by Robert Wilkinson
In part 1 we reviewed the general process of how the Outer Invisible Spiritual Triad show us the way to our Higher Transpersonal Self. Today we look at the specific lessons we're being taught at this time.
The Pluto Effect for November-December 2009
The distant backstory setting up the present months: In 2007, Pluto was at the end of Sagittarius, with the focus at 29 Sag, its RX station Spring 2007, beginning a process that got us all "in shape." In Dec 2007 it moved out of the last degrees of Sag and in Jan 2008 entered the first degrees of Capricorn. This marked a moment of cosmic shift, since we hadn't experienced this span of degrees in 250 years, mas o menos.
It went retrograde at 2 Capricorn April 2008 beginning the long wave era that will bring radical transformations to all power structures and the way society is organized. One thing is certain during the many years Pluto is in Capricorn. We will learn to use energy more economically and precisely.
Pluto's transit of Capricorn will see many old "authorities" die out, never to be seen again on this Earth. This is because this Pluto in Capricorn is prelude to more progressive eras. When it moves into Aquarius in 2024, the seeds of the future Great Age will sprout. Humanity will quicken its leaving the Age of Pisces and accelerate entry into the radically progressive world views of Aquarius, moving through the next turn of the evolutionary spiral on our "Path of Return."
From now through 2024 (and beyond) obsolete structures, "rules of organization, and all oppressive hierarchical systems will crumble of necessity. This is so we can again understand how the Divine Laws of Economy of Energy, Magnetic Attraction, and Synthesis can work to global benefit across the 12 dimensions of Earthly Awareness. By the time it's firmly entered Aquarius, we'll have entered the Spring of the 21st Century, and a major turning of the wheel of the century.
Back to transiting Pluto in 2008. It retraced its span in early Cap through mid-June, then re-entered Sag for the last time in this 250 year cycle. It RX'd back to 29 Sag, went direct early September, and re-entered Capricorn in late Nov. 2008.
Moving anew into Capricorn and saying goodbye to Sagittarius until October 2242, it retraced its path through the first 2 degrees of Capricorn and entered an "unknown zone" of 3-4 Capricorn from late January through Summer Solstice 2009.
From late June through early September it RX'd back through the first 2 degrees of Capricorn giving one last look back. It then went direct at 1 Cap and moved forward anew. From September through late January 2010, it will again re-trace its previous degree span.
September through November gives us the chance to show our mastery of the Pluto at 1-2 Cap "seeds" we were first exposed to Jan 2008 which have dominated the landscape of our collective life in major ways. These 2 degrees were the focus of all of 2008 and the Summer and most of the Autumn of 2009, and we are now finalizing those lessons.
We first were exposed to the lessons of 3-4 Capricorn the first half of 2009. We will pick up those lessons anew in late November, and move into the Unknown zone of 5-6 Capricorn from late January through June 2010. I'll discuss more in coming Spiritual Astrology articles.
It's important to pay attention to the stationary retrograde and direct points of each planet. All of the degrees encompassed by a transiting planet's stationary points each year create long wave seed form "hot zones" that will be activated by future transits. That's how we see the seeds of future events in the NOW.
Building on key themes discussed in part 1, when Pluto is retrograde that period brings us feedback from external and subconscious sources about how well we're handling our Pluto purification challenge. Through learning how to use Pluto energy wisely we can come to awareness of what needs to be transformed by what seeds we glimpse in "the underworld" of inner and outer things.
Then, when Pluto goes direct in motion, if we've learned the RX lessons, we will find seeds of our larger transformative purification process coming forth within a vast field of core powers. You can apply this principle to all planets by adjusting according to planetary dominions.
Pluto's Capricorn lessons for 2008-09 are teaching us through activities involving crystalized power or authority, both destructive and integrative. We are seeing how cohesive our "group work" really is when in unfamiliar territory. Through forms of pleasure and "self-exploitation," we will see larger social-collective techniques to organize things more efficiently.
Now let's take a look at what Pluto's been up to in 2009 so that we may finish what we need while developing new skills in relating to Pluto in our life.
From late January through all of February, Pluto at 3 Capricorn taught us through yearnings for new experience or what we brought forth, for better or worse. We found "inner and pure motivation" in ways that could help us transcend limitations through demonstrating free will and detachment.
Pluto occupied 4 Capricorn in March, went stationary RX on that degree early April, and stayed there through May 10. After that it occupied 3 Capricorn until the Summer Solstice June 20-21.
