by Robert Wilkinson
Neptune and Pluto are still in septile, anchoring what I have termed The Grand Irrationality. This long wave global activating influence began in the mid-1990s and will manifest for years to come. It explains why things are constantly weird, why people can be obsessive-compulsive and make strange choices, and why irrational behaviors that make little sense pervade our world. It's why we are all under frequent pressure to make life-altering choices and changes as we stand at forks in the road of Destiny.
This subject is so important, it warrants its own two part series. This article will give an overview of what's been happening for all of us. Part 2 will deal with specific times that are more fired up than others through February 2010. You can bet that December, January, and February will all heat up significantly, since the Sun, Mercury, and Venus all transit the Capricorn and Aquarius zones of The Grand Irrationality while setting important new Pluto and Neptune cycles into motion for the year to come.
To recap, The Grand Irrationality is a septile-driven configuration, and creates an "energy field" of strange, irrational, obsessive-compulsive energies. If you want to know more about these very important, "destiny producing" non-rational angular fields, at the end of this post I've included an article elaborating on these aspects. It may help explain how these aspects work their influence within the larger energetic field in which "we live, breathe, and have our being."
Due to Neptune and Pluto being in a very long term septile and the other planets making regular visits to the various zones in Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, and Scorpio, its influence is fairly constant. This is a major factor as to why such extreme hard-edged strangeness is boiling to the top in personalities and situations. Collectively we are at a major fork in the road of human evolution resulting from the almost constant pressure put on everyone each time this aspect series is triggered.
It was virtually non-stop in 2007. Boosting what began with the Autumn 2006 Eclipses, there were important septile series configurations made by transits that set off important changes and choices that did not make much sense, but we had to make them anyway. These transits continue for many years to come, showing us how to greet the forward edge of our future "destiny" by the ways we greet the weirdness of the NOW.
The Grand Irrationality will continue for a decade to come, and as noted, it activates any time a planet or the Moon crosses any of the seven zones of influence. During December 2009 through January and February 2010, the hot zones of The Grand Irrationality are approximately 2-6 Capricorn, 23-28 Aquarius, 14-18 Aries, 5-9 Gemini, 27 Cancer to 1 Leo, 18-22 Virgo, and 9-13 Scorpio depending on the exact degrees of Neptune and Pluto.
We began a particularly intense period lasting for many months with Saturn's entry into the Virgo zone of the Grand Irrationality in late September 2008. That point ushered in global changes in power structures, and the urgent need for practical solutions to pressing problems.
We began to confront unused or "caged in" powers and skills as well as explosions releasing pressures so that our "will to wholeness" could come into form and we could follow our curiosity or restlessness to new methods of inner guidance and cooperative action. These issues came to a head between March and mid-July 2009, and led us to cooperative techniques that revealed our quest or "adventure in consciousness."
July-August 2009 finished this period, when we began to move in the direction of a higher Destiny resulting from the choices we've made the past year around what "venerable standard" we're willing to live. August finalized lessons of learning how to follow inner guidance, and we were challenged link our energies with others in an organized cooperative way.
September and October Saturn moved into the last degrees of Virgo, helping us finish our education in some emotional/social area. That time prepared us for "a world of transcendent activity" where we began to participate in a larger role to play. Those months finished a level of preparation for our embrace of a new archetype of Being that began November 2009.
Another major influence pervading the past 15 months happened from September 2008 through July 2009, Saturn biseptiled Pluto and triseptiled Neptune several times, meaning that we confronted several sets of "destiny producing" choices. The first batch were Sept-Oct 2008, the second set was Jan-Feb 2009, and the final set was late July and early August 2009. This helped all of us get clear about what "destiny" we wanted to embrace due to the choices we all had to make at numerous forks in the road triggered by the inner planet dance through several areas of The Grand Irrationality.
As noted in other articles, this influence was boosted in April-May and July-August 2009 by Jupiter conjunct Neptune in the Aquarius zone of the Grand Irrationality during these periods. We will experience a final Jupiter trigger of this configuration this month and early January 2010 as it moves through the Aquarius zone for the last time.
