by Robert Wilkinson
This "Reverse Wesak" Full Moon falls at 11 degrees Taurus-Scorpio, which fulfills the seed of the past New Moon in Libra. The Sun forming a septile to Pluto and biseptile to Neptune shows the Grand Irrationality is in full play the next two weeks, with catabolic action resulting in new heart mutations.
This purifying and anchoring Full Moon falls on November 2, 11:14 am PST, 2:14 pm Nov 2 EDT, 7:14 pm Greenwich. A quick look finds 14 Capricorn rising in Santa Monica, 4 Pisces in Washington DC, 4 Cancer in London, 9 Cancer in Amsterdam, 18 Gemini in Johannesburg, 2 Leo in Tallinn, 19 Cancer in Istanbul, 28 Cancer in Baghdad, 18 Leo in Trivandrum, 24 Leo in New Delhi, 12 Virgo in Bangkok, 17 Libra in Tokyo, 25 Virgo in Perth, 10 Scorpio in Melbourne, and 17 Sagittarius rising on Maui.
Because the New Moon preceding the Full Moon always represents the seed forms that are brought to surface at and after the Full Moon, please check out The New Moon in Libra - What's Happening October-November 2009. This can help focus what blessings and seeds are being offered to us in the near future.
This continues a pattern of the recent few months where the Full Moon falls in a different sign than the previous New Moon. This indicates that this 2 week period of fruition of the seeds of the previous lunation in many ways anticipates what is to come.
This phenomenon indicates that what is released as realizations in the Full Moon period actually "prepare the ground" for the coming New Moon seed. Strange reversal of function, since usually the New Moon provides the seed for the next Full Moon. But this works the opposite way.
This Full Moon falls at 11 degrees Taurus and Scorpio. It is said that the middle third of any sign deals with the social levels of life, and being the second decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Virgo and Pisces. Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take.
The Solar degree Sabian Symbol is "A Drowning Man Rescued." This is a degree of "outreaching warmth of human character," "humanitarian ideals," and the "saving power of social restraint for too emotional Souls." Rudhyar says this degree is one of "the deep concern of the social group for the safety of individuals."
He goes on to state that this phase in the 360 degree cyclic process reveals the relational feelings between an individual and a group. It is a degree of the sense of love and responsibility that arises from a "sense of interrelatedness," and so represents a phase of the "concern of the social whole for any one of its parts."
Dr. Jones says the keyword is SAFETY and when positive it's said to be a degree of "the inherent courage which constitutes a protection from the vicissitudes of life." So this Full Moon will demonstrate the light of our Soul's immortality and its eagerness to return to its consistent partnerships in Nature.
We are told even "accidents of circumstance" can serve us if we maintain our "enthusiasm of being," and can find continuity of consciousness through finding a "sense of responsibility" for our creativity.
The formula is Sustaining, Ideal, Universal, Specializing, Spiritual and Sensitive. Rudhyar states the degree is in the Span of Retention, in the Individual-Mental level of Communion.
The Lunar degree symbol is "A Woman Sprinkling Flowers." This is a degree where we establish a "partnership" with Nature in a form of service and beauty, where we see forms of what we've cultivated (or not). It is a degree where we develop mental powers that result in forms of ego consciousness.
Rudhyar comments that this phase is where we see the forming of an element of our "psycho-mental nature" that arises from fulfilling and transcending old functions and drives. Here we demonstrate what we care about, and thus cultivate our ego. So we should find forms demonstrating what we have cared for, what we are caring for, and what we're willing to care for.
Dr. Jones says the keyword is CARE and when positive it's said to be a degree of "high stewardship by which man builds everything around him into an enduring organism for his own fulfillment." We find it is a degree of "the Soul's determination to give constant and tangible" evidence of its creativity, and pour itself into living. Here nature's gifts mirror our care and "generosity of Spirit."
The formula is Sustaining, Ideal, Efficient, Specializing, Spiritual and Experimental. Rudhyar states the degree is in the Span of Experience, and the Individual-Mental level of Substantiation.
From these symbols it seems we can see the light of our humanitarian instincts within a social setup, and express them in forms of specific and nature caring. This will express in the ways appropriate to where it falls in our birth chart.