It occupied 2 Cap until early August, then slipped back to 1 Capricorn where it went direct in mid-September. It occupied that degree until mid-October, when it again hits 2 Capricorn through late November.
We first encountered the lessons of 3 Cap from late January through all of February 2009, and got a review from mid-May to late June. From late June through late November 2009 Pluto finalizes the Galactic Center lessons of 1 and 2 Cap before it again stimulates lessons we first encountered between late January and late June 2009.
Take a new look at seeds of things sprouting the past 22 months, and find ways to make your life work more efficiently. Expunge excessively calculated self-interest while learning to work in a world that is under the very beginnings of radical restructuring. Renounce wrong ideas about power while accepting your authority in your chosen tribe.
The Neptune Effect for November-December 2009
The distant backstory setting up the present months: Something was unveiled in 2006 challenging us in 2007 to rise to some occasion, show our strength, and use everything at our disposal to deal with "an exaggeration of life-problems" revealing our truth and expanding us. Rewards from Spirit were reaped for moving through crises with courage and strength.
The last half of 2007 began a training period of self-induced movement and self-discipline, where we learned to build adequate vehicles to demonstrate our spiritual awareness and power. Many of us found we were able to do things beyond what we believed.
The first half of 2008 Neptune moved from 21-25 Aquarius, continuing lessons begun in 2007 while adding those of 23-25 Aquarius. These helped us build a more adequate vehicle to express some "Divine power," and also made us aware of the need for balance.
From May to November 2008, Neptune retrograded back from 25 to 22 Aquarius. In November 2008, Neptune went stationary direct at 22 Aquarius, beginning the completion of "collective consciousness lessons" around appreciation and gratitude for safe growth conditions.
We began to learn these, other forms of self-knowledge, and more satisfactory ways to live when Neptune first hit that degree March 2007. Since then we've been recognizing and/or expressing these qualities. Other Spring 2007-Jan 2009 lessons were learning gratitude, appreciation, and building a "balanced vehicle" to express a form of Divine energy.
Many of the Neptunian lessons of recent years have been highly stimulated in 2009, with lots of opportunities to demonstrate what we've learned. Combining Mars' transit of late Aquarius March 2009 with Jupiter's expansion and potential blessings on what we've learned through January 2010, this year has brought opportunities and a larger view of what we've been drifting, floating, or swimming toward the past several years.
Simply put, whatever Neptunian dreams and intuitions we've had up to now have been kicked into high gear in 2009. Mars activated, then Jupiter expanded. We got a new view through Summer, and now are on the way with Jupiter moving rapidly toward late Aquarius and Pisces this January!
Jupiter conjunct Neptune all year, along with the presence of Chiron, has certainly offered the collective a new 12 year adventure! So consider that all the lessons I'm discussing have been a major healing focus throughout 2009 and will impact us for years to come.
From mid-December 2008 through mid-March 2009, Neptune again moved through 23-25 degrees of Aquarius. This gave us yet another look at what we learned during the initial direct and RX movement through that span between Feb-Sept 2008.
These involved continuing to build our "balanced vehicle," as well as learning or teaching deep wisdom on the basis of our experiences. We've learned to manage and transmute our emotional-social energies and be more volitional, less reflexive or instinctive, in how we approach ours and others problems. We've had to be willing to embrace different or "alien" ideas that open new choices and contribute to the collective wisdom.
We've been challenged to demonstrate dispassion and self-discipline, using experience to respond intelligently, and forms of "self-conquering." This is particularly important now, since these are the lessons of Neptune's SD degree point it occupies in November and early December 2009. After then, we should have finalized some things while continuing to apply the lessons associated with 24-25 Aquarius mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Now let's take a look at what Neptune's been up to in 2009 so that we may finish old focuses while developing new navigational references in the collective field.
In mid-March 2009, Neptune again entered an "unknown zone" of collective experience it has not occupied since 1846-47. The collective atmosphere again experienced new pulses for the first time in about 150 years. This of course happens any time Neptune enters new degrees it hasn't already transited.
From March through May it transited in forward motion through 26-27 Aquarius, and went RX in late May at 27 Aquarius. It occupied 27 Aquarius from then through mid-July, retrograded through 26 Aquarius from Mid-July through late August, and occupied 25 Aquarius from then through all of September.
Mid-March through mid-April we moved into new ways to display Divine Power through emotional self-discipline. This led us to Neptune's stationary degree at 27 Aquarius, a threshold point of adding to or committing to values, refined feelings, and spiritual or aesthetic values which link generations of seekers.