Obviously when the inner planets move through the various zones during this year-long activation the entire pattern will be intensified. Venus and Mars transited the Aries zone in mid-May, triggering the point set up at Venus retrograde station in early March 2009. This set many things into motion that have been bringing an end to whatever we've been dealing with the past 2+ years we no longer need to contend with.
The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars triggered the Gemini, Cancer, and Virgo zones between June and September 2009, anchoring the beginnings of Spring with major choices and decisions in the face of things that often made no sense. We now enter the next "wave" of septile-series driven transits. I'll discuss more about the inner planet transits in the next article in this series.
Any time the Moon transits any of the hot zones the pattern is triggered. In December, January, and February, though the number of points stimulated will be fewer than usual, the effect will be intensified since there will be times when everything is clustered due to conjunctions to Pluto and Neptune.
One very important thing to note: each time the Moon transits the Virgo zone, it will serve to "echo" the lessons, challenges, and responsibilities crystalized by Saturn's transit through the Grand Irrationality Virgo zone. I'll discuss more Lunar "time triggers" in part 2.
In the next part of this Spiritual Astrology series we'll finish this detailed account of how the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are triggering the Grand Irrationality during the next few weeks. Without doubt so much will be triggered that by the time Spring is here we'll see clearly how previous years are radically different than what we've become, what we're going through, and what is happening in our lives.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Robert, would you ever consider teaching an astrology course on line starting with the basics? (I realize this is a very evolved classroom already). Also,you have arrived at a level of understanding that is so far beyond any astrologer I have studied, I was wondering if you could explain some of your "formulas" (don't know what else to call them) that you seem to pull out of the air, so to speak. Many of us on this site have studied astrology but I feel like I need to go back to the beginning and re-learn from your teachings. I thought I used to know something but I see that I was wrong. In fact, I'm beginning to feel like a baby again having to learn everything from scratch. Jai Bhagwan Great Teacher
Posted by: Sue Moon | December 12, 2009 at 06:42 AM
This is great stuff to cut the teeth on Sue Moon. Always more to learn. Seems like years of experience to me. Good sources are hard to find.
Posted by: caliban | December 12, 2009 at 04:23 PM
That explains so much!! Thanks Robert! And I'd like to add that anyone who does not believe in astrology should have lived my life since Uranus has gone direct. If I had not known about such astrological forces I'm not sure I would have gotten through it. :)
Looking forward to part 2.
Posted by: Beth | December 13, 2009 at 03:23 PM
Hi Robert,
We'll soon have this partial lunar eclipse on the 31st of December. Most astrologers are saying that it should be bringing a difficult period, especially due to the aspects it will make with Pluto and Saturn, but I am not of the same opinion, the squares are not tight enough. What I think is that it will bring some emotional closures with the past (south node in attendance). What would be your thoughts about this upcomming event?
Posted by: Alix | December 14, 2009 at 05:31 AM
@ Sue Moon,
I've studied astrology too, I pretty much have a good grasp of what Robert is saying; it just takes a higher elevation of thought because he's so fluent. But for the most part, I dont think we can learn his style..
Posted by: Amanda | December 14, 2009 at 01:21 PM
Alix, I've kinduv looked at the eclipse too since it is within 1 degree of my natal moon. I think it is in relation to the Saturn Pluto thing going on for me. I hope this is not inappropriate. It is just the weird way it works for me sometimes with symbology. After posing the question about the eclipse, it seems I left a whole bunch of clowns go. Faces familiar but not recognizable from my psyche in rapid fashion so that I could not count or remember them. I was using behaviors to push uncomfortable things away. It was a defense for me until I was ready to be able to listen without intercepting pain. I was actually taking pain into my physical body. Such is the life of an empath. How I see this working with Saturn in Libra for me is not trashing humor but opening myself up to creating in tandem with others. It's become kinduv a comedic theatre in daily life. The last local postmaster was genius and taught me how to open it up to include the next person in line. The morning crowd and checkouts at the convenience store can really rock sometimes. Just my personal take. And it ain't here yet, so what do I know?