This Lunation will show us what we've cultivated of the energies of last Spring's Wesak Festival, when the Buddha poured out a wisdom form specific to the needs of 2009. This is now the reversal of that Lunation, where the Sun illuminates the Wesak Moon, and the Moon gives form to the Wesak Sun.
Here we solidify a Wisdom-form by what we care about and how we demonstrate it. We can see the light of our group, which will bring forth forms of what we've cultivated. This period will stabilize the new initiatives of the Libra New Moon.
There are two major aspect configurations, both involving the Sun. One is the Fixed T-square formed by Mercury conjunct Sun opposed the Moon with all square Mars. The other is the powering up of the Grand Irrationality by the Sun occupying the Scorpio zone septile Pluto and biseptile Neptune, setting more major choices and changes into motion as we all find ourselves at even more critical "forks in the road of destiny" wherever the Sun falls in our birth charts.
The T-square releases powerful energies, and this one will dislodge many old stuck things. We will see future patterns as they are pre-formed, the launching of a vision, and find new inspiration by focusing on what our world needs and becoming the agents to fulfill those needs.
This release, challenge, or friction assists personality integration. It will show most dynamically in the areas we have 7-12 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. It will obviously most affect those born at the end of January and beginning of February, the end of April and beginning of May, the end of July and beginning of August, and the end of October and beginning of November.
Before I go into the Grand Irrationality, other significant aspects in the Lunation chart are the BIG Kahuna, Saturn at 1 Libra square Pluto at 2 Capricorn, already discussed at length in other articles. Mars is septile Saturn, sesquisquare Uranus, and biquintile Pluto, Jupiter is semisquare Pluto while still conjunct Chiron and Neptune, Venus is trine the Aquarius stellium and quincunx Uranus, and Mercury is sesquisquare Uranus.
I cannot elaborate on how each of these will affect each of us. Still, remember quincunxes create situations of forced adjustment where sacrifices lead to productive voids, and any of the numerous septile series aspects will lead to more radical choices and changes that will propel those areas of our lives into a more defined destiny. Since we have septile series aspects that involve Sun, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto, you may expect strange events in all areas ruled by the first four planets, as well as where all 6 fall in your chart.
The Grand Irrationality set into motion again throws the irrational, obsessive-compulsive elements into play, whether within our personality or from external sources. The last major article explaining this on-going weirdness was Spiritual Astrology in July-August-September 2009 Pt. 4 - The Grand Irrationality and Forks in the Road for All Signs - An Overview (more in part 5 that followed this one). I'll be composing the next Spiritual Astrology series when I get a minute or two to do so. Just too much going on.....
Because this involves so many planets, you can bet that all areas of our lives will again be sources of important character choices and changes that will determine our future in significant ways. The T-square will release much of this since Mars is the release of Solar septile energies, while the Sun releases what is built in the Mars septile Saturn. Simply put, expect some major melt-downs for those who are not flexible, noble, steady, detached, or dispassionate about the changes they're confronted with.
I discussed the Sun square Mars energies in the linked article. Adding Moon and Mercury to the mix, discipline your mind and speech, find the right motive and profitable direction for your initiatives, and let go of quick assumptions, arguments, wishful thinking, and superficial matters that really don't concern you.
Be practical in your assessments, develop the possible to the actual, don't take the bait and battle "straw men," and keep everything related to core issues. Above all, focus on higher ideals, group work, friendships, larger goals and ambitions, all from a dispassionate and altruistic angle.
Since it is a See Saw pattern, stay centered, and try not to get lost in the margins even while exploring the outer limits of the field. If you find yourself seesawing between views or energies, try to find the way to mediate between opposing views by finding the third or fourth points that harmonize the opposites.
This time stabilizes recently developed new powers and a new higher order in our life if we have gone deeper into our spiritual practice or found a way to bring more light(ness) to the process. It's time to focus while breaking through unproductive density and inertias as we break through to new duties and responsibilities of Saturn in Libra.
This is opening new energies in our Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius sectors and releasing powerful Plutonian influences. This is a time of radical emergences and leaving behind old collective influences through significant life re-alignments that can give us higher, broader perspectives once we give up searching in old ways and places.
