by Robert Wilkinson
If you've been wondering why this month has been so intense, we've had major crosscurrents in motion between planets in Scorpio and Mars in Leo. Is it any wonder some areas of our life are being turned in different directions? It begins to get better today.
Late October began the run of squares between planets in Scorpio in square to Mars in Leo. Sun and Mercury square Mars started then and lasted through the first week of November. This stressed all planets in the early degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, a.k.a. "the Fixed signs."
Sun square Mars challenged us to get our energies under leash and not get too aggressive while refusing others' aggressions. Mercury square Mars challenged us to be practical and visionary without sharpness or impulsiveness.
As noted in other articles, the Sun in Scorpio with Mars in Leo become the final dispositors of all the other planets. This is because the Sun rules Mars and Mars rules the Sun. That means the "chain of rulerships" moves between planets until it winds up in a closed loop, making these two planets the ultimate "deciders" for how the others manifest.
The Sun and Mars move from the square early in the month into a biseptile by mid-November, upping the irrationality of the times and bringing forth obsessive or compulsive behaviors in all with planets in mid-to-late Fixed signs. We are in the heart of the biseptile right now, so if things seem a little crazy or don't make much sense, well, they are and they don't have to.
This puts the on-going light, ruling our Leo sectors, at a "fork in the road of destiny" with the planet that rules our Aries and Scorpio sectors. This is a critical shift in our understanding of how to do something, or why we must challenge something, or how we will be expressing our heart strength in the future. With Mars at the Lion point, we're definitely shaping our life and heart initiatives for many months to come.
This primarily affects those with planets and points in the following zones: 14-16 Leo, 5-7 Libra, 27-29 Scorpio, 18-20 Capricorn, 10-12 Pisces, 1-3 Taurus, and 23-25 Gemini. Obviously elements of current choices and changes will be re-triggered at the end of November when Venus transits the Scorpio zone, and the entire sequences of degrees will be moved forward about 3 to 4 degrees when Venus in early Sag exactly biseptiles Mars at 18 Leo. Extremely productive energy will be in the air due to other astrological factors, so make the most of early December!
Adding to the current stress level of the past week is the on-going Venus square Mars from mid-Scorpio to mid-Leo constituting a major "fight or flight" challenge. Venus is opposed its home sign in Scorpio, giving some difficulty to its areas of influence. Add that Mars rules Venus and is strong in Leo, and so it's bound to create some degree of friction wherever it falls in our charts.
Here we must learn to find the right means to accomplish our ends, and not get deflected by momentary things. Basically we have to keep things on track, defending some things, initiating other things, and not get bogged down in too much fixity, resentment, pride, or stubbornness.
It's putting our emergent Taurus and Libra affairs at a turning point relative to our Aries and Scorpio affairs. The solution to this is to make sure to gentle down some interpersonal challenges while seeing the bigger picture or common interests. This is the time to be expansive while turning corners determining future vision to come in January and February before picking up the effort anew in March when Mars goes direct in motion.
These October and November pressures are even now giving way to the stability and understandings coming the last 10 days of November through the Winter Solstice as Mercury and then the Sun and Venus trine Mars. This offers 4 weeks of harmonious and productive momentum where we can accomplish many things very quickly. (We'll have to learn to manage the squares from Sag to Uranus in Pisces, but that's another article.)
The stabilizing and harmonizing trines coming the next few weeks are very good, since Mars is already slowing down as it moves toward its stationary retrograde point at 20 Leo on the 20th of December. The trines to Mars from Sagittarius beginning late November will assist the stability of what will be slowed down in Jan-Feb 2010 and then pick up speed for many months afterward.
So all in all this has been and continues to be a fairly hard-edged month where much progress can be made, whether through purifying and simplifying things or changing course to break up old inertias. We now move into a more harmonious period where we can set the future into motion.
