by Robert Wilkinson
In December, January, and February the Grand Irrationality is triggered quite a few times by the inner planets. Expect things to get very heavy in the way of choices and changes due to the activity arising in the Capricorn and Aquarius zones triggering shifts in Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio resonant areas.
This 13 week period marks a very important point in getting clear about the magnetics and specific tasks to be done and training to be learned connected to forks in the road and forms of obsessive or compulsive behaviors in self or others. These will be most evident in the houses occupied by the signs listed above.
As noted in previous articles on The Grand Irrationality, as the inner planets make septiles, biseptiles, and triseptiles to Neptune, Pluto, or any other planet in one of the 7 zones of the Grand Irrationality, we confront major forks in the road in areas of our lives where these are transiting.
Of major importance was when Saturn biseptiled Pluto and triseptiled Neptune and Chiron 3 different periods between September 2008 and August 2009. This set major decisions into play where each of us determined our "future destiny" by the choices we made. Many of the ramifications of these realizations will be set into play by Mars during the first half of July 2010.
As noted in part one, during December 2009 and January-February 2010 the hot zones of The Grand Irrationality are approximately 2-6 Capricorn, 23-28 Aquarius, 14-18 Aries, 5-9 Gemini, 27 Cancer to 1 Leo, 18-22 Virgo, and 9-13 Scorpio depending on the exact degrees of Neptune and Pluto.
Every time the Moon moves through these zones it triggers the whole pattern. The Moon first activated the Grand Irrationality during this 13 week span December 1, when it transited the Gemini zone. Other times it will move through the Gemini zone are Dec 28-29, Jan 25, and Feb 21-22.
Continuing the series, the Moon transited the Cancer-Leo zone Dec 5-6, and will again trigger the pattern Jan 1-2, Jan 29-30, and Feb 25-26. Of note is that the February transit will be conjunct Mars about to go stationary direct, thus setting The Grand Irrationality into constant motion from late February through early April. This period will prove to be one of the most important platforms for all of 2010, launching spontaneous "conflagrations" in whatever area of our chart that 1 Leo occupies.
The Moon transited the Virgo zone Dec 8-9, bringing focus to Saturn's part in the Grand Irrationality in 2008-2009. It will again move through the Virgo zone on Jan 4-5, Feb 1, and Feb 28-March 1. Even though Saturn has left the Virgo zone, the Moon's transit will "echo" the lessons, challenges, and responsibilities crystalized by Saturn's transit through the Grand Irrationality Virgo zone. These continue to provide us forms regarding Dharma, responsibility, and our on-going "education" preparing us to live an archetypal form appropriate to some need in our lives or our world.
The Moon moved through the Scorpio zone Dec 12-13, and will again on Jan 8-9 and Feb 4-5. After that, When the Moon again enters the Capricorn zone, it begins its transit through the span occupied by most of the other planets. As with previous years, this initiates a series of conjunctions with the outer invisible Triad over the next few months. That said, the very beginning of Capricorn is a critical transit, since it triggers past conjunctions of Pluto with the Galactic Center.
The Moon conjuncts Pluto at the Galactic Center on Dec 16-17, Jan 12-13, and Feb 9-10. Any time the Moon moves across the first degree of Capricorn, as well as late Aquarius, the influences are far-reaching in their effects on humanity, since the early Capricorn zone involves the Galactic Center and the Aquarius zone activates long range Solar Eclipse effects.
These eclipse effects were set into motion in a BIG way by Jupiter in Aquarius during 2009, both shutting down old ways and opening new vistas of group work and ways to manage our energies in collective circumstances.
To elaborate on the importance of the Lunar transit of the Cap zone of the Grand Irrationality, when the Moon transits that degree span it activates the growth of new forms of Pluto's Transformational long range Seeds. As noted in related articles, this is releasing influences beyond comprehension (but not experiencing!) due to Pluto conjunct the Galactic Center.
Since the Moon nurtures and gives form to whatever it touches, each time it transits early Cap it focuses the Galactic Center energies currently sprouting as a result of the Pluto conjunction with the GC. You can find out more about the Galactic Center energies by checking out Pluto at the Galactic Center. Also relevant is the article Galactic Center Conjunctions by Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto - the Newest Influences What's Coming in 2012, since all outer planet conjunctions to the GC set up long wave global transformational pulses through subsequent transits.