For astrologers, a final note regarding the aspects finds Venus, ruler of the Moon, in trine to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune. This will harmonize, help us understand, and make progress wherever these fall in the birth chart. Mars, on the other hand, rules the Sun and Mercury, and is in a powerful square. Thus the ruler of the Moon builds in Air, while the ruler of the Sun releases into Air. Relationships and communications will be highly active the next few weeks!
As with the last several New Moons and Full Moons, this is the final phase of claiming a form of collective power and an enduring vision. We are still growing toward doing a work that will outlive us, so in the midst of the melt-downs, remember this is necessary as a result of prior actions, and is the initial step in expressing your heart.
This is a time to repair what can be repaired while anticipating future hassles and taking protective maneuvers. This is where we find a new heart strength and determination within a new ideal of purpose. Build your world, care for your "garden" of personality, and see the rewards Nature offers for those who cooperate with Her.
Say goodbye to whatever is hindering your individuation or courage in focusing your energies to express your Higher Self. Through the light of Divine Magnetism, eliminate whatever you need to in order to set the pattern of regeneration, and anchor it in simple, natural, straightforward enjoyable ways.
Get beyond forms, find new rhythms of activity and relationship, focus on what's fair, elegant, refined, and balanced, and allow yourself to be healed into better goals, ambitions, friendships, and group work. And in the midst of the irrationality, keep bringing forth your unique gifts as you shift direction and reorient toward that which stabilizes your Spiritual Self as the director of your personality.
The last New Moon has been educating us about integrity, both ours and others. This Full Moon opens the Adventure of the next step of living our integrity. Those without integrity will hit a wall. Those with integrity will begin an adventure!
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert,
A very timely posting! I was anxiously awaiting your view on this full moon as it has Sun/Mercury conjoining my Mars (and subsequently Moon opposing, Mars squaring my natal Mars and Mars conjoining my natal Sun). I was planning just to drive very, very carefully the next week, but perhaps there is some good coming out of this as well. Will meditate on your words in an hour or three, when the moon is full. Thanks again!
Posted by: Dirk | November 02, 2009 at 09:20 AM
After struggling with an unhealthy situation at work for years, I resigned my job last Monday. This week is my last week there. It felt very liberating, and indeed that I was finally escaping a "narrow destiny." We had our full moon group here in the Black Hills of South Dakota last night. Everyone in the group was totally supportive of my decision and truly happy for me that I had ended an abusive relationship. It is so gratifying to have that kind of support. I am now truly ready for the new adventure that marks the next phase of my life. Thank you Robert as always for your keen and timely insights. I would encourage any who come to this Cantina to practice courage over fear in whatever life decisions you may be facing at this time. Focus on where you have group support and a common spiritual goal. We also had a very sweet remembrance of our collective ancestors in honoring the Day of the Dead. Don't forget to ask for help and assistance from your own ancestors. They are always there for you. Love to all. dcu
Posted by: dcu | November 02, 2009 at 11:10 AM
Awesome article. Buh-bye ruts.
Posted by: WarriorLady | November 02, 2009 at 12:21 PM
Thank you for this write. I have work to do on developing a positive understanding of ego. Any past writes in the archives for me?
Posted by: caliban | November 02, 2009 at 12:25 PM
Wow, I'm speechless. I need a minute to process this. You made me laugh: "BIG kahuna"! Awwhhh! Thank you so much, this site kept me while I was living on Skid Row in L.A., and continues to do so today. All blessings to you.
Posted by: BigKahunaKitty | November 02, 2009 at 12:44 PM
Wonderful article Robert! I often feel as though I have absorbed your words more through my skin than my brain.DCU I really resonated with your stance and congratulate you on your brave decision to flow with your integrity and am pleased that you have a positive support network. I have my moon on that degree, with many other degrees activated. Personally I find that living in the bush and physical exercise keeps me grounded and reading this site helps enormously. It can be very difficult being accutely sensitive in these times, but it's all about awareness and management i suppose. Regards to all readers, Jen
Posted by: Jen | November 02, 2009 at 04:54 PM
A "wwoww"-very beautiful and generous shower of "floral wisdom". Happy Taurus Moon!