From late May through mid-July, Neptune occupied 27 Aquarius giving a review of the threshold state. From then through August 20, we re-traced 26 Aquarius, offering more chances to show how well we could demonstrate Divine power. From August 20 through the end of September, we got more RX opportunities to show we could choose our responses rather than act reflexively.
October sets the final occupation of 24 Aquarius, with Neptune stationary direct in early November. It continues to occupy that degree until early December, when it again traverses 25 Aquarius for the last time.
This offers us all a platform of dispassion through disciplines we've accepted in 2009. We can now use our intelligence arising from our experiences in the collective field with greater vision. Jupiter will offer opportunities to expand these in December and January to launch a new view of greater possible ideals.
On a final note, another important long wave Neptunian influence involves the Aquarius Solar Eclipse of 2008 which occupied the same "unveiling" degree that Neptune activated in 2006. Jupiter went stationary direct on this exact degree in October 2009!
While before it was a vague notion, dream, or ideal (Neptune), it's now become very much an expanding reality through Jupiter. As Eclipses are very long range in their effects, you will note things related to this set into motion with each future transit of 18 Aquarius by the inner planets.
That could mean that previous things we dreaded to see, or an ideal we longed for, have begun to "unveil" themselves and come to form with each transit of that degree. This had major implications for February 2009, since Sun, Mars, and Mercury transited that point, activating much that Jupiter began to expand in late March 2009 and set into final motion in October.
The Uranus Effect for November-December 2009
The distant backstory setting up the present months: In 2007 Uranus the Individualizer brought us results from facing inner fears and becoming more physically, emotionally, and mentally ready, willing and able to move into a larger realm. We proved our worth or qualifications and received rewards, techniques of protection and camouflage, and opportunities to rehearse our new individuality in dramatic or important circumstances.
In May-June 2007, Uranus entered a zone it hadn't occupied for about 80 years, showing we were at a threshold state of discovery, revolution, and individuation. We finished the lessons begun then in December 2008.
Uranus' RX station at 19 Pisces late June 2007 dominated the Summer and Autumn of that year, releasing many from old "race" karma. We could understand recent and future events with intelligence, synthesizing our previous survey of life into forms of Soul energy that strengthened us physically.
Uranus retrogrades from July through November at this time in history. These retrograde periods challenge us to consolidate the awakenings in the early part of each year by internalizing them and seeing how we could become more autonomous, inventive, broad-visioned and connected to the life around us.
The overall Uranian theme of 2007-2009 has been an "instruction by our Master," and by accepting our excellence and effectiveness we have been able to move through unstable imbalances with relative ease, learning to eliminate all that diverges from our special skills so we may perfect and enjoy our individuality.
Beginning March-April 2008, an "ordeal" ended. We gathered our strength and found "spiritual nourishment" opening new potentials. This awakened our ability to demonstrate our "success in meeting the challenge of a new order" by codifying new values and holding ourselves to highest standards.
In May-June 2008, Uranus the Individualizer (a.k.a the Higher Law of Synthesis) continued to offer opportunities to individuate through living the new set of life standards that were emerging. Our successes since then have confirmed our new patterns.
Mid-May 2008 through early August Uranus was on its stationary degree of "a materializing medium" summoning "ghostly shapes." This symbolizes our power to command the natural world by understanding and conforming to its laws. We reviewed all that preceded this degree through Uranus' Summer and Autumn 2008 RX period, then came to new ways to apply our individual realizations when it went stationary direct in November.
Now let's take a look at what Uranus has been up to in 2009 so that we may finalize our individuation lessons of the past and practice them in the collective field.
January-February 2009 we re-experienced in direct motion the lessons first introduced March-May 2008, and could see how to deal with individuation lessons we reviewed August-November 2008. By late March 2009, Uranus entered an "unknown zone," which have led to catharses, purifications, separations, and surer forms of self-expression as we've learned to live on various levels the past 8 months.
Uranus symbolizes our transpersonal ability to become a true individual. Since Summer 2008, we have been learning about how to display some inner powers to demonstrate our mastery of a form of life force. Those who have resisted these lessons of individualization have gone passive or felt victimized by life in some way.
In late January and early February 2009 we were challenged to cooperate with our immortal potential and give continual attention to what reality we would see made manifest to achieve a clearer picture of the results we desire. We learned individual ways of shaping our lives using Higher sensitivity to cut through confused perspectives.
