get past the mind's restless judgments. We can grow into greater, deeper understanding of basic meanings.
Uner specific circumstances, this will help us repair or reconstruct social-emotional interpersonal links that have become damaged. Many will come to revelations that help balance perspectives. We shall certainly know our own and others' relationship to the collective consciousness.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, we find this degree is "Information in the symbol of an autumn leaf," showing that imagination and intelligence is a sensitivity to "ends that may be served," and the "efficient means that may be shaped for the welfare of self and others."
It is a degree of the interdependence of the world and the individual, with mutual contributions. The keyword is TACT, and we are told this degree "is spontaneous adaptability and an unswerving and instinctive fidelity to ultimate goals and meanings."
To sum up, go for the special developments that will help you express your heart more spontaneously. Find the correct rhythm of action and perspectives that can help you see through the endings to find great universal truths in Nature's cycles. This is a "before the beginning" balancing and judging, as well as a time of letting go of old mindsets and finding deeper wisdom in what's ending or died.
There is a preponderance of planets in Air signs, with strong Earth shown by Saturn and Pluto. There is a shortage of Water and Fire-occupied planets, showing a deficiency of feeling despite the extreme polarizations indicated by Saturn in Earth opposing Uranus in Water discussed in other articles. With Mars the focal determinator and nozzle for the rest of the planetary energies, go for the Fire, the inspiration, the "Manipulating-Ideal-Original" energies of Leo.
This is the end of a long set of Lunations with Saturn in Virgo, and the beginning of a new way of viewing ideals and relationships. Follow your understanding of a greater vision or deeper understanding of transpersonal collective issues, ideals, and connectedness. Adjust to create a better world for yourself in connection with others, and open to a deeper understanding you've built with patience, persistent work, and long held aspiration.
Many will see how the wisdom forms they've pursued have gestated into a power of understanding. This is the end of the end of a long cycle, and the beginning of the seeds of power and authority that will persist for some time. There are major challenges coming, so remember that patience is a virtue in an Age in Transition!
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
great stuff as always. thanks.
i find that this really resonates with me.
"Many will see how the wisdom forms they've pursued have gestated into a power of understanding. This is the end of the end of a long cycle, and the beginning of the seeds of power and authority that will persist for some time."
but then again personally speaking i've got venus and saturn on my natal pluto, and the sun on my natal Uranus (with the moon and mercury in between the two). interesting times indeed!
a little off topic, but i wanted to ask you something. i wanted to ask your opinion about the relationship in natal charts amongst family members? (Ie father to son, mother to father, brother to sister etc.)
just today i happened to check out my immediate family's chart's, relative to mine, and noticed some striking correlations. thus i thought that i'd inquire with you to ask about the phenomenon.
seeing the "stuff" that is currently going on in my personal chart, relative to the skies overall, it's probably no coincidence that i inquire about this with you at this time, nor that i investigated the phenomenon at this time too!
thanks again.
Posted by: JP | October 17, 2009 at 05:02 PM
Good question, JP! My family's charts all have similarities as well. My 3 sisters and I even share a certain aspect. But more interesting than that are the revealing planetary conjunctions and nodal contacts between generations, and just the general elemental makeup of our charts having certain similarities. It's fascinating and illuminating. Looking at the connections helps me understand certain stories about us, why we make each other feel the way we do, consciously or unconsciously...
Posted by: reefaroundme | October 17, 2009 at 05:20 PM
10:36 p.m.- no disernable wisdom other then to thank God for another day.
Posted by: ahrcanum | October 17, 2009 at 07:38 PM
The new moon is exactly conjunct my natal Pluto. Does that mean something changes in the next four weeks?
Posted by: Jared | October 17, 2009 at 11:08 PM
yes def its also conjunct my natal Pluto :)
Posted by: Shehzaad Maroof Khan | October 17, 2009 at 11:44 PM
Great article! Thanks a lot
Posted by: Tomer | October 18, 2009 at 03:53 PM
Um, Saturn in Virgo was a great big annoyance for the most part, but it helped me to strengthen my self-worth and boundaries a great deal. I can't complain much, but I am still quite happy to thank it and send it on its way, this month!
The energies of this new moon have brought me back to my old self again. Probably because Mars is entering Leo and Jupiter turned direct recently. I dunno. But I love it. There's a party happening in my core :).
