by Robert Wilkinson
This Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs at 11 degrees Cancer-Capricorn, promising several months of adjustments, sacrifices, and unique or unusual personal contacts. We enter a time where our commitments will add much to our lives, and we can be freed from old social rigidities through the company we keep.
This very rare FOURTH Lunar Eclipse of 2009 (for places west of India and Central Asia) falls at 11 degrees of Cancer-Capricorn on December 31, 2009 at 11:13 am PST, 2:13 pm EST, 7:13 pm Greenwich. (In the original post I forgot that we had 2 Lunar Eclipses last Summer! This is one of the rarest phenomena possible. And to note, they have all been "weak" Eclipses, since their magnitude is very small.)
Since Full Moons always fulfill the energies of the previous New Moon, this Eclipse will sprout the seeds of the recent The New Moon in Sagittarius. This Lunar Eclipse is also prelude to the much more powerful Annular Solar Eclipse on January 14-15 at 26 Capricorn which will affect the whole Earth. Both eclipses are shutting some old ways of life down forever (as all eclipses do), leaving us space to embrace new mutations that are coming on strong.
This Eclipse shows Maui has 14 Aquarius rising, Santa Monica with 1 Aries rising, Vancouver with 21 Pisces, and the White House with 2 Gemini on the Ascendant (Obama gets a gift!) Moving east, we find the following rising signs: London has 17 Leo, Amsterdam has 21 Leo, Berlin has 27 Leo, Johannesburg has 16 Leo, Tallinn has 8 Virgo, and Istanbul has 5 Virgo.
We then transition into January 1, 2010. Occurring just after midnight in India, New Delhi has 14 Libra rising, Trivandrum has 16 Libra, and moving east we find Bangkok has 8 Scorpio, Hong Kong has 18 Scorpio, and Tokyo has 5 Sagittarius on the Ascendant. Into the Pacific on New Year's Day, Perth has 11 Sagittarius, Melbourne has 12 Capricorn, and Wellington has 8 Aquarius.
So what's this business about Blue Moons? We say this is a "Blue Moon" Lunar Eclipse because it's the second Full Moon of December for a large portion of the world. It is said the second lunation of a month makes it a "Blue Moon." More on that shortly.
In a curious paradox from a global perspective, in a large portion of the world it's not a Blue Moon. That's because in India, parts of Central Asia, and points east, this Full Moon Eclipse falls early on January 1, 2010. Therefore they get the first Full Moon of January, which means their "Blue Full Moon" (not an eclipse!) won't occur until January 30 at the Full Moon of 11 Leo-Aquarius.
This also means East Asia will experience three Lunar Eclipses in 2010 - the first is of course Jan 1, 2010. The second, June 26. The third, Dec 21, just hours before the Winter Solstice! Three Lunar Eclipses in one year is exceptional, and it could be interesting for researchers to note the differences (if any) in timing of events in Asia/Oceana and the rest of the world.
Now we turn to the many different conceptions historically regarding just what a "Blue Moon" actually is. After some research, I found that the "second Full Moon in a month" is not all there is to it. Much of it stems from old Lunar Astrology, where each month's Full Moon had its own name and function in the year cycle. Here's a little from Wikipedia on the Blue Moon:
A blue moon is a full moon that is not timed to the regular monthly pattern. Most years have twelve full moons which occur approximately monthly, but in addition to those twelve full lunar cycles, each solar calendar year contains an excess of roughly eleven days compared to the lunar year. The extra days accumulate, so that every two or three years (on average about every 2.7154 years), there is an extra full moon. The extra moon is called a "blue moon." Different definitions place the "extra" moon at different times....In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Maine Farmers' Almanac listed blue moon dates for farmers. These correspond to the third full moon in a quarter of the year when there were four full moons (normally a quarter year has three full moons). Names are given to each moon in a season: For example, the first moon of summer is called the early summer moon, the second is called the midsummer moon, and the last is called the late summer moon. When a season has four moons the third is called the blue moon so that the last can continue to be called the late moon.