The last half of February we again saw how successful we had been in meeting the challenge of a new life order and continued to codify new values introduced in April, May, and August 2008. The first half of March Uranus transited its stationary point at 23 Pisces, where we again found transcendent energies that could help us master life forces.
Late March and early April Uranus began its "unknown zone" transit, and offered us a new adaptability, creativity, clearer self-expression, and a time of "happy building." Most of April Uranus was at 25 Pisces, a degree of purification, and a "true vision" arising from "Soul reformation."
The very end of April through the first 3 weeks of May, Uranus awakened us so we could do our own thing in our own way, stepping outside of authoritarian patterns. We could see the harmonics at work as we learn to live at various levels of overlapping consciousness, and by hearing the inner call to realization, we can transmute the meaning in much of what we think.
Beginning May 22 Uranus occupied 27 Pisces, the point where it went stationary retrograde at the end of June. It occupied that degree until August 10, after which it occupied 26 Pisces again through September 8, and then 25 Pisces through October 3.
Uranus stationary RX at 27 Pisces was a threshold point for all things and areas affected by Uranus in our charts. We are told this is a degree of "the power of creative visualization by which great Dreamers transcend outer reality." We are shown a fulfillment here that could lead to a "complete dominance of circumstances," however we define that in our local conditions.
Since July we've re-traced Uranian themes first glimpsed mid-May through early August 2008. These have been focused as lessons of awakening from March 2009 to the present time. Since July 2009 we've been getting a retrograde angle of interpreting these Uranian higher Divine energies.
The lessons of 2008 through March 2009 are finalized in November-December 2009. Think back on how you individuated in new ways in April, May, and June, and relate them to the consequences of yours or others' Uranian behaviors from July through November 2009.
At this time, what's done is done regarding finding how to live a new set of standards in a new world of activity awakened since 2007. From this point on through this time 2010, we will have to display whatever powers have been awakened that allow us to substantiate our genius, uniqueness, or Higher Self. These are showing how we've transcended who we thought we were, and how active or passive we are toward life.
This will give us a last chance to practice our adaptability, creativity, and clear self expression in January. Plan with an eye to finishing purifications in February.
The February 2010 Uranus transits can result in a centralizing of Spiritual force in our lives, showing us how to let go of selfishness to complete our "Soul reformation" leading to a higher vision. That will entail a form of "going our own way" while heeding the "inner call to realization" in late February and early March 2010.
In part 3 we'll explore important aspects being made to the outer Invisible Triad so we can understand what is opening, what is closing, and what is at a turning point.
Copyright © 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert! It is like you say, we are heading for unknown zones, reveiling much for good and for worse. We can let the changes simply wash over us or we can decide to take matters in hand and follow a new course.If we connect to our inner Light we feel that change can only come about by working on oneself and by thinking in a multi-dimensional way directed towards transformation.
Thank you again for sharing your wisdom with us!
Greetings from the Netherlands,
Posted by: Ilse | November 08, 2009 at 11:36 AM
".....what's done is done..", oh boy, does that ever say it all about 2009. Thank you.
Posted by: Sue Moon | November 09, 2009 at 07:37 AM
Hi Robert,
Amazing! Simply amazing!
This article has kept me putting the pieces together and allowing some great clarity for my speck of universe.
Thank you so very much for all of your work you share with all of us!
Posted by: K. | November 09, 2009 at 09:17 AM
Great article. Thanks a lot! Having Uranus effecting the ascendent (trine) and moon (opposition) in my chart, I find the description of the effects very clear and precise.
Posted by: Tomer | November 09, 2009 at 11:37 AM
Dear Robert
This article is so deep I find it challenging to get my mind around.
Whilst we are responsible for our own actions and behaviour, do the outer planets affect us all subconsciously and the change is brought about in this way?
Is humanity changing under these planetary influences whether aware of astrology or not? Thanks again for helping me.
Best Wishes to you
Love Sam
Posted by: Sam | November 09, 2009 at 01:44 PM
Hi Ilse - This is truly the time for all Truth seeking Souls to steer their ship of personality in directions of the Wisdom, the Way, and the Community. Life is indeed a "multidimensional" thing.
Hi Sue Moon - Yes, the finalities of 2009 are just all right with me. Much to do in 2010, and I don't need any unnecessary drags on the line.
Hi K - The set of Spiritual articles is geared to helping us all navigate the larger field, so I'm glad you could find some things bringing clarity amidst the larger changes.
