by Robert Wilkinson
Millions and millions around the world, primarily those with planets in early Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, as well as those with planets around the middle degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Of course, there are many more.
As noted in other articles, the Saturn square Pluto is definitely impacting those with planets between 1 and 6 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. That means those born in late March, late June, late September, and late December. The other birthdays mentioned above must deal with the semisquare and sesquisquare of Saturn and Pluto to their planets in mid Fixed signs.
This impacts entire generations and subgenerations as well. Since the influence will be quite intense for many months, I thought it would be good to focus on those who are impacted, and what virtues they are challenged to bring forth.
This obviously impacts those with Pluto in early Cardinal signs or mid Fixed signs. This includes Autumn 1947 through Autumn 1951 and the first half of 1952, 1971-1975, early 1989, and Autumn 1989 through Autumn 1992. This time is restructuring what you think is the Spiritual use of power. It is a time of purifying the innermost essence of how you use energy or force, and is a time of an inner turning point of the highest magnitude.
It is also bringing changes to those with Neptune in the previously mentioned sectors. This is a major change in how these people relate to the collective consciousness, and probably will bring shifts in how these groups regard humanity and their own highest ideals. These include those born between Autumn 1942 and Autumn 1946, late 1962-late 1965, Summer 1966, 1984-1987, and Summer 1988.
Those with Uranus in early Cardinal degrees and/or mid-Fixed degrees are in radical revolution! These include those born Spring 1938-Spring 1939, late 1939-early 1940, Spring 1949-August 1950, and the first half of 1951. Others profoundly revolutionized by this transit include those born Autumn 1958-Summer 1959, the first half of 1960, Autumn 1968-Autumn 1970, late 1977 through late 1979, Summer 1980, the first half of 1988, 1989-1990, Feb-August 1999, and late 1999 through late 2000.
Mostly this is a time of learning to structure your genius or uniqueness, and order your world according to differing motives. You should be able to understand what is contributing to any sense of disorder, and make a contribution to bringing things back into some reasonable and workable plan.
People at critical turning points in Dharma are those with Saturn in early Cardinal degrees or mid Fixed degrees. If this includes your group, then definitely do a reality check on your fears, limitations, duties, responsibilities, and obligations to throw off those that make your life less than they should be. This influence will go on for quite a few months, so have patience with the process of figuring out what you can and cannot live with.
Since Saturn moves through all the signs each 29 years, as you can see this includes quite a large number of us. This includes March-July 1933, December 1933-January 1934, April-March 1938, Summer 1940, April-May 1941, June-august 1944, January-May 1945, late 1950-early 1951, August-October 1951, late 1954, May-September 1955, 1959, February-March 1963, and the last half of 1963.
Those groups of more recent vintage being influenced by Saturn and Pluto bringing long wave major changes at present include those born Summer 1966, February-May 1967, October 1967-January 1968, May-July 1970, November 1970-March 1971, April-June 1974, October 1976-January 1977, Summer 1977, September-November 1980, March-August 1981, December 1983-April 1984, September-November 1984, February 1988-January 1989, August-October 1989, March-August 1992, and January-February 1993.
Obviously, if Saturn/Pluto makes significant contacts with other planets in your chart, such as the inner planets, you'll be going through restructuring in those areas, as well as whatever areas they rule. It's definitely a major turning corner for all of us!
There are also other influences to planets these two quincunx, such as any planets we may have in the early degrees of Taurus, Gemini, Leo, and Pisces. In any case Saturn is in an emergent square to Pluto, showing dynamic emergences that affect us all in many ways for decades to come. If we figure out how to deal with it now, then we should not have so much of a hard time in the months to come, when Uranus will also square Pluto while balancing any Saturn in Libra energies we need to moderate.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert, Saturn now is almost conjunct Pluto at 5 36' Libra in my 10Th House though (Libra is the sign on my 11th house).
Well, I was craving a friend since I didn't have any where I now live and I found my old school pal a couple of weeks ago. Today he has disappeared (job related) and didn't say goodbye because of some favour(he asked)that I just couldn't honor.
I feel he just got back in touch as he needed me for this specific request and I instinctively refused as I felt that I was being used.
Now I know I was right to refuse...
Needless to say I am back to square one.
A short comment would be really appreciated.