The division of the year into quarters starts with the nominal vernal equinox on or around March 21. This is close to the astronomical season but follows the Christian computus used for calculations of Easter, which places each equinox evenly between the summer and winter solstices to calculate seasons rather than using the actual equinox.
Apparently it's a relatively minor eclipse, since its magnitude is so small. It has a 4 hour, 11 minute Prenumbral phase, and a 1 hour Umbral period. This implies that its effects will be felt through mid-May, 2010. Here is the brief comment on the Eclipse from NASA on this partial Lunar Eclipse of December 31:
The last eclipse of 2009 occurs on New Year's Eve. This minor partial lunar eclipse takes place in Gemini, and is visible primarily from the Eastern Hemisphere and only visible in east Brazil, northern Canada, and Alaska. Greatest eclipse takes place at 19:23 UT when the eclipse magnitude will reach 0.0763.
This Lunar Eclipse will begin a several month "shut down" in the houses it occupies in our charts. Given that it occurs with both Mercury and Mars retrograde, perhaps it will have a "back to the future" type of energy, where things from the past need to be revisited, or completed, or seen and done from a different angle of approach.
The light of some form of crystalized individuality will express through a decision to reorient, deconditioning our ego assumptions allowing us to find more freedom and happiness, or creativity in reconsidering what we've rehearsed for in terms of group awareness and/or connections. Hard adjustments are in the air for the next few months, but so are forms of happiness if we know our role to play and allow certain natural limitations to be more boon than bondage.
We'll see what we need to release or demonstrate associated with this Lunar Eclipse as prelude to the bigger, longer-term endings to be set into motion at the coming Solar Eclipse. In any case, since the Sun is in Capricorn in both of these eclipses, we'll see the end of things from our past that were once parts of our public self image, or "old flowers of personality." It will definitely end old aspirations, friendships, group work, and ideals, removing the detritus so that new ones of these can arise beginning February.
So like most Lunar Eclipses, this one also ushers in a transitional period of a few months that will clear things out of our lives, and especially our past (the Moon), so we can continue to get prepared for the wild ride of 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013. Of note is that this Lunar Eclipse is in a different sign than the Lunar Eclipses of the past two years, activating the Cancer-Capricorn sectors in our charts.
However, elements of past Aquarius eclipses will still be active for some time to come, due to Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune transiting degrees in late Aquarius activated by the 2008-2009 Eclipses. It may be useful to regard Jupiter's stay in Aquarius through 2009 as having offered us greater teachings, protection, and possibilities associated with the Aquarian endings portended by those eclipses.
All the occupied points from the past few Solar Eclipses will factor into the intense Aquarian changes and manifestations occurring over the next few years. After you're done here, if you want to go deeper into understanding the Eclipse effects you may or may have known were happening, please re-visit what I wrote about the 2008 and 2009 Aquarius eclipses in the archives.
In part two of this series, we'll go into various elements of this eclipse, and how it will manifest these next two months. It is sure to dynamically affect anyone with an Ascendant or planets in the first 25 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn due to the wide span of degrees occupied by planets in this eclipse. It will also provide productive opportunities and understandings (and in some cases, unique gifts or circumstances) to those with planets in the same degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Those with an Ascendant or planets in the mid-to-late degrees of the above mentioned Earth and Water signs will benefit greatly from the changes over the next few months, since there are major quintile series aspects operating in this Eclipse. I'll explain more in part 2.
© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson
The eclipse falls exactly on my Jupiter (10Can13'4), which is also the midpoint of my Venus-Moon.
Any thoughts on that?
My sun 1Cancer + Mercury 25Cancer
Posted by: Shireen | December 30, 2009 at 09:37 AM
Eclipse at natal moon point. Probably more to it, but I just don't have enough face for this smile. A lovely plateau indeed.
Posted by: caliban | December 30, 2009 at 11:22 AM
Eclipse falls exactly on my Venus and near my Sun!
Posted by: Bilyana Petrova | December 30, 2009 at 02:11 PM
Thank you again.
