by Robert Wilkinson
The New Moon falls at 25 Scorpio on November 16, 2009, 11:14 am PST, 2:14 pm EST, 7:14 pm Greenwich, Nov 17 in India and points east. The New Moon biseptile Mars in Leo and septile Saturn in Libra with Venus activating the Grand Irrationality promise a lot of action over the next 4 weeks!
This is the next in a sequences of New Moons that fall at the end of their signs and are followed by Full Moons in the next signs. It is also the fulfillment square to the Aquarian stellium, bringing much of that year-long altruistic energy to fruition in innovative ways thanks to the friendly trine the New Moon makes to Uranus and the South Node.
The Lunation finds 30 Capricorn rising in Santa Monica, 11 Capricorn in Vancouver, 26 Pisces in Washington DC, 15 Cancer in London, 20 Cancer in Amsterdam, 26 Cancer in Berlin, 1 Cancer in Johannesburg, 10 Leo in Tallinn, 30 Cancer in Istanbul, 9 Leo in Baghdad, 6 Virgo in New Delhi, 2 Virgo in Trivandrum, 29 Libra in Tokyo, 16 Libra in Perth, 28 Scorpio in Melbourne, and 29 Sagittarius rising on Maui.
This New Moon at 25 Scorpio will help us find ways to see through the superficialities of life and discover a power to know the structural strengths and weaknesses of actions, arguments, ways of living and more. Over the past 2 New Moons we've found wisdom amidst the passages by understanding Nature's cycles and continued our journey away from "a narrow destiny" and "routine duties." This one shows we have understandings available of how to purify our personality so the Soul can come forth, and how to accept power or Grace to take the lead in our world.
This New Moon in Scorpio is ruled by Mars. Mars and the Sun are in Mutual Reception (each other's signs), making them the final dispositors of all the other planets. These 2 in biseptile will definitely show as major forks in the road for everyone, with our Soul speaking out and many things being thrown out or regenerated.
Mars is the primary "backdrop" of this Lunation, since it rules all the other planets and shares rulership with the Sun. It shows some heart-related things are about to spill out that have been held in check for a while. It's time to bring Spirit to matter, and let your heart express itself!
This is the first New Moon with Saturn in Libra, with more to come until April 2010 when the Aries New Moon will again have Saturn in Virgo. That implies we are beginning our Saturn in Libra lessons through March 2010, which is a dress rehearsal for many New Moons with Saturn in Libra from August 2010-October 2012.
Astrologers will note that Saturn is at 2 Libra in this New Moon, the same degree it will occupy by retrograde motion at the March 2010 New Moon and again direct at the August 2010 New Moon. So Saturn at 2 Libra is stimulated at the first New Moon with Saturn in that sign, the last New Moon before Saturn returns to Virgo, and then a third time at the New Moon just after Saturn leaves Virgo for many years. This makes 2 Libra an extremely strong influence over the next 9 months.
We'll be given opportunities to identify with larger cycles, larger possibilities, and move past static forms into understanding cyclic dynamics. We can find new inspiration and get centered in creative positions. Saturn in Virgo has prepared us to act according to how we've been educated the past 2 years, and now we enter stage one of manifesting a new ideal, a new archetype, and a new sense of self within interpersonal and collective circumstances.
Given that the Sun and Moon are septile Saturn, we should see the first set of choices around how we're going to live our Dharma ("true function") and find ourselves determining future "destiny" by which roads we choose and which roads we reject these next 4 weeks. Given the Sun and Moon in Scorpio, no doubt some life forms will be eliminated while others will require only removing part of a thing with repairs to ensure the health of whatever is being focused on.
Then we add the Lunation is biseptile Mars, the leading planet of the "Bowl" pattern, and we'll see strong initiatives expressing heart, passion, loyalty, or commitment. The things we launch these next 4 weeks will slow down in December, and we'll get to revisit some of our initiatives or methods to achieve them in January, preparing for a stronger approach next April and May.
Obviously when the Moon conjuncts, septiles, biseptiles, or triseptiles the Lunation Leo, Libra, or Scorpio points, we'll see strong manifestations of the choices and changes, confront irrational behavior or decisions, or know we must say yes to some things and people and no to others. There should also be major international developments in nations with planets occupying these 7 spans of influence.