There is a lot to explore, so take your time and try to get a sense of these "galactic" energies that will impact our planet for at least 250 years to come, and probably a lot longer, if other long cycle time-wave factors are taken into consideration. I have numerous articles about the GC in the archives, so enjoy!
Now we turn to the Moon in Aquarius, which as it transits that sign each month it activates the Solar Eclipse effects from both 2008 and 2009. When the Moon transits the Aquarius zone of the Grand Irrationality it conjuncts Neptune and reinforces and gives form to manifestations arising from those two very important eclipses.
It activates the Neptune and North Node points from the February 2008 Solar Eclipse at 18 Aquarius, as well as the Neptune point in the January 2009 Solar Eclipse at 7 Aquarius, both important long wave influences lasting for years.
The February 2008 Solar Eclipse has been and will unveil many things in years to come, and shows a widespread need to finish some renewal within a public or collective setup. The January 2009 Solar Eclipse has been and continues to bring forth original mutations and the birth of global Beings cut loose from local conditions and limited standards.
As an aside, it was extraordinarily important that the February 2008 Solar Eclipse began the year of the Earth Rat, indicating that year departed from prior long cycles since the Rat begins the sequence of Chinese Astrological animals. Due to the position of the Moon’s Nodes, which create the Eclipse effect, the January 2009 Solar Eclipse also marked the beginning of a Chinese Year, that of the Earth Ox.
So when the Moon transits Aquarius and conjuncts Neptune (and Jupiter and Chiron!) in December, January, and February it sets both The Grand Irrationality AND echoes of this year's and last year's Solar Eclipses involving Aquarian energies. These periods are December 21-22 (Solstice alert promising a very heavy year ahead!), January 17-18 (Jupiter enters Pisces!), and Feb 13-14 (New Moon focusing the energy!)
If you want to know more about these Aquarius Solar eclipses, please visit the articles dealing with them in the archives. Also important is the 2009 Lunar Eclipse, since the Sun was conjunct Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune thus impacting the number of months afterward according to the length of that eclipse. Jupiter in Aquarius has also boosting the Eclipse energies, expanding the scope of what's being learned and/or taught, promising new Aquarian initiatives for 12 years to come.
In December and January, Jupiter again moves for the third and last time through the Aquarius zone of the Grand Irrationality. You can find more about what's up these two months by going to Jupiter conjunct Neptune in the Aquarius zone of the Grand Irrationality.
Finishing the series of Lunar transits through the zones of the Grand Irrationality, the Moon will move through the Aries zone of the pattern on Dec 24-25, Jan 21, and Feb 17. These periods continue to set Venus lessons set up between March through May 2009 into motion. If you want to learn more, check the archives for last March.
As mentioned, Jupiter in the Aquarius zone all of December into early January will keep the next few weeks highly activated. All the inner planet conjunctions and septiles over the next few weeks are important, since they reinforce the Galactic Center and Aquarius eclipse energies.
The main signal points when the inner planets will trigger the effect during this 13 week period are Dec 5-9 (Mercury in Cap), Dec 20-25 (Sun in Cap), Dec 25-30 (Venus in Cap), Jan 12-20 (Mercury stationary direct at 6 Capricorn!), Feb 5-10 (Venus in Aquarius), Feb 11-18 (Sun in Aquarius), Feb 25-March 1 (Mercury in Aquarius), and as noted, Feb 22-April 8 (Mars in Leo.) Thus you can see there will be times that are very active!
If the Moon is also in a zone of the Grand Irrationality during the transit periods mentioned above, the pattern is reinforced or another point is added. It activates a third point when it's in Aries, Gemini, Cancer-Leo, Virgo, and Scorpio. Of course, with Jupiter conjunct Neptune through December into January, there's always going to be at least 4 planets involved each time the configuration is triggered.
In December, that puts a special emphasis on Dec 5-9 (Mercury in Capricorn, Moon in Virgo - 3 points, 5 planets - heavy traffic in Cap and Aquarius!), Dec 20-24 (Sun in Cap, Moon conjunct Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius followed by Moon in Aries - 2 or 3 points, 5 planets), Dec 25 (Major heavy! Sun and Venus in Cap, Moon in Aries - 3 points, 6 planets - with Sun conjunct Pluto square Saturn as Mercury is about to go stationary retrograde!), and Dec 26-30 (Venus in Cap, Moon in Gemini - 3 points, 5 planets.)
