by Robert Wilkinson
The short answer is Yes and Yes. Many seem to be having a hard time for one reason and another. Today we'll explore possible angles to find out why.
This post was inspired by a client who despite apparent setbacks is still doing fine, and yet having more of a hard time than they thought they should be having. They wanted to know if there was an astrological correlation so they might work with it more effectively.
Here the first thing to remember is that an astrological event (like a square) does not "make anything happen." It does show the nature of the outer and inner atmospheres. An astrological factor and our inner experience do a synchronous dance where our inner experience mirrors astrological factors but also exists apart and independent from those factors since we can always adjust our response as we will.
That means it is not necessarily a given that we will have a hard time when Saturn squares Pluto, but it also indicates that it's a time span when we are given a reality check on our internal reaction to these planetary functions in our life. The planets show the timetable, but we are the ones who must show up ready to play the Game of Life!
So during this Saturn square Pluto period, if our inner Saturn doesn't know how to relate to the ongoing larger transformational energies symbolized by Pluto, then we'll experience friction and/or conflict. If our inner Saturn knows how to adjust to the dynamic relationship symbolized by the square, then we'll find a degree of effectiveness while turning corners and releasing seeds of potential. Transiting Saturn may symbolize the on-going challenges, but our inner Saturn determines whether we'll indulge forms of mental slavery or do what we must to demonstrate our response-ability.
Just because we are at a point when hard choices must be made doesn't imply we must have a hard time as we go through them. That's why some are not having that hard a time despite the demanding astrological configurations, while others are breaking down, breaking through, and breaking out into new life chapters.
The reason a Being gets unsettled when difficult aspects happen is that we are responding to something that matters, and we've hit a point when we must acknowledge something in our life needs attention. Usually when there's a strong charge to our feelings, it means something is being driven by how our inner nature is relating to the experience and something is cracking loose from our subconscious.
When unknown strong feelings come up from within, it can be distressing if it "doesn't make sense," or we "don't know" where it's coming from or why it's happening. "Not knowing" is part of the human condition. Uncertainty definitely has its sources, both internal and external. But these should not lead us to feeling badly about ourselves or the "not knowing." It's usually fairly easy to figure out the source of our disturbance, but then the issue is what are we going to do about it?
I've found that "having a hard time" is a universal human issue, and fairly normal at specific times in our life. These give us an opportunity to examine how we feel about things past and present, and why. A lot of "having a hard time" has to do with our internal view of whatever is unsettling as well as what we believe we don't know but somehow feel we should.
Often when we're having the hardest time it's because feelings related to our past are coming up. There are many triggers. These may be echos of feelings from past times when we suffered disappointment, or times when others said or did something that hurt. Until we examine these and transmute our responses, they will lurk in our subconsciousness.
There are also mixes of past and present feelings, like when we feel we'll never be able to accomplish some things because we haven't so far, or tried and fell short of our ideal. Or when we get discontented because it seems like others past or present have had it better than we do.
Then there are the times when inner changes are triggered by us feeling the collective vibe, or another's subconsciousness, or because the atmospheric pressure dropped, or a lack of sunshine, or ten thousand other possibilities. There are many triggers that bring forth feelings we must understand so we can reposition our Higher consciousness relative to our Astral (emotional) body.
By a measure of objectivity and detachment we can change our response patterns to whatever we feel is the driver of the feelings about having a "hard time." We can still feel our feelings, but are not being overwhelmed by them. Then swimming in the midst of difficulty becomes an opportunity to take a breath, stop playing to fears that something's wrong, and practice compassion for yourself.
If we can find a way to use our imagination productively, coupled with generating the will-to-good, we can achieve many things and improve our circumstances. Other times changing our inner response is the only thing we can do, since there are many situations where there's nothing external to do except not make anything worse, and count our blessings.