Expect things to take dramatic turns when the Moon moves through the hot zones of 14-18 Capricorn, 5-9 Pisces, 26-30 Aries, 18-22 Gemini, and of course 10-14 Leo and 2-6 Libra. Of special note, Venus will transit the Lunation degree span of 23-27 Scorpio between November 25-28. That will trigger major turning points in their Taurus and Libra sectors for everyone, and especially influence those with planets or sensitive points in the above 7 degree spans.
Another important influence in the chart is Saturn square Pluto. Mercury in early Sag is sextile to Saturn, helping mental openness and balanced views of higher truths and possible futures. Venus is novile Saturn while forming a waning septile to Pluto and biseptile to Neptune. This shows humanitarian ideals can serve as protections as they lead us through another episode of the on-going "Grand Irrationality" spoken of in many other articles. I'll be updating the Spiritual Astrology series soon with sections specifically discussing The Grand Irrationality.
Though they are out of sign and 9 degrees apart from the opposition, Saturn and Uranus still continue to lurk as a very powerful background polarizing influence. When Uranus moves forward in December and Saturn goes retrograde in January, we'll re-experience the opposition effect for many months afterwards.
I discussed this major influence of 2009-2010 involving Saturn opposition Uranus lessons at the link. You can find out more in the recent article Saturn Opposed Uranus - The Centrifuge Purifies All Of Us.
Throughout many articles in past months, I've explained that this very powerful pattern involving the two "titans of authority," Saturn and Uranus, is revolutionizing our lives and forcing us to adjust, learn, practice, and be very realistic in training for something revolutionary that we're in the midst of. The polarization can assist us in building a new individuality, interactive yet protected, as we embrace needed adjustments, conform to a plan, and do whatever it takes to live the higher standard we believe is worthy.
Though the opposition effect is now waning for a few weeks, remember that Saturn is still in very tight square to Pluto, so continue to expect signs of friction on large and small levels. As I've mentioned in other articles, it's the culmination of what began November 1982, when Saturn conjuncted Pluto at 28 Libra. This is a long range cycle for human evolution. Things set into motion then will fulfill their process between November 2009 and August 2010, when the last waning square is made. From Summer 2010 on, Saturn will make no more frictional aspects to Pluto until late 2014.
Back to the overall pattern. All the planets occupy just over one half of the zodiac, beginning with Mars in Leo. This leads the occupied span, which closes with Uranus in Pisces. In practical terms, everything that's happening now is expressed through Mars, the planet of new initiatives, quarrels, confrontations, pioneering breakthroughs, and eruptions. Much will "burst forth" in the next month, showing our strength, courage, and determination or the need for these. Expect a LOT of focused activity wherever 14 Leo falls in your charts.
The most important aspects in this lunation include those I've mentioned so far, as well as the very powerful Venus square Mars, Mercury tredecile Mars, and Mars semisquare Saturn. All the aspects in the map are forming except for Venus barely separating from Neptune and Pluto and the Lunation in separating square to the Aquarius planets and trine to Uranus. Separating aspects show things already happened in the past, so a study of these would indicate a lot has already happened in all the areas of our lives ruled by and occupied by these planets.
The forming aspects show things to come. Venus square Mars shows us if our values and desires are at odds and creates friction or dynamic releases and turns between our Aries/Scorpio sectors and our Taurus/Libra sectors. It challenges us to keep things on track despite interruptions, and make sure we're using the right means to achieve our ends.
Mars semisquare Saturn will last into January 2010, so get used to the constant inner tensions. Do not get distracted by unnecessary hassles or obligations, keep stabilizing new patterns and ideals, and get connected to the source of light, power, and wisdom however you define these.
Mercury tredecile Mars should bring us serendipitous circumstances and gifts as we learn how to handle the intensity of breaking free into a larger understanding or sense of life adventure. This will most impact people with planets and points around 26 Aries, 2 Gemini, 8 Cancer, 14 Leo, 20 Virgo, 26 Libra, 2 Sagittarius, 8 Capricorn, 14 Aquarius, and 20 Pisces. If you have a planet near these points, you should note some very unique gifts and circumstances in the area of your life and chart where these degrees fall.
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate. This New Moon falls at 25 Scorpio, a point of seeing through forms and getting a depth understanding of how things are structured. In this symbol we can know basic principles behind manifestations, and through sharp and applied discrimination penetrate deeper into our understanding of how the outer depends on the inner.
Under specific circumstances, this will help us find or express a deeper social-emotional faith or appreciation. Given the aspect to Uranus, we should be able to find understanding in exchanging views with those who have knowledge or experience that can help establish social standards so we can accept the grace or power of a form of cultural leadership.
