by Robert Wilkinson
In the Spiritual Astrology series, we explore transcendent factors of the outer planets creating fields within which we demonstrate our Higher Self as we stand individually and collectively at the threshold of a new era. Today we explore the quality of the larger fields, what we are being taught, and how to cooperate with All-That-Is.
Part 1 will give an overview of the process of the larger "pulses" that Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto symbolize. Being the outermost planets, the transits of this Spiritual Triad of Invisibles are associated with the larger Spiritual energies at play beyond what we believe we can manipulate. They are related to the non-negotiable larger evolutionary changes going on in the collective field.
I call their "departments of labor" Transpersonal Individualisation, Transpersonal Collectivisation, and Transpersonal Transformative. They all work together to whatever degree on very large global levels of activity which impact us since we're part of the collective field.
First, the "pulses." Each year at this point in history, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto each go retrograde at various points in time during the Spring. By mid-Summer, they are all retrograde, bringing newer, deeper insights and connectedness with the Divine Process.
Then, over a span of weeks each Autumn, these planets all go direct in motion anew, after which time they retrace ground they've transited for the third time. These times finish up that particular span of experience even as the Transpersonal planets gather momentum to enter newer Unknown Zones.
In the early months of each year the outer planets enter unknown zones of Spiritual futures indicated by degree spans not experienced in close to a century or more. This Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto-driven three-fold series of Higher Pulses each and together give us glimpses of phases of experience we've never known before.
We are now in that period when Neptune and Pluto have begun to move forward across their previous retrograde zones, preparing to enter newer degree spans next Spring. Uranus will go stationary direct in early December, joining the other two in forward motion until April when Pluto will go retrograde and the others are slowing, preparing to do the same.
So what have we learned during between mid-Spring and early Autumn when these planets were retrograde? All retrogrades show us that sometimes it is more important to be inwardly oriented than outer-directed. These are times when our previous activities "echo back" information about what we've already experienced during a planetary direct motion phase.
Retrograde periods are where we can learn much about the world of the subconscious, and how past events and experiences impacted our inner nature. Usually a retrograde period is when the ripples on the pond of our lives "come back to center" whether we knew a stone had been dropped or not.
When the inner planets are retrograde, our personal life is most subject to review, reflection, re-doing or getting a new angle on those affairs. When the outer planets are retrograde, we get the same process of review but it impacts our place in the larger scheme of things, whether social, cultural, or transpersonal-global.
So now that they are all speeding up in motion and transiting their spans for the third time, how can we best use these intertwined Spiritual energies? This is the time to show what we've learned of the lessons introduced last January through May-June that were reviewed from June through now. We've all received signals of external Transpersonal paths to our Higher Creativity, Connectedness, and recognition of the Seeds of the Future.
The recent outer planet retrograde spans enabled us to find broad signals prodding us to become more aware of our outer planetary function. This may have involved adapting to society's or humanity's needs and/or opening ourselves to the unusual, strange, or hidden transformative possibilities of experience.
The retrograde spans are "karmic return" periods, since our opportunities to find a higher function are conditioned by past realizations of our Dharmic or Spiritual manifestations. These periods help us find an element of our larger planetary function(s) in order to fulfill our unique purpose within a Solar Systemic frame of reference through living a Transpersonal life.
We were shown ways to purify elements of self so we could be of better service to ourselves and others, and/or find others with whom we feel connected in a higher or deeper sense. In concert with others, or communion with our Highest Self, we could demonstrate our creativity or special qualities and generate a "collective pulse."
We've now looked back, and to the extent we were open we received inspiration and Divine idealism preparing us for future new developments. We are now challenged to implement these as each goes direct in motion.
In Part 2 of this series, we'll explore the spans of experience the Outer Triad has traversed to get a bigger picture of how we've been challenged to grow into our Spiritual Self in 2009.
Copyright © 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Hi, thank you for the insights, they have helped me very much especially recently, Robert. I have been shown various methods of looking inward through reading and integrating inwardly - however, I can't seem to use those methods. The energy is extraordinarily in new territory, is this okay? Those of us that have been experiencing text-book teachings through Saturn in Virgo, is it okay that the teachings haven't been flowing inwardly and outwardly in a correct or orderly way? Thank you, this has been helping me mentally calm! :)
Posted by: Derek | November 04, 2009 at 12:32 PM
Hi Robert, Thanks for this article. Like the planetary motions, your articles are on time, giving information as and when things happen/about to happen. We are really lucky to have found your site for that. Thanks again.
Posted by: Mary | November 04, 2009 at 04:46 PM
Thanks so much Robert! I'm looking forward to reading more. I have to say, since Saturn left Virgo and Pluto went direct I have actually been recognizing the ways in which I was transformed - without realizing it was happening at the time. This past week has been incredible at showing me my true purpose - I've seen it before but this time there seems to be a newfound confidence. Everything really does make sense!! :)
Posted by: Beth | November 07, 2009 at 11:05 PM
Hi Derek - You're welcome. The Outer Invisible planets show larger tides that we don't normally "see" that affect everyone in the world on vast and absolute levels. Often when we study integration and spiritual practices we have to wait for opportunities to demonstrate that learning. We cannot saw until we have both saw and wood, as it were. But learn to practice in small ways, and you're sure to do well in larger ways as they present themselves. "Correct and orderly way" isn't happening when Uranus is opposing Saturn in Virgo! Then we factor in the on-going "Grand Irrationality" and you want things to make sense? We're all learning to navigate inner and outer rapids despite nothing making sense. Welcome to the Great Transition. Mental calm may be one of the best tools to use during these very weird times.
Hi Mary - With so much going on, sometimes I just cannot post as much as I need to. But thanks for your vote of confidence in my sense of what to post and when. Meditating as fast as I can.....
Hi Beth - Yes, often it takes a while for us to get proper perspective on the larger changes taking place within and without. And following up on what I wrote to Dirk, though many things don't seem to make sense as we're going through our day to day experience, over time we can see how all of our life conspires to move us into our Dharma, or "true function," if only we cooperate with our higher instincts.
Posted by: Robert | November 10, 2009 at 07:41 AM
Ah, yes, very true as to what I've been seeing! Thanks Robert!!
Posted by: Beth | November 12, 2009 at 09:46 PM