That's when we get to practice patience, mindfulness, and remember that all forms pass away. And if we shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions to cooperate in allowing our Higher Self to come forth, eventually the "hard time" will pass and we'll be riding the wave of a more perfect form of Self expression.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
If it makes anyone feel better, my natal Saturn is square my natal Pluto. 1st house Saturn, Pluto conjunct MH. You are helping me to better understand the pressure. Have been working for some time to get out from under the weight of the world on my shoulders. I love my chiropracter.
Posted by: caliban | November 13, 2009 at 10:30 AM
This article is a good example of a highly evolved perspective on astrology. Very good indeed.
Posted by: Neil B. | November 13, 2009 at 01:53 PM
To Caliban:
How has that aspect affected you overall? To have Saturn squ. Pluto in your natal chart seems to be very difficult at first blush.
To Robert:
Thanks again for another great article. Keep 'em coming!
Posted by: Tiffany | November 13, 2009 at 03:08 PM
Another great article :).
Pressure. Uh, I was put square in the middle of a family vs. spouse issue. It was a huge misunderstanding, and some of my family members have a way of making me feel guilty for stuff instead of taking responsibility for themselves. Not good territory for Libra. It doesn't help that we're all stubborn, too.
Sigh. Bottom line, I had to put my foot down, tonight. Apologies were said all around. It wasn't easy-- I'm still shell-shocked-- but I know that tomorrow will feel a lot better.
Hope most didn't have it so bad.
Posted by: WarriorLady | November 13, 2009 at 09:53 PM
YES!!! :-)))))))
Posted by: Judith | November 13, 2009 at 10:43 PM
Namaste Robert,
Thank you for this new beautiful post. There is something i would like to ask you, for making things more clear in my mind. We are talking about Saturn-Pluto square; Saturn rules capricorn (which is my 7th house), Pluto rules scorpio (my 5th cusp house),would we apply this planetary conflicts as possible tensions between 5th and 7th houses (in my case)?
Thank you.
Posted by: Account Deleted | November 14, 2009 at 02:52 AM
thank you.
Posted by: star | November 14, 2009 at 05:42 AM
Thank you Robert, this is very insightful. Mental slavery indeed - over and over through my lifetime. I'm not sure I know how to transmute my responses. Do you ahve other writings on this?
Posted by: Patty | November 14, 2009 at 06:04 AM
Ugh, yes. My direct deposit didn't get made yesterday. Which wouldn't have been a problem if I had some savings in the bank. And the day before that, my evangelical Christian sister calls me on the phone at work and asks, "are you a witch?" I said, "um, yes, but how did you know?" Turns out my ex-husband (still taking no responsibility for his part in the demise of our marriage) emailed her this tidbit.
The message I'm getting is the need to transform my relationship with money, and with my family. And to build structures in my life that support these changes.
Thank you as always, Robert, for your insights and your compassion which comes through in every post.
Posted by: Siri | November 14, 2009 at 08:26 AM
Thank you Robert, for the inspiration. Yes to all the all above pressure points. I will try to re-read this article frequently over the next few weeks!
Posted by: reefaroundme | November 14, 2009 at 09:40 AM
Great article Robert. I think we all have different levels of response to bad situations. There have been plenty of times when I whined, why me? When will the bad stuff go away? I have to say that very last paragraph is the best advice of all. I read "all forms must pass away" somewhere, during one of the longest, saddest times of my life (the 80's), and that struck a chord within me, and carried me through it. Thank you, o wise one. :)
Posted by: Valerie | November 14, 2009 at 10:21 AM
Beautiful conceptualization, Robert. I'll have Pluto trine Saturn until the end of 2011 so all your recent writings are most appropriate for me. Gracias!
Posted by: Jan | November 14, 2009 at 11:52 AM
Hi Caliban,
I too, have 1st NSaturn (19Scorpio) square 10th NPluto (28Leo); my MC is 15Leo which makes a stronger square to my NSaturn than NPluto, in my opinion. I have found myself pondering this current 11th TSaturn (1Libra) square 2nd TPluto (1Capricorn) and how to best apply handling it in my little speck of universe! I recall Robert writing a couple of articles ago, that this is Pluto’s final pass of 1-2Capricorn in our lifetime! Therefore, some chapter is gonna close while the next one is rehashed and yet another one is just starting! I hope this makes you smile!