Going to print it and read it again.. Thank you Robert
Posted by: A59 | November 02, 2009 at 05:41 PM
Thank you Robert! my north node is at 10'33 Scorpio, so I'm eager to see what comes next. Thanks always for your insights, and have a lovely full moon.
Posted by: Lainie | November 02, 2009 at 06:57 PM
Thanks for the posting, Robert.
I love the capstone:
"This Full Moon opens the Adventure of the next step of living our >>integrity<<... Those >>>with<<< integrity will begin an >>>>adventure!<<<<"
Posted by: Richard | November 03, 2009 at 12:12 AM
And the great full Moon it was… last night in Europe.
Interesting thing is that Kala Bhairava days are right now (2-9.Nov).
Lord Shiva is dancing his destroyer dance on the top of Kailash mountain… and things are changing in those 8 nights of Moon transformation.
I’m dancing… hope you all do :)
All the best Robert :)
Posted by: yzse | November 03, 2009 at 02:37 AM
Hi - I am wondering if this full moon will begin a healing process for me. My husband, a Virgo 8/26/42 passed away on Sept 3rd of this year. I am a Pisces 2/27/52, and struggling deeply with this loss. Based on the planets and the full moon is this a good time for me to finally come to terms with this loss?
Posted by: Bev OConnell | November 03, 2009 at 12:36 PM
Hi Dirk - Definitely drive carefully, but also be alert to swift developments that could impel your life forward. Much depends on your natal Mars. You'll definitely know how well it's functioning within the next two weeks!
Hi dcu - My condolences on having had to endure a deadening situation, and my blessings on whatever the next chapter brings you. And of course, Nature abhors a void, so be still as the future is already on the way. Courage is the antidote to fear, and grows stronger with use. "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...."
Hi WarriorLady - The whole world's getting shaken loose from ruts (whether they want to or not!)
Hi caliban - There are too many to list here, so go to the google box top right, put in ego, and check them out. For now, realize ego has an important role as a starting point to develop Spiritual Ego, which is the vehicle for the Soul. Our worldly ego shows us how to use self-discipline to learn detachment, dispassion, discrimination, and the generation of positivity.
Hi BigKahunaKitty - Well, as an old surfer, the Big Kahuna has meant many things to me, and your moniker would seem to make you a servant of "The Great Cat" aka Bastet, the Ultimate BigKahunaKitty! Glad you made it out of Skid Row in L.A. I saw it up close and personal many times driving to and from my job at the LA City Attorney's office a while back, and as a long time supporter of the Midnight Mission, my heart goes out to all those who wind up there. From what I saw, I believe that 90% are decent people, with about 10% predators. Glad this site is a touchstone.
Hi Jen - Thanks. Keep absorbing the info however you can! Any way any of us can be supportive of each other and stay grounded in these very ungrounded times is great. And yes, sensitivity that cannot stay centered is not very useful when the storm hits. We must learn self control so that externals don't cause us to lose our equilibrium. That's a factor in attaining Spiritual mastery in this world.
Hi A59 - You're most welcome. Already a hopeful Moon for me.
Hi Lainie - It would indicate that your line of greatest evolutionary development is going to be illuminated and integrated in ways that open new perspectives and ideas to be externalized through the Moon on your SN.
Hi Richard - You're most welcome. Integrity has already played a factor in the hopeful things already occurring in my life and the lives of several others I know, so full steam ahead!
Hi yzse - Shiva is definitely dancing right now. Of course, since I have Pluto rising, I made Shiva and Kali Durga my friends a long time ago! This is a truly important time of letting go, and reversing decay, and renewing what needs regenerating.
Hi Bev OConnell - My sincere condolences on the loss of your mate. That's a very difficult thing. My experience with grief work is that it's a 24/7 proposition for as long as it takes. "Coming to terms" with a significant death is something that occurs in stages. As we complete one phase of grief, we move into another phase. I have written some pieces for those who grieve the loss of a loved one each January 9 for the past few years which you may want to read. Start with 2006, since the Jan 9 post each year after builds on the themes introduced in 2006. Again, my sincere condolences. Please be gentle with yourself, especially since holidays often bring up difficult feelings anyway. And yes, this Full Moon should help your Pisces more than a little bit, and prepare you for a major new beginning in Jan-Feb 2010.
