by Robert Wilkinson
Jupiter enters Pisces on January 17, 6:11 pm PST, 2:11 am Jan 18 Greenwich. Jupiter in Pisces brings depth connectedness and instruction in forgiveness and compassion, as well as blessings in closures and a deep sense of our common humanity. These will assist the beginnings to come when Jupiter enters Aries in June before Jupiter moves back into Pisces in September for the rest of 2010.
Jupiter, the "expansive principle," or "guru" in Sanskrit, teaches us ways to liberate ourselves as it makes it way through the zodiac. Jupiter "rules" Sagittarius and Pisces. So wherever we have Sagittarius and Pisces planets and houses, we will be able to find a deeper experience in those life areas, as well as closure on old ways of expressing those energies preparing to open to new forms beginning Summer 2010.
Jupiter in Pisces represents a critical turning point in how it expresses its Sagittarian nature, just as it also represents a new beginning in how it expresses its Piscean side. What does this mean?
Jupiter in Sagittarius (2007) opened us to new horizons, visions of higher truths, and greater opportunities according to how we were living our lives. Jupiter in Capricorn (2008) offered lessons, blessings, and higher truths concerning how these energies could be organized, and anchored the growth pattern in practical forms and disciplined structures.
In 2009, Jupiter in Aquarius gave us expansion into broader visions of effectiveness and how to manage our energies. We had opportunities to build social power and accept larger responsibilities. It was a time to welcome friends while entering into greater group initiatives and awareness while demonstrating social effectiveness in whatever forms our life spheres permit.
In Pisces, Jupiter's energies both open and complete their natural Sag and Pisces functions. Being a mix of Fire and Water, Jupiter is at home in Pisces, which represents the waxing square to whatever began back when Jupiter was in Sagittarius. This is a turning point year of critical emergence of forms initiated in 2007.
In 2010, Jupiter begins its year long conjunction with Uranus, the spiritual co-ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius. This blending of the Teacher-Expander with the Divine Liberator in Pisces should bring tremendous clarity and freedom to be our uniqueness while moving through the fogs and illusions of that sign.
If Aquarius is the sign of angels and spiritual touchstones that endure across vast swaths of time, that which opened in 2009 should acquire greater depth and universality in 2010 due to Jupiter's natural rulership of Pisces. Jupiter is said to be in its "home" in Pisces, so enjoy the naturalness of the vaster feelings and awarenesses to come.
While they're both in Pisces through late May, Jupiter will continue to influence Uranus strongly, since Uranus is in a sign ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter's influence will also be very strong as the inner planets move through Pisces between mid-February through the Vernal Equinox on March 20, 10:32 am PDT, 6:32 pm Greenwich.
As both Jupiter and Uranus are in early Aries from early June through late August-early September, that will make Mars and Pluto the major influences since they rule Aries. Beginning August, Uranus slips back into Pisces, bringing Jupiter's influence again to the fore, especially when it too retrogrades back into Pisces in September, staying there until January 22, 2011, when it again re-enters Aries.
Thus from January through May and September through January 2011, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius will be most affected by Jupiter's dynamic aspects, while June through early September Jupiter will most affect those with planets in early Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.
In late January through late February, people with planets in early Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn are favored with harmonization and stabilizing energies, while early to mid-Virgos will be searching for renewed purpose and new ways of self expression. Those with mid-Taurus and mid to late Sag planets will be gifted in specialized ways.
March and April harmonize planets between 11 and 24 degrees of Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn, while offering gifts and special qualities to those with planets around early to mid Capricorn, late Taurus and early Gemini. May and September through January 2011 harmonizes those with planets in late Earth and Water signs, while offering gifts to those with planets in mid-Capricorn and mid-Gemini.
June through August harmonizes planets in early Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. These months early Libras will be searching for renewed purpose and new ways of self expression. This Summer period will offer gifts to those with planets in late Capricorn and mid-Gemini.
Jupiter will form a variety of very heavy aspects with Saturn this year, thus perpetuating the instability of 2009 that followed the relatively stable period in 2008 due to the very grounded Earth trine between Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter will also shift signs in mid-2010, giving an entirely different backdrop to the areas in our charts influenced by Sagittarius and Pisces energies.