Hi Robert,
This article really hit it out of the park for me! And the link…yeah! That is a ‘light bulb moment’ at work for sure!
Thank you,
Posted by: K. | November 14, 2009 at 06:31 PM
"Who are you going to call"
This information on the Saturn/Pluto square is helping me actively work with my fixed grand cross Saturn/Scorpio/5th-Pluto/Leo/2nd-Venus/Aquarius/8th-Mars/Moon/Taurus/10th. This is just the tip of the iceberg with Saturn being part of a grand water trine...all of these planets at 20-25 degrees and of course my unaspected Aires/Sun. It has been a journey, even as an astrologer myself to pull all this natal energy together and try to be productively interacting in the world. It seems as if the transits of 2009 in late degrees and pivotal points in my own natal chart are giving me help and opportunity to release, understand and finally find some way towards harmony for my inner-inner realms and my inner-outer realms. Souls like Robert are teachers and healers for souls like me. Thanks Robert for sharing your spiritual and intellectual journey.
Posted by: Laura Willow | November 15, 2009 at 10:24 AM
Caliban's Saturn Pluto square: With as little as I know of astrology, I had to close my eyes to get an image of how i feel this now. Stampeded by buffaloes? How's that for a picture? I would really like to do it just like they say I should, but there are so many of them. Can't please everyone, so I got to please myself? I try not to think of it as slaying dragons in my path anymore, but as, keep on walking. I don't like a lot of time with my head under a pillow.
External pressure, I guess. And not getting shut down about it. And relying on my own authority. I'm turning a corner. Heading into my "Maxine years". You know strap on the support hose and hiking boots and away I go.
I've been thinking alot about Saturn being the faster moving planet. What buffaloes? Am I hitting it anywhere close?
Posted by: caliban | November 15, 2009 at 11:33 AM
Thank you Robert, this is what is helping me: to think that "this too will pass", it's transitory, it will not last forever! My natal Venus 2degree Cancer in my 7th house, is asking me what is it that I want, with all honesty? Important relationships are not working as they used to, my creativity and art work are standing on hold waiting for the next chapter, so I'm trying to be remain silent and still even if I feel like exploding inside. Thank you for helping us!
Posted by: Leana | November 15, 2009 at 11:40 AM
PS This current transit has brought me into the realm of understanding karma and dharma.
New moon this week close to exact conjunct with natal Saturn.
Posted by: caliban | November 15, 2009 at 02:25 PM
I feel the accelerator and the brake at the same time! It is affecting my first house with saturn and pluto is conjunct my natal jupiter in the 4th.
I go thru extremely high and low situations. I feel like I get beat up one minute, the next will be a miraculous moment!
Posted by: CIndy | November 15, 2009 at 10:56 PM
Hi caliban - Yes, 1st house outer planets do make it seem that the weight of the world is on our shoulders from time to time! Though you'll often be misunderstood and are definitely a transformer in others' lives, just keep doing your discipline while learning not to underestimate your purpose in our world. And yes, thank heaven for good chiropractors! Mine kept me walking despite fractures, sprains, and other strange body malfunctions this past Summer! Having hiking boots on as the buffalo stampede all around is a good thing! And understanding the difference between karma and Dharma is important in getting clear about what to do, when, and why.
Hi Neil B. - Glad to be of service. That's the intention of the site. I figure a spiritual Astrologer can offer things other astrologers will not or cannot.
Hi Tiffany - Am doing what I can, given the work load counseling people in meltdown mode and the generic gear grind!
Hi WarriorLady - No one can "make us feel guilty" except ourselves. Those are the times when it's good to practice detachment, remember that others have their agendas and baggage, and what's happening is impermanent ego flapdoodlery. Glad you're learning to stick up for what you believe is right. Some things should not be compromised.
Hi Judith - Glad you connected so strongly. I figured this article might help many to connect to their strength.