Given the aspect the Lunation makes to Neptune, we should be able to release potential through a calm, steady heart strength, and find a degree of peace and enjoyment in simple but intense loving pleasures. What is needed is boldness of Soul expression to overcome timidity, and clarity in what roles we want to play with purpose so we may break free of uninteresting or drifting activity.
Other lessons include learning to manage others' expertise while defending our sense of mission, being alert to people who are crude, forceful, or barbaric, finding what we can enjoy with others, concentrating so the inner powers can come forth, and being self-reliant and trusting our inner resources as we cross our symbolic desert.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, we find the Lunation degree is "An X ray," showing our "organic integrity" and "the unvarying structures of nature on which all intelligence depends." Here our well-being is a foundation for self-realization that is shared with others, with a responsibility to keep fit for doing our part in the interactive play.
It is a degree of seeing ourselves validated through our effective capacities. The keyword is INVESTIGATION, and we are told this degree, when positive, "is an exceptional power of analysis."
To sum up, go deeper into how things are structured, gather what you need while eliminating what you do not, expect some weird situations that allow your Soul to speak, and let go of obsolete ideas, views, and interpretations. Follow your hunches, feelings, and experiences if you must make critical decisions or begin actions that change the course of your own or another's destiny, and then make sure to update your mental files to refresh your view.
A live and let live attitude will do wonders, as well as returning to simpler joys for pleasure and revitalization. Those who have shown faith, determination, indomitability, and willingness to rise to some occasion or meet a challenge in the past few months will receive gifts from Spirit as a reward for their diligence. Many can find a new inspiration in a silent moment that can provide a penetrating shortcut to direct accomplishment and social success.
Here we follow through on what began in February 2009, preparing for the retrogrades of late December that will slow many things down so we can recalculate the means, method, or desires. Some will be forced to surrender in ways that indicate true spiritual victory, or at least conform to some established norm. This will prepare us for moving into the next major phase of activity beginning mid-January, which will go slow at first, then pick up speed very quickly through February, March, and April.
There is a preponderance of planets in Water and Air signs, with 2 Fire and only 1 planet in Earth. This shortage of Earth planets indicates a deficiency of practicality and grounding energy. But we can learn to flow through ideas, experiences, interactions, and endings while not losing our essential nature or allowing anything to jam us, dam us, plug us, or freak us out. Here strength of heart coupled with imagination can bring forth unique revelations and show pathways beyond and around blockages.
As I noted last month and mentioned earlier, we've ended a long set of Lunations with Saturn in Virgo and are beginning a new way of viewing ideals and relationships. Follow your understanding of a greater vision or deeper understanding of transpersonal collective issues, ideals, and connectedness. Adjust to create a better world for yourself in connection with others, and open to a deeper understanding you've built with patience, persistent work, and long held aspiration.
More forks in the road of destiny will be seen in the next 4 weeks as we continue to let go of people who don't know how to use power in responsible ways. Renounce false friends and relationships based in wrong use of force rather than seeds of responsible, mature, compassionate humanitarian ideals.
Many will see how the wisdom forms they've pursued have gestated into a power of understanding. This is the end of a long cycle, and begins the long wave transformation of individuals and humanity as a whole. Get a wider view, a sense of humor and objectivity, take the initiative, don't be afraid of what's coming up from your heart.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
ps. And remember, flexibility is a virtue in an Age in Transition!
wow thanks so much for this robert, and all the articles you have posted recently, they give much to think about, digest and practice... so perfect as a dessert following our session on monday.
blessings to you dear one...
Posted by: shanita | November 15, 2009 at 04:45 PM
Awesome Robert! I now feel ready to get out on the Highway, and face those pesky Forks in the Road armed with my 2 pairs of plastic chopsticks, Jen
Posted by: Jen | November 15, 2009 at 04:51 PM
Thanks for this thorough and illuminating article. The new moon is exactly conjunct my Neptune, so I'm curious to see what develops. This article made me feel more hopeful, so thanks also for that. I hope this moon brings us all some x-ray vision to help us find out way!
Posted by: reefaroundme | November 16, 2009 at 12:05 AM
Looking forward to your next visit to Santa and your wife take care.