In January and February, we find the active times to be Jan 12-20 (Mercury in Cap, Moon in Cap and Aquarius - 2 points, 4 planets), Feb 5-10 (Venus in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio and Cap - 3 or 2 points, 4 planets), Feb 11-18 (Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aquarius and Aries - 3 points, 4 planets, Aquarian New Moon Grand Irrationality!), Feb 22-Feb 25 (Mercury in Aquarius, Moon in Cancer-Leo - 3 points, 4 planets), and closing the month in a BIG way, Feb 25-March 1 (Mercury in Aquarius, Mars in Leo, Moon in Cancer-Leo and Virgo - 3 or 4 points, 5 planets.) I've not included Chiron in any of the above, but obviously it adds even another factor to the mix, if you're so inclined.)
These days will definitely mark important forks in the road since we may have only a few points active, but they are heavily accented. This will change beginning March, when the inner planets transit the Aries zone, thus activating at least 4 zones through early April with the Moon adding a 5th point, with a potential 6th and even 7th whenever the transiting Ascendant or Midheaven transits an empty "hot zone." Obviously, during the period of mid-March through early April 2010 it will seem that the influence is non-stop and things will be in constant motion!
Each time the Grand Irrationality is stimulated by the inner planets, it manifests along its most characteristic Pluto in Capricorn-Neptune in Aquarius energies. Throughout the past year, the Aquarius conjunctions added intensity to that anchoring aspect and brought the energies of the personality planets to focus the Jupiter conjunct Neptune influence. This continues through early January 2010. The Capricorn conjunctions all coax forth forms of the Plutonic seeds set into motion by the December 2007 conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, along with the December 2008 initiatives resulting from Mars conjunct Pluto.
Since the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter all move through one of the zones in this forecast period, and the Moon moves through all 7 zones repeatedly, they will trigger changes in the houses ruled by these planets. This will also affect any life areas where we have planets in those hot zones. The houses they occupy as well as rule will be most directly affected.
Since these planets rule 10 of the 12 signs, we will be put through major choices and "forks in the road of destiny" in most areas of our lives. Add the Moons in Virgo echoing the Saturn in Virgo energies of the recent past, and it could be said that every area of our lives will continue to be impacted in major ways. This will show as important changes set into motion by our character choices over the next 13 weeks.
That's why it's important to stay on top of what's being triggered and when as the transiting planets as they move through these zones. As we note what transpires in the Capricorn and Aquarius zones, we'll get a heads up on how the events of the next 13 weeks are related to what's coming in March and April 2010.
Regardless of which zones are triggered when by what, during transits to any of the 7 zones of influence we can expect shifts, changes, forks in the road, irrational or compulsive behavior in self or others, and important times of decision. Adding to the intensity of this constant influence on our times, we also have other septile configurations that come and go between other planets, some more quickly than others.
An example of this is when the inner planets make septiles, biseptiles, and triseptiles to Uranus. Given the powerful influence of Uranus across the entire spectrum of human activity, you could see how this could also trigger major choices and changes in the realm of individuation, innovation, and creative revolution in our personality structure.
A few hot zones when Uranian irrationality and individuation choices confront us are Dec 1-4, Dec 8-12, Jan 17-24, and Feb 9-13, these being when Mercury, Sun, and Venus trigger biseptiles and septiles to Uranus. Of course, the Moon also activates this irrational, revolutionizing influence 7 times a month as well, including the time spans just mentioned. While not "The Grand Irrationality," this is still a very important force in our individual and collective experience.
Back to the larger Grand Irrationality pattern. Not that long ago, in December 2008 Mars conjuncted Pluto at the Galactic Center. That ended an old cycle that began January 2007 and activated the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction cycle that began December 2007. Given the constant Saturn pressure from the Virgo zone highly active at that time, it set up major shifts globally for 2009.
Of some substantial importance, late December 2008 was more volatile than usual due to Jupiter making a waning septile with Uranus. This marked the forming of the seed of the future Jupiter-Uranus cycle to begin in 2010 with their conjunction in early Aries. Please note that will accelerate and expand the coming major Cardinal squares and oppositions of 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013.
