by Robert Wilkinson
Today is a different look at Mars retrograde in Leo. There are other ways to learn what this energy is about than only through Astrological speculations.
I did some research and found quite a few famous people (and some not so famous) who had Mars retrograde in Leo. Not necessarily at 20 Leo, but merely retrograde in that sign. I figured that could give us some insights about how Mars RX in Leo works, since there must be elements of their lives that could show us how they used their natal Mars RX to achieve their destiny.
This is a relatively short list, but I'm sure you'll find the group fascinating to have this thing in common. There's Roy Chapman Andrews, the explorer and naturalist; Algernon Blackwood, author of supernatural stories; Neville Chamberlain, statesman whose name is synonymous with Nazi appeasement; the famous and beloved author and metaphysician Manly P. Hall; Mack Sennett, pioneering film producer and director; Emmett Kelly, world famous legendary clown; Sherman Adams (Ike's assistant); and President Grover Cleveland, with Mars going stationary direct just after he was born.
More recent celebrities and historical figures with Mars retrograde in Leo from early 1916 include Betty Furness, Victor Mature, Jackie Gleason, Harold Wilson, and Irving Wallace. The late 1930-early 1931 Mars RX in Leo features Jack Lord, Odetta, James Earl Jones, Rip Torn, Clair Bloom, Ernie Banks, and Gene Hackman.
For a related but different angle of investigation, I'm sure that by researching the news for what happened during those periods we can also get more insights into the quality of the energies. I would only advise here that you correlate what you find when Mars was RX with events at the same degrees when it was direct before the retrograde period, as well as what happened when Mars transited those degrees after the retrograde period.
We'll end today's list of Mars in Leo people in a slightly different direction: In an interesting note, both legendary statesman Benjamin Disraeli and the great blues pioneer Ethel Waters had Mars at exactly 20 Leo (though direct). Perhaps we can understand more about this particular degree where Mars went stationary retrograde in December 2009 by studying how these two displayed their Mars functions, though of course history does not record the inner being's process in what came up and why it was externalized those ways.
And the beat goes on and on and on (though at a very slow pace).....
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
ahh well it has been going through my 12th house and this point 20 degree point is within 3 degrees of a conjunction to my ac
oh boy!
Posted by: Micheline | January 21, 2010 at 08:48 PM
Is there an astological explanation for the Massachusettes election and the Supreme Court decision on political contributions by corporations? Is this the Saturn opposing Uranus effect?
Posted by: nefe | January 21, 2010 at 10:22 PM
Dear Robert,
As I told in a previous comment, some days ago, my Mum has her Natal Mars at 20 Aquarius, and exactly when Mars was opposite, on 20 Leo RX, her legs opened a wound - she has very poor blood circulation from the knees downwards. Still, as Mars retrograded and moved back, I treated her wounds every day and we also gave her healing energy, she is now much better. Nevertheless, I am more or less prepared for everything, as when Mars will go there again something may happen anew.
She is now 87, has had her Uranus return, her Neptune opposition, she has Pluto going on to opposing her natal Pluto, Mars opposite natal Mars, is on the way to her third Saturn return. Ah! And her transiting Mars opposed her natal Mars is in her eighth house...
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | January 22, 2010 at 05:40 AM
Hi Micheline - It seems that you're completing a long wave karma cycle, and are preparing for a new beginning in the Spring. Heart meditations are probably the best thing while it's in the 12th (like in my chart!)
Hi nefe - I believe it's the Saturn square Pluto coupled with something in the Solar eclipse charts of the past year or two. In specific instances, the inceptional chart says it all. You'd probably see even more by looking at when the SCOTUS petition was filed, as well as when "Man-meat" Brown filed his intention to run. (As an aside, from his public comments regarding his daughters, "Cosmo boy toy" Brown seems a throwback to Babylon or Rome. Those with a sense of irony will note the disparate Faux media response between the "joke" Letterman offered about a Repub daughter versus what a Repub Senator-elect said about his.)
Hi Isabel - Mars opposed Mars was definitely at work in your mom's situation. Love her as much as you can for as long as you can. You may even want to try to get her on cassette tape talking about her childhood and other things since these sorts of informal "histories" may become family treasures.
Posted by: Robert | January 22, 2010 at 06:26 AM
Dear Robert,
She already does that all the time... unfortunately, after millions of times repeated, stories loose a bit of their glamor.
Still, I have had a great idea: I am going to take her singing really old songs, come of the from her Father who did first World War... That will be something!
Love and all the best to you, dear Brother of Light,
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | January 25, 2010 at 05:42 AM
Hi Robert,
President Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel has Mars retrograde, Obama was quoted as saying that every day is a swearing in ceremony for Rahm, as he apparently curses up a blue streak. 2 quotes:
"I wake up some mornings hating me too."
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
Is Mars now retrograde in the progressed US chart also? That must be a hopeful thing. Many thanks for all you share.
Posted by: Patricia | January 25, 2010 at 07:18 PM