Be sure to get as much stabilized as possible the next 4 weeks, since Mars and Mercury will begin to slow fairly quickly as we get deeper into December. Both are preparing to go retrograde in the last half of December, which I'll be writing more about in the weeks to come. Until then, reflect on storms in the recent past which helped you get clear about what to do or not, and how to do it. This will bring higher understanding and vision setting the patterns for the new initiatives coming Spring 2010.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
I think My Uranus on the midheaven @ 9 degrees LEO and my Saturn square Pluto natally are knocking my knoggan..My head hurts and I have no energy for the outside WORLD...
I will get my Ducks in a row the next 4 weeks though..
Winter is coming..Bless you Robert..I been checking several times a day to see what you have to say about these Last few days, weeks,I been waiting on this time my entire Life..looking for the energy to participate better. A likkle overwhelmed.....
Posted by: donna notmany | November 20, 2009 at 03:14 PM
This Scorpio is having a rough time of it. . . .natal Uranus at 11 Leo, opposite Chiron and squaring the nodes. It all hurts! Friends from many years ago showing up -- and it feels like they're rejecting me all over again and telling me I'm not good enough, even though they came looking for me.
Posted by: Lainie | November 20, 2009 at 06:33 PM
"Extremely productive energy will be in the air due to other astrological factors, so make the most of early December!"
Oh, yeah! I've been feeling that energy since Tuesday :). Making the most of it, alright. I feel like a kid again.
Time to make some changes, ey? Boy, oh boy. Here I come!
Posted by: WarriorLady | November 20, 2009 at 11:13 PM
Dear Robert,
I have 4 retrograde planets in my natal chart, including Mars and Mercury. Do you have any articles in your archives about the behavior of Rx planets in natal charts, or could you give us some kind of refresher remarks?
Other than that, thanks for a helpful article. I'm still stuck at my own fork in the road, paralyzed actually, but trying to use it to my advantage. Take inventory, be patient and incubate my emerging new self.
Thank you, and blessings on Thanksgiving. :)
Posted by: Valerie | November 21, 2009 at 07:39 AM
It has always been a pleasure to read your astro weather and get ready for (or atleast be aware of) the ride. It sure seems like productive days are ahead. Would be nice, if we could see the results too.:) Thanks as always.
Posted by: Starlook | November 21, 2009 at 09:38 AM
Im responding to Lainie,...thank you for your post, you gave me a "heads up" and answers to some dreams
I have had.....Im Scorpio, with Natal Uranus at 20 Leo, also Opposite Chiron 5th...I have had dreams
of an old relationship returning, and having to go through it all over again...(rejection) but this time
I speak my piece...where the last time, I ran..(fight or flight?)....and Mars goes Rx conjunct my natal Uranus Dec 20..
also opposing my Chiron in the 5th...
Breathe...just breathe...
Posted by: Wildhorserunning22 | November 21, 2009 at 12:02 PM
"if things seem a little crazy or don't make much sense, well, they are and they don't have to."
I had noted to a colleague or two this week that the hectic/crazy level at the office had been amped up this week. I'm embracing Saturn in Libra regarding how I interact with others (i.e., no matter how scattered they are, I engage them with patience and execute my work in a disciplined fashion) while riding these waves. Striving to balance this out with the fun I'm supposed to have as shown by Mars in Leo.
Posted by: Matt | November 21, 2009 at 12:37 PM
BIG Phew.... & breathing... Thanks for this Robert & all comments most helpful too. Been an OCD in head & house... tho also assisted my astrology 'homework' :)Clocked in tonight & boy what a relief to have it all spelt out, so to speak. As an aside Robert can you give me any pointers on Mars going Stationary Retro on my part of fortune =20* Leo in 3rd???? Big Aum H
Posted by: H | November 21, 2009 at 03:44 PM
Robert, thanks for all the great articles. They really help to make sense of all the crazy stuff going on at the moment. The last week has been really tough.
My ascedant is 8 Leo ... so Mars is going to retrograde back over it sometime next year - while squaring and trining a few planets along the way. It should be really interesting. I'm really looking forward to the first few weeks of December - I've recently made huge adjustments in my life and I hope that in December I will be able to move forward and find new opportunities before mars and mercury turn retrograde.