Posted by: Warriorlady | October 18, 2009 at 04:01 PM
Great article Robert, full of stuff to chew on. I usually pay attention to new moons as a rule (I was born during one) but I really felt a jolt this time. It was cool, it was on my natal Neptune in the 8th, and I was really psyched up (inspired) for painting this weekend. It feels like the start of something (with Mars in Leo too).
To JP: It's very common for family members to share chart aspects and so forth, because of karma, synchronicity and magnetic attraction. For example, lots of birthdays in one sign, etc. My son has a very similar chart to my dad (his grandfather)- Sag sun, lots of Sag planets, all square Moon in Pisces.
My Cancer Sun and planets conjunct my dad's Pluto. I was scared of him as a child but have learned a lot from him. My Capricorn sister whom I used to fight and compete with has her Sun conjunct my Mars. And so on... this is what makes astrology so fascinating! :)
Posted by: Valerie | October 18, 2009 at 04:10 PM
Warriorlady! I admire how you negotiate these passings and always have such a positive stance on what is happening. It seems like acceptance of sorts. I am trying to accept that there is much that i cannot ever understand and yes, as you say allow it to strengthen me and be grateful for it all!
Posted by: Marie | October 18, 2009 at 04:13 PM
Commendable. It is such a blessing to have access to information like the above. If more of us realized our relationship to the universe and its change and fluctuations, we would have more control during times of emotion and confusion. Thank you for doing what I know to be a tedious and dedicated task. You ability to make a difficult concept easy to understand is outstanding.
Posted by: Alia Curtis | October 19, 2009 at 07:38 AM
I second that Robert, thank you.
Valerie, it's on my natal Neptune too in 11, so enjoying that with you. I gave birth to my daughter as the Moon reached my ascendant at 28 Scorp. Also her Venus is on my Sun. Many other connections with family and friends.
Posted by: Morvah | October 20, 2009 at 01:30 AM
Dear Morvah- that is very cool! Wonderful aspects for a mother and daughter to have. :)
Posted by: Valerie | October 20, 2009 at 06:32 AM
This new moon was conjunct my natal sun 4/5th house cusp and opposite my True Node, it's also conjunct my Husband's Uranus in 7th house. (Yes our relationship is mildly "revolutionary" I'm 7 years older).
Given this it would appear that this new moon is going to be significant for us, but How?
Posted by: Libra twins | October 20, 2009 at 07:18 PM
Hi JP - Family dynamics are one of the more interesting applications of interactive astrology. I have found it holds the key to why certain traits bypass some in the family while displaying prominently in others. That's why we have greater or lesser affinity to certain people. It's also why some in a family are more affected at certain times by certain things.
Hi reefaroundme - Yes, I've been looking at such things for 34 years and it never ceases to fascinate me. For ex, everyone in my family of origin has something conjunct Uranus except me! And of my 6 original family members, One parent and 2 children (first and third) have Leo rising and one parent and 2 children (second and fourth) have Virgo rising. I've looked at the connects with the grandparents, and they also reveal harmonics. You're right about the stories, since each family has them as part of the "family ghost."
Hi ahrcanum - While I know "God loves gratitude" (as a function of karmic law), I find love-wisdom to be everywhere we seek it. Even when we do not discern it, Spirit and Divine Mother energy is omnipresent.
Hi Jared and Shehzaad - It puts the focus on your Pluto. While the lunation shows many things ending so deeper elements of wisdom can come forth, whatever it aspects shows our relationship to that in terms of what planets are stimulated. Because it conjuncts your Pluto, some quality of that inside you or in your world will be the focus. Perhaps purification, Spiritual transformation, or just realizing something new about who you are in relationships.
Hi Tomer - You're most welcome.
Hi Warriorlady - Having my Saturn return right now, I can't much complain about what is, as much as I can figure out the details of what it will take to move forward at the right time next year. Had to make Saturn in Virgo my friend a long time ago! ;-) Am also already feeling the promise of Jupiter direct and the possible expressions of Mars in Leo. I suppose generating an element of festivity as a counter-tone to the collective dread is a good use of Mars in Leo, given the larger uncertainty.
Hi Valerie - On your Neptune, your art should show you something deep within you that connects to others through all time. Perhaps universal themes and images? Your family contacts are striking, and yes, the study of cross-generational contacts yields a LOT of food for thought (and compassion!)
Hi Marie - Sounds like you're in the groove.....