Posted by: caliban | December 14, 2009 at 09:38 PM
Hi Sue, caliban, and others - Yes, I've been doing research and preliminary "wrap my head around it" work concerning classes and webinars. A member of our community offered to help and did some research earlier this year (which I appreciate more than I may have communicated!), but it seems that things are flying by fairly fast and so it never got beyond the first steps.
That said, I WILL be offering classes. I'm sure that once they get started it'll become very easy. Right now I'm not sure when I'd have time to prepare the charts that students would need, since I have my own approach and I can't just lift a diagram from somewhere else. I'll have to create them from scratch, and I'm not much of an artist in that regard. We all have our gifts, as well as our deficiencies!;-)
As for my "formulas," they are and they aren't. I have my approach that begins at a point and proceeds from there in a methodical manner, so I am able to teach people an orderly technique to approach any given chart. After a certain point, though, different factors begin to intersect and interact, and that's where each astrologer has to develop their own "art of synthesis." With imagination, mindfulness, and detaching from letting one's wheels grind everything to an over-refined state, the gift comes forth with practice.
I can emphatically state that I can teach ANYONE to give a packed, authoritative 20 minute or more reading to anyone, as long as they get over the stage fright of experiencing speaking with authority on such things. But I have also found across the years that it's usually better not to lumber things up too much since it creates expectations. Most students are better off loving the learning of the craft without the responsibility of being professional, just serving those who come for self-knowledge of their patterns.
Hi Beth - You're welcome. I believe that more would accept astrology if they'd pay attention to the recurring patterns and how the major changes may fit together, and see that there really is "a unified field" whose properties across time can be known.
Hi Alix - The primary effect of eclipses are to eliminate something so we may build for the future. What's so bad about letting go of old lunar things and replacing them with new lunar things? The traditional "doom and gloom" attitudes regarding eclipses is an annoyance, if only because it's not very helpful to see losses in this way. Even when major eclipses (like Leo 1999) change our lives forever, the issue remains what are we going to do about it?
I think the differing distance of aspects bring their own unique quality to the mix. A 2 degree square, trine, opposition, etc. has a slightly different quality from a 4 degree square, trine, or opposition. Perhaps the most important element in analyzing that component of the eclipse is that the lunar oppositions to Venus and Pluto, as well as the square to Saturn, are separating. That ALWAYS shows things in the past, not the future. And this full moon makes a most excellent forming quintile-tredecile to Uranus. I'll compose more articles in the near future.
Hi Amanda - I can only teach elements of my style, as I explained above. Each astrologer finds their unique approach using all they have learned from the teachings. Me too. I learned from Grant Lewi, Dane Rudhyar, Marc Jones, Llewellyn George, Sepharial, Charles Carter, Alan Leo, Carl Payne Tobey, Paul Grell, William Lilly, Nick DeVore, Martin Schulman, and a hundred other worthies, and over decades I've found my own voice.
Hi caliban - It is all a cosmic leela, isn't it? When we overcome the mental trap of aversion, it breeds a certain detachment regarding pain so we can dance with what comes and goes without letting goop stick to us for very long. The less dense we are, the more translucent we become. And life can truly be pretty funny sometimes!
Posted by: Robert | December 17, 2009 at 08:08 AM
Kinda weaving some threads here together, but while doing some research on current techno trends using green plants I ran across "biomimetics." Seems like the leaves of the lotus are self cleaning. Dirt does not adhere to the leaves, ie no goop. Kohlarabi leaves have the same property? And so do the bodies of some insects. Doctrine of signature is fun stuff.
Posted by: caliban | December 17, 2009 at 11:06 AM
Thank you Robert.
Posted by: Sue Moon | December 18, 2009 at 08:01 AM