I wish I had another few brains to absorb all the information you're giving :-)
Happy new year!
Posted by: Tomer | December 30, 2009 at 03:48 PM
Thanks Robert, for your wonderful blue moon article. My natal Pluto & Sun are at 9 & 10 degs Libra and thereby squares the eclipse. The moon trines my ascendant (9 deg Sco) and falls at the cusp of 2nd/3rd houses. What could I expect ? Just a week back, I heard that my loved pet at my parents' place died because of an accident. He was a healing being in my life and that was shocking. I don't know why such kind of things should happen suddenly. Thanks as always.
Posted by: Mary | December 30, 2009 at 03:51 PM
At exactly 10:48am Palm Springs, Ca time, I was reading my lunar eclipse forecast for tomorrow. Please read first.
"Feeling at home"
"Home and family matters may be a bit turbulent, or demand more of your energy than usual. If you've been too work-focused, this may be the moment to find a better balance between your professional life and your private world. There could be a big change in your home environment - like moving house, or moving in with someone else - and you might also need to deal with the occasional family skeleton from the distant past. Look inward and take stock of whether you really feel 'at home' where you are. Some decisions may need to be made about establishing your private space, but even if they're difficult, something needs to shift, so that you can relate better to your past and enjoy the inner world from which you draw the nourishment to achieve your goals.
Transit selected for today (by user):
Full Moon, Lunar eclipse (p) in house 4, 10°15 4, exact at 11:13
active only on 31 December 2009"
At the precise moment as I read "like moving house" my house did IN FACT MOVE! My computer lap top slid down and to the left! I immediately went to my "Earthquake Update" site and there it was! A 5.9 quake in the Baha area 10:48am! This is on the money because I've trained myself to "connect" with the "other side" through numbers and when I hear sounds or feel something strange, I look at the clock and try to figure who is "guiding" me or whatever!
About the "past" stuff, hope it's not an x husband. If so it will certainly not be for "love" it will be for love of $$$$$$ and he owes!!!!
Happy New Year y'all!
Posted by: chickie | December 30, 2009 at 04:04 PM
I just popped in here from Lynn Hayes' blog, and I'm so glad I did. I have bookmarked your blog, Robert. Thank you!
Like Chickie, I too have the full moon eclipse illuminating my 4th house – and it will conjunct natal Uranus within a degree. If it is true that the eclipse can impact one's chart for several months prior, then my "moving house" fits right in: I moved to Maryland from Massachusetts in October! I took stock, and no longer felt at home where I was.
Have a safe and happy New Year!
Posted by: ScorpioX3 | December 30, 2009 at 05:58 PM
Can always count on the cantina for a perspective shift. Whoa! I napped today. Ahhhh! Couldn't believe what went on with my bio tribe while I slept. That would be lights on eighth house, too appropriate. I think I'm going back to sleep again. Too soon to get back to work.
Posted by: caliban | December 30, 2009 at 07:36 PM
Dear Robert, I am wondering how this eclipse will affect me as it takes place exactly on my sun's degree in the second house. while my fourth house is ruled by the sun. I am assuming a change of location and job in the next six months or so. Feel a little blue anyway.
Many thanks and wish you a very happy and peaceful new year.
Posted by: aisha Farooqui | December 31, 2009 at 03:50 AM
the full moon at 11 degrees capricorn is 1-2 degrees away from my natal moon mars and saturn conjunction in capricorn. ( moon and mars at 9 degrees and saturn at 12) the triple conjunction sits in my second house. The full moon will be in my eight house. Oh boy, it should illuminate what I should let go of, if it doesn't kill me.
Posted by: Pamela | December 31, 2009 at 11:32 AM
I was born on the day of a full moon and im a saggitarius.. how would this blue moon affect me? I am going through a divorce and there other big changes in store for me in 2010.