Posted by: marlene meissner | November 16, 2009 at 12:24 AM
Great piece Robert and very thorough indeed! This New Moon lands on my SN conj MC, and the Merc tredicile on my 14 Leo Pluto and also my 24 Libra Sun. I feel a miracle in the works and I am opening up to it with a little ceremony today! Your wisdom gives us all such a lift up out of what might otherwise be a quagmire. Blessings! So great to speak with you the other day..........aum
Posted by: Sue Moon | November 16, 2009 at 06:21 AM
Thanks so much Robert. This new moon should be very interesting, It falls on my ascendant. I have been working very hard lately on creating a new beginning, this gives me faith that it truly is coming!!
Kind regards,
Posted by: Pamela | November 16, 2009 at 10:12 AM
my two cents' worth... great article with lots of stuff to chew on. this new moon falls on my midheaven which could be a very cool thing. Squares Pluto and trines Uranus. hmm. i just did a little prayer meditation. i feel good, into the great wide open. i leave it all in God's hands. :)
Posted by: Valerie | November 16, 2009 at 01:21 PM
Thank you Robert.! Yes, with warrior Mars in Solar Leon, this reading feels much like Heart Transmission. From the Heart, not the Corona.
Posted by: A59 | November 16, 2009 at 01:50 PM
Thanks Robert, I really enjoyed this article. This is a big new moon and it was great to read so much on it. God bless!
Posted by: Stephanie | November 16, 2009 at 03:33 PM
appreciating the loveliness you share Robert!
peace be with you and yours!
safe travels-
Posted by: Rebekka | November 16, 2009 at 10:46 PM
Not the easiest weekend to get through, this last one. BUT what a stellar new moon! Such a focused drive. I love it.
And I love you all, too, and stuff!
Posted by: WarriorLady | November 17, 2009 at 09:55 PM
Wow, new moon has activated a lot of seemingly dormant energies within my aching for evolution growth and change...haven't felt this catalyzed in awhile..
Posted by: Damien | November 19, 2009 at 08:16 PM
Robert, you'll be proud-- I came up with a divine final plan for a volunteer organization, today. It's been sort of in the works for a few months now, and tomorrow I'll be registering a domain for a website/blog :). It will kick-off in my city soon and hopefully reach other cities, someday. At least that's my vision for it.
Thanks a million for taking so much time (and heart) to create these beautiful articles! Wishing you and everyone the best :).
Posted by: WarriorLady | November 19, 2009 at 10:26 PM
Hi Shanita - You're most welcome. I'm trying to keep up with the load, and will probably try to lessen the pace a little over the next few weeks. Just too much going on....
Hi Jen - Mastering chopsticks is a true talent! Good for picking things up with precision rather than shoveling them.
Hi reefaroundme - I hope you saw the recent article about the New Moons at this time of year hitting entire generations' Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. I'm sure you've been having some interesting Neptune experiences.
Hi marlene - Yes, it'll be good to be back in sunny Southern CA in late January! Hopefully it won't be too rainy and grim, but I'll never knock the rains anywhere in the desert Southwest. Please tell the gang at the NABPC I send my love.
Hi Sue Moon - Should be a high profile time of showing what you know while letting some things go. I trust unique and specialized manifestations have come via the Mercury function. And yes, it is always good to speak with my clients, since they tend to be a self-selecting group of fairly aware Beings intent on getting beyond the slog into the higher realms.
Hi Pamela - This ushers in a whole new self image that will develop over the next 12 months. A true turning point in goals, ambitions, and friendships. You'll see major productivity between now and next Summer that should stabilize some solid opportunities in the Spring as well as better equal relationships for the future.
Hi Valerie - You get a Grand Water Trine, so enjoy the flow! Keep it simple, enjoyable, friendly, and focus on the big picture. The coming Sag trines to Mars close to your Pluto should help stabilize new initiatives.
Hi A59 - With Mars in Leo for many months to come, this will help all to become good heart warriors! Initiate now, practice and refine methods late Dec through late Feb, and get it on beginning March!
Hi Stephanie - You're most welcome. Thanks for the blessing.
Hi Rebekka - Thanks. Definitely happy and safe trails to you as well.
Hi WarriorLady - Some things are not easy right now, since saying goodbye to old ways is seldom pleasant. The focus is good, but the pace is somewhat relentless. And regeneration has already begun.... My blessings on your new organization, and may you and it accomplish your highest intention!
Hi Damien - Good that you can feel the renewal. Many are feeling that right now, I suspect somewhat due to Mars in Leo being waxing squared by the Scorpio planets. New emergent magnetism that sets the future into motion even as the old forms fall away.
Posted by: Robert | November 22, 2009 at 07:54 AM
Wow, sounds good, thank you Robert! :)
Posted by: Valerie | November 22, 2009 at 05:19 PM