Hi Tomer - What you describe should have brought and should still be bringing lots of stabilizing understanding re: relationships and opportunities. You've definitely been restructured in the past year!
Hi Sam - This series used to be relatively short, but over time it's evolved into the articles that ate Cleveland.;-) Take you time to chew on the larger process as you break each piece down. The Outer Invisibles show the forces of absolute change in the larger field of planetary evolution. They do show our ongoing widespread collective evolutionary challenges which each of us respond to in our own way. Consciously if we are truth seekers, unconsciously if we are unconscious. Of course all are changing regardless of their localized knowledge. Gravity works whether we know about it or not. Electricity works whether we understand how it does or not. Evolution occurs whether we know it's happening or not. The planets don't "make anything happen," as much as show the larger patterns within which we all live, breathe, and have our Being.
Posted by: Robert | November 10, 2009 at 09:44 AM
Planting seeds for a new business, this week :). I've gained experience in this particular field for three years, and am ready to blast off with a partner. Tons of ideas circulating through my head which have yet to be implemented in our city.
I'm very, very excited!
Smooches for all,
Posted by: WarriorLady | November 10, 2009 at 04:06 PM
Best of luck Warrior Lady, may all your dreams come true.
Posted by: Sue Moon | November 11, 2009 at 05:30 AM
Yes, all the best Warrior Lady
Posted by: Morvah | November 11, 2009 at 05:56 AM
Thank you Robert.
Posted by: Sam | November 11, 2009 at 12:01 PM
Thanks :)! Same right back at ya'!
Posted by: WarriorLady | November 11, 2009 at 10:34 PM
i don't see 4 capricorn in the ephemeris anywhere in March 2009; in fact not in 2009 at all. Am i looking at erroneous data? Please, can you suggest a good ephemeris link online? Thanks Robert. fm. Daz Hastings.
Posted by: daz hastings | November 19, 2009 at 04:34 AM
Hi Daz - 4 is derived from 3 degrees + any amount of minutes of longitude. Thus 3 degrees 1 minute through 4 degrees 0 minutes = 4 degrees of a sign. 0+ = 1; 1+ = 2; 2+ = 3; 3+ = 4. Right now Pluto is moving from 1 Cap and change (2 degrees) toward 2 Cap and change (3 degrees). It moves back into 4 Cap around the holidays, and moves into 5 Cap around Jan 20, 2010.
Posted by: Robert | November 22, 2009 at 09:13 AM
Hi Robert,
Okay that curiosity thing is activated again!
In your response above to Daz, if I am understanding things, you are rounding up like is normal for Sabian Symbol definitions. Is it the common practice to always round up when referring to our positions? As my AC is 7*29 Scorpio am I supposed to say it is 8Scorpio?
Thank you,
Posted by: K. | November 22, 2009 at 03:02 PM
HI Robert. Ok that was very helpfull but now that throws a new subject into light as i am in my ''third'' phase of Uranus Opposition @22 deegrees Pisces. Can i say therefore that that's it for my opposition? I've been watching and experiencing Uranus so closely these past two years that I feel a bit of a schmuch now as I might have been reading the degrees off by one! What do you think? Shall I call it done and dusted now?? Cheers.
Posted by: daz hastings | November 23, 2009 at 07:30 AM
Hi K. - Yes, it is common practice when using the Sabian Symbols, though in older times some rounded up or down depending on which of the many systems of degree interpretations were being asserted. Still, it's impossible to have a "Zero degree" of anything if we are to honor the meaning of "zero." We can have 30 degrees of something, but zero = null set. So yes, your Asc is 8 Scorpio if you're using the Sabian Symbols.
Hi Daz - Well, oppositions tend to work their effects for many years afterward, so while you're done with the "exact" opposition, you'll still be feeling the aftershocks for pretty much however long Uranus is still in Pisces, putting it in mundane opposition to anything in Virgo. That said, you should now be understanding much you didn't before the sequence of oppositions happened.
Posted by: Robert | November 23, 2009 at 08:12 AM
Hi Robert,
Okay, now in your writings when you instruct us as to the “planets and points” degrees to be mindful of, do you round up?
Thank you,
Posted by: K. | November 23, 2009 at 08:57 AM
Hi K. - Yes. 3 degrees 0 minutes is 3. 3 degrees plus any number of minutes is 4.
Posted by: Robert | December 01, 2009 at 09:07 AM