Posted by: Sue | December 31, 2009 at 01:32 PM
my venus is 6 degrees cancer and my jupiter is 22 cancer in my 11th house
Posted by: carla evonne | December 31, 2009 at 03:47 PM
i fined all of this very interisting, but dont understand any of it :(
i`m a cap born jan 18 58 toronto ont canada, what does this show me.
i`v been reading your blog and i`m interisted in learning more.
Posted by: Patricia Ullock | January 01, 2010 at 11:54 AM
Hi Shireen - I would think you'll find a new Jupiter expression through ending old Jupiter wastes of time, energy, or money and finding ways to use patience to expand something for the long haul. Your big issue is Saturn waxing square your Sun through next August. There's an article in the archives on Saturn conjunct, square, etc. planets and points you may want to consult.
Hi caliban - Would think you'll find new ways to nurture yourself while letting go of old early patterns. And yes, it is a degree of humor! (FYI, I've also been finding a new rhythm of work/rest...)
Hi Bilyana Petrova - So for you an old Sun/Venus expression can be seen in its humor while nurturing a new Venus/Sun expression.
Hi Tomer - Well, the more you learn the more you'll understand! That's part of why we're here on Earth - to learn more, to love more, to serve more effectively, and have a good time doing all of the above! And a most happy and merry to you as well.
Hi Mary - You're welcome. First, my condolences on losing your loved one. I believe all deaths "happen too quickly." Still, you can now embrace a more unconditional love. This eclipse should help you concentrate to "see whole," and reinterpret old imagery and symbols from a wider perspective. You'll be letting go of old truths and perceptions and embrace a more fluid self expression after dumping all that impedes your momentum toward some social goal or larger dedication.
Hi chickie - Yes, California can expect more rocking and rolling in the months to come! And of course, often things from the past return during a retrograde of the planet ruling that matter/person.
Hi ScorpioX3 - Welcome to the cosmic pizzeria! I assume you mean the Moon will conjunct your Uranus. If it's the Sun, it's a different blend. That would mean a new form of Uranian energy will become more prominent in your chart, at least over the next few months. Your move also may have something to do with planets in Libra waxing square to your Uranus. If so, then when Saturn squares your Uranus it'll be an important crystalization of that energy.
Hi aisha Farooqui - I infer you have a Sun in Cancer in the 2nd with Leo on the 4th. It could be you'll refine something of your home or living situation to express your core values. If the eclipse Sun is in your 8th, regenerate to capture values and resources that will nurture your vitality.
Hi Pamela - So your Moon, Mars, and Saturn should be vitalized by this eclipse. The Moon could bring regeneration through humor, or seeing how losses deconditioned your ego mind and desires.
Hi Sue - Not knowing the details of your birth info, I can't say much about how this will affect you. It will affect your Solar 1/7 or 2/8 houses depending on where in Sag your Sun is. You should be doing fairly well by April-May, preparing you for a better life and friends by late Summer.
Hi carla evonne - You should be able to find a new creativity or form of natural self expression that helps you capture new Venus/Jupiter in Cancer friends and goals.
Hi Patricia Ullock - Well, the more you study the more you'll understand! At this time, you're about to enter a highly active year to secure the vision you saw in 2009. You'll clear out old motives and ways of adjusting to your world the next few months. Your life has recently stabilized, and you're preparing for a radical shift in direction by late Summer or Autumn 2010. May through July should be very productive.
Posted by: Robert | January 04, 2010 at 11:38 AM
So I have Cancer in 11 with Moon at 10'35", Sun 11'13", with the eclipse conjunct my Cancer Mars in 12 at 20'29", and my sun opposite the sun for the eclipse....i have been having some horrid issues with hormones affecting my family, job and marriage. Is this a symptom of the eclipse? What else can I expect?
Posted by: KDC | January 15, 2010 at 09:21 AM
Hi KDC - Well, what you want is a bit more than I can or should answer in a comment stream. Still, the focus is on your Cancer stellium which will eliminate many old patterns over the next few months making way for new expressions of these. Certainly an eclipse could correspond with health fluctuations, but that would involve more factors than what you've mentioned.
Posted by: Robert | January 19, 2010 at 04:07 PM