Hi 766373397 - Sure. Remember that Mars rules Scorpio in this world. Pluto is the spiritual ruler, but Mars is the worldly ruler. So the transiting worldly ruler of your 7th and 8th is in dynamic relationship with the spiritual ruler of your 5th and 10th. Might be tensions, might be turning corners, might be releasing potential.
Hi star - You're most welcome. Peace is often a very good thing!;-)
Hi Patty - Dealing with ego and subconsciousness is a huge issue, and there are many articles throughout the archives where I offer suggestions about these and other things. In the comment streams too! I really don't have any organized way of accessing those particular writings, but if you are creative with the site google box you probably can find many things. Start with the terms detachment, dispassion, and discrimination. Also bad luck, bad karma, and transmuting.
Hi Siri - Sorry you got messed up by banking things. But then that just reminds us that bankers are not our friends. Not sure why your sister thinks your spiritual practice is her business to discuss whether she was informed by someone else or not. Definitely meditate on how you may be assuming things that set you up, and then begin to steer your ship of personality in a different direction. Remember Rumi's wisdom in his famous punch line in "Spiritual Windowshoppers": "It makes absolutely no difference what people think of you." Do whatever it takes to support your striving to become your Highest Self, and take note of who loves and cares for you. And of course, you're welcome. Generating compassion and Bodhichitta are very good practices!
Hi reefaroundme - Many of my articles are like the recorded tracks of my counseling sessions. Each time you listen to (or read) them, more insights will come forth.
Hi Valerie - It's natural for ego to feel put-upon. The "bad stuff" never goes away as long as we incarnate in this dualistic reality. What does go away is our sense of helplessness, frustration, isolation, and ineffectiveness as we embrace the Higher Way. As we evolve into our Higher Self, then we get to antidote the bad stuff as it comes forth, chewing up personal karmas. By those practices we become fit for the goal of being of true assistance to our Brothers and Sisters as they struggle with things we once did, but struggle with no more, having mastered those lessons of response-ability.
Hi Jan - You're learning the skill of applying long term pressure to harmonize your Saturn skills. This should make things simpler, clearer, and more enjoyable over the long run.
Hi K. - My Saturn in Virgo tries not to be too nit-picky, but actually you have Saturn binovile (80 degrees) to Pluto, a very spiritual aspect. It helps you find the common spiritual base to apparently opposing realizations. Though your Saturn and Pluto are in mundane square, creating tension between strong representations of those fixed signs, the specific aspect helps you to use gestation to bring forth purified forms of duty and responsibility according to your core heart strength. You're right that Saturn is in a closer square to the MC, showing that sometimes your purpose forces you to change the direction you're going or how you represent yourself publicly. Saturn and Pluto are cutting double semisquares to your natal Saturn in Dec-Jan. This will create inner tension to end old limitations while learning how to master emergent power in an organized way. And when Jupiter tredeciles then trines your Saturn, a new future along with higher understandings and sensitivities will open up.
Hi Laura - Glad this helps. Your Water trines will be stimulated between Feb and May, as will your Taurus energies. Build through some, release through others. Very glad you can use what is written here to productively interact with the world, and grow into your Higher Self. And of course, very glad to be of service, especially to a fellow Aries!
Hi Leana - Your relationships are definitely getting cleared out! New initiatives with self reliant people are in your future. All your relationships will become deeper and more meaningful symbols of what you value. You'll find a new understanding of what you like and why by the end of January.
Hi Cindy - Things are indeed accelerating, and any square can put the brakes on! Pluto is helping you purify your Jupiter so better seeds can sprout. You have the ability to turn small changes into large opportunities. If you spot the seeds coming forth in 2009-2010 you could ride them into a great situation over the next few years, despite the general disruptions. June-July 2010 will be key to the long range future.
Posted by: Robert | November 19, 2009 at 10:09 AM
Inspiring post. I believe anything and everything that comes to us - good or bad - are gifts that we deserve. We may not think of it as a gift at the exact moment it comes to
us. But sooner or later, it shows itself as the blessing it really is.
Posted by: Max | September 06, 2010 at 01:53 AM