Early January shows Jupiter and Saturn in biquintile, offering unique and specializing energies at a larger social-cultural point of transfiguration. By late January into mid-February, they're in quincunx, showing multiple sacrifices offering spiritual expansion associated with whatever is being squeezed out or adjusted in life areas impacted by Jupiter and Saturn.
Early February is exceptionally dynamic, due to the interlocking Yod configurations. These "Fingers of God" promise some great productivity that will show as hard adjustments wherever these fall. Jupiter is sextile Pluto with both quincunx Saturn, while Mars sextile Saturn puts both in quincunx to Jupiter. So Jupiter and Saturn are the twin nozzles that will show the focus of spiritual adjustment.
Mid-to-late February shows Jupiter triseptile Saturn, a major fork in the road in how these operate in our lives. After that they move into a quadranovile in early March, showing spiritual energies that will bring some things out of gestation while putting other elements on the shelf for awhile.
By mid-April, Jupiter in late Pisces moves forward while Saturn moves retrograde back into Virgo, setting up the exact opposition during the last half of May at 28 Pisces-Virgo. They continue in an out-of-sign opposition in June and most of July, and transfer the opposition to Aries-Libra in late July. That opposition is exact in mid-August at 3 Aries-Libra, and separates after that until it resumes late February through late April 2011.
The opposition shows a polarization, as well as important socio-cultural developments coming to the surface. Expect a lot of oppositional-defiant behavior between individuals, groups, and nations. "There's battle lines being drawn, nobody's right if everybody's wrong.... I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound Everybody look what's going down...."
Especially while Jupiter's in Pisces, listen and pay attention to subtleties and your inner voice, since Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Aries is a call to action! When we add Jupiter square Pluto for much of July and August, along with Saturn also square Pluto, it's not hard to see we'll be confronting very volatile energies, some of which can be very dark and extreme in how they'll manifest.
So this year all the Sag and Pisces transits will have more of a Piscean and Arian face, with the former dominating the late Winter and early Spring, and the latter dominating the Summer. As the inner planets transit Pisces there will be a need for us to get a vaster feeling view and understanding of our motive and place in the human condition in our Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, and Libra areas of our lives. From late October to early December, it will also include the Aries and Scorpio areas of our lives.
Jupiter initiates great new beginnings when in Cardinal signs, opens new stable freedoms when in the Fixed signs, and distributes deeper, wider, more varied types of energies in the Mutable signs. Jupiter rules the mutable signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, thus mutability is an inherent part of Jupiter's nature, and why it can do such rich and prodigal distributions of whatever realm it touches.
Pisces is Mutable Water (feeling), while Aries is Cardinal Fire (inspiration). Expect a tremendous expansion of the larger feeling field through early June, and radical spiritual initiatives from June through early September giving us all a taste of things to break loose in early 2011.
The Fire energies will be boosted by Uranus from June through mid-August, making this coming Summer very volatile with impulsiveness rampant, while the Water energies will be very strong from late September through late January 2011. Pay attention to what you're taught late April through early June, since that's the dress rehearsal for what's coming September 2010-January 2011.
Jupiter moves forward in Pisces from now through June 6 when it enters Aries. It is direct in Aries through July 23, 2010, when it goes stationary retrograde at 4 Aries. It then retrogrades back through Aries until September 8-9 when it slips back into Pisces. It retrogrades back to 24 Pisces, going stationary direct on November 18-19, 2010. It then retraces its steps through the end of Pisces through January 22-23, 2011 when it finally re-enters Aries.
To sum up the general influences, Jupiter in Pisces begins a time for us to say goodbye to many things and become more compassionate and forgiving as we further develop the visions, group work, and idealistic social forms we found during the 2009 Jupiter in Aquarius period. Jupiter in Aries will open pioneering vistas and new forms of social activity, so get clear about your motives, let go of "self undoing behaviors," and be ready to rock and roll!
The past year helped prepare us for a greater social effectiveness, where we could claim our power of expansion and opportunity in whatever sector Jupiter transited. We were offered bigger pictures of our freedom of growth in a larger group context, where we could be liberated from old truths and moral values which limit more than free us.