Thanks :)
Posted by: Becks | November 22, 2009 at 12:40 AM
Dear Robert
Can a retrograde of this nature bring back unresolved issues between two people? I'm a cancer (born july 2nd 1967) and he is a taurus (born may 1st 1958)... We've been going back and forth in this relashionship (friends...I think?? for 7 years,even if I always felt something else going on) without ever saying what was really in our minds or our hearts... I was just wondering if things are changing...
Thank you for the wealth of knowledge that you keep sharing with us.
Posted by: alessandra | November 22, 2009 at 03:15 PM
Namaste Robert,
Thanks again for this and all you do for us.
Did someone say INTENSE? I've got Mars conjuncting and retrograding over my 10 Leo Ascendant with it's 12 Leo Uranus conjunction. Also I've been going through Pluto opposing my Moon-conjunct-Venus which are in the first 4 degrees of Cancer. 2-3 more days and Pluto will be exactly opposite my Moon; this has been intense and at times difficult... I hold on to rationality by telling myself this is a once in a lifetime occurrence :-) but I feel like "enough already!!!"! Also, Pluto is trine my natal Pluto in Virgo... is that Pluto making me stronger so I can endure Pluto's grinding on my Moon/Venus? Throw Saturn square Pluto into the mix also. I also have natal Jupiter at 27 Scorpio, and the Superconjunction Trio are heading toward my 27 Aquarius Chiron again. I don't know if I'm coming or going,thankfully I have access to my Inner Guide! And thank God-ness I have access to The Aquarius Papers!
Thanks for letting me spew... ;-)
Posted by: Timothy | November 22, 2009 at 06:03 PM
I forgot to mention that one of the other saving graces of this time period is that for the past couple months, Jupiter has been very clearly visible in the night sky, even easily cutting through the light pollution here in southern California. I've done a lot of open-eye meditation on the Guru of the Solar System. I'll never forget this time and the experiences I've had. Om Brim Brihispati Namaha!
Posted by: Timothy | November 22, 2009 at 06:11 PM
Dear Robert,
I've been feeling a rather unsettled the past 10 days. I was wondering if at some point what I've been feeling unsettled about will improve by Jan. I've been told that a lot of positive changes will be taking place by Jan, and I didn't know if it is all tied in with what I've been unsettled about over the past few weeks. It's all in regards to love/marriage and finding someone to marry. I recently met someone, but I have been rather anxious about having it take off and didn't know if I should exude patience or keep searching. My birthday is March 5, 1979 at 628pm est. I really appreciate all of your posts, Robert and it's amazing how much knowledge and insight you have.
Posted by: Neha | November 22, 2009 at 07:37 PM
So I am not the only one with visitors from the past. I know they are searching, and although I feel like I am handling the actual transactions well, I am left with some residual yuck (not yuck, yuck funny). Robert your writing has been giving me a kick in the butt through this so I don't get stuck in procrastination mode.
Posted by: caliban | November 23, 2009 at 04:25 AM
Thanks Caliban & Alessandra for highlighting this phenomena... i've had communication from 2 ex's & an ending of a current relationship all in the space of 24 hrs - it's been wacky to say the least - will i receive an epiphany - who knows - but it has provided for some interesting reflection on the messages i'm receiving from the cosmos/inner-self...
Cheers all - this site is a rock even more so when feeling a bit off kilter :0)
Posted by: H | November 23, 2009 at 05:53 PM
I realized I have already communicated with you about retrogrades on a previous stream... oh well never mind :) happy Thanksgiving :)
Posted by: Valerie | November 24, 2009 at 10:35 AM
Hi Donna - When the Solar force wanes each year, it is best to withdraw from some outer things that distract from the deep recharge that is possible. Truly, better magnetics are on the way. All who are drawn to find community are finding key players for the transition as well as the long term future.
Hi Lainie - It sounds like unfinished business you now get to complete, without taking any of it personally. You certainly are not the projection of people from the past! I have no problem "being rejected" by those who do not know me. What they are rejecting has nothing to do with me. Try celebrating that you no longer have subconscious baggage being dumped on you!!