Thank you and Namaskarams
Posted by: Aditya | November 12, 2009 at 08:28 AM
I found your website today as I was laying in bed without wanting to get out of it. It has been really helpful to read several of your articles. I am still finding my place in all this evolutionary laberinth. I feel so confused and dizzy, it has been hard since 2005 with my first saturn return in my 10th house with my sun in 16 degrees in leo. Now it seems Saturn and I have been dancing tango along for the past years and for years to come meanwhile it transited Virgo it radically changed mentally and phisically my attachments to things that I thought gave me identity and security, since my nathal saturn conjuncts mercury retrograde in first degree in Virgo still in the 10th house. I can see it coming now with my libra in my 11th house where I have in the first degrees mars and venus to reach later on my 12th house also in libra with my pluto conjunct my moon! And in the next 5 years when Saturn transits my first house in scorpio with uranus in the 12 degree!!!! Wow, it seems really challenging and cant wait to see how I come out of this transits all transformed, renewed with focus and direction that I am so much in need during this challenging times. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and letting us know we are all connected in some way! ;)
Posted by: Mariana | November 12, 2009 at 10:29 AM
Hi Robert- My bday is 10-20-67. When I look at my chart for 11/14/09, I have A LOT of challenging aspects for Saturn and Pluto including transiting Pluto squaring my natal Saturn (10th) transiting Saturn conjunct my natal Pluto (3rd). Also seemingly notable is T-Pluto squaring N-Pluto and T-Saturn opposite N-Saturn. Should I just lock myself up for the Winter??? ;)
Posted by: Sherry | November 12, 2009 at 02:14 PM
I was mentioned some where in that mass of dates.
July 1977 - Uranus in Scorpio
Uranus falls in my 5th house as well as Libra in N. Node & Pluto.
This may sound ignorant (because i'm not as well versed in astrology) but does that give me a triple dose of Pluto in the 5th house?
Posted by: Robyn | November 12, 2009 at 02:18 PM
Robert is there an article on your site that goes more deeply into the nature of Saturn In Libra. I have Mars Saturn Moon between 1 and 6 degees of Aquarius and have been aware of working for better and deeper understandings around issues of assertion/anger, power, control and vulnerability in all close relationships and most especially issues of self expression as Mars is now in Leo and moves forward to station on my North Node conjunct asc at 18 and 16 Leo respectively. Any insights would be appreciated especially into the nature of the waning sextile of Saturn to that stellium while Pluto waning semi sextiles it. Mars opposes my grouping of Aquarian planets includimg Sun Venus Mercury Jupiter and the South Node on the desc???
Posted by: Deborah Allin | November 12, 2009 at 03:59 PM
Yah. This 1979er is definitely experiencing radical changes, but they're all awesome. Uh, so far :). Guess that's what a backbone feels like. I stood up for myself, and it was about time. Thank you, Leo-Mars.
Cosmic huggies!
Posted by: WarriorLady | November 12, 2009 at 08:56 PM
Hey Robert - as a 49-er (2/15/1949) with Pluto in mid Leo as noted above I am getting a generational hit, but that is SO overriden by my dear moon at 0.38 Libra being zapped by Saturn and Pluto simultaneously. "I feel myself a cog in something turning...." and really some days I think "this should be harder" - it seems not to be effecting me, and other days I can feel an inner restructuring.
Thanks, as always for your wisdom and depth.
Posted by: Diane Scholten | November 12, 2009 at 09:52 PM
Hey Warrior Lady-way to go!!!!Positive growth helps us all!
And isn't it nice to see so many new people finding this site! This community is growing and growing, like us all.
Posted by: Sue Moon | November 13, 2009 at 07:54 AM
Your Highness,
How does one feel if Saturn is transiting his 8th Libran house.....squaring transiting Pluto conjunct his natal chiron in Capricorn 11th house? Anyone can answer who knows if the boss is traveling:):):)
Thanks in advance!
Posted by: chickie | November 14, 2009 at 10:14 PM
Hi Chickie,
I might be able to give you a few clues to some basic characteristics and then you can mull them over to get a feel for how they apply in your unique situation. It might make sense to read the mythology of Chiron. It will only take a few minutes, and it could help you to understand how to apply his placement in your 11th house of friends, groups and hopes.
Pluto is the power planet of transformation and Saturn is the master of lessons. I think so many of us are fearful of these two squaring off simply because they are both mighty forces to reckon with, and ultimately, many of us would much rather slog along in our old comfortable ways.
Saturn rules hard working Capricorn and the 11th house. Pluto rules the 8th house of finalities and new beginnings. Do you see how there is a complementary handshake within the placements and transits of your chart? I do hope this gives you some tools for your exploration.
Best wishes,
Posted by: K. | November 15, 2009 at 10:55 AM
Your K Highness,
Thank you for jumping in here. This is a chart of a person who has deceived me and I was hoping for some returned karma on his part. I do know chiron and pluto....just wondered what happens in the conjunction and squaring off with saturn.....wonder if this person will "give back" what is due to me.
Perhaps he will transform.....and say I'm Sorry."
Many thanks!
Posted by: chickie | November 15, 2009 at 06:35 PM
Hi Aditya - Every relationship is somewhat of a negotiation. There are harmless and harmful negotiations. Each must see it's in their best interests to agree or disagree with any request coming in from anywhere. Sometimes we don't mind "being used" in certain ways, while other times it would compromise our integrity. And we must always gauge whether granting a request would bring help or harm to another. Perhaps the "old school pal" is just that, a random being cruising through life, and came back into your life briefly so you could be clear about some things. If they were truly a friend, they would have opened up and at least asked why you couldn't/wouldn't grant the request. That's because in true friendship there is trust. Aum and blessings on finding more friends.