Hi Alia - Thanks for your kind words. Much of transmuting karmas is simply a matter of awareness and a little self-control. The task, while dedicated, is not really tedious, since I couldn't do it if it were. I'd be concentrating on other things. I've been teaching in a variety of mediums for over 35 years, and this seems good for instant global communication where a bunch of great like-minded Truth-seeking Souls can come together. And it helps that I once ran a pizzaria, since this is a cantina of sorts.
Hi Morvah - Here's another connect: my father had his Saturn return just as my sister was born, and my mother had her Saturn return when my youngest brother was born. (As an aside, I suspect that all who come and hang here have something in common with my chart, and those who connect with others on this site have connects with them as well!)
Hi Valerie - Yes, well, better than Saturn I suppose....;-)
Hi Libra twins - In the proverbial 10,000 ways. In just one probability, parts of your old light/life will end so wisdom can come forth. Conjunct SN, you get to find the line of least resistance as you demonstrate something of what you've learned about self-reliance and self-initiative. It will stimulate your husband's Uranus, which means all kinds of things, depending on his response to the Divine Individualizer.
Posted by: Robert | October 21, 2009 at 07:21 AM
Thanks Robert, I do have an inspired spiritual theme running through my latest painting series. I tend to get into a contemplative mood this time of year, also, with the Sun about to enter my 9th house. Also I really like the new icons appearing on your site! Looks cool. :)
Posted by: Valerie | October 21, 2009 at 07:45 AM
Hi Robert,
In so many ways I am able to relate to this article. Last New Moon I set something in motion that has with this New Moon, given me a great joy to celebrate and cherish. I am truly grateful.
Midway through the article, you write “That brings us to the last unexamined major aspect, Mars quincunx Pluto. This absolutely brings hard adjustments! This sets up sacrifices and expansions in early Leo and early Capricorn areas of our charts. There will be many discoveries of subconscious matters and things in the next few weeks, as well as opportunities to negotiate and bargain at the end of an old cycle of activity in some Pisces arena of life activity.” Would you help me understand a situation that is confusing me? In my bouncing here and there reading half a dozen or so sources, I read in effect, that a quincunx does not necessarily affect the native unless the native is putting their uninvited nose in another’s goings on and thereby taking the other party’s ‘lesson’ on as their own. Would you share your perspective, please?
Thank you,
Posted by: K. | October 23, 2009 at 08:41 AM
Hi Valerie - Yes, this New Moon should be opening up new Neptunian expressions for those born between 1951-1957. As spiritual ruler of my 8th in the 3rd conjunct IC, I suspect a foundational regeneration is afoot for me. The icons suddenly appeared via Typepad, I suspect connected with twitter or facebook or something, since every once in a while a picture of someone appears rather than an icon.
Hi K - Glad this New Moon brings joy, gratitude, and celebration. Those are very good things. Regarding the quincunx, most of what people have written about the quincunx seems speculative and fabricated out of whole cloth with no sense of how that aspect relates to others in the series. It is a powerful aspect that affects all of us on a regular basis.
While I cannot go into all possible meanings, it primarily deals with a symbolic 6th or 8th house element of adjustment. It is always found in health issues, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, as well as loss/regeneration issues. Due to its nature it is interactive in some way.
"Uninvited" has nothing to do with how it works. As an aside, sometimes we MUST enter into something without invitation due to Dharma. Whether another has invited us to something is often irrelevant to those who are striving to live their Higher Self. And of course, invitations may bring great works or the crash of illusions, which is its own interactive dynamic. Quincunxes may or may not be active in such circumstances.
Taking on inappropriate lessons is a dysfunctional Saturn. It is an inner error of assessment (planet), not a phase shift in a larger cycle (aspect). I don't want to sound like Andy Rooney, but what you're citing seems to be another example of "authorities" in the internet world who know some astrology not understanding the different types of influences of the planets, signs, houses, aspects and how these relate to each other.
Posted by: Robert | October 23, 2009 at 10:28 AM
Hi Robert,
That makes perfect sense to me!
Now with MY chart...we shall see!
Thank you,
Posted by: K. | October 23, 2009 at 11:15 AM
My husaband, a Virgo (8/26/42) passed away on Sept 3rd. I am a pisces (2/27/52) and am wondering if the planets and new moon will help me to deal with this better.
Posted by: Bev OConnell | November 03, 2009 at 12:34 PM
Hi Bev - Already answered you in the Full Moon stream.
Posted by: Robert | November 04, 2009 at 01:29 PM