Hi WarriorLady - Now that we're actually into December, take a new look. Feeling youthful again is a refreshing feeling for those of us who have felt too heavy for too long. (I just built a stone wall with an old friend that's a piece of art! Haven't picked up a trowel for 27 years and it was truly a lot of fun! Made me feel like 30 again.....)
Hi Valerie - Well, I've said tons about inner and outer planets RX in countless articles in the archives. "If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there...." (thanks to Saint George the Beatle).
Hi Starlook - Well, the stars merely indicate the patterns, but it is us who fulfill them in material forms, for good or ill (or not at all!) Often results cannot be seen until after we get some distance from past processes.
Hi wild horse running - Mars on your Uranus is firing up your genius, or at least your heart's individuality. Your dreams would seem to indicate that you have transcended old response patterns, at least in subconsciousness. Oppositions to Chiron show surfacing of awarenesses that could lead to healing into the higher self and thereby become that which could heal those in the world suffering similar frustrations. Yes, as I wrote in "Love Dad," breathe and love and breathe and love and breathe and....
Hi Matt - A balanced approach when others are losing their cool often helps us see our gifts and individuality apart from local conditions. Glad you're having fun. Our ruler trine our Aries planets is helping us have fun, isn't it?
Hi H - Glad you know the wisdom of breathing, since the alternative isn't as much fun!;-) A little OCD is a good thing as long as we can laugh at the swirl and stay focused on what matters. I suspect the entire world is OCD from time to time due to the Grand Irrationality hitting all of us regularly. Mars SRX on POF sets you up for wonderful things once you re-do, un-do, or postpone whatever while other things are cooking. It definitely sets up a threshold for something very good coming in May that will be quite clear by July! A joyous, creative, heart oriented mind and view are wonderful things.....
Hi Becks - You're most welcome. Sorry you've been having a bit of a rough patch, but we Leo risings get to show our aplomb and savoir faire during such times. Look at the next few months as finishing up an old self image while beginning to practice a new one without agitation, fighting, or fleeing. You should already be seeing manifestations of the future, and the coming RX's will help you get new views on what's been, what is, and what could be.
Hi alessandra - Yes, retrogrades often bring echoes from the past to un-do or re-do things. Definitely unfinished business of whatever planetary quality is retrograding. And you're most welcome.
Hi Timothy - Aum and blessings. You are also going through the experience of a new self-image, or new way of acting on your individual genius. Pluto is purifying your life of old habits and relationships that are no longer appropriate to your feelings. Especially those that have prevented you from getting what you need. Your personal and social feelings are getting a major makeover at this time, so make the most of it! The on-going transformational circumstances are now helping you understand your natal power of transformation. The stellium waxing square your Jupiter will continue to show the way to greater visions and adventures than you have ever imagined. Figure out the bigger picture, learn to give things a nudge so they prove in your continued interests, and you could become quite wealthy in many forms by this time next year. Give beautiful SoCal a hug for me!
Hi Neha - I believe we are "unsettled" when we are doing something we shouldn't. Stop worrying about "finding someone to marry." Become your Highest Self with each breath you take, and refocus on attracting a true friend. If this one is a true friend, then there's no need to worry "if it will take off." Friendships develop over time. Relax into the process of being secure in your own skin, and keep seeing how to attract those who are perfect for you. The true "beloved" will show up in the right way and time if you clear out doubts that only obstruct your magnetism. You have a new life about to open for you in February, and by your next Solar return will be liberated from many old things.
Hi caliban - Glad you can find humor in what has been, as well as what is. A gentle persistent drum beat often helps us remember a sustainable pace in the midst of conditions over which we have no control.
Posted by: Robert | December 01, 2009 at 08:58 AM
Cheers to you Robert for your ever wonderful wisdoms :) I'm loving the sound of
"....A joyous, creative, heart oriented mind and view are wonderful things....."
Posted by: H | December 01, 2009 at 05:44 PM