by Robert Wilkinson
Over the years I've been asked if Sun sign astrology and Solar charts are "as valid" as natal charts in seeing what's up in a person's life. After studying both natal and sunrise charts for almost 40 years, I can state that Sun sign astrology is just as effective as a natal chart for seeing what's up, what's coming, why and when.
Though there are some substantial differences in house positions and often minor differences in degree positions of planets, Sun sign astrology can still serve as a valid substitute if the exact birth time is unknown. I've had great success over the years helping many who don't know their birth time.
Given that most of the planets don't move very far each day, we have some fairly fixed reference points that serve as determinators of major importance in helping us understand the timing on when those planetary functions will be triggered.
A "Solar chart" is one done by putting the Sun on the Eastern horizon at sunrise of that day, and drawing the houses from the Solar degree. I always used equal houses when looking at Solar charts, since they are about the safest way to divide space and time when one of the time variables (time of birth) is not known.
Aspects and their orbs work the same way, cycles work the same way, house rulerships work the same way, dispositors work the same way, and transits make the same aspects at approximately the same time they would when working with a natal chart. The only exception here is sometimes the Moon is off by a few degrees from its "true" position in the natal chart, and so an astrologer must be alert to the difference in time between an exact aspect and when it seems to manifest in the life of the client.
Long time visitors of this site know that much of what I say about individual signs is based in the principles of Sun sign astrology. Also, over many years and client sessions (even when I've known the birth time) I've seen the Solar chart and its symbols act as a secondary chart of sorts, equally valid as the natal but with subtle differences. Saturn in the Solar 4th house has similar effects as Saturn in the natal 4th, and Saturn transits through the Solar houses has very similar appearances as when it transits the natal houses.
Even if you don't know a birth time, you can still examine a chart and find limitless things about the characteristics of that chart. Over years of reading both types of charts, I find both natal and Solar are true and accurate, though with a slightly different emphasis on what it means to the individual, since the Sun and Ascendant represent different parts of our existence.
(Originally published in a different form in May 2007)
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert!
I wonder if you've ever used the Noon chart rather than the Sunrise? I use it because I know that the Moon will not be more than 7 degrees from its true position.
What do you think?
Always Blessings,
Posted by: J. Sue Gagliardi | January 19, 2010 at 11:29 AM
You cleared my long time doubt. Thanks!
Posted by: Mary | January 19, 2010 at 01:00 PM
Hi J. Sue - Yes, I've used both, since you're right about the Moon. But I'm not sure that people let their light shine to the world. They do, however, continue to shine a light upon their image of themselves. Still, I've seen accurate delineations done for both sunrise and noon, as long as the Ascendant isn't taken to be the sign in square to or the same as the Sun. Aspects to the planets work great, not so sure about house positions for noon charts, though it seems that the solar positions work.
Hi Mary - I try not to be absolutist about things, and that's led me to see the possibilities of a "both-and" rather than an "either-or" way of viewing dualities. That said, of course some things cannot be had "both ways," though examining each will still yield valuable insights.
Posted by: Robert | January 19, 2010 at 04:26 PM
This is really useful, thank you!
Being a novice in all this, I'm still a little lost as to how exactly to draw up a Solar chart. If I go to astrodienst, say, would I put in a birth time that puts the sun at the very start of the first house? So at 1 degree?
Posted by: zeta | January 20, 2010 at 04:26 PM
Hi Robert, if you have the time.
So I understand then is like making a reading for a Solar Revolution but in full-life scale, Solar 1st is in my Natal 4th, my Solar 2nd is in my Natal 5th and viceversa.
It adds quite a lot of information, so I must process it anew LOL
Posted by: Henry | January 21, 2010 at 02:11 PM
I practiced a little bit by turning my own horoscope into a Solar one in the way you describe - and though the "general tone" does not change much, the houses do change. Do you think one could use both types to have a more "rounded" view of oneself and areas of our life?
Specifically, if for instance certain areas of one's horoscope are "empty" and become filled with planets as we turn the wheel to make the Solar horoscope, does that mean that we hold INNER RESOURCES to deal with those areas, even though apparently there was not much at birth "visible there"?
A practical example: Once I hear someone tell a "would be writer" that "he would never publish anything, because hos third house was empty" - I thought this did not sound "good" to me. Would a solar horoscope permit to look for third house energy there?
Thanks if you can shed some light about this.
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | January 22, 2010 at 05:51 AM
Hi zeta - No, you would calculate a chart for sunrise.
Hi Henry - Actually, you're speaking of another whole thing, which is to see how the Solar would fit into the natal, and vise versa. That's another whole type of analysis.
Hi Isabel - Yes, pretty much only the house positions change. And yes, it gives more information about our Solar Self. Occupied houses deal with how our Solar Self views reality, whereas the natal shows how our "self image" views reality. In your example, the "astrologer" you quote didn't know astrology. Publishing is ruled by the 9th, not 3rd. I'm sure the 9th had a sign on it, ruled by a planet. If a house is not occupied, one defaults to the ruler of the house. Since every house has a ruler, nothing is doomed to fail as long as we use that ruler to its best function.
Posted by: Robert | January 22, 2010 at 05:59 AM
Natal/solar review at this time does an interesting kind of melding together. Melding is a conundrum of sorts for my virgoan brain, but its the wave that I am riding. Fuzzy, it's experiential, and only logical in some kind of wavy sort of way.
Surf's up. I find myself riding time instead of being subject to it. If there are any surfers out there, any kind of surfer wisdom about how you handle yourself on the ocean waves would be helpful. I'm doing okay with it, but every once and awhile I take a dive and have to empty the sand out of my shorts.
Posted by: caliban | January 22, 2010 at 11:35 AM
Dear, dear Robert!
You have just lifted a WHOLE BUNDLE of WEIGHT from my chest!!!
Good! So, Virgo in the cusp of the ninth would be ruled by Mercury? And Mercury RX being at 11 Aquarius (one of the degrees that a few months ago was activated) and trine the Libra Mid Cellum is not so bad? Also rules sixth house and seventh both in Gemini.
Well, "food for thought", I am sure.
And, with a Sagittarius Ascendant, (ninth of the Zodiac) and Jupiter conjunct Sun that would possibly reinforce ninth house activities?
All the best, thanks...
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | January 29, 2010 at 09:24 AM
Hi caliban - When in doubt, crouch and lower the center of gravity! Plant your feet in ways so you can sense subtle shifts in how the wave is breaking. Learn how to step forward or backward, depending on where the board is on the wave. And enjoy the ride despite the occasional wipe out!
Hi Isabel Nobre - Glad density is decreased! Yes, Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and yes, much in your chart is Jupiter, Sag, and 9th house focus, though in 3 entirely different ways.
Posted by: Robert | February 01, 2010 at 11:42 AM
Robert, I found the perfect surfers on utube. Very grounded. The Escarpment Surfers. Some of the music may be a little jarring for some, but grounding for me. For some real poetry in motion, check out the autumn one if you get a chance.
Lowering the center of gravity. I like that. Very good for earth woman. The waves, still working on that one. You are indeed a treasure trove.
Posted by: caliban | February 02, 2010 at 10:55 AM