Jupiter's important septile in December 2008 and January 2009 marked its exit from Capricorn as it entered Aquarius. This is important in a big way for all of us, since new alliances and groups have already begun to form as a result of personal discipline and organized efforts in 2008-09.
Look at how you've been trained, and do whatever it takes in following through on the larger work you are here to do. As Jupiter moves through late Pisces it will show a productive stage of what we've been doing 2008-09, bringing many things to surface, and the Summer conjunction with Uranus ushers in a whole new era.
Copyright © 2009 Robert Wilkinson
Your Highness,
All I can say is YIKES! One question. I have a composite Chiron with another individual at 27 Sag. Without knowing anything other than we are leos, how would one interpret that aspect with the current transiting energy. Especially, as you mentioned tomorrow's conjunction.
Thanks in advance for a hint of my upcoming "working through the contrast!"
Posted by: chickie | December 15, 2009 at 11:48 AM
So brilliant and thorough are you... Feliz Navidad, Roberto. Since my natal 8th house straddles sag-cap --(and pluto, the sun and venus are planning a party) may I hope for good tidings? My venus conj venus is my solstice gift. That and, it makes a trine to my natal pluto in 4-leo and my moon in 12-aries. A lovely solstice, no? Gracias mi amigo...
Posted by: Jan | December 15, 2009 at 01:37 PM
Hi to all - I decided to de-publish all comments that hijacked this comment stream. The person refused to dialog, and instead insisted on stating falsehoods as fact, misrepresenting both science and astrology. I wasted quite a bit of my time trying to dialog, but he was such a dishonest communicator, openly refusing to take responsibility for his own assertions, I figured it was time to pull the plug. (and that was a good quote, Sophia!) Aum Namah Shivaya.
ps - He reminded me of the wisdom in the old saying, "It only takes one fool to keep a thousand wise men busy." I just don't have the time to debate with a troll who has absolutely no knowledge of astrology and quotes dubious sources and claims it to be "science."
Posted by: Robert | December 15, 2009 at 07:45 PM
Your Highness,
Every once in a while, "Ya gotta do the right thing!" Sometimes it's executing a "brain enema." Sometimes it's recognizing brain "Anemia."
Posted by: chickie | December 15, 2009 at 10:08 PM
There be a clown in every circus.
Great way to get our attention (energy). Thanks for pulling the plug. I now understand what you were trying to tell me Robert about some of the negatives of commenting. That was a perfect example.
Your site here is sacred. It's our Garden of Eden to visit and find Peace.
God Bless. And God Bless that gentleman too. He was a great trigger to make me feel some anger I was sitting on.
Posted by: Brenda Joy | December 15, 2009 at 11:50 PM
Thanks, Robert. We've got way more important things to focus on.
Posted by: Siri | December 16, 2009 at 08:36 AM
Wow, I missed that performance. Every party has a pooper, I guess, but people like that only make us stronger. Yes, your site is sacred. I feel sorry for the troll and hope that one day he takes the dagger out of his heart. Blessings to everyone, including troll. :)
Posted by: Valerie | December 16, 2009 at 02:19 PM
Hi all - As you now know, I got inspired to offer you some insights about the style of disputatious people who use destructive techniques. I just wish I could spot it earlier, without needing to give them the benefit of the doubt, which some of them really don't deserve. However, the troll in question changed his tune a little over at his own site, so I suppose even he was moved by the exchange.
I have tried to make this a place where we can all uplift each other, where we truly can focus on "more important things." Positivity in pursuit of truth is far better than staying stuck in negation. Eventually darkness ceases to exist in the presence of the light.
Hi Jan - You've got great developments coming in this next year through a variety of factors. Enjoy!!
Posted by: Robert | December 17, 2009 at 08:46 AM
Ok bear with me here on this one...I'm feeling mighty fortunate as I look at my chart. I am a Sun Gemini with Leo rising, Aquarius in my 7th house (I see the moon there too),Capricorn in my 6th house and Aries in my 9th. I am planning a huge international move (before reading this I planned on leaving around April/May) - leaving my job after 10 years and uprooting my children etc. and well...scared shitless actually! Based on what information I've provided does this look good for me? I could use a tail wind to blow me in the right direction!
Posted by: AMC | December 20, 2009 at 07:53 AM
Robert, maybe you do readings? I've been trying to figure out what's going to happen but the only feedback I get is that I'm going to lose my income, meet some mysterious old man who's gonna "show me the way" (freaky) who might I add becomes some sort of sugar daddy (ew) but at the same time I will become a lonely workaholic in a strange land. I'm looking for something a little more catered to ME.
