If you've wondered about a personal consultation with me for a reading, here's how you do it.
First, I require an email so that we can confirm a time and your birth information. Even if you don't know your exact birth time, it's no problem. There is still a phenomenal amount of information I can offer you without knowing your exact time of birth based in your planets, signs, and Solar chart house placements.
My readings use a variety of astrological tools and approaches, and each reading also comes with at least one I Ching commentary regarding the subject of your choice, or how to best deal with the near future. Combining the art and science of cycles with humanistic and archetypal psychology, sessions with me are like several concentrated readings in one.
What I offer gives you the power to navigate your life challenges and opportunities with foresight and personal tools to bring the best out of the experience. My sessions are empowering and show you who you really are and how to take command of your own life in this ever-changing world.
Of course I cover natal, progressed, and transit factors, as these are of primary importance in understanding how to walk our walk. After the initial session where we blend critical elements of your natal and progressed charts with on-going important transits and other cycles, I also am available for follow up sessions.
Subsequent sessions cover more long range forecasts using the progressions and transits, and if necessary the Solar Return chart and other analytical tools to give a broader sense of what's coming down the road. Subsequent sessions can also be devoted to a narrower focus on specific concerns of pressing urgency. I mainly focus on weaving what is and what's coming with their sense of evolving Self and how to grow in strength, clarity, and sense of purpose.
Other things you can find out about are love, partnerships, professional issues, times to schedule appointments and trips, when to get married, sign contracts, buy homes, and many other things that can make your life easier and more enjoyable. You can do them for yourself, your loved ones, or even friends and associates. I have done chart readings on subjects as diverse as children and their aptitudes, corporations, event planning for weddings and maximum marital harmony, event openings, and even times for surgeries.
All readings are recorded. Once we do the session, I convert the tracks to mp3 files since that format plays on all kinds of machines. Then I send the tracks to your email. That way you can easily make duplicates on CDs, DVDs, or download them to an ipod or another device. Because they are mp3 format, you can listen to the tracks on a variety of media.
An important note here: your email box must be able to receive large sound files. Some personal accounts and most businesses will not allow large sound files to be received, and while personal accounts can be enlarged, it may cost something. That's why often my clients who have an email account that won't receive large files simply open a free Hotmail, gmail, or yahoo email account, since these providers offer email service that can receive large sound files.
Thousands of clients have told me they listen to their sessions many times, and each time they get more and more out of what was said even months down the road, so it's the gift that keeps on giving. That's because the info I give you are "seed forms" that will sprout more than one way with the passage of time and experience, since that moves the perspective of consciousness into new descriptors.
With repeated listening to the tracks, your mind will evolve its understanding through reflection on what is said. You'll begin to see your life as a narrative, a journey through experience leading you to ever broader understanding of the interrelatedness of things. That it turn will open doors, and you will hear something I've said with "new ears."
Over time you can see your life from a broader perspective of how you are evolving, as a result of what you experience at critical points relative to what your chart indicates. That allows you to use the information on the tracks in better and more effective ways. Your reading never become obsolete, and will help you be the best person you can be as you move through life.
Because of voice limitations, I can't do long phone sessions these days, since I will lose my voice if I speak too long. So I record and edit your tracks, and then email them to you. Then if you want a brief phone visit after, we set up another time to visit at no cost to you. It's not a second reading, but it's a way for my people to visit with me after they've digested the material on the tracks.
At the current time, I am offering readings of four 10+ minute recorded tracks packed with information for $200. To pay by paypal, the paypal button is on the left side of my front page below the picture of my Mercury Retrograde book cover. If you request more time and my voice is strong enough, if we go beyond 4 recorded tracks, then it's billed at $50 per track. Usually people just book another session down the line.
I have found over the years that when you go back and re-listen to the tracks, you'll get clear about your question and figure out an answer or two. As noted, my sessions yield more insights over time each time you listen to them.
One important note: THERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS I WILL NOT ANSWER. While 99.99% of my clients ask me reasonable questions, there are some questions I should not and will not answer.
I also do quite a bit of public speaking, and am available to groups on advance notice. Rates vary.
For more information, scheduling an appointment, or requesting a talk,
email: laughingcat51(at) hotmail.com
(I had to write it this way due to spambots crawling the internet. You can also find my email through the left hand links)
Makes for a wonderful holiday gift, too!
Posted by: WarriorLady | December 03, 2009 at 09:24 PM
Just checking in
Thought it a good time to get a reading either before or after new year
have just moved to Copenhagen
Posted by: I. Murphy Lewis | December 04, 2009 at 09:40 AM
Dear Robert, First of all, thank you for being a bright light of wisdom in the world :) I wondered if you're still giving readings. I sent an email a while back, but I didn't hear back from you. Blessings, Sandy
Posted by: Sandra Bazinet | January 15, 2010 at 10:44 AM
Hi all - By now you've all been contacted and taken care of. Thanks for the patience. My life gets hectic sometimes!
Posted by: Robert | January 19, 2010 at 04:04 PM
Hi Robert~
This site is incredible! My husband & I would like to gift our dear friend with a reading with you for her birthday. Are you still offering readings at this time? We have e-mailed but hadn't heard back yet.
Thank you so much! Really appreciate your great work. Jennifer
Posted by: Jennifer Pitts | March 21, 2010 at 07:25 AM
Hi Jennifer - Already responded.
Posted by: Robert | March 31, 2010 at 01:07 PM
Hi Robert, please e-mail me. would like chart for solar return. my outgoing e-mail is not working correctly. house sold, closing 6/1/10.contact with you before that would be great. If possible.
Posted by: cathy cataldo | May 19, 2010 at 08:05 AM
Hi, Robert. Wow - your work is incredible. I almost feel as though I no longer need a reading after digesting several of your articles! Deborah Porter (Simone, the musical prodigy's mom) recommended you to me, and I see why. My email is tetchy, too, but I am desperate for a session (3/26/62, 3:53-:55 AM PST). Can you email me at either address below with appointment for phone reading (I am in Cambridge, MA), and cc [email protected]? Thanks!
Posted by: Saoirse | July 17, 2010 at 12:20 PM
Dear Robert
I am writing you again from Orcas island. I met you first some 25 years ago at George Humphrey;s house--- then you came and did readings for my friends on Orcas-- I am the tall blonde that has the super intense scorpio chart-- not easy
So many transformation I would love to have a tune up from you-- I know how busy you are and am soo glad you will be at the rally-- when and if you have time my birth info is
11/18/1956-- 1 oclock in the afternoon
let me know how much to put in your paypal account
Love and blessings
Raenya (Deborah Salisbury)
Posted by: Raenya (Deborah Salisbury) | October 24, 2010 at 09:39 AM