2008 gave us the practical structures to expand our sense of service, work, and disciplines. 2009 was a time to ground the vision in a larger field of activity, move out of plodding narrow views and crystalized controlling behaviors, and let our imagination fly!
Obviously each sign will have its own quality of responding to Jupiter in Pisces and Aries energies. Expect your life to take on a more idealistic and even friendly outreach wherever it affects you, and stay open to learning a broader view of how to apply future oriented truths and visions effectively.
I'll discuss how Jupiter in Pisces and Aries affect each individual sign in future articles. I'll also touch on it in my California talks. If you want to know even more about what you can expect to come forth in 2010, tune in when I get back from my Southern California tour in about 14 days for details on how to order your set of talks.
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
It seems that on a global level, humanity is trying to get social and group endeavors right before Jupiter moves on to Pisces. We have had many years to work on this with such events as the 2004 Tsunami, Katrina, and now we end with Haiti.
Hoping we get it right, Susan
Posted by: Susan | January 17, 2010 at 04:18 PM
Thank you, as always, Robert, for your deep and expansive writing. I'm wondering about this point:
"In Pisces, Jupiter's energies both open and complete their natural Sag and Pisces functions. Being a mix of Fire and Water, Jupiter is at home in Pisces, which represents the waxing square to whatever began back when Jupiter was in Sagittarius. This is a turning point year of critical emergence of forms initiated in 2007."
If paths were taken in 2007 that in hindsight seem regrettable, does Jupiter in Pisces 2010/11 encourage a turnaround, or freeing of those obligations or paths? Can you expand on "critical emergence of forms?"
Posted by: Dina | January 17, 2010 at 07:40 PM
Thanks, again, for this, Robert...
Jupiter conjuncts my N.Moon tonight...
-and absolutely on queue -the heavens have finally opened up and poured the entire year's rainfall, in a few hours, on the usually parched desert where I live....Many Blessings To All!
Posted by: Judith | January 17, 2010 at 09:23 PM
Hi Robert, wow, this is going to be another interesting period. I have my sun in sag wich is within five degrees of my 5th house. Jupiter rules my fifth house.
I have my south node there too though 22 sag arggg. oh boy. I have my juno at 26d sag. Then I guess it co rules my fourth house. Then pisces co rules my 7th house and rules my eight house. I have chiron in pisces right on the cusp of that 8th house. I hope that this will be a healing time for me. There are some issues there inside of me to heal more. I think I have already noticed a bit of shift in the way people are doing things around me. Perhaps, Jupiter in pisces is already influencing people now.
Thank you very much for the information. I love the way you put it all together and they you write. It always makes a lot of sense to my brain. There is always so much to chew on which I find great.
Posted by: Micheline | January 18, 2010 at 03:12 AM
Hi Susan - Hopefully, the ideals of Jupiter in Aquarius can be given more universal feeling as Jupiter moves through Pisces en route to totally new expressions in Aries. Truly, in the new era we'll know for sure that "either we all hang together or else most assuredly we shall all hang separately..."
Hi Dina - This is a turning point for what launched in 2007. This could show as as protection, grace, extravagance or "the grass is greener," depending on what was launched and our disposition toward that at this time. In my own case, it marks a major shift in how I view what began in 2007 and is opening a wider reality, even if it means I have to take a much broader view of my growth process (and get ready to do things differently affecting different places and people.) This will liberate some, while bogging others down in "too much." So it could mean a true breakaway time from paths taken that have run their course.
Hi Judith - Welcome to an expansion of your line of greatest evolutionary growth. Hopefully the vision is great enough to appeal to your Spirit's potential. Blessings on the water which those of us in the desert need very much. May all have exactly what they need when they need it.
Hi Micheline - Sounds the ruler of your Sag/Pisces planets is going to be helping you heal in many ways. Glad I can put it together in ways that make some sense, since I'm writing some fairly technical stuff AND trying to make it intelligible to those who don't know the jargon.
Posted by: Robert | January 19, 2010 at 04:18 PM