Posted by: AMC | December 20, 2009 at 08:17 AM
this site is illuminating ~! iam SO out of your league, and your followers as well, but i do need some astrological help. can't find my old charts with the exact degrees, etc but: am on the leo/virgo cusp ( .0003 in virgo, that i remember) sag rising ( i believe 9th house), moon aries, mars libra, venus/cancer,. Going thru one of life's black holes, is there any light or exit SOON... i know iam such an amateur, but we still need guidance ! help...& thxs !
Posted by: RNH | December 21, 2009 at 10:43 AM
"Continuing the series, the Moon transited the Cancer-Leo zone Dec 5-6, and will again trigger the pattern Jan 1-2, Jan 29-30, and Feb 25-26. Of note is that the February transit will be conjunct Mars about to go stationary direct, thus setting The Grand Irrationality into constant motion from late February through early April. This period will prove to be one of the most important platforms for all of 2010, launching spontaneous "conflagrations" in whatever area of our chart that 1 Leo occupies." RW
Dear Robert, since 1 Leo is in direct opposition to my ascendant - that is, my descendant and thus the cusp of my seventh house- what sorts of "conflagrations" might I want to look out for?
To top it off, Mars goes direct within that degree on the day that I am giving a performance which begins three days of public masterclasses I will be teaching as a guest artist at a conservatory in Europe. With an aspect like this, should I be careful about perceived as aggressive in some way, or what ? I am grateful for any "heads up" you can offer. Cheers, magenta
Posted by: magenta | February 23, 2010 at 06:01 PM
This is spot on. I see this working out all around me. It's quite a crazy time.
Posted by: elfxys | February 28, 2010 at 08:41 PM
What does all this mean for me with my sun moon and mercury in aquarius and my rising is Cancer. I am so new to astrology. I just wished someone would help me out. because its so interesting but i can't seem to understand it.
If you can here is my information
Born on January 20th 1988
Savannah Ga 31406
4:37 pm
(81w06) (32n05)
What I wanna know is when will things start looking way brighter for me, I have been going through so much, and I feel like I have so much bad luck upon me.
Especially with my finances, im so lost and i don't have 2 pennies to rub together.
Posted by: Brittany Holloway | March 13, 2010 at 09:56 AM
Hi AMC - I was on the road when you first posted this, and by the time I got off the road this had fallen off the comment stream. I suspect your life is now in motion with Mars direct. Expect developments as it crosses your Asc and sextiles and quintiles your Sun. And yes I do sessions. You can find more by going to the left hand links "to schedule a personal appointment."
Hi RNH - You've now done a review and reworking of your motives and have a new understanding of the movie of your life. June will show you taking off!
Hi magenta - New opportunities, new relationships, new ways of being in old relationships, and on the whole more visibility than you had most of 2009. I bet some things are moving much more quickly now!
Hi elfxys - Well, I trust you've read the update on the Grand Irrationality for March and April by now. It is in fact a crazy time for most.
Hi Brittany - I had to delete your email address so a thousand spambots don't force you to close that address through massive junk mail that WILL be sent if you list your address in such a public way. You should have launched a new 12 year cycle in 2009. This year is a shift in values, finances, and relationships. You'll have several unique gifts in the making this Summer. You'll understand more about astrology with reading and studying. Like any craft, it takes time to learn the basics, and then the more advanced stuff, but it's certainly worth the time spent! Things usually look brighter as we apply ourselves to learning skills and knowledge that allow us to play a necessary part in our world. Please consult the archives on the articles about changing bad luck and bad karma to the good. Use the site google box. I also didn't have "two pennies to rub together" when I was your age, but decided to work 2 cooking jobs while studying astrology and metaphysics and public speaking, and within about a thousand days was in high demand in multiple lines. Haven't had to look back since then. Never overlook small opportunities because you think them beneath you. I've shared with long time readers of this site that in my own life, a once upon a time 5 buck an hour temp gig led me directly to a several year career in television doing camera work, directing, and editing. We might do almost anything. The trick is to be willing to learn, practice, and get good at something the world wants and needs.
Posted by: Robert | March 13, 2010 at 11:45 AM