by Robert Wilkinson
Though Mercury is now direct, I'm still dealing with the blowback to things I set into motion while it was retrograde. Much that I began bogged down, while other things have taken some weird twists and turns.
When I planned my trip to Arizona, Los Angeles and Ojai a few weeks back, I thought I was driving to California and seeing friends along the way. A number of almost non-stop intense rain and snow storms make driving that distance a giant hassle for the next week, so I had to punt that idea and decide to fly instead. Truly, it's the lesser of two evils! An 8 day trip has just become a 4 day trip which I got to pay for using a credit from a previously postponed trip to NY, finishing something started a while ago!
More retrograde: after many months and misdirections and delays in getting a car registered, it finally happened when I took a roundabout method of finding critical information directly from the manufacturer (who couldn't find any record of my VIN!) who then referred me to a local dealer who gave me the info I needed. While I had to take it to the DMV twice, it was much better than the alternative, which entailed me waiting for the State Police to send someone out to inspect the car. The dispatcher said there literally was no way to know when that would happen, there was no way for me to know where I was on the list, nor was there any way to know whether I could legally drive to the place where the police would inspect it. So a giant uncertainty just got cleared up.
Another significant event during the retrograde: there is no local supplier of a special type of cat food for my diabetic cat, and for years I've had to stock up in LA and transport it 800 miles to where I live. I finally found a supplier about 140 miles away that will work with me, and is even willing to drop cases off from time to time when their truck is in my neighborhood!
Other retrogrades: I got a check from a client made out to the website which my bank would not allow me to deposit into my account. When I asked about creating a business account, I found that it would entail so much paperwork as to be counterproductive.
I reconnected with a dear friend from the 60s and 70s for the first time in years. I've heard back from people who sent in their initial chart reading requests months ago but never confirmed. After searching off and on for months, I finally found things in storage I've been looking for. A helper who disappeared for weeks finally showed back up at my door, and I got to resume extending the drip irrigation system for my gardens and create the next garden area (which of course cannot be finished until the ground warms up, another delay!)
I got new information about something that has upended my Summer plans, and am waiting for more information that cannot come for a number of weeks that will also impact my Summer. Multiple events in another state I am a part of got delayed due to other more important developments happening that have global implications. So it all moves forward, but is somewhat upended. And I finally got to finish answering comments before leaving for CA, another unexpected benefit of the retrograde nature of the coming trip.
So there you have some reflections about this past retrograde. Things postponed, things punted, things returned, things on hold, things that will move forward after other things are fulfilled. Sounds like Mercury RX to me!
© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
"Much that I began bogged down, while other things have taken some weird twists and turns." No kidding! I was just saying to myself, as I was driving home, "You KNOW better than to start stuff with Mercury and Mars retrograde. And you did it anyway."
Posted by: Lainie | January 19, 2010 at 06:53 PM
Ditto Robert, oddest Merc retro I've experienced and still experiencing!
Posted by: Sue Moon | January 20, 2010 at 06:51 AM
Hi Robert, Yes I did it anyway too. I've been searching for a new job for months, and then there I go agreeing to a new role in hopes that this RX would be bringing this new job for me. Then I find out the the terms and conditions of the contract are anything but condusive to success, due to a bad relationship they had with my predecessor, so everything said to me verbally about the role was totally other in the contract; and so I haven't a new job after all What a heartbreak, albeit, don't sign or buy into anything during a retrograde once again proves itself true. Blah! Susan
Posted by: Susan | January 20, 2010 at 08:29 AM
Yes! Shocking spell of no travel due to bad weather meaning also no work = no money; complete communication breakdown with dentist leading to horrible stress - hopefully that will eventually get sorted as of today and breakdown of vacuum cleaner, washing machine (Christmas eve) and kettle. Hardly any of the family are still speaking and those who are aren't getting each other's mail or calls much of the time. Very slow grinding back into gear. I am feeling quite humble (for me)and a bit of a brat for moaning when I think what's going on in Haiti so trying to submit to the general trend of extraction with some grace!
Posted by: Morvah | January 20, 2010 at 09:18 AM
Hi all - Yes, the combo of Mars very retrograde and Mercury also retrograde along with Saturn stationary square Pluto has thrown a lot into chaos. But this too will pass.....
Posted by: Robert | January 20, 2010 at 04:46 PM
I've found over the last three years that I actually need to hibernate during the winter (mercury retrograde or not). The weather gave me an excuse do so again this year. (Last year's excuse was getting the flu). Hibernation feels more natural than partying over Christmas/New Year, and I feel better for for it.
Cappy the Capricorn.
Posted by: Cappy | January 20, 2010 at 04:51 PM
"Or is it?"
Ha ha, Robert! Dun... DUN DUUNNN.
Is it alright for me to share that I accepted a new role smack at the end of December (trained in the first two weeks of January) and love it?
What ticked me off about Mercury-retro in Capricorn were a couple of Cappies I know who got away with "murder"-- slacking off, earning credit and popularity for stuff they just plain aren't and didn't do. Think: the Octomom syndrome of last year a.k.a. the less responsible we are, the more we're celebrated and honored!
(Please note: I'm not talking about all Capricorns. I was only ticked off at two of them.)
BUT my gut tells me that these things, too, shall pass. So I'm hopeful.
In the meantime, did I mention that I landed a new role, this season :)? Yay.
Posted by: WarriorLady | January 20, 2010 at 10:52 PM
Shine On Warrior Lady!!
Posted by: Morvah | January 21, 2010 at 04:43 AM
Hi Robert, it's fascinating to read yours and everyone else's anecdotes. I too had many similar things happen, as did people I know. One lady had nothing but trouble with her accountant, day laborers, etc. Bad information, or lack of it altogether, leading to confusion and disruption. Electrical problems and several broken hairdryers. She was mad as a wet hen. I'm still looking for a job, but have had no offers or anything to sign. This retro was in my 12th, opposite natal Mercury so I'm not too concerned, just patiently waiting for the worm to turn. Fascinating stuff, astrology! :)
ps- congratulations WarriorLady :)
Posted by: Valerie | January 21, 2010 at 08:27 AM
Hello, Robert,
You are quite right!
Things that I started are not yet finnished, and other things that happened meanwhile, and which have an administrative side, are still taking their time and "grinding" slowly.
Fortunately, I have been very patient.
All the best,
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | January 22, 2010 at 05:44 AM