Hi Mariana - Welcome to the cosmic pizzeria at the intersection of Fate Street and Freewill Street on Eternity Boulevard! "Feeling confused and dizzy" can be good, since it means the lower ego is disoriented. That means the Higher Self can get you oriented! Saturn in the 11th is a time for re-defining goals, ambitions, friendships, and higher aspirations. Your thinking has deepened, and hopefully you've learned to concentrate on what really matters. Now that it's in Libra, you're restructuring how you do what you do, and why you like what you like. I have no doubt you'll rewrite your address book and by the time you get to the other side of this transit you'll have deeper friendships with people who really care for you and you for them. And yes, we're all in this together.
Hi Sherry - Your security systems are being restructured by the larger transformational field, and you're experiencing your power of self-purification and self-regeneration in more effective ways. Everyone gets the outers square or opposed during their lifetime. These are generational aspects that can bring a lot to the surface while leaving behind the things of youth that no longer are appropriate to the evolving individuality. You also have many favorable aspects, both now and in the future, so don't get lost looking at a half empty glass.
Hi Robyn - Not exactly. Each planet is a blend of two signs. Pluto is the spiritual ruler of Aries and Scorpio. Your line of greatest development is to find a balanced way to view and express your Pluto in Libra energies. Uranus in Scorpio brings intensity and individuation challenges as well. It definitely shows that your 5th house affairs are influenced by two very powerful indicators.
Hi Deborah Allin - Yes, though there's more to write. I just haven't had time since I also have to deal with these grinding forces in my life. You're in a long term stabilizing of your Aquarian planet energies. Mars is stimulating your line of greatest evolutionary development, preparing you for new expressions next Spring. Begin to identify with your more Leonine self. Oppositions bring things to surface, while giving chances to modify course or method.
Hi WarriorLady - Yes, Mars in Leo will definitely give us all more strength to do what we must do on our own terms! I'm already feeling more determined in some ways as it approaches my Asc and Pluto and trines my 9th house Aries Sun and Mars. (Knowing of course that this is the first experience of something that will reverse course, or retrack lessons, before moving forward in the Spring.) Reminds me of the I Ching line about moving forward and backward while practicing warrior skills.
Hi Diane Scholten - Some people are doing quite well despite the outer grind. Obviously you've done some major Lunar work in the past, and now Saturn is helping you "ride easy in the saddle of fate." Pluto waxing square shows emergent larger factors where your Moon can express itself in its matured state. Keep the professional and personal sectors balanced, and I think you'll do just fine.
Hi Sue - This cosmic pizzeria is one of those joints where "you can check out any time you like but you can never leave...." I learned a while ago that people come and people go, some comment for a while and then just read for a while, while others check in and out as they are able. The whole time, the connecting links grow, since people on similar Ray paths are in fact finding each other as we approach the Threshold of the next Era.
Hi chickie - Sorry that we missed each other, but things have been thick and heavy around here due to the overwhelming number of people in crisis all over the map! Saturn in Libra in the 8th teaches balanced detachment and "to possess as though one possesses nothing," as well as structured lessons re: shared resources, while Pluto on Chiron sprouts the seeds of healing into one's Higher Self or creates a cosmic wound. Sometimes karma comes to another and we never know, lest we get caught in schadenfreude. Whether they ever do the right thing or not, learn to spot what needs learning and stick to your integrity without yielding to their agenda, hidden or otherwise.
Hi K - Yes, I agree that understanding Chiron can help us when it is challenged by strong transiting aspects. Good expression: "Pluto is the power planet of transformation and Saturn is the master of lessons." Transit to transit squares work on everyone. In many respects, whatever small or large crises this coincides with, it's a chance for us to get clear about the need for initiative, and action to secure true needs.
Posted by: Robert | November 19, 2009 at 08:32 AM
No need for apologies, Your Highness....don't know how in the world you take care of so many souls that are suffering at this time!
There are flocks!
Posted by: chickie | November 20, 2009 at 12:03 AM
Hi Robert,
Your insights are so helpful, and I am so thankful to have found them.
As this aspect (as well as the upcoming Uranus trigger) is currently playing out along my Nodal axis (NN 2 Cancer) and in aspect to my natal Venus (2 Aries), [not to mention forming "easy" aspects to my Sun, Moon and Saturn] I feel as if I am being swept up in something that is firmly beyond my ego's control. I've found that humble surrender and a no-nonsense attitude is the best way to go!
Pluto is firmly ensuring I shed every 10th House South Node ambition, and Saturn is helping my 1st House Venus to mature at an alarming rate. As Saturn has just knocked on the door to my 8th House I can only imagine what this next year will bring. One thing is for sure: my North Node will be working overtime to ensure I evolve, not explode.
Thanks for your writings.
Posted by: Ellie | December 11, 2009 at 11:58 PM