Posted by: Robert | November 04, 2009 at 01:20 PM
Dear Robert-
I am so touched that you responded personally to me. I love reading the aquarius papers each day and although I see most readers know far more than I about astrology, I am learning. I just am so "stuck" and it is good to hear that although grieving is normal and done in stages, that my life will have some new opportunities in 2010. Something to look forward to. Thank you again so much. Bev
Posted by: Bev OConnell | November 05, 2009 at 10:43 AM
Ah yes, the margins. Thanks for the heads up on that one. Kissed it today. A slippery slope that is all too familiar. I see my pattern now. Thanks again.
Posted by: caliban | November 05, 2009 at 06:51 PM
Hi Robert,
I am trying to be a good student, looking back on referenced articles in an attempt to create a picture from the puzzle pieces (I love puzzles and mysteries!), but alas, I don’t yet understand how the Moon can be at 11 degrees of BOTH Taurus and Scorpio at the same time!!
“This Full Moon falls at 11 degrees Taurus and Scorpio. It is said that the middle third of any sign deals with the social levels of life, and being the second decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Virgo and Pisces. Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take.”
On Nov. 2, TMoon was 1 degree conjunct DC 7 degrees Taurus and TSun was 4 degrees conjunct AC 7 degrees Scorpio, which makes my 11th Virgo and 5th Pisces. I wonder if you would give further illumination so I might better understand the application toward my own chart.
Thank you,
Posted by: K. | November 07, 2009 at 10:03 AM
Hi Bev - Well, I try to keep up with the comments because our community is pretty fine. Those who come to this site have all kinds of knowledge, and I've found we all contribute to each other's well being and understanding in so many ways that it's all good. And of course, you're most welcome. Glad you found your way here.
Hi caliban - I've found this Full Moon to be bringing up sticky stuff, but also dislodging stuck stuff. Identifying pattern is key to knowing how to move into the better while releasing the past.
Hi K - The Moon is in Taurus. The Sun is in Scorpio. A Full Moon only happens in relationship to the Sun,, therefore the axis of the polarity of signs is emphasized. This Full Moon falls in your 6/12 houses conjunct the horizon, showing completions along with preparations. The Moon rules your 9th, the Sun your 10th. Something of these houses is being enlightened. More than that is beyond this comment stream, as there are simply too many other permutations to discuss.
Posted by: Robert | November 10, 2009 at 07:31 AM
Hi Robert,
Thank you! The information you just provided is ample to utilize for my purpose!
Posted by: K. | November 10, 2009 at 07:58 AM
Dear Bev and Robert
I lost my father on January 8 1985 and that grief got stuffed away for exactly 20 years until my partner left as I hadn't fully dealt with it. I know its not the same as loosing a beloved life partner but the experience of grief was overwhelming not only for that but for countless other losses sustained over 16 years of alcohol addiction as a miguided coping mechanism of a deep near death trauma at age 17. I've come to feel that grief is like a huge ocean that slumbers within us which we slowly empty then deepen into, it comes in waves and so I chose to live by the ocean for 8 years of a Neptune transit. Wrap yourself in cotton wool metaphorically and I pray you find loving others to affirm and hold you in your grief. It helped me to know that my level of grief was equal to the measure of love I doesn't ease the pain. It is a strong tide and you just have to ride it.. May it carry you to a healing peace.
Blessings Deborah
Posted by: Deborah Allin | November 29, 2009 at 02:36 PM
Hi Deborah - Grief is indeed a HUGE ocean that "slumbers within us" until we set sail to the far shore of perfect equilibrium that arises as we embrace our vulnerability within the universal human condition. Then compassion for ourselves, others, and "all-that-Is" comes forth, also in waves. Others who reach out to us in love help us to know we are not alone in the passages. That's why in sharing our stories we come to realize our Oneness within the universal human condition. And yes, love is truly "stronger than death." By healing our grief, we can be angels to others who also grieve, and remind them that by opening to a greater love, wisdom, and compassion they too will outlast and outlive the stinging acid of grief and come to some measure of peace.
Posted by: Robert | December 02